"Salah saya... memang saya xambil serious pasal kepentingan asid folik ni... sebab sy igt org2 dulu tak makan pun dpt lahirkan kita ni elok... tapi tak sangka jadi pada saya... kpd yg nk pregnant & dh pregnant tolonglah makan.... tolonglah ambil tahu perkara yg boleh & tak boleh utk pregnant =( "
...Continue Reading#terkini
" it's my fault... I'm really serious about the importance of this acid acid... because I remember that people who didn't eat before we were able to give birth to us... but didn't expect it to happen to me... to those who want to get pregnant & pregnant Please eat.... please know the things that can & cannot be pregnant =("
Questions & answers about #asidfolik.
Failure to eat #asidfolik before & when pregnant can cause the possibility of a baby in the content to face the risk of #kurangupaya on the nerve of the creek and his brain of 75 %.
💊 actually what is this acid acid?
A very important supplement taken before and during pregnancy.
Have you ever heard of a baby born without a shell? Baby Bonjol on the neck? Bonjolan on the back of a baby like a tail?
Most of the cases recorded are caused by the lack of baby acid that works to help formation of new cells (babies). Say that if you don't consume this acid acid, and the neural tube is not well formed, then the flaws on the nerves of the creek & Brain (neural tube defects - ntd).
💊 What's in the acid acid until it's so important?
Check out our diet patterns. How much are the vegetables, fruits, Bijiran & milk that we drink a day?
Do you know, a pills acid pill that is yellow & Small 5 mg isn't it.. together with a bowl of spinach, 1 OKRA, 1 Cups of asparagus, 1 Cups of black beans beans & Papaya. (budget).
So, do we eat all these types of vegetables every day?
Because we can't eat all of these every day maybe because we're busy working, so this acid acid is made a replacement.
💊 why do you have to eat 3 months before pregnant?
O & g expert experts encourage this baby acid to be eaten 3 months before pregnancy aims to help formation of new cells in the body (fetus).
According to study, pregnant mothers can avoid the risk of the baby being affected by 75 %. Besides, the content of this baby acid is actually ' Mencntikkan Rahim ', that's why she took 3 months before pregnant.
💊 how to know 3 more months to get pregnant?
Many husbands and wives make mistakes when they don't plan to get pregnant. There are people who follow their provisions... "if pregnant is a conceived".
Actually & it should be a couple of husband and wife to plan. Make a 'meeting' with a partner & discuss when you are targeted to have a child, so that the future mother will know when the date is before pregnant.
💊 if you've planned but what's the most ' babas '?
My advice, whether we are planning to get pregnant or not, our diet needs to be taken care of. Junk Food & fast food among you need to avoid & practice healthy diet all the time & not just to plan for pregnancy.
In this condition mommy don't panic. After knowing pregnant, quickly start intake of baby acid 4 mg once a day and practice healthy diet.
Don't take acid acid before pregnancy doesn't mean our body has no acid acid at all. Allah has created this human body like a complete machine =)
Baby acid is only eaten before 3 MONTHS BEFORE PREGNANT UNTIL 3 months old content. Entering 4 months of age mommy's content can already eat obimin (Multivitamin) that contains calcium.. Iodine.. B12 etc...
✔ it is necessary for the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus as well as setting the mineral rate in the body.
✔ Important for growth especially baby bones and teeth.
✔ it prevents muscle from being weak other than being involved in arranging heart beats.
🍇 Iron (Iron)
✔ an important role in oxygen transportation from lungs to tissue cells.
✔ Not only in mother's body, even it also plays the same role as the baby in the content.
✔ It joins oxygen in the lungs and releases oxygen to the tissues in need.
✔ it is also used in the production of anaemia (Red blood cells).
✔ If the lack of iron, it will cause pregnant mothers to get tired quickly and the possibilities of anemia (Red blood cells lack) will increase.
🍇 Vitamin C
✔ due to the human body system cannot produce vitamin C, it must be obtained through food or in the form of supplement medications.
✔ this type of vitamin is an antioxidant and helps to increase resilience to infection and healing wounds. It can also increase the absorption of iron in food to prevent anemia.
🍇 Vitamin B12
✔ helps the development of brain, nerves, and blood vessels. It can also improve the energy level, mood and stress level during the is of these two.
🍇 Iodine
It is very important to keep the function of thyroid gland during pregnancy. The lack of iodine can cause cancelled physical growth, severe mental disability and deafness other than can cause miscarriage and birth.
💊 don't you have any side effects to eat this supplement?
✔ This is one of the most 'famous' mistakes among women. Many people remember that taking supplement supplement is excessive, it doesn't harm health and they think it's good.
✔ the truth is, anything that is taken over and does not hold on will harm the health.
✔ Take care! Intake of extra supplements can not be replaced with balanced food. It is just an additional source that is not supposed to be taken as the only source of food that the body needs or is made a replacement.
This is not even 1 % preparation of getting children.... there are many more pregnancy & birth knowledge that mommy needs to know before being called Mom & Dad is great for children. Refer to the book #9 bulan10hari... lots of pregnancy knowledge.. Birth... Confinement & nursing in dlmnya.
Where can I get this folic acid?
- can buy at pharmacy for as low as 1.30 cents depending on the brand.
- if you get it at the health clinic / government hospitals free...
💊 like, share & tag this info so that many parents will be alert about acid acid.
💊 COPYRIGHT@NAZIRA NAZIR ONLY MADE 9 bulan10hari not allowed to copy paste!Translated
同時也有222部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅20無限,也在其Youtube影片中提到,That thing is called Octolasmis cor , u can google for detail 「心板茗荷」,不是寄生蟲,而是藤壺!是種節肢動物,附著在螃蟹的腮 上. 膏這東西, 真係可遇不可求, 唔係話貴就一定有膏, 揭開個蓋冇膏 ,你都冇乎 清蒸膏蟹 (終於買...
okra 在 MINIATURE CALENDAR Facebook 八卦
4.2 sun “Sakura?”
#オクラ #桜 #花見
#Okra #Sakura #CherryBlossoms
okra 在 DELISH KITCHEN - デリッシュキッチン Facebook 八卦
・米 1人前
・コーン 大さじ3
・合挽き肉 100g
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・オクラ 2本
・ニンニク 1/2片
・生姜 1/2片
・サラダ油 大さじ1
・カレー粉 小さじ1
・ケチャップ 大さじ1
・醤油 大さじ1
1. 玉ねぎ、ニンニク、生姜をみじん切りにし、オクラは細かく切る
2. フライパンに肉を入れ、ほぐすようにして火を通していく
3. 肉から出てきた油をキッチンペーパーで拭き取り、サラダ油、ニンニク、生姜、カレー粉を加えて香りがたつまでよく炒める
4. 玉ねぎとオクラを加え、火が通るまで炒める
5. とうもろこし、ケチャップ、醤油を加えてよく混ぜる
6, ごはんの上に盛り付けて完成!
Amazonにて 発売中♪
okra 在 20無限 Youtube 的評價
That thing is called Octolasmis cor , u can google for detail
「心板茗荷」,不是寄生蟲,而是藤壺!是種節肢動物,附著在螃蟹的腮 上.
膏這東西, 真係可遇不可求, 唔係話貴就一定有膏, 揭開個蓋冇膏 ,你都冇乎
清蒸膏蟹 (終於買到一隻爆膏的) Steamed female crab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeLGrLNFJYk
簡易煎蠔餅 (用番薯粉雞蛋) Oyster pancake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNPyjFCyF5Q
芝士茄汁多士 (超簡單) Cheese toast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSCEMh-JMWM
90度浸豉油雞 骨頭全熟不見血 Soya sauce chicken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROc64ErxutA
薑蔥豉油煎煮鯇魚 Fried boiled fresh water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thFzRsN73r8
煎釀三色椒 Fried color pepper stuffed with minced fish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIpu5ES14mQ
不用油炸,如何保持茄子鮮紫色 How to keep the eggplant purple in colour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN2Pr5-5ops
胡椒蝦 Pepper Shrimp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpb3G0pqAeY
鹽焗雞粉煎雞中翼 (簡易) Saute chicken wing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23I4SRVe588
煎牛扒 (全熟) 50元一塊 steak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuvwP3wulRo
薑蔥蒸鯇魚 Steamed Fish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ5Bw7l2Plc
光波爐焗三文魚頭 Roasted Salmon head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdofSmCra8s
(扑暈佢先)清蒸膏蟹 Steamed crabs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLYHt4B0s0
肉絲洋蔥炒烏冬 STIR-FRIED UDON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvDm0A_MQ-0
98年果皮蒸鮑魚 steamed abalone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9w3Pkxo0j4
沙嗲 雞胸肉 (不太鞋)Satay fried chicken breast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K05-YXQVyN4
煎餃子 記得要加水 fried dumplings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBNkOppR_9s
肉絲炒河 (低熱量減肥餐 , 用蒟蒻河粉) low calorie diet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_nmTsnD6pM
火灼三文魚 salmon sashimi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It_QRLmB77Y
自製汽水 soft drink DIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDXKTfIvVV8
濕立立 香蔥雞蛋炒飯 Egg Fried-Rice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFQ6IVrMGOU
用光波爐焗雞全翼效果也不錯 Roasted whole chicken wing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmSG35Cb_WY
簡易蘿蔔炆牛腩 (蠔油味)Stewed Beef Brisket in Oyster Sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePf-9KI-rKw
簡易蘋果薯仔沙律 apple salad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTifuAH20v0
清蒸膏蟹 (冇乜膏 ) steamed crab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRkmaFgfZOQ
白菜豆腐魚湯 ( 兩食 ) fish tofu soup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiKVyqQsp1A
簡易秋葵 冷熱兩食 okra with soya sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCvBk2B0gn4
【20無限】家常便飯 : 清蒸膏蟹 (終於買到一隻爆膏的) 加蟹寄生蟲 Steamed female crab with crab parasites
#Crab #Parasites #OctolasmisCor # CrabParasite
okra 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
発売中「あっ! 妄想グルメだ! なにコレ!?と見て食べて驚くレシピ 」http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4040679067
We made curry that looks like a dam. At first the curry was too thick and wouldn't run so we had to thin it out. Unfortunately our camera went out of focus during the epic drainage scene...
*Recipe*(Makes 8 servings)
1.Mince 2 onions, one carrot, and one clove of garlic. Cut 300g of chicken into bite-sized pieces.
2.Heat a pan and melt 2 tbsp of butter, then add the garlic and heat until it releases an aroma.
3.Add the onion and heat until it becomes a light amber color.
4.Add the chicken along with salt and pepper, and cook until it starts to brown.
5.Add in the carrot and cook until it starts to change color.
6.Add 1200ml of water.
7.Add one tomato and one bay leaf.
8.Stew for 30 minutes and remove the skin from the tomato.
9.Turn off the heat and add 200g of curry roux.
10.Turn heat back on again and add 1 tbsp of sou sauce, 1 tbsp of Worcester sauce, 1 tbsp of honey, and one piece of chocolate. Stew for 15 minutes.
11.Boil 8 okra in salt water
12.Cut one Japanese eggplant into round pieces, soak in water to remove bitterness, dry, and then cook in olive oil
13.Plate with white rice, curry, okra, eggplant and mini tomato
1.玉ねぎ 2個、にんじん 1本、にんにく ひとかけ をみじん切りにし、鶏もも肉 300gはひとくち大に切る。
2.鍋を熱し、バター 大さじ2を溶かし、1のにんにくを入れ、香りが出るまで炒める。
6.水 1200mlを入れる。
7.トマト 1個とローリエの葉っぱ 1枚も入れる。
9.火を止め、カレールー 200gを入れ溶かす。
10.再び、火をつけ しょうゆ 大さじ1、ソース 大さじ1、はちみつ 大さじ1、チョコレート ひとかけを入れ、15分煮る。
11.オクラ 8本を塩茹でする。
12.ナス 1本は輪切りにし、水につけアク抜きしてから水気を拭き取り、オリーブオイルで焼く。
okra 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的評價
Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world
【Ingredients】 (Preservation period: about 4 days refrigerated)
● Cucumber: 2
● Eggplants: 2
● Myoga: 3
● Turnip: 5
● Okra: 2 packages
● Red Paprika: 1
● Yellow Paprika: 1
● Shiso leaves: 10
● Soy sauce: 100ml
● Men-tsuyu (white soup stock can be used): 50ml
● Mirin: 100ml
● Sake: 150ml
● Chicken soup stock: 1/2 tablespoon
● Dou ban jiang (gochujang is also OK): 1/2 tablespoon
● Vinegar: 2 tablespoons
● Salted kelp: 1/2 tablespoon
● Dried shiitake mushrooms: 2
● Ginger
● Roasted sesame seeds: as you like
● Chili pepper: as you like
※ Add whatever vegetables are in season to your liking.
※ If you don't like the spiciness of Dou ban jiang, use the same
amount of red miso + a little garlic
※ If you prefer to eat it as it is, you can dilute the flavor or
increase the amount of vegetables according to your taste.
This time, I made "Amazingly Yummy Pickled Vegetables" from a treasured
recipe that my father left for my family before he passed away.
In order to make it easy even for me as a child to make, My father's
idea was to make it tasty without all the difficult steps.
The sauce has a good combination of various dashi and has a very deep flavor.
I had a hard time deciding whether or not to publish this recipe
because I had such strong feelings about it.
My father really loved to see the smiles on the faces of his
customers, so I decided to make a video because I thought he would be
happy in heaven if I could bring smiles to the faces of as many
families as possible with this recipe in a world that's in trouble
with Corona.
This recipe can be used not only with somen noodles, but also with
udon noodles, rice, tofu, chicken, pork, salads, etc.
There are no limits to what you can eat with it.
Even if the marinating time is short, the crunchy texture of the
vegetables is fun and delicious, and after half a day, the flavors
have soaked in and it tastes great.
I hope you will try both of them.
It's really easy to make, so please give it a try!
#こっタソの自由気ままに #漬けるだけ #超やべぇ野菜漬け #やみつき野菜 #Perilla #Cucumber #JapaneseGinger #Eggplant #okra #turnip #JapanesePickles #青椒 #피망 #GreenPepper #PorkRecipe #和食 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #糖質制限レシピ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #常備菜 #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園
okra 在 Tyler, The Creator - OKRA - YouTube 的八卦
Tyler, The Creator - OKRA ... really do not care the cost cause okra dir: wolf haley dp: luis panch perez ... ... <看更多>