We are just 7 weeks out from the Coway Run! How is your training going?🏃♂️🏃♀️
Today I want to share what I normally eat before my run, because Nutrition plays a huge role in my performance!⚡
So here presenting to you 👉 My favourite Egg Sandwich!🥪
What's in:
2-3 Toasts
- 3 for a 80+ kg guy like me
- Carbs are not necessary evil! Carbohydrate is our body most preferred source of fuel especially for running. Getting in some fast/medium GI before your run will fuels you up to crush every miles better!
3-5 Eggs
- I'll go for 5 but more whites and lesser yellows
- Protein is crucial for muscular endurance and maintaining muscle mass. Egg is super easy to digest and it has one of the best biological value, not forgetting the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from the yellows too!
A Few Lettuce
- Ok....Honestly, this is just to make the food look nicer in photo, lol. We all know how important fibre is, but not for now (before your run)! because fibre can be a little harsh to our stomach. Eating too much of fibre before your run will most likely cause stomach bloatness. So limit the amount.
How long before your run you should eat then? This is really depending on the size of the meal and a person's adaptation.
For me, I would eat about 3-5 hours before my run. Yup, the timing gap is important if you want to get rid of stomach upset issue like side stitches.
So there you have it. Give this a try and join me at Coway Run this 7 of October at MAEPS Serdang. 👌
PS. Tickets are selling fast. Join the run before it's too late. www.cowayrun.com.my
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅tom's cycling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【訂正】 4:56~ 速筋/遅筋 となっていますが 正確には 遅筋/速筋 です。 tom’s cyclingです!夫のTOMIと嫁のYOPIでお送りします! 【ロードバイク乗りのためのフィジカルセミナー】第5段となります!今回は前回好評であったペダリングについてお話させて頂きました! 初心者の方も...
muscle fibre 在 Kofgym Facebook 八卦
先講下點解會有人認為無中胸啦,因為胸大肌(Pectoralis major)係由手臂肱骨拉向胸骨嘅肌肉,所以唔會有「中胸」依舊肌肉,一練就係練哂成個胸架啦。
事實上有一啲肌肉纖維藏咗係裡面,叫做Non-spanning Muscle Fiber(非跨越性肌肉纖維),佢到肌腹嘅中間就已經斷咗,並無連接著另一邊嘅肌腱。而係中胸裡面嘅肌肉纖維,就正正係依種肌肉纖維啦。
😲心水清嘅人就會問啦,如果佢無連接住另一邊嘅肌腱,咁個部分嘅肌肉係點樣收縮並且制動發力呢?答案係中胸裡面嘅Non-spanning muscle fibers每一條都比肌鞘(muscle sheath)包覆住。肌鞘即係肌肉表層上一種充滿黏性嘅物質或者蛋白質。當你做夾胸嘅動作時,胸肌表層嘅spanning muscle fibers(跨越性肌肉纖維)會從肱骨收縮向中間,就會帶動埋中心嘅肌鞘,以至中胸嘅non-spanning muscle fibers啦。
❌好多人一直都以為所有發力都只係來自肌肉本身同肌腱,但係其實,肌筋膜當中仲有好多唔同嘅連接性組織,連接著肌鞘、包覆住肌肉纖維嘅肌內膜,依啲部分都會幫助發力。內胸就係一個非常好嘅例子,比你知道原來力量仲可以經由肌筋膜傳遞,成功徵召non-spanning muscle fibers。
⭐當你做夾胸嘅幅度夠大,胸肌表層纖維收縮時,就會連接到肌腹裡面嘅non-spanning muscle fibers,幅度越大,連接到越多肌肉纖維,繼而就可以刺激中胸嘅肌肉。所以幾時都話,動作幅度(ROM)係幾咁重要。
🔶🔶以上內容都係外國物理治療師Jeff Cavaliere YouTube上分享嘅資訊,有興趣嘅朋友可以去睇返佢嘅片啦。而小編睇完之後就產生咗疑問🤨咁訓喺bench做cable fly呢⁉️咁企喺到做cable fly時,cable返去起點位唔會傷害膊頭咩⁉️
依方面我哋請咗英國🇬🇧註冊物理治療師Anthony @ttanthonypoon 為我哋解答:
�1⃣因為你做無論企喺到定訓喺到做cable fly,你都可以控制發力方向,而cable喺最頂、雙手完全打開嘅時候,可以係完全無張力;但係用啞鈴落到底,啞鈴壓力一定係向下,壓力就會直接落咗膊頭。
2⃣至於點解做bench press啞鈴落到底嘅時候個力會無夾胸咁大呢?最大分別係因為做夾胸嘅槓桿作用太勁,雙手要打開而唔只係上落上落;另外係做press你仲有三頭肌同肩胛輔助,令你可以穩定重量。
3⃣訓喺到做闊嘅cable fly呢?因為你夾嘅方向係向外而唔係直接向下,落到底都可以完全無張力,所以就無問題啦。
4⃣除咗press嘅動作,都唔建議用bench做,壞處係佢會鎖死咗你嘅肩胛活動,例如係cable upright row、cable lateral raise。
圖: KAPO 文:Eunice
#kofgym #gym #muscle #chest #innerchest #cablefly #fibre #肌肉纖維 #肌肉 #胸肌 #力量 #訓練 #gym #香港健身 #健身救港 #香港人
muscle fibre 在 Kit Mah Facebook 八卦
Lightest I've ever been in years. I weight less than 65kg!
When i was at my leanest the past few years i was at 66 to 67 kg with control diet.
I've never reach below 65kg and I've achieved that in my recent cover shoot (My intention was to lose fat fast due to bad eating habits/lifestyle in the past months)
I'm never concern about losing weight or muscle because I know the right protocols to gain back naturally fast. Will share more soon!
But 1st, fat loss tips:
The weight you'll lose in the beginning when you cut off carbs are mainly water and glycogen stores.
In an optimal fat loss principle, I believe you need to prime your body in a state where it will start to burn fats instead of carbs or proteins and thus that is why you want to deplete your body glycogen stores first (cutting off carbs)
The next step is to constantly keep your insulin level low. Constant elevated insulin levels will prevent you from losing fat.
Here's how i achieve it: .
⚫Avoid any sugar or process food
⚫Good amount of quality protein sources (free range/wild caught or organic meat or plant based protein - to minimize chronic inflammation, go natural)
⚫Non-starchy vegetables in abundance (Supplies the minerals, vitamins plus fibre to keeps you feeling full. Veges enhances your body detoxification process too. Carbs from veges are minimal and fine here as long as you are having it with your main meals)
⚫Avoid snacking or eating between your main meals. Even snacking on healthy food (protein) does trigger a metabolic response and cause insulin elevation although minimal but the intention for now is to minimize insulin response as much as possible so your body will be in a prolong state in burning fats.
⚫Incorporate Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) in your diet. VCO helps shift your body ability to burn fats as fuel.
These are just some tips among many.
Lastly, the 🗝 message:
Everyone can tell you that consuming lesser calories than your maintenance will induce weight loss HOWEVER consuming excess calories than your maintenance calories can also induce weight loss as long as the fat loss principles are met to prime your body in a fat burning state.
muscle fibre 在 tom's cycling Youtube 的評價
4:56~ 速筋/遅筋 となっていますが 正確には 遅筋/速筋 です。
tom’s cyclingです!夫のTOMIと嫁のYOPIでお送りします!
筋肉の生理学について https://amzn.to/2woS0lC
ペダリングで用いる筋について https://amzn.to/2wnEChI
速筋、遅筋の割合 http://sikhinspiredfitness.forums-free.com/muscle-fibre-ratios-t156.html
体幹の屈曲角度と大殿筋について https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28174462
本村芳樹: 最大等尺性股関節伸展筋力とハムストリングス・大殿筋の筋量および腹腔内圧の関係(リンクなし)
BGM:RetroVision - Puzzle [NCS Release]:https://youtu.be/TN_8D-79BZg
[No Copyright Music] Bubblegum - Declan DP
他の音楽:DOVA-SYNDROME,HURT RECORD,youtubeオーディオライブラリ
instagram(YOPI): https://www.instagram.com/toms_cycling/?hl=ja
muscle fibre 在 Mark Sir 教室 Youtube 的評價
新一集 《#與區議員一齊運動》, 我們會與 觀塘區議員 ‧ 梁翊婷 Edith Leung 一齊瘦小腿
承接上集,由於同樣沒有定點減肥 (Spot Reduction) 這回事,首先要做的仍然是體重管理,其次是飲食上需要減鹽減糖,避免下身水腫
這裡補充一點:跑步,特別是慢速的耐力跑,偏向使用 Type 1 Muscle Fibre 慢肌肌肉纖維,不易使小腿變粗,反而是瘦身法寶
第三點,則是跑姿方面:集中於轉髖、 Hamstring 膕繩肌收縮,可減少對小腿的依賴;過高的鞋跟亦會逼使小腿長時間用力,如平日多穿高跟鞋,則更容易感到小腿腫脹
另外,骨盤前傾、股四頭肌偏緊造成的 Knee Hyperextension 膝超伸,會促使小腿與大腿鬥力,這往往係下腹 Transverse Abdominis 腹橫肌懶惰、不懂用力的結果
最後,平常講的小腿肥大,多數係指後方的 Gastrocnemius 腓腸肌 與 Soleus 比目魚肌。 除了拉筋以後,強化 Tibialis Anterior 脛前肌的練習 ( 包括 Toe Raise 舉腳趾 與 Heel Walk 腳跟步 ) 都係有用的功課,有助平衡前後、防止受傷
muscle fibre 在 Structure of Muscle Fibers (IB Biology) - YouTube 的八卦
Structure of Muscle Fibers (IB Biology)Table of Contents:00:00 - Structure of muscle fibers. ... <看更多>