《Send CV前的4個Final Checks》
當你有一日覺得係時侯要換個環境、換個老細,呢個moment你好自然會去搵返份自己CV出嚟,準備send出去搜尋另一個理想。不過喺科技普及嘅今日,你send CV前有冇check過呢4樣嘢?
都市人秒秒幾百萬上落,好多人會一份CV走天涯。加上科技令send CV太方便,㩒一個掣就得,僱主一日可能收到幾十至百幾封CV,要喺CV之海突出自己實在唔容易。
2.CV仍然old school嗎?
CV需唔需要設計得好fancy?其實如果你唔係做創作,簡單整齊都足夠。不過,CV係你畀人嘅第一印象,如果你想畀人感覺唔太old school,而家網上有好多網上CV工具可以幫你完成一份有少少設計點綴嘅CV。如果你好耐冇搵工,又想畀人耳目一新嘅感覺,咁就要好好利用。
3.Double check咗未?
假如同時有好多合資格嘅candidates,但我哋總唔會叫晒所有人嚟Interview,所以面試機會總有分先後,CV嘅錯漏可能會成為分野。例如一定要睇清楚職位、公司名、Expected salary更新咗未?我哋見得最多就係寫咗其他公司名或職位。CV上有冇錯字、英文grammar有冇錯?而家網上亦有好多工具可以幫你。
私隱捷徑設定詳情你亦可以參考呢度: https://www.facebook.com/help/238318146535333/?helpref=hc_fnav
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Koe Yeet,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Finally had time to make this video to reply all of your questions left on my Facebook Page. Thank you for your constant support throughout my law deg...
英文grammar check 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[英文學習] 到底該如何閱讀英文?
Extensive, intensive, or narrow reading? What is skimming and scanning?
English learners are often asked to read in diverse ways in the classroom. Some are asked to read orally and sound out each word. Others are told to read silently for comprehension. However, when reading silently, should learners skim for essential meanings or scan for key details? Or should they focus on linguistic features and practice reading strategies?
Oral Reading
Before we can address these questions and find a suitable reading approach, let’s examine what the different reading types are.
Oral reading involves the teacher or students reading aloud and helps students to develop prosody, improving their intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Silent reading consists of intensive, extensive, and narrow reading, amongst others.
Intensive Reading
Intensive reading refers to reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It is typically classroom-based, and students focus on features such as grammar and discourse markers. Students also identify key vocabulary, and text is read carefully and repeatedly with instructor input. The aim is to build language knowledge and understanding of literal meaning, implications, and rhetorical relationships. The materials used are usually shorter texts of 500 words or less at a time because it might be too difficult to focus on so many details with longer texts.
Narrow Reading
Narrow reading can be classified as a specific type of intensive reading. It is based on the concept of comprehensible input, in which students read materials slightly above their current linguistic abilities. In this way, students can easily focus on new language features with the aid of their teacher. When practicing narrow reading, teachers can find texts by the same author or the same topic. Thus, key vocabulary and grammatical structures repeat themselves, and students get many opportunities to see these features in slightly different contexts. It is a highly successful method because the comprehension of the text is enhanced due to learner familiarity with the author and subject matter.
Extensive Reading, Scanning & Skimming
On the other hand, extensive reading involves learners reading longer texts and even complete novels for enjoyment, and it aids learners in developing general reading skills. Extensive reading is usually done outside the classroom because teachers might feel it is not an effective use of class time, or are just uncomfortable with the extended silence.
Scanning and skimming are two skills commonly used in extensive reading. Readers can scan for key details or skim for essential meaning. Reading quickly with skimming and scanning can give readers a global or general understanding of the materials. This does not mean students cannot skim or scan when reading intensively, but typically, intensive reading focuses on learning and understanding linguistic features. Extensive reading is stressed in contemporary education policies, as learners are expected to be autonomous and read outside of class. At its core, extensive reading encourages language learners to read what they like!
How should you read?
Now that you have a glimpse of different reading approaches, have you decided which you will use? The "answer" is that you need each for a different situation! You can practice extensive reading when reading for pleasure, or intensive reading when analyzing paragraphs with your teachers and peers. As for narrow reading, you can find articles by the same author on the same topic and focus on language features. Some might even want to practice oral reading to improve prosody or repeated reading to increase fluency.
A trained teacher can provide you with approaches and strategies for each situation so you can practice them on your own. However, even when you know how to read, do you have the determination and perseverance to read or do so much? How do you select the right materials, and how do you acquire reading strategies?
Narrow Reading Course
If you need these reading and learning strategies and want to practice narrow reading, Alexander Wang’s course is the one for you. Alex expands the narrow reading approach into narrow learning, focusing on effective language learning by using materials from the same author, the same theme, but different media. His class also guides students in developing a growth mindset with an emphasis on grit, teaching learners how they can start and sustain their learning.
The class aims to help learners become their own teachers on their English learning journey!
Check out his class here:
限時折扣,最後倒數 >>> https://bit.ly/34DG64O
All proceeds from the referral of the class will be donated to charity. I will make an announcement when the funds are received and donated.
Gardner, D. (2008). Vocabulary recycling in children's authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(1), 92-122.
Krashen, S. (2004). The case for narrow reading. Language Magazine 3(5):17-19.
MacLeod, M. (2013). Types of Reading. Retrieved April 14, 2020.
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Finally had time to make this video to reply all of your questions left on my Facebook Page. Thank you for your constant support throughout my law degree and this video is just a small token of appreciation and a way for me to give some support back. Just my two cents on how you could possibly improve you English.
Good luck and enjoy yourselves!
Improve your Grammar:
Word of the Day:
Chinese website to learn English?
Dress from Duchess & Co. Check them out: http://www.duchessandco.com/
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