我的時間表是這樣,可依照每個人的作息來調整,早上送完小朋友上學後,9點開始吃早餐(想吃什麼就吃什麼),下午1點午餐(正常吃,蔬菜類會多些),傍晚5點晚餐 (這餐也可能是和朋友下午茶),善用這10小時的進食時間,一般人是4小時後就會開始微餓,這個442的好處就是不讓自己有太長時間處在肌餓感,就不會怒吃,雖然我常常會失控🙈
晚上的時間總是特別難熬,可以泡上一杯 KC WIN-WIN 的S3雞汁飽,因為冬天嘛還是想要鹹食,一般的代餐產品甜的比較多,這個喝起來就像鹹麥片,但高營養熱量才83卡,如果你不愛甜食,雞汁飽是很棒的選擇,熱熱的喝滿足口腹之欲!
因為想要在體態身型最好的狀態下拍攝服裝照片,這段期間我還加了S1 加強代謝,S2吸收好油,再配合原本就固定一週2天的重訓健身,來達成我自己的目標,就在上星期拍完照片後,我給自己放了3天假,已經去台南把想吃的都補回來了~😂
🛒 https://reurl.cc/9XlV7X
win10瘦身 在 Facebook 八卦
The Secret Power Of Chinese Metaphysics
(English version below)
文 / 李佳勵 女士 Written By: Mdm Lee Jia Li
除了瘦身,我也是一個沒有偏財運的人。從小到大買過無數次的馬票,可是只中過一次$10。通過請玳瑚師父幫我看流年運程,我了解到我在近兩個禮拜會有中馬票的運。師父也指明我需要找一位某年份屬雞的朋友幫我買馬票,中獎的機會才會比較高。于是,我找了適合的朋友幫我買,而且真的在一個禮拜內,連續中了兩次多多博彩,這是從來沒有發生過的。師父有教導過,他不提倡賭博可是如果有這個運勢時不妨試試看, 中了獎後可以捐出一部分來積善德,也回饋於社會。因此我也聽師父的話,把一部分的獎金捐給慈善。
I have been skeptical about the effectiveness of Chinese Metaphysics since young, as my parents had never had a Feng Shui audit done and showed no interest in Chinese Metaphysics. However, after getting married and moving into our new house, my husband and I decided to engage a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner, due to the obvious decline of our family members' health and luck. However, the results were not satisfactory, which further added onto my doubts about Feng Shui and Metaphysics. This all changed after we met Master Dai Hu since 31st July this year.
My weight increased from 55kg to 64kg, within close to two years of marriage life. No matter what method I used to slim down, be it dieting, eating salad, no carbs during dinners and exercise etc, I was still unable to slim down. This made me very upset and demoralised. After engaging Master Dai Hu to help me with name change and bazi reading, I finally understood more about my own elements. From there, I also realised that based on an individual’s element, everyone have their best fit of food, fruits, drinks, exercise, down to microscopic details like whether one should have more/less intake of sweet, salty, bitter or spicy food.
According to Master Dai Hu, my Bazi reflects that I’d even gain weight just by drinking water. So consuming veggies and salads everyday will not help me to slim down at all. Eating the wrong food or doing the wrong exercise will also have a counter effect on my weight loss plan. With Master Dai Hu’s recommendations in mind, I changed my entire diet and exercise regime. With NO dieting, and maintaining 3 regular meals (with CARBS) a day, I was able to miraculously lose 4kg within 1 and a half month! Colleagues and friends noticed my loss in weight and complimented me, which made me very happy and even more motivated to continue following Master Dai Hu’s recommendation in my slimming journey.
I am also someone who doesn’t have any luck in lottery. Despite buying lottery since young, I have only won $10 in my entire life. However, after Master Dai Hu’s analysis of my yearly Bazi reading, he analysed that I will have luck in lottery within a specific 2-week period. He also further commented that I should seek the help of someone born in the year of rooster (a specific year especially), as that will boost my winning luck tremendously. I heeded his advice and within the week, I won Toto twice which is something that had never happened before. Master Dai Hu does not advocate gambling, but he feels that if one is destined to win, it’s okay to give it a try and to donate a portion of the winnings to charity to build good karma, and contribute back to the society. Hence I listened to him, and donated a portion of my winnings to charity.
I really appreciate Master Dai Hu for his help and teaching and also thank him for always spending his precious time teaching me, allowing me to understand myself more, knowing how to help myself improve my luck and at the same time build my understanding towards Chinese Metaphysics. I hope that for the readers reading my testimonial now, if you wish to understand or improve your fortune and luck, or maybe even if you wish to slim down by eating the right food, do not hesitate to engage Master Dai Hu for his services.
If fate permits, I am certain that you will be like me, being impressed with Master Dai Hu’s accuracy in his analysis and at the same time, grateful and respectful towards his magnanimous love and care to everyone.
win10瘦身 在 Emily lim 林佩琦 Facebook 八卦
No time for breakfast?
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win10瘦身 在 [分享] debloat win10 消腫工具- 看板nb-shopping - PTT網頁版 的八卦
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win10瘦身 在 win 10 到底多肥? C:剩下10GB 的八卦
C: 120G SSD 硬碟最早電腦是從Windows 7 免費升級上來的,但是windows 10 更新越來越肥今天看了C:\Windows總容量高達67GB請問是真的這麼大嗎? ... <看更多>