Eric 心裏有點緊張,桃木色的枱面已經收拾得乾乾淨淨。
今天將要跟老闆做年終 appraisal。
準時開始,老闆跟他說:「Eric,you had a good year...... 好多 deal 你都有幫手......」
Eric 心想,晚晚做到咁夜,做埋你啲嘢,點止 good 呀,老細。
「我知道你一直想升職......」比想像中更快進入正題,Eric 面帶微笑,但已緊張得握着拳頭。
老闆續說:「今次 promotion committee 傾起你嗰陣,都對你印象唔錯,all saying Eric is a nice guy,不過可惜又講唔出咩大case......」
Eric 聽到心知不妙,並正想解釋他幫忙了那幾單大deal。
老闆並沒有給他這個機會,便繼續說下去:「好似年頭嗰單 block trade 咁,雖然做得好,但主要係 Richard 負責 lead,所以Management覺得你要做多啲呢一類大 deal 先比較容易 make your case。」
説的那次是一單五千萬美元的 block trade,他們為一位上市公司主席客戶於場外交易出貨套現。
Eric 和 Richard 屬於同一 team,但由於 Richard 是一名ABC,普通話也不好,所以一見這次客戶是國內高層,自然樂得由 Eric 自己處理。
除了要與買賣雙方方詳細解釋保密協議的內容外,Eric 還要向自己 office 交上無數報告,從而通過風險部及 compliance 的審批,亦要得到 IBD sector coverage 的支持。
他要天天 con call 那位打算出貨的公司主席及其CFO,去分析及預計市場反應,也要預計股票的 discount 要到什麼 level 才吸引。當然還要跟買家(兩家對沖基金)作 selling,期望為客戶爭取一個less steep 的discount,盡量減低對股價的影響。
大功告成,要慶祝的時候,Richard 竟發了一個電郵 cc 給全個 APAC management team 去報喜,說單單這個 deal 便幫公司賺了差不多七十萬美元的revenue。
Richard 也避重就輕地沒有寫是自己做的,但整段的email看起上來就好像他有份 lead 一樣。係,即係好明顯佢已經係 hijack 咗個 deal。
當天,Eric 有點不高興,但也不以為然,認為老闆都應該知道誰付出得最多。
今天,解釋看來已無用,他說:「可唔可以幫我再 fight 吓?」
老闆似乎已經要 close the case,說道:「Eric,the ship has sailed...... 嚟緊一年我哋會俾多啲機會你做 project,俾管理層留意你多啲......」
老闆的聲音已經變得模糊,而 Eric 感覺到的不知道究竟是怒火還是羞辱。付出了那麼多,換來的最後只是一句 the ship has sailed。
我們都不能避免每天有像 Richard 這樣的人嘗試 hijack 你的功勞,但卻可以努力避免像 Eric 那樣 eject 了自己的付出。
當你有畀人 hijack 你個 deal 嘅經驗,你會明白受害者的感受,無論佢講幾粗嘅粗口,你都會原諒佢。
坐在遠離他公司位置的 Lobster Bar,Eric 對我訴苦說:「師兄,係唔係因為我唔識擦鞋?但係我真係好憎人擦鞋吹水。」
佢所謂嘅師兄,我,就係一個最鍾意擦鞋吹水嘅人,而聽 Eric 講完話佢最憎呢種人,我連少少慚愧都冇。擦鞋吹水並不是罪過,而是一種技能。
吹水吹得唔討厭,擦鞋擦得唔出面,邀功邀得唔著跡,你估咁易?係,識人好過識字,但識人唔係淨係講個 quantity,都要講 quality。我意思係,要圖的不只是 the quantity of connections,更是 the quality of connections。
要扶搖直上,it is not just about how many people you know,but it is also about how much people know about you。
表現自己,宣傳自己,包裝自己,都是工作的一部份。著住對八千幾蚊嘅皮鞋絕對是一張花紙而已,但呢張花紙唔係要話畀人聽你好掂,而係要畀人知道 you know exactly what you need to nail it。
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無汗 — 該出汗而不出汗,可能是身體津液不足、陽氣不足或者毛孔阻塞。
頭汗 — 稍為活動便成頭大汗,但身體出汗不多,常見於鬱熱未能四散、陽氣不足或氣虛體質人士。
黃汗 — 汗水偏黃色而將衣物染黃,多見於濕熱體質人士,需要清熱利濕。
自汗 — 不受天氣冷熱影響而白天經常出汗,靜止時也會出汗,多見於病後體虛、痰濕及氣虛體質人士。
盜汗 — 睡眠中出汗,睡醒後汗止,多見於多熬夜、多吃辛辣食物、陰虛體質人士,需要滋陰潤燥。
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Understand sweating
Summer is coming, and you may start to sweat a lot. Normal sweating is a way for the body to excrete and regulate body temperature. Abnormal sweating in Chinese medicine is considered a form of "sweating issue". For example, some people sweat too much and continue to sweat at rest; some people do not sweat and the body fails to clear heat properly; some people are particularly sweaty in a specific part of the body, etc. Do not mistake think that sweating only evaporates some fluid. The theory of Chinese medicine believes that "sweat is the fluid of the heart". Excessive sweating will hurt the heart and blood. If you have sweating problems, you should mark down the time, location and cause of sweating, and ask a registered Chinese medicine practitioner to analyze your body condition.
Common sweating symptoms:
Lack of sweat - inability to sweat, maybe caused by lack of body fluid, insufficient yang qi or clogged pores.
Head sweat- always a head full of sweat after a little movement but not sweating elsewhere on the body. Usually happens to those with heat that cannot be properly processed, insufficient yang qi or qi deficiency body condition.
Yellow sweat- yellow sweat stains on the clothes, this usually occurs for people with damp heat body type. They should clear heat and dispel dampness.
Unexplained sweating- sweating during the day without a weather factor, prone to those recovering from illness or those with phlegm and dampness or 'qi' deficiency body types
Night sweats- sweating while sleeping, and it stops when you wake up. Usually happens to those who frequently stay up late, prefer spicy foods and have yin deficiency. They should nourish yin and relieve dryness.
Healing tea for sweating
Effects: Strengthens the body and reduces sweating. Alleviates symptoms of excessive sweating such as qi deficiency, phlegm and dampness, etc.
Ingredients: 10g blighted wheat, 10g hairy fig root, 5 dried longan
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens.
✔Recommendation: Oats rice water
Effects: Improves excessive sweating, reduces water retention and relieves constipation
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☐容易頭痛, 痛處固定不移位
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Reduce facial freckles and spots due to blood stasis
Do you seem to struggle with facial marks? You may be prone to marks from pimple and mosquito bite, facial freckles, not able to improve dark circles after exhausting all the anti-dark circles beauty products. If you want to solve the above problems, you should first understand your body condition. If you have blood stasis body condition, you need to improve blood circulation and reduce blood stasis to improve the symptoms. Want to know if you have a blood stasis body condition? See if you have experienced the following symptoms within the last month?
☐Prone to body aches at fixed locations, pain feels like needle pokes
☐Prone to headache at fixed locations
☐Dark circles
☐Facial freckles
☐Purplish complexion and lips
☐Purplish blood vessels under the tongue
☐Prone to marks from pimple and mosquito bite
☐Prone to bruising on limbs
☐Purple or green veins on legs
☐Ladies have menstrual blood clots or menstrual pain, even amenorrhea
If you have 0-2 of above symptoms. Your body condition is fine. You can condition your body according to your symptoms.
If you have 3-6 of the above symptoms, you have a typical blood stasis body condition. Eat more ingredients that can promote qi and blood such as Chinese hawthorn and white back fungus.
If you have 7-10 of above symptoms, your life is full of excessive thinking, stress, sleep late, and prefer cold/raw foods. You should eat less cold/raw, spicy, oily foods. Drink more floral tea to relieve stress and eat more ingredients that can promote qi and blood such as black fungus, eggplant and lotus root.
Chinese Hawthorn Oolong Tea
Effects: Relieves blood stasis symptoms such as dark circles, dull complexion, purplish lips, veiny legs, pimple marks, menstrual pain or menstrual flow is not smooth,.
Ingredients: 6 slices of dried Chinese hawthorn, appropriate amounts of oolong tea and brown sugar
Preparation: Place dried Chinese hawthorn and oolong tea into the thermo, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes and add brown sugar to taste. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days a week for a treatment.
Note: Chinese hawthorn is sour and not suitable to have on an empty stomach. Not suitable for pregnant, menstruating women or those with stomach discomfort.
✔Recommendation: Paper pack Chinese hawthorn tea
Price: $180/12 packs
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