非常感謝這段時間眾多朋友的大力協助,才能促成我完成這件事,也非常感激IAABC的執行長—Marjie Alonso願意給我們這個機會,讓我們未來能把IAABC更多正確、有系統的動物行為知識及教育活動帶進台灣,讓台灣在亞洲有機會成為一個動物福利的指標國家。
隨著IAABC Taiwan Division的成立,目前第一階段的規劃是,IAABC官網會為台灣民眾開立一區以繁體中文為主的專屬頁面及臉書粉絲專頁,在上面跟大家同步分享最新的動物行為知識及相關活動,有興趣的朋友可以密切注意本粉絲團動態,或是到IAABC的官網逛逛。
A big thank you to all those who worked to make today possible, and my sincere gratitude to IAABC Executive Director, Marjie Alonso, who gave us this unique opportunity to introduce scientific and systematic knowledge about animal behavior and corresponding educational system into Taiwan, enabling us to be a front runner in animal welfare among Asian countries.
In the field of animal behavior, the IAABC is not only widely renowned but also highly influential, with numerous animal consultants trained worldwide. Since personally joining the IAABC in 2013, I received CCBC certification, and it later turned my veterinary practice into full-time cat behavior consulting. This new task is beyond the scope of conventional clinical veterinary medicine or pet training, as an array of general medicine and behavior science is also needed. But even with all that, you still have to be subtle and considerate to identify a cause and possibly find a solution. That’s why the more I did it, the more I felt lacking.
Besides law, the true solution to mistreatment and abuse of animals still lies in education. Only through proper education, we can know how to co-exist with animals in harmony, and only genuine knowledge can bring about greater level of animal welfare.
The first initiative of IAABC Taiwan Division is to build a Mandarin section on IAABC website dedicated to Taiwanese viewers and a Facebook Fan Page, where the latest knowledge about animal behavior and event feeds can be found. Please press Like and follow the news feed. And don’t forget to visit IAABC website.
pet中文醫學 在 貓行為獸醫師林子軒醫師與貓男孩 Facebook 八卦
非常感謝這段時間眾多朋友的大力協助,才能促成我完成這件事,也非常感激IAABC的執行長—Marjie Alonso願意給我們這個機會,讓我們未來能把IAABC更多正確、有系統的動物行為知識及教育活動帶進台灣,讓台灣在亞洲有機會成為一個動物福利的指標國家。
隨著IAABC Taiwan Division的成立,目前第一階段的規劃是,IAABC官網會為台灣民眾開立一區以繁體中文為主的專屬頁面及臉書粉絲專頁,在上面跟大家同步分享最新的動物行為知識及相關活動,有興趣的朋友可以密切注意本粉絲團動態,或是到IAABC的官網逛逛。
A big thank you to all those who worked to make today possible, and my sincere gratitude to IAABC Executive Director, Marjie Alonso, who gave us this unique opportunity to introduce scientific and systematic knowledge about animal behavior and corresponding educational system into Taiwan, enabling us to be a front runner in animal welfare among Asian countries.
In the field of animal behavior, the IAABC is not only widely renowned but also highly influential, with numerous animal consultants trained worldwide. Since personally joining the IAABC in 2013, I received CCBC certification, and it later turned my veterinary practice into full-time cat behavior consulting. This new task is beyond the scope of conventional clinical veterinary medicine or pet training, as an array of general medicine and behavior science is also needed. But even with all that, you still have to be subtle and considerate to identify a cause and possibly find a solution. That’s why the more I did it, the more I felt lacking.
Besides law, the true solution to mistreatment and abuse of animals still lies in education. Only through proper education, we can know how to co-exist with animals in harmony, and only genuine knowledge can bring about greater level of animal welfare.
The first initiative of IAABC Taiwan Division is to build a Mandarin section on IAABC website dedicated to Taiwanese viewers and a Facebook Fan Page, where the latest knowledge about animal behavior and event feeds can be found. Please press Like and follow the news feed. And don’t forget to visit IAABC website.
IAABC 官方網站:https://iaabc.org/
pet中文醫學 在 貓行為獸醫師林子軒醫師與貓男孩 Facebook 八卦
非常感謝這段時間眾多朋友的大力協助,才能促成我完成這件事,也非常感激IAABC的執行長—Marjie Alonso願意給我們這個機會,讓我們未來能把IAABC更多正確、有系統的動物行為知識及教育活動帶進台灣,讓台灣在亞洲有機會成為一個動物福利的指標國家。
隨著IAABC Taiwan Division的成立,目前第一階段的規劃是,IAABC官網會為台灣民眾開立一區以繁體中文為主的專屬頁面及臉書粉絲專頁,在上面跟大家同步分享最新的動物行為知識及相關活動,有興趣的朋友可以密切注意本粉絲團動態,或是到IAABC的官網逛逛。
A big thank you to all those who worked to make today possible, and my sincere gratitude to IAABC Executive Director, Marjie Alonso, who gave us this unique opportunity to introduce scientific and systematic knowledge about animal behavior and corresponding educational system into Taiwan, enabling us to be a front runner in animal welfare among Asian countries.
In the field of animal behavior, the IAABC is not only widely renowned but also highly influential, with numerous animal consultants trained worldwide. Since personally joining the IAABC in 2013, I received CCBC certification, and it later turned my veterinary practice into full-time cat behavior consulting. This new task is beyond the scope of conventional clinical veterinary medicine or pet training, as an array of general medicine and behavior science is also needed. But even with all that, you still have to be subtle and considerate to identify a cause and possibly find a solution. That’s why the more I did it, the more I felt lacking.
Besides law, the true solution to mistreatment and abuse of animals still lies in education. Only through proper education, we can know how to co-exist with animals in harmony, and only genuine knowledge can bring about greater level of animal welfare.
The first initiative of IAABC Taiwan Division is to build a Mandarin section on IAABC website dedicated to Taiwanese viewers and a Facebook Fan Page, where the latest knowledge about animal behavior and event feeds can be found. Please press Like and follow the news feed. And don’t forget to visit IAABC website.
IAABC 官方網站:https://iaabc.org/
pet中文醫學 在 Having a PET-CT scan (Chinese) / 接受正子斷層掃描檢查 的八卦
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