[#台味甜蜜蜜 / The Sweet Taste of Taiwan] 老闆,來一碗滷肉飯!/ Taiwan in a bowl: Lu Rou Fan (English below)
說到法式甜點的 #台灣味,怎麼能不提萬華的 菓實日?
前幾年就為菓實日將台灣傳統文化融入法式甜點的創意心折,如果說巴黎有日式銅鑼燒店 Pâtisserie TOMO 作為日法甜點水乳交融之作的代表,(參見 #法式甜點學 p.156, 241, 336, 337),菓實日便似乎象徵著法式甜點真正能在台灣生根、與在地庶民文化結合開出的芳草奇卉。TOMO 以法式甜點技法重新詮釋日式甜點,外型融入了銅鑼燒與法式經典(如 Paris-Tokyo、檸檬塔、反轉蘋果塔、日本威士忌聖托佩塔等)、口味也兼有兩者之長;菓實日則不受限於單一類型糕點,代表作「紅龜」與「滷肉飯」大膽地用法式蛋糕(entremets)重新詮釋了他們心目中的台味與台灣精神。
前兩個禮拜我提到「是否有 #台灣神髓?」、「什麼是台灣神髓?」、「台灣神髓是否能被表現出來、又該怎麼表現?」,而菓實日的「滷肉飯」幾乎是不偏不倚地回答了這些問題。所有曾經必須對外國友人介紹台灣飲食的朋友,都會知道「台灣味」、「台菜」非常難以定義與畫出界線,因為台灣就是一個充滿了移民的島嶼、乘載了各種不同文化混雜的歷史,尋求「純粹的」台味很難不落入徒勞無功的下場。事實上台灣的活力,確實也來自於那種能將不同文化輕鬆且毫不做作地混搭、交融的自在。菓實日的「滷肉飯」恰恰體現了這種看似大膽奔放、但成果無比協調的餘裕。多達八層,且有香菜、地瓜、八角、肉鬆等台灣常見的料理元素,被妥貼地收納在這個「法式蛋糕」中。或許你無法一口氣分辨出每一種元素與層次,但它們卻如此完滿、歡欣地在嘴裡融合在一起,讓人不由得脫口而出「好吃」!哎呀,這不正是「台灣」和「台灣神髓」嗎?
📌 菓實日目前正在休息準備下一步計畫中,門市並未對外營業。饅頭主廚與先生韞豐正在忙著籌備他們的線上課程,也有一些與桃園 雙口呂 Siang kháu Lū 文化廚房合作的實體教學。接下來會有小量對外販售的計畫,關心他們動態的朋友記得追蹤菓實日的粉絲頁;好奇這些台味甜點如何設計、製作,也可以了解他們傾囊相授的線上課程!https://tinyurl.com/y8cchelc
🔖 延伸閱讀:
#Ying的台味甜蜜蜜 系列
亞洲甜點在巴黎的還魂與新生- Café Lai'Tcha 與 Fu Castella:https://tinyurl.com/y3pcspn5
👉🏻👉🏻 更多 #台北甜點店 影音,記得來 Instagram 找我玩:https://tinyurl.com/yb3a783m
Kajitsu, a hidden treasure in Taipei’s Wanhua district, is a little French pastry shop that makes Taiwan-inspired pastries. Chef Mantou transforms traditional festive pastry “Âng-ku-kóe” and “Lu Rou Fan”, Taiwan’s national dish, into French entremets. It is not unusual that food adapts to local tastes when it travel overseas. It takes place in different forms. Take French pastries for instance, adding local ingredients in the classics is one way. For example, Japanese chefs may use yuzu to replace lemon when making their tarte au citron. Employing foreign skills to revisit or transform one’s traditions is another. Pâtisserie TOMO in Paris that combines Dorayaki and classic French pastries serves one of the best examples. In Taiwan, Kajitsu is another interesting case.
“Âng-ku-kóe”, “red tortoise cake”, used to be the most popular local festive pastry in old times. It’s shaped as a turtle and coloured in red (sometimes in green) since turtles are a symbol of longevity, fortune, and fame in Taiwan. Red is also the lucky color here. In Kajitsu, chef Mantou tries to transform this traditional delight into a French entremets. She keeps the sweet red bean paste in the filling and matches it with sweet rice wine mousse to modernise the traditional taste. “Lu Rou Fan”, braised pork rice, one of the most beloved dishes that can be seen everywhere in Taiwan, is the chef’s another brilliant creation. Mantou takes sweet potato confit and caramel sauce to create a “trompe l’œil” of the famed braised pork and its sauce, star anise mousse hints the indispensable spice during the braising, the rice crispy and white chocolate coating shape the bowl of rice, and the unusual combination of pork floss and cheesecake gives a little surprise beneath. A refreshing coriander leave on top takes you to the humid summer of Taiwan instantly. Lots of seemingly conflicting ingredients are grouped together, resulting in, however, an incredible harmony. It is a fascinating dessert that can only be created by a Taiwanese pastry chef as it parallels Taiwan’s history and reflects its source of energy: immigrants with diverse origins, cultures and values cohabit and learn to evolve together.
As Kajitsu’s pastries are deeply rooted in the everyday life of Taiwan, there are also other intriguing creations such as petits fours with motifs of old tiles and the sweet “Doom crackers” inspired by the role of the god ruling the Qing Shan Temple in Wanhua district.
Click on the photos and have a closer look!
🔖 Read more on this topic
What is the taste of Taiwan? What is the spirit of Taiwan? https://tinyurl.com/y7ewoon4
Asian pastries in Paris part 1: https://tinyurl.com/y36tprn8
Asian pastries in Paris part 2 - Café Lai'Tcha & Fu Castella: https://tinyurl.com/y3pcspn5
👉🏻👉🏻 Don't miss out my "Taipei pastry shops" featured story on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/yb3a783m
#yingspastryguide #yingc #taiwan #tasteoftaiwan #菓實日
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Hak Me,也在其Youtube影片中提到,之前同大家喺Instagram Live傾計,大家都問我自從有玫瑰痤瘡之後,每朝嘅護膚程序。其實我朝早用嘅產品都好簡單,有玫瑰痤瘡之後就更家簡單,既然大家都有興趣知道,咁我就分享一下。另外,大家都好想睇多啲關於黑咪店既化妝品上面效果,趁我都要化妝,就用佢哋上面比大家睇下用法同效果。咁當然唔少得整靚整...
「on top of that用法」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於on top of that用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook
- 關於on top of that用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook
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on top of that用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 八卦
“Cherry 🍒 on top” = 「錦上添花」
“We can’t be too careful” - 點解
明報 | 英文 | 毛孟靜
看過一部荷李活電影,男主角給人喝罵:You killed him! 你殺了他! 他一臉不屑答:Yeah right. 哦,對的。之後控方就真的提出,說證人已認罪。
英文中一些用詞,聽上去好像十分正面,但意思恰恰相反,這就是不折不扣的反話。譬如說,He has a thin chance of winning,他勝出的機會很微。Thin chance 解作機會小,那麼fat chance 就等於機會大了?
不,不管 fat 或 thin,說的都是機會小;fat chance 的語氣更重一些,可以指完全沒有機會,更包含一點嘲諷味道。
• Do you think he's going to win this? 你認為他會贏嗎?Fat chance. 完全不。
一些英文習語,就像我們的成語,本身一般用作表達正面信息,但視乎上文下理,一樣可以用作反話。像要批評政府抗疫措施,中文措詞可用上「雷厲風行」一語,來增添尖酸刻薄之意。英文也一樣。Cherry on top 是指雪糕上的一粒車厘子,跟中文的「錦上添花」有異曲同工之妙,但實際運用起來,意思卻正反皆可。
• He was acquitted of the fraud charge. And for the cherry on top, the company is giving him his old job back. 他脫了欺詐罪。錦上添花的是,公司讓他復職。
· I kept re-running my cringeworthy meeting with him, and thecherry on top was that I was weak and headachy, a little bitqueasy. 我不斷回想跟他那個尷尬突兀的會面,而「錦上添花」的是,事發時我虛弱、頭痛及有一點暈眩。
類似的用法另有 to a fault,通常解作一個人的某些特質過了頭:He is generous to a fault. 他太慷慨了。
但用作反話,可以說 He's zealous to a fault,他熱心得過了頭,亦即等於說這個人 overzealous,瞎熱心。而 overzealous staff 往往是服務行業道歉聲明中的一個常用語:都是我們過分熱心的(因而幫了倒忙)職員不對。
• We can't be too careful. 根據字面,說的彷彿是「我們不可以太小心」?錯了,意思其實是「我們不可能太小心」,也即是說,沒有太小心這回事,我們必須絕對小心就是了。還有以下用語,它們又是不是反話呢?
1. I can't sing to save my life.
2. I can't do small talk to save my life.
這兩句話同樣不正也不反。自稱 can't do something to save one’s own life,是自謙甚至自貶的說法,是說自己完全做不到正在說的事,故答案是:
1. 我(五音不全)唱不了歌。
2. 我完全不擅長寒暄。
on top of that用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
Accept bribes? White gloves?
Article 122
A public official or an arbitrator who demands, agrees to accept, or accepts a bribe or other improper benefits for a breach of his official duties shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than two million yuan may be imposed.
A breach of official duties shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or with imprisonment for not less than five years; in addition thereto, a fine not more than four million yuan may be imposed.
1. public official 公務員
2. arbitrator 仲裁人
3. accept a bribe 收受賄賂*
4. a breach of official duties 違背職務**
5. be sentenced 判處
6. imprisonment 監禁;關押
7. a fine 罰金
8. impose 強制實行
第 122 條
全國法規資料庫: https://bit.ly/2Dk8Ia4
*bribery: https://bit.ly/31bwsFj
**breach: https://bit.ly/3k5qcHJ
White gloves? Not really...
The term "white-glove" is typically used as an adjective. It means providing a very high level of service, or involving a lot of care about small details:
➣The cruise company does not want to risk alienating the other passengers who don't get the white-glove treatment.
➣We know that when extra attention is required, our white-glove delivery service will not disappoint.
—Cambridge Dictionary
Wait…that doesn't fit our context!
According to the South China Morning Post, the expression “white gloves,” when used as a noun, was coined in Taiwan!
“The innocuous-sounding euphemism ‘white gloves’ generally refers to a middleman or outfit that launders dirty or corrupt money under a seemingly legitimate front - dirty hands concealed by a pair of white gloves. The expression, coined by the Taiwanese, is catching up fast on the mainland as rampant corruption is exposed at all levels of the bureaucracy.”
9. coin (v.) 創造(新詞或新的表達方式);首次使用(某一詞語)
10. innocuous-sounding 聽起來無害的
11. launder (v.) 洗(贓款) ; money laundering 洗錢
12. legitimate front 合法的地帶; 僞裝(人或機構的)僞裝;假裝的樣子
13. conceal 隱藏
14. catch up 了解(或討論)最新情況
15. rampant 猖獗的;蔓延的
16. bureaucracy 官僚體制;官僚主義
請注意,「middleman」是指批貨後轉售他人者,或協助他人安排商業交易者。該詞本身並不具有任何犯罪或不法行為等負面意涵(negative connotations),亦須有上下文才足以呈現「白手套」的概念。
另一方面,「go-between」是在雙方無法見面或不想見面時,將消息從一人(或一個團隊)傳給另一人(或另一個團隊)的人。例如,聯合國代表將充當兩國領導人的中間人(或掮客)——「go-between」,而它的搭配你可以用「act/serve as a go-between」。「go-between」 的一個同義詞是「intermediary」。
I. middleman
"Many of these middlemen stay on the right side of the law, offering advice and connections. But others cross the line. They grease the palms of officials and local managers, and they put a buffer between the payoff and the client, offering plausible deniability if the authorities catch on."
17. connections 社會關係;人際關係;可資利用的熟人
18. cross the line(行為)越過界線
19. grease (v.) 用油脂塗;給⋯⋯加潤滑油
20. buffer 緩衝物;起緩衝作用的人
21. payoff 賄款;遮口費
22. plausible deniability 合理推諉
II. intermediary
"For China’s elite, a 'white glove' is an intermediary who launders your money; they handle the dirty deeds, while you keep your hands clean. 'White gloves' are often well-connected Westerners, such as former top politician Bo Xilai’s two European fixers, British businessman Neil Heywood and French architect Patrick Devillers. Using a BVI shell company, the two men helped Bo’s wife Gu Kalai buy a 7 million euro French mansion and rack up rental fees on it."
23. elite(社會)上層集團;掌權人物;出類拔萃的人;精英
24. deed(尤指很壞或很好的)事情;行為
25. well-connected 與顯貴人物有交情的;與有影響人士有來往的;很有背景的
26. fixer 籌謀者;安排者(尤指精於用不正當手段來操辦事情的人)
27. BVI (The British Virgin Islands) 英屬維京群島
28. shell company 空殼公司
29. fixer 安排者(尤指精於用不正當手段來操辦事情的人)
III. go-between
"The offence is similar to bribery with one important difference: trading in influence concerns the 'middleman', or the person that serves as the go-between the decision-maker and the party that seeks an improper advantage."
30. offence (US offense) 犯罪行為;罪行
31. bribery 賄賂
32. trade in influence 斡旋賄賂;影響力交易
33. serve(為⋯⋯)工作;(為⋯⋯)服務;盡職責
34. improper advantage 不當利益
詳見 Anti-Corruption Resource Center:https://www.u4.no/terms
歡迎在底下留言與我們分享更多相關字詞(例如:prosecutor、corruption charges、litigations⋯⋯)。
圖片出處: Google Image
🌎國際新聞英文-六步驟思考術 | 最後優惠倒數 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
on top of that用法 在 Hak Me Youtube 的評價
之前同大家喺Instagram Live傾計,大家都問我自從有玫瑰痤瘡之後,每朝嘅護膚程序。其實我朝早用嘅產品都好簡單,有玫瑰痤瘡之後就更家簡單,既然大家都有興趣知道,咁我就分享一下。另外,大家都好想睇多啲關於黑咪店既化妝品上面效果,趁我都要化妝,就用佢哋上面比大家睇下用法同效果。咁當然唔少得整靚整整齊嗰頭啦,我有示範埋我平日用直髪夾整頭set頭嘅程序,其實真係用好少時間,5至10分鐘就搞掂個頭喇! 希望呢條Morning Routine/ Get Ready With Me影片幫到大家啦,大家又睇得開心吖!
Hope you enjoy this #grwm so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
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What Am I Wearing:-
Top: Top from a Korean store
Accessories: Apple Watch + Dinh Van Bracelet + C+ artier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)
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