#バナナ #チョコレート #ファッジ #レシピ #音フェチ #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying
Though out of season, we made some chocolate fudge. When neither Christmas nor Valentine's day are even close! Why??? It is because we had some left-over condensed milk... Though the title says "banana chocolate fudge," there is actually no banana in the fudge. We just used Meiji "Banana Choco" to decorate it.
*Recipe* (140x110x15mm)
1. Line the mold with parchment paper.
2. In a microwave-safe bowl, place 120g sweetened condensed milk, 25g marshmallows, 170g chocolate; and 15g butter.
3. Heat for 1 minute in a 600-watt microwave.
4. Take the bowl out and stir to mix.
5. Heat again for 30 seconds in a 600-watt microwave.
6. Take the bowl out and stir to mix.
7. (Optional) Add 1 teaspoon of brandy, and mix.
8. Pour the mixture into 1. Drop the mold on the counter a few times to remove air bubbles, and flatten top.
9. Chill in a refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.
10. Cut into pieces. Apply cute decorations, if desired. M&M's also make cute topping.
This was actually the 3rd try. The first time, it came out too gooey. The second time, we cooked it too much in a pot. Unable to give up, we tried for the third time... while our family was wondering why we were making it again. Somehow we will eat all 3 batches of fudge!
季節外れですが、チョコレートファッジ作りました。クリスマスでもバレンタインデーでもないこの季節に!なぜ??? 我が家に練乳が余っていたからです。。。ということで今回は、ファッジ。バナナチョコレートファッジというタイトルですが、デコに明治の『バナナチョコ』を使っているだけで、ファッジにバナナは入っていません。くれぐれも、ご注意ください。
2.耐熱容器に加糖練乳 120g、マシュマロ 25g、チョコレート 170g、有塩バター 15gを入れる。
7.お好みで、ブランデー 小さじ 1を加え、混ぜる。
microwave safe耐熱 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
#TrickRecipes #IceCream #Cupcake #Melting #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって
We made the perfect cupcakes for a hot summer! A sturdy, expanding batter was chosen for the cupcake. It was finished to match the flavor of an ice cream cone. The chocolate coating becomes easy to apply upon addition of something, and gives a nice melted feel of an ice cream. Even if the cupcakes comes out of the oven looking deformed, that could add to the melted feel of the ice cream, so don't worry!
*Recipe* (for 4 ice cream cones and ramekins)
Baking the cupcakes
1. Separate 2 eggs.
2. Place 35g of unsalted butter at room temperature into a bowl and mix.
3. Add 30g of sugar, and mix.
4. Add the separated egg yolk from 1, and mix.
5. Add 20g of room temperature milk, and mix. It may be hard to mix, so be patient.
6. Add the egg white from 1 to a separate bowl, and mix until bubbles form.
7. Add 10g sugar to 6, and form a stiff meringue.
8. Add a spoonful of 7 to 5, and mix well.
9. Add the remaining meringue, and mix without flattening the meringue.
10. Sift 50g of cake flour and 1g of baking powder to 9.
11. Fold to mix.
12. Place 11 into ice cream cones. Spread the batter to the edges of the cone, with slightly raised center.
13. Bake in a pre-heated 170 degree Celsius oven for 20-26 minutes.
14. Insert a toothpick and if it comes out clean, it is done.
Making the chocolate coating
15. Place 60g of white chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.
16. Heat in a 600w microwave for 40 seconds.
17. Mix.
18. Heat for an additional 20 seconds in the microwave.
19. Mix. If still not fully melted, try heating in 10 second intervals.
20. When the chocolate is completely melted, add 1 tsp of vegetable oil, and mix.
21. Transfer 20 to a dish that is about the same diameter as the cupcakes.
22. Dip 14 in 21, and coat thoroughly. If white chocolate is left over, try pouring it over the cupcakes.
23. Decorate the cupcakes with desired dragee. It is best to decorate as though the ice cream is melting!
24. Place it nonchalantly on a dining table. If your family notifies you that the "ice cream is melting!" - SUCCESS!
If you place the cupcake in the refrigerator, it will lose the melted feel of ice cream, and turn into a standard cupcake with chocolate coating. Eat them quickly because the ice cream cone will get soggy and lose the crunchiness.
*レシピ*(ココットカップ型 アイスクリームコーン 4個分)
1.卵 2個を卵黄と卵白と白身に分ける。
2.ボウルに室温に戻した無塩バター 35gを入れ混ぜる。
3.砂糖 30gを入れ、混ぜる。
5.室温にしておいた牛乳 20gを入れ混ぜる。混ざりづらいので根気よく。
7.6に砂糖 10gを加え、かたいメレンゲを作る。
10.9に薄力粉 50gとベーキングパウダー 1gをふるいながら入れる。
15.耐熱ボウルにホワイトチョコレート 60gを入れる。
20.完全に溶けたら、サラダ油 小さじ1を加え混ぜる。
冷蔵庫に入れるとアイスクリームの溶けた感がなくなり、チョコレートコーティングされた、 ただのカップケーキになっちゃうので気をつけて!アイスクリームコーンがカップケーキ生地で湿気るとサックリ感がなくなりますが、それはそれでおいしいかも。
microwave safe耐熱 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
#TrickRecipes # Cereal #Bowl #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying ##Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって
Using the colorful "Fruit Loops" cereal, which is hard to find in Japan, we made a faux cereal bowl that you can eat whole. The gelatin bowl was filled with no-bake cheesecake, which was made to look like milk. Be careful, you can't eat this with a spoon!
Making a gelatin bowl.
1. Get 2 bowls. Here, we used 18 cm and 15 cm bowls. Coat the inside of the 18 cm bowl and the outside of the 15 cm bowl with vegetable oil.
2. Place 35g gelatin in a microwave-safe container, and bloom it with 80ml of water.
3. Have 120ml of Mizore-flavored shaved ice syrup at room temperature.
4. Heat 2 in a microwave to dissolve. Be careful not to let the mixture come to boil (about 1 - 1.5 minutes in 600w microwave).
5. Gradually add 3 to 4 while mixing.
6. Gradually add 5 to a container with 200ml of room temperature water, mix.
7. Pour 6 into the 18 cm bowl prepared in step 1.
8. Submerge 15 cm bowl in 7, and secure it with a tape.
9. Chill in a refrigerator to solidify for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
10. Dip 9 in warm water for a short period of time, and carefully remove solidified gelatin from the 18 cm bowl.
11. Place a strip of parchment paper in the 18 cm bowl to make it easier to take it out later.
12. Gently replace the gelatin bowl from 10 back into 11, and remove the 15 cm bowl. Keep it in a refrigerator.
Making a no-bake cheesecake.
13. Add 8 g of gelatin in 45 g of water to bloom.
14. Beat the cream cheese, either at room temperature or softened by microwaving for 30 seconds, until smooth.
15. Add 70g sugar, mix.
16. Add 200ml whipping cream, mix.
17. Add 30g lemon juice, mix.
18. Heat 13 in a microwave for 30 seconds, and lightly mix to dissolve completely.
19. Add 18 to 17, and mix.
20. Pour 19 to 12 at once.
21. Insert a spoon, and top with your favorite cereal.
22. Chill in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
23. Finished! When you cut into the cake, the bowl will disintegrate in all directions. Be careful!
日本では手に入れにくいカラフルな“FROOT LOOPS” を使って、ボウルごと食べられる、なんちゃってシリアルボウル作りました。ゼリーで作ったボウルの中には牛乳に見立てたレアチーズケーキを入れてみました。スプーンは食べられないのでご注意ください。
2.耐熱容器にゼラチン 35gを入れ、80mlの水でしとらせておく。
3.常温のみぞれ味のかき氷シロップ 120mlを準備する。
6.常温の水 200mlに5を少しずつ入れ、混ぜる。
13.水 45gに粉ゼラチン 8gをふり入れて、ふやかしておく。
15.砂糖 70gを入れ、混ぜる。
16.生クリーム 200mlを加え、混ぜる。
17.レモン汁 30gを加え混ぜる。
microwave safe耐熱 在 實測!中強火微波5分鐘PP餐盒僅一款膨脹 - YouTube 的八卦
被民眾微波變形的超商餐盒,是PP5號的塑膠材質,這是 耐熱 度最高、毒性最低的餐具 ... VERIFY: Is it safe to microwave food in plastic containers? ... <看更多>