身 在 日 本 膽 粗 粗 錄 左 條 英 文 片 , 沒 咩 準 備 、 背 稿 , 抱 歉 。 我 只 係 覺 得 今 次 , 國 際 關 注 係 好 重 要 。
"Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore, it is NAMED as Hong Kong only."
An Urgent Cry from Hong Kong
I am Agnes Chow, a member of Scholarism, a student activists organization from Hong Kong. I have an important message that I hope to spread to the world which is related to a bookseller who suddenly disappeared and had been abducted to Mainland.
A Hong Kong bookseller named Lee Bo who sold books criticizing the Communist Party of China and banned political books suddenly went missing weeks after four of his associates disappeared strangely. The Causeway Bay Bookstore, the bookstore established by Lee in 1994, is popular among mainland tourists as they can buy political books which are banned in their hometown.
On 30th December 2015, Lee was supposed to collect books from a warehouse at around 5:30pm. However, he was out of contact and could not be found even his wife arrived the warehouse, looking for him at 8:00pm. About 10:00, his wife received a call from her husband from Shenzhen. Lee used Mandarin unusually rather than Cantonese, and told his wife that he had temporarily gone back to cooperate with the investigation, ‘They want me to assist the investigation, if I cooperate, it may be alright." Lee called his wife again soon to notice her that "you may already know what's going on" and "don't make the news public”.
With the protection of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hongkongers are able to obtain personal safety and basic human rights under rule of law. Even some of the Hongkongers acted as dissidents to voice out their disagreement towards the Communist Party of China, they would not face penalties. Unlike the mainland China, Hong Kong did not adopt authoritarian governance. Citizens who sell politically sensitive books were not supposed to be suppressed by any threats of ‘disappearance’ and imprisonment with the existence of freedom of press and speech.
In the past, we were safe because we lived in Hong Kong instead of the mainland China. However, the circumstances have changed with the abduction which was suspected to be done by the police in China towards this bookseller who kept being low profile before. Lee’s wife has reported her husband’s missing to the Hong Kong Police Force but still no one could contact Lee since 4 days before. With no departure record of Lee, and his Home Return Permit Card is left at his home in Hong Kong, it can be speculated that the police from the mainland organized cross-border arrest to threaten people in Hong Kong. If the above speculation is true, it indicates the erosion of "one country, two system" in the Basic Law of Hong Kong.
The reason for me to film this video is to raise the global awareness of this serious issue happened in Hong Kong, and I hope that more and more foreign medias can keep their attention and coverage on this white terror incident. We feel that Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore, it is NAMED as Hong Kong only. The most worrying thing finally happened. This incident evoke me the famous statement written by Pastor Martin in the 1950s.
“First they came for the activists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not an activist. Then they came for the journalists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a journalist. Then they came for the bookseller, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a bookseller. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”
I hope everyone in the world who believes in universal values of freedom and human rights could stand up and speak for this incident to stop the political suppression.
Even I am also afraid of my personal safety after this incident happened, I still believe we should continuously fight for freedom from fear because it is an important core value that we should uphold . Let us stand up to show our discontent on this abduction and stop the further suppression to political dissidents in Hong Kong.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅7Car小七車觀點,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新在哪裡: ●Kamiq 為 Škoda 第三款採用 K 開頭 q 結尾名稱的新世代休旅車款,亦為該廠目前尺碼最小的 SUV。 ●外觀採用包括分離式頭燈組、水晶切割線條、高腰線造型,以及尾門英文字母取代廠徽的品牌新世代的造型設計 ●內裝方面採用彷若 Scala 的新世代設計語彙,中控台上方提供懸浮式...
assist英文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 八卦
【 黑鷹悲劇後的美方外交訊息 】
「美國在台協會已準備好,隨時就此一事件為台灣提供協助。」(AIT stands ready to assist our Taiwan counterparts in the aftermath of this tragedy.)
台灣參謀總長因公殉職,作為沒有正式邦交但實質上最重要的盟邦( ally),AIT這句話意思是,「台灣的敵國( aka 中共人民解放軍)在此時莫輕舉妄動」。
第二,美國參謀長聯席會議主席馬克·麥利(Mark A. Milley)發表聲明悼念。
可能要先解釋一下,「美國參謀長聯席會議主席」是怎樣的位置。英文全名是Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(CJCS),也就是美國陸海空各軍種指揮官的主席,也是美國法定最高階的軍職。
Milley這份官方聲明,是放在聯席會議The Joint Staff的官方臉書,第一句就是「謹代表美國軍方同袍對此悲劇表示哀悼」。
不只這樣,這則短短貼文的最後面,tag了美國國防部U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 。
補充說明:朋友剛傳來一個新聞,AIT對此事件降半旗表示哀悼。這也是實質(de facto)的盟邦行為。
護台胖犬 劉仕傑
Instagram: old_dog_chasing_ball
assist英文 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
台灣盡棉薄之力 持續創造善的循環
如同日本首相菅義偉所言,每次面對自然災害和疫情的威脅,#台灣 與 #日本 本著人道主義精神同心協力,培養出堅定的友情。蔡總統也說,#台灣與日本的羈絆是超越政治與經濟戰略的存在。
就如同漫畫鬼滅之刃中提到的:「 因為我們是夥伴,是情同手足的關係。」,台日關係將會因為互助更加堅定,不管遇到任何的困難,都能一起攜手面對。
As Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide said, in the face of the pandemic and natural disasters, #Japan and #Taiwan are ready to assist each other in a humanitarian spirit, building on the friendship between the two countries. This sentiment was echoed by President Tsai Ing-wen who said that the ties between Taiwan and Japan extend far beyond politics and economy.
When Taiwan was in need, Japan donated five batches of vaccines, now we're donating ten thousand oximeters and one thousand and eight oxygen concentrators to our friends in return. As Taiwan-Japan Relations Association Chairman Chiou I-jen said, "Every little helps." Digital Minister Audrey Tang also called for the virtuous cycle to continue.
The Taiwan-Japan relationship will only be firmer by helping one another through thick and thin.
assist英文 在 7Car小七車觀點 Youtube 的評價
●Kamiq 為 Škoda 第三款採用 K 開頭 q 結尾名稱的新世代休旅車款,亦為該廠目前尺碼最小的 SUV。
●內裝方面採用彷若 Scala 的新世代設計語彙,中控台上方提供懸浮式觸控螢幕,車門開關把手採取水晶切割線條概念
●Škoda Taiwan 導入 1.0 TSI 及 1.5 TSI 兩款動力,本次試駕車型為 1.0 TSI 豪華動能版
記得訂閱追蹤YouTube唷 》》》
7Car →https://reurl.cc/pdQL7d
7Car新聞頻道 →https://reurl.cc/MvnRrm
台灣車文庫 →https://reurl.cc/ar61QQ

assist英文 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的評價
字母Z幾時都讀Z音(例如 zebra,zoo),一看就知怎樣讀。但字母S有時讀S(assign),有時讀Z(design)。有規則可循嗎?
看到 assign 和 resign 兩字,串法相近,讀音也不會差得遠吧? 錯了,原來前者讀 S,後者讀 Z。Assist 和 resist 呢? Assist 讀 S,resist 讀 Z。Insist 又怎樣? 讀 S。可說是全無規則可言。要知道字母S的正確讀音,唯有逐隻字查字典。
1. Easy
2. Busy
3. Music
4. Husband
5. Visit
6. Design
7. Reason
8. Season
9. Result
10. Desire
11. Resist
12. Business
13. President
14. Position
15. Reserve
16. Preserve
17. Presume
18. Resolve
19. Resent
20. Cuisine
21. 所有 ~ise 或 ~ize 字尾的動詞:realise,utilise,critcize,etc
22. 所有 ~ism 字尾的字:realism,utilitarianism,criticism,etc
23. 還有部份 ~se 字尾的動詞:abuse,accuse,amuse,please,arise,refuse 等等。
24. 一系列文法字:is,was,does,those,these,whose,his,has

assist英文 在 Ricky英語小蛋糕 Youtube 的評價
👉「 多益教材」
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(點進去後輸入教材密碼 r138)
📕課前測驗 (影片有解答哦!)
1. President White promised to increase the export of machines ______ domestically.
(A) manufacturing(B) manufacture(C) manufactures(D) manufactured
2. Candidates in this interview______ professional skills useful for the position will have a greater chance of being hired.
(A) displayed(B) have displayed(C) displaying (D) display
3. Even though she has little experience working with computers, Ms. Celine is often able to assist customers ______ technical support.
(A) require (B) requiring (C) required (D) requires
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