【M&M’s 特約:俄仔 Ansheles 笑談廣東話】
反而外國人喺香港,好努力學廣東話。好似俄羅斯仔 Ansheles 咁,因為佢好鍾意香港文化,所以嚟呢度發展事業。你睇佢幾好學,咁多俚語佢都識講,不過有啲意思錯咗!召喚正字特警!
「甩底」係指有人約咗人但又 no show,唔係話隻鞋甩咗個鞋底呀!「請食檸檬」都唔係分手咁解,意思同「派好人卡」差唔多喇(佢知唔知派好人卡點解?)
十個趣唔夠,比埋 M&M’s 新出嘅爆脆米朱古力。俄仔,我阿爸教落咬住酒塞可以練發音,睇黎你都要咬住粒 M&M’s 練下!
M&M's Hong Kong
#mmsFacebook有遊戲玩 #唔玩都睇下 #玩埋就仲好 #不如一齊脆下 #全新爆脆米 #fans新趣味
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,俄國靚仔Artem Ansheles在香港住了四年,操得一口流利廣東話,在Viu TV任主持外,上月和媽媽試涼茶的短片進一步爆紅。最近,15歲的妹妹Ayla來港探望哥哥,Ansheles帶妹妹體驗香港兩大奇景——光速餐和逼地鐵。 ========= 全新副刊,推動知識文化多元。培養品味,立足香港...
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 King Jer 娛樂台 Facebook
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 Ansheles Facebook
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 King Jer 娛樂台 Facebook
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 果籽 Youtube
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 Artem Ansheles Youtube
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 Shangrila香格拉 Youtube
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 廣東話真係一個好優美嘅語言,不過有時啲解釋真係令我諗爆頭… 的評價
- 關於ansheles廣東話 在 【果籽|專題】俄仔Ansheles最愛香港流利廣東話但講唔正 ... 的評價
ansheles廣東話 在 Ansheles Facebook 八卦
----想知點解我婆婆唔鍾意我叫佢加油(01:45) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAlChXbLlls
🇬🇧[Eng]Cantonese is such a melodic and beautiful language , but damn why is it so confusing sometimes! Add oil? My grandma says it contains too much cholesterol. 3 mouths 6 faces? Is it me or the calculation has a problem? Wanna know what other phrases don't make sense to me, then watch this video!
ansheles廣東話 在 King Jer 娛樂台 Facebook 八卦
【 M&M's Hong Kong 特約:俄仔 Ansheles 笑談廣東話 Part 2 !!!】
呢幾個月喺俄仔練習廣東話期間,原來仲有人教佢講粗口,例如「戇 __」!搞到清純無雜質又pure又true嘅俄仔講完之後,好似番咗俄羅斯雪山區咁,係度打冷震。佢仲話,如果文雅啲,可以用「戇框框」嚟代替。俄仔呀,我聽完真係走咗入廁格打冷震,好 old school 呀!呢個年代好少人用「戇框框」㗎喇!
所以今次又燃起我嘅母愛同埋對廣東地道用語嘅熱誠,教粗口呢啲粗重嘢,讓我來!不過教之前,好想問吓俄仔,點解佢會知馬騮個 pat pat 好熱?係咪摸過?俄羅斯人果然心口有個勇字,乜都唔驚!
#不如一齊脆下 #全新爆脆米 #仲有香滑花生醬 #fans新趣味
ansheles廣東話 在 果籽 Youtube 的評價
俄國靚仔Artem Ansheles在香港住了四年,操得一口流利廣東話,在Viu TV任主持外,上月和媽媽試涼茶的短片進一步爆紅。最近,15歲的妹妹Ayla來港探望哥哥,Ansheles帶妹妹體驗香港兩大奇景——光速餐和逼地鐵。
《果籽》 栽種品味,一籽了然。

ansheles廣東話 在 Artem Ansheles Youtube 的評價
好高興有機會參加YouTube的CreatorSpotlight 2020!
這首歌只用了一些日常用品來製作,例如一隻公雞碗,筷子,茶餐廳膠杯,微型玩具的士,一些玻璃珠和最常見的廣東話單詞 -「喂」(由我的朋友@麗英LaiYing親自演繹),再加啲充滿了香港霓虹燈的視覺效果。呢啲都係我無覺好訓的原因。
最後希望與你分享並希望你哋都鍾意睇。如果你哋都覺得正嘅,記住俾個like或者share :)
This year I was selected to be one of the Creators in CreatorSpotlightHK 2020 for YouTube!
Having done YouTube for many years now , I was excited to accept this invitation and dive into a sleepless week of development and creation . I mean nobody every said it has to be rocket science , but you guys know me so well by now and I don’t do well with SIMPLE or BASIC. I also wanted to give this project my best since I was so excited to be invited by YouTube, so I came up with this idea of a DIY home made music video!
The concept of this video was to use daily Hong Kong objects to re-create a Russian Tetris song that many of you know and love.
The song was made using only a few objects such as a rooster decorated bowl of rice, chopsticks , iconic local restaurant plastic cup , miniature toy version of a Hong Kong / Kowloon side red taxi, some marbles and one of the most common words “wei” performed by my friend and colleague @麗英 LaiYing and it was all seasoned with Hong Kong's neon lights visual effects. All of that was a recipe for my sleepless nights...
Half way through of making the video I hated myself for ever deciding to do this , but now having the final product , I absolutely LOVE IT! It couldn’t possibly turn out better and I did my absolute best .
Im ecstatic to finally share this with you and hope you enjoy it , if you do, make sure to support it with a like and share as this would really help me out :)
#CreatorSpotlightHK #俄仔 #Ansheles

ansheles廣東話 在 Shangrila香格拉 Youtube 的評價
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kalendorable
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ansheles_artem/?hl=zh-hk
我的FB專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/ShangrilaYT
我的IG :https://instagram.com/shangrilayt/

ansheles廣東話 在 【果籽|專題】俄仔Ansheles最愛香港流利廣東話但講唔正 ... 的八卦

【果籽|專題】俄仔 Ansheles 最愛香港流利 廣東話 但講唔正最愛講「垃圾」 最怕六點半的金鐘站街坊教俄仔食鹵味豬心豬耳生腸邊樣最難頂?#專題—果籽—原刊 ... ... <看更多>
ansheles廣東話 在 廣東話真係一個好優美嘅語言,不過有時啲解釋真係令我諗爆頭… 的八卦
香港生活知識小考驗 Hong Kong Daily Life Quiz ft. Ansheles 俄仔| ASHA ETC. ... <看更多>