[甜點新聞 / News] Quelques Pâtisseries 某某。甜點 主廚 Lai 獲選為 Elle & Vire TW_ 愛樂薇台灣 品牌大使 / Chef Lai selected as ambassador of Elle & Vire Taiwan (English below)
法國最大鮮奶油品牌愛樂薇 Elle & Vire 週二於台北正式宣佈台灣區品牌大使,由台北知名法式甜點店 Quelques Pâtisseries 某某。甜點 主廚 Lai 擔任。 Elle & Vire - produits laitiers 是全法最大鮮奶油品牌、也是奶油類產品的領導品牌,致力生產高品質乳製品,也是許多法國甜點主廚們的愛用品牌。自去年 11 月由台灣最大烘焙原料進口商 德麥食品 獨家代理後,Elle & Vire 目前也在台灣搶下市佔率第一的寶座。
某某的主廚 Lai 與品牌主理人 Lynn 為了這次的品牌大使活動,從準備履歷、作品集,一直到在工作之餘製作活動中需要的作品,其實已經默默辛苦了幾個月。活動中端出的五樣甜點都是某某的明星商品,包括:花柚開好了、黑醋栗蒙布朗、蜂蜜威士忌起司蛋糕、綠丘、黑森林,更特別設計了一個巴黎鐵塔造型的聖多諾黑(Saint-Honoré)。這些作品除了使用 Elle & Vire 的動物性鮮奶油、發酵無鹽奶油外,也與 Mamasang Taipei 合作,由後者的法籍 bartender Bastien 設計五樣特製雞尾酒搭配。
昨日的活動不僅是台灣本土品牌德麥宣告國際化、現代化、年輕化的重要開端,同時也是法國品牌逐漸走向在地的象徵。過去法國品牌一向採用法國主廚擔任品牌大使,如果不是由法國特地飛來台灣做行銷宣傳活動、就是在台灣選出法國主廚來推廣,近兩年逐漸調整品牌策略,將目光轉向本地優秀的職人。看到像 Lai 這樣優秀的台灣主廚獲得肯定,真的令人倍感欣慰,期待將來會有更多這樣的案例,畢竟,台灣頂尖的優秀人才一樣也是世界級的。
再次恭喜 Chef Lai,衷心期待看到更多美好的創作 ❤️
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Yann Couvreur 主廚都追蹤了 Chef Lai 的 Instagram 帳戶,你怎麼能落後?https://tinyurl.com/yxrqhwlt
更多活動當天影音,來 Instagram 找我玩!https://tinyurl.com/yx9opf3c
你的法式可能不是我的法式,專訪Ying、某某甜點(BIOS monthly):https://tinyurl.com/y5bfou6l
Together with Tehmag Foods, Elle & Vire, the leading brand of French dairy products has announced its brand ambassador for Taiwan market this Tuesday. Chef Lai of Quelques Pâtisseries, the renowned French pastry shop in Taipei, is selected and will be presenting the brand and endorsing its high quality products in demonstrations and related marketing events from now on.
In this event, Chef Lai presented 5 of her signature creations along with an Eiffel-Tower-shaped Saint-Honoré, using Elle & Vire's creams and unsalted gourmet butter. Yuzu-Osmanthus, Mont-Blanc Marron-Cassis, Honey Whisky Cheesecake, Green Hill and Forêt-Noire, all of the beautiful and tasty pastries embody professional skills, creativity, delicacy, as well as endless endeavours in search of perfection. These 5 pastries are paired with 5 cocktails prepared by the talented bartender Bastien at Mamasang Taipei.
The event marks the ambition of Tehmag Foods for renewing and revitalising its brand image as a local food ingredient distributor. It also shows the attempt of a French company to get more integrated in the local market while expanding its global territory. Similar ideas are also observed in recent moves made by other French brands such as Isigny Saint-Mère and Président.
A Ferrandi graduate with experiences in Ledoyen (3 Michelin stars) as well as other restaurants and pastry shops, Chef Lai has a solid background in French pastries and is regarded as one of the best pastry chefs in Taipei. Her shop "Quelques Pâtisseries" has already allured some of the world's most influential pastry chefs, such as Cédric Grolet, Yann Couvreur, Amaury Guichon, Johan Martin, Fabrizio Fiorani, to name a few.
🔖 Related posts and links
Follow Chef Lai on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/yxrqhwlt
More on the event: https://tinyurl.com/yx9opf3c
Interview with Lai and Lynn: https://tinyurl.com/y58zs6bc
Interview with Ying, Lai and Lynn (BIOS monthly): https://tinyurl.com/y5bfou6l
cc. Elle & Vire Professionnel Elle & Vire Professionnel - International
#yingspastryguide #yingc #elleetvire #愛樂薇 #德麥食品 #某某甜點
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅黑仔熊,也在其Youtube影片中提到,現在開始訂閱黑仔熊的頻道吧!! https://goo.gl/nXpYUS 2018的VLOG:https://goo.gl/8U7FRJ 2017以前的VLOG:https://goo.gl/ldgZAq 音樂來源:https://player.epidemicsound.com/ 搜尋歌曲:Wh...
「the whisky company」的推薦目錄:
the whisky company 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 八卦
多謝大家支持第31集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!有藝人 #張文傑 + #胡子彤做嘉賓!🍸🥳多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟娟。今集介紹 #日本Gin,包括有Nikka Coffey Gin、Tokyo Nights Artisanal Japanese Gin 及Ki No Tea Gin !🍸🥳多謝支持!分享咗以不同嘅Tonic Water (柚子及青瓜)去配不同風格嘅日本Gin! #Cheers! 🥳下星期一23:30 ViuTV 見!
Thanks all for your support on my 31st TV episode in “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink”! Cheers! Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have artist German Cheung (張文傑) & @TonyWuZhiTung as the guests. #JapaneseGin is being featured in this episode including Nikka Coffey Gin, Tokyo Nights Artisanal Japanese Gin & Ki No Tea Gin ! I also pair various #TonicWater (yuzu & cucumber tonic water) with Japanese Gin! #cheers! 🥰🍸See u all on next Monday 23:30 at #ViuTV!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 娟姐 Florica Lin 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong & Co.#foodandwine @強尼 Nikka's Distillery, Yoichi-Gun, Hokkaido, Japan #NikkaCoffeeGin #kinotea #tokyonightsartisanalgin 京都蒸溜所 The Kyoto Distillery Nikka Whisky Distilling Co. Ltd. @tokyonightsartisanalgins Leung Yick Company Limited #leungyickhk ViuTV
the whisky company 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 八卦
恭喜@that boutique-y whisky company 正式登陸香港!試咗一系列Gin酒及獨立酒瓶威士忌,d酒標好有趣,好易認!😆😆🥃🍸
Congrats That Boutique-y Whisky Company launch in HK! Tried a series of Gin & IB whiskies! The label is very interesting & easy to remember!😆😆🥃🍸
#whisky #gin #ThatBoutiqueyHK #launch
#AbleforthsHK #IB
the whisky company 在 黑仔熊 Youtube 的評價
現在開始訂閱黑仔熊的頻道吧!! https://goo.gl/nXpYUS
搜尋歌曲:Whisky On The Rocks 1
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相機 CAMERA : Canon 77D
鏡頭 LENS : Canon EF-S 10-22 / f3.5-4.5 USM
腳架 Tripod : SIRUI 3T-35K + JOBY gorillapod slr zoom
運動攝影機 Action camera : Garmin virb ultra 30
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Important Notice: used to living picture, video, sound, music are copyright to the original company has.
the whisky company 在 果籽 Youtube 的評價
威士忌近年越來越流行,身價屢創新高,令到熱潮火上加油,在拍賣會更超越葡萄酒,成為了收藏家寵兒。人總是現實的,人龍越長越多人排隊。威士忌身價三級跳,想了解的人也越來越多,出現了各式各樣的威士忌課程,Carmen Tam便在香港成立了WhiskyU,與蘇格蘭Moray College University合辦亞洲首個由蘇格蘭大學認證的威士忌課程。
升值最勁的威士忌,主要是老酒,尤其是已經關門的蒸餾廠的老酒。近來日本威士忌停售新聞不絕,但停售不是停產,只是有蒸餾廠存酒不足,停售部份酒款,已經關門的蒸餾廠,才是真正消失的威士忌。Carmen也有從蘇格蘭引入威士忌,其中的The Lost Distillery Company便大玩「消失了的威士忌」概念,根據古籍記載,把一些早已關門蒸餾廠的產品,透過現有的威士忌調配還原。例如Archivist系列的Towiemore,是模仿這家在1893年興建、1931年結業的蒸餾廠風格調配,而市面上已再找不到Towiemore原酒了。
果籽 :https://hk.adai.ly/appleseed
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Whisky, whiskey, and all things whisky. Oh, and did we mention whisky?We are a UK based, online whisky retailer selling a wide range of rare and unusual ... ... <看更多>