#Raclette is a semi-hard cheese made on both sides of the French and Swiss Alps.
Valais Raclette or Fromage a Raclette, as they are traditionally called, are made using ancestral methods with unpasteurised milk of cows grazing on the alpine meadows. The name Raclette comes from the French word ‘racler’, which means ‘to scrape’. The cheese has got a thin, brownish-orange coloured rind and a pale yellow pate with a few and scattered open holes. It is has a very distinctive pleasant, aromatic smell with a creamy texture, similar to Gruyere cheeses, which does not separate even when melted. The flavour can vary from nutty, slightly acidic to milky.
While Switzerland supplies 80% of Raclettes, French Raclettes are slightly softer with a smooth and creamy flavour. Raclette is also the name of a Swiss dish where the cheese is melted in front of a fire or a special machine and the melted parts are scraped onto diner’s plates. It is then served with small potatoes, gherkins, pickled onions and air dried meat called Viande des Grisons. Raclette comes in round and square shapes and can be served with Vin de Savoie.
semi hard cheese 在 食。習。義大利 Facebook 八卦
上個禮拜在FORMOZZA舉辦小型的Cheese Tasting,才驚覺Dida乳酪 Dida Creamery現在功力大增,除了新鮮的乳酪外,熟成室內多了不少wash rind, semi soft and semi hard cheeses!! 令人眼睛為之一亮!而且未來也會販售精選的進口硬質乾酪唷!
semi hard cheese 在 BennyLeung.com Facebook 八卦
【Harper’s Bazzar】芝士的個性 教你按種類做 Cheese Pairing
很多朋友都喜歡吃芝士,但一提芝士,只懂想起吃 pizza 時的 Mozzarella 芝士,又或者只能說出車打芝士(Cheddar)﹑巴馬臣芝士(Parmesan),實質大家吃過的芝士種類又豈止這麼少?既然喜歡芝士,那麼就教大家多些小知識,讓你快速成為專家,知識不再留於流心芝士撻之上!
芝士的品種愈出愈多,至今已經超過 500 多種,其實要認識所有的芝士是沒可能的。但其實也有方法芝士分類,只能記上以下幾類,再在類別中找出自己喜歡的口味,那麼你也可以成為芝士達人!卡路里及營養價值,先放在一旁吧!
芝士按照含水量分可為軟﹑中軟﹑中硬﹑或硬(即soft, semi-soft, semi-hard, hard),另外再根據其做法或外形再分,包括以下幾類:
鮮芝士(Fresh cheese)
代表芝士:通常有大家熟悉的 cottage cheese, cream cheese, 希臘的菲達芝士(Feta)為山羊芝士,法國的 fromage frais, petite suisse, Sainte-Marie, 意大利的莫薩里拉芝士(Mozzarella),做 Tiramisu 用的 Mascarpone, Ricotta 和印度的 paneer。
Perfect Match:由於芝士的「個性」不太重及微酸,所以跟帶有果味的白酒如 Montlouis 或 Cotes-de-Bergerac 都非常匹配。
硬質芝士(Hard cheese)
Perfect Match:這類芝士口感實淨,最理想配上一些帶有牛油、木香和果味餘韻的白酒,如自 Burgundy 產區的白酒 Meursault 或 Corton-Charlemagne 便最適合不過。
半硬質芝士(Semi-hard cheese)
代表芝士:康度(Cantal)、美莫勒(Mimolette)、Saint-Nectaire 及 Tome de Savoie
Perfect Match:這類半硬又帶柔韌質地的芝士最能配搭同樣強勢的紅酒如 Gaillac 或 Cotes-du-Rhone 等等。
軟芝士(Soft cheese)
Perfect Match:由於Chaource、Brie 及 Camembert 等芝士帶有乳狀堅果、牛油及菌類風味,所以要配上一些輕身、果味及微帶單寧的酒如 Beaujolais 或 Loire Valley 的 Gamay 紅酒,當然配搭不甜的 Brut Champagne 亦不錯。
半軟芝士(Semi-soft cheese)
代表芝士:繆斯達(Munster)、Havarti 及 Port Salut。
Perfect Match:由於這些芝士的味道較強烈,故建議選配芳香的白酒,如 Marc de Bourgogne﹑Gewurztraminer 等等,即可以這類芝士取得平衡的口感。
藍芝士(Blue cheese)
代表芝士:洛克福(Roquefort)、藍芝士(Blue de Bresse)
Perfect Match:懂配搭的人一定認識 Sauternes 甜白酒,這款酒與藍芝士就最 perfect match。另外,Montbazillac、Sainte Croix-du-Mont、Quart de Chaume、Jurancon、Bonnezeaux 與 Loupiac 都是不錯的選擇。
山羊芝士(Goat cheese)
代表芝士:山羊芝士(Chevre)、聖摩(Saint mature)、Valencay
Perfect Match:如是新鮮山羊芝士可配鮮明而果味較重的白酒如 Coteau-du-Giennois 或 Sauvigon blanc。如較成熟的山羊芝士則最適宜配甜白酒,如 Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minervois,另外亦可配上一些超過 10 年的 Burgundy白酒。
semi hard cheese 在 Types of cheese - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Cheeses that are classified as semi-hard to hard include the familiar Cheddar, originating in the village of Cheddar in ... ... <看更多>
semi hard cheese 在 Semi Hard Cheese - Gourmet Food Store 的相關結果
The process of making semi hard cheeses is by pressing the curds to remove most of the moisture from the whey, rendering them solid. A lot of the cheeses in ... ... <看更多>
semi hard cheese 在 10 Most Popular Semi-hard Cheeses in the World ... 的相關結果
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