關於calm的評價, Robert Downey Jr
The calm before the war... ...
🌾🌾🍂🍂 #ตอนเย็น#ลมเย็น#ใจเย็น#และที่สำคัญ#ข้าวเย็น 😊 🌾🌾🍂🍂 #evening #cold breeze #calm down #and most ...
We have faced the novel coronavirus situation for about two weeks now. People are understandably a...
【這是一場達爾文物競天擇的防疫】 昨天歐洲多個國家包括愛爾蘭、法國等紛紛宣佈關閉學校的消息,這也讓英國父母們做好了下午首相Boris應該就會宣布停課的心理準備。 等啊等,Boris 終於在下午三點多...
We have faced the novel coronavirus situation for about two weeks now. People are understandably a...
Not usually a fan of the "keep calm" slogans, but this one I could get behind… ...
"ไข่ม้วนข้าวผัดกุ้ง" เมนูเก๋ๆ คลีนๆ ปรุงรสน้อย แต่อร่อยเฟ่อร์... ทำเป็นข้าวกล่องไว้กินช่วงกลางวัน...
Day 19 🔥🔥🔥 2 days left! One last calm before the storms! #JY21DayFitnessChallenge ...
We have faced the novel coronavirus situation for about two weeks now. People are understandably a...
Since COVID-19, we have responded to the crisis calmly and systematically, planning ahead and adjust...