#WHACountdown 世界衛生大會倒數 11天!即日起至 #WHA 召開,我們每天都會分享貼文聲援台灣參加世界衛生大會,並支持台灣擴大公衛領域等國際參與。
在今天的#WHA倒數和 #懷舊星期四 系列貼文中,讓我們一起回顧2018年美台共度的歲月。2018年,AIT邀集台灣衛福部陳時中部長和疾管署周志浩署長等專家共同舉辦了一場「全球合作暨訓練架構」(GCTF) 研習營。(💡找找相片阿中部長與浩浩署長在哪裡🧐!)
台灣在各項領域都有世界一流的專家,但因為許多國際組織將台灣排除在外,導致台灣專家無法與全世界分享專業知識。因此,美國與台灣自2015年以來便攜手舉辦GCTF研習營,讓台灣能藉著GCTF平台向世界各國的夥伴分享其專長。在20多場GCTF研習營中,有許多跟公衛相關的主題,匯聚了世界各地的公衛官員來台互相交流。「美國持續支持台灣對國際社會做出有意義的實質貢獻,其中包括持續支持台灣以觀察員身分參加世界衛生大會及其相關技術性的會議。」- AIT前處長梅健華於2018年GCTF研習營的致詞。致詞稿全文請見:https://bit.ly/3dnDuLx
It’s Day 11 of our #WHACountdown! Each day we will share posts to support Taiwan’s participation in the upcoming #WHA and broader role in global health.
Today’s #WHACountdown and #TBT we revisit 2018. Back to 2018, AIT has worked with Taiwan Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung and Centers for Disease Control Director General Chou Jih-haw on a GCTF workshop. (💡Can you find them in the photo?🧐)
Taiwan has world-class experts in a wide variety of fields, however, because many international institutions do not allow Taiwan to participate, Taiwan’s experts are not able to share their knowledge. The United States and Taiwan have thus jointly administered the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), which serves as a platform for Taiwan to share its expertise with partners around the world since 2015. Amid the over 20 GCTFs, many are health-related workshops, gathering health officials from around the world to Taiwan. “The United States continues to support Taiwan’s meaningful and substantive contributions to the international community. In particular, we have consistently supported Taiwan’s participation as an observer at the annual World Health Assembly and in technical meetings.” Former AIT Director Moy at the 2018 GCTF. Read here: https://bit.ly/3b9fv11
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Grand Beauty 大醫美,也在其Youtube影片中提到,自體脂肪隆乳workshop,邱正宏醫師應邀演講並擔任座長 台灣知名的「形體美容整合醫學會」於昨日(2018年5月6日)在新北市舉行「醫美大師的淬鍊者」會議,會議中邀請國內外知名的自體脂肪隆乳醫師例會演講。並進行自體脂肪隆乳手術示範。 邱醫師應邀擔任演講者,並擔任座長,與國外自體脂肪隆乳大師「華...
workshop會議 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
美國在台協會經濟組副組長邵靄帝女士於7月8日出席由美國在台協會與台灣外貿協會、經濟部國貿局共同合辦的第一場供應鏈重組會議中指出,台灣對於印太地區與美國建立安全可信賴的供應鏈,扮演十分重要的角色。 邵副組長在會中和與會者分享了美國針對不同產業,像是半導體,資訊與通信科技與醫療器材業,所推動的多元化與重組供應鏈作法。邵副組長指出,新冠肺炎COVID-19為我們理念相同的夥伴, 包括台灣, 帶來新的挑戰與機會。美國和台灣可以一起合作, 帶領重塑全球供應鏈,以達成我們共享的經濟利益,美國與台灣企業也能持續地發光發熱!
Taiwan plays a key role in building secure, trusted supply chains throughout the Indo-Pacific and the United States, AIT’s Deputy Economic Chief Arati Shroff discussed during a July 8 workshop on “Supply Chain Restructuring.” This first of its kind workshop was co-hosted by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA,) Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and AIT. Ms. Shroff shared the U.S. approach to diversifying and restructuring supply chains across sectors, including semiconductors, ICT, and medical equipment. Ms. Shroff pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic poses new challenges and opportunities for our like-minded partners, including Taiwan. Together the United States and Taiwan can lead joint efforts to reshape global supply chains and achieve our shared economic interests, enabling both U.S. and Taiwan businesses to continue thriving.
#共同努力共同得益 #StriveTogetherThriveTogether”
workshop會議 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
1️⃣1971年的聯合國大會第2758號決議 #僅處理中國代表權問題,#未提及台灣,聯合國及其專門機構卻不當詮釋並援引該決議長期排除台灣參與。
本線上座談會由GMF亞太計畫主任葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)主持,外交部主任秘書徐儷文、美國駐聯合國代表團資深政策顧問懷特(Jennifer Hendrixson White)及歐盟駐台代表高哲夫(Filip Grzegorzewski)與談。
MOFA Secretary-General Lily Hsu joined Filip Grzegorzewski, head of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan, Jennifer Hendrixson White, Senior Policy Advisor to the US Mission to the UN and host, Director of the US German Marshall Fund’s Asia Program, Bonnie Glaser, for a discussion on “Ways Forward for Taiwan's Participation in International Organizations.”
The discussion ranged from the recent statements of support from around the world for Taiwan’s participation in the #WHO and bid to be an observer at the #WHA, to how Taiwan copes with its exclusion by going to extraordinary lengths to exchange information with technical experts from #LikeMindedCountries, despite the political obstacles put in its way, and how the international community can help #Taiwan in securing vaccines.
Secretary-General Hsu also pointed out that United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758, that recognized the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations, makes no mention of Taiwan, but is used to deny recognition of the Taiwanese passport, barring civic representatives from Taiwan access to UN meetings.
Both Grzegorzewski and Hendrixson White praised Taiwan’s handling of the #COVID19 pandemic and restated #US and #EU support for its inclusion in the #WHA, adding that they have worked with Taiwan to hold health forums, including the recent Global Cooperation and Training Framework (#GCTF) workshop on vaccines.
workshop會議 在 Grand Beauty 大醫美 Youtube 的評價
🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴
Grand Health 大健康 (健康加財富、知足就是福)https://goo.gl/6EGLMd
Grand Beauty 大醫美 (好好愛自己、就從現在起)https://goo.gl/g1E1rq
Grand Touring 大旅遊 (大叔向前跑、永遠沒煩惱)https://goo.gl/7HN4bk
景升診所 醫美中心 https://www.gscline.com
愛瘦美官網 https://www.isome.com.tw
邱醫師醫話園 https://www.okclinic.gscline.com

workshop會議 在 什麼是Workshop??? - Hank的部落格- 痞客邦 的相關結果
2.A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project。一群人聚在一場會議,針一個特定主題或案子 ... ... <看更多>
workshop會議 在 NCS 專門研討會(Workshop) - 2021 臺灣網際網路研討會 ... 的相關結果
NCS 專門研討會(Workshop) · ◎ 數位鑑識、醫療私密與網駭安全 · ◎ 程式語言與軟體工程 · ◎ 雲端物聯網創新服務與應用 · ◎ 大數據計算分析與應用 · ◎ 電子商務 · ◎ 數位偵查 ... ... <看更多>
workshop會議 在 差在哪?Seminar, Conference, Workshop, Meeting, Forum ... 的相關結果
Seminar 的意思是研討會,通常是比較小型的研討會,多為十至五十人左右。Seminar 的主題很多元,可以與商業策略、產業趨勢相關,也可以是個人成長相關的主題,多數都較為 ... ... <看更多>