⭕故宮學術季刊第三十七卷第三期《皇朝禮器圖式》國際學術研討會 專號Ⅱ
•郭福祥 《皇朝禮器圖式》編纂與乾隆朝科學儀器的禮制化
•賴惠敏 清乾隆皇帝製作金屬祭器的意義
•余慧君 遵律度於無疆:《皇朝禮器圖式》樂器卷研究
•游博清 清英人對閩江下游水文知識的構建與運用(1843-1884)
Volume 37, Number 3
•Guo, Fuxiang
The Compiling of Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Imperial Qing Dynasty and the Incorporation of Scientific Instruments into the Ritual System during the Qianlong Reign
•Lai, Hui-min
The Implications of the Qing Qianlong Emperor’s Manufacture of Metal Sacrificial Utensils
•Yu, Hui-chun
In Tune Without Borders: A Study of the Musical Instruments Section in Illustrated Regulations for Ritual Paraphernalia of the Imperial Court
•Yu, Po-ching
The Formation and Application of Hydrographical Knowledge by the British to the Downstream Regions of the River Min in the Late Qing Dynasty (1843-1884)
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