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...Continue ReadingWe are friends
Friends, readers.
Supposedly one day, a company is allowed to make gold mines near your house that has been colored for a long time. He started producing and mineral. Not long ago. The chemical used to produces the chemicals used to leak along the public creek. Yours, your village, your neighbors, your parents, siblings, thousands of people. Almost four thousand families are sick and still have to eat chemical contaminated food every day.
What will friends do?
Unfortunately, the incident is a real event that happened at khao luang sub-District, Wang Saphung District, province.
Unfortunately, the voices of villagers there may not be as loud as the voices of fellow communications experts through social media.
In 2556, six villagers gathered on behalf of the homeland rak to file a federal court to order for the minister of industry and commissioner of industry and mining duty to supervise the mining companies to perform the terms. Cards and licenses for mines without impact on the environment and community.
But then the result is to beat the villagers and tie their hands on the back to many injured.
After the coup. Assigned to local military units to take care of gold mine. There are appointed ' Provincial Gold Mines ' committee that villagers disagree with and ask for solutions according to the people's proposal for reasons that the solution that affect the life of the life of the life of They should let them participate in the decision.
But then the result is the leader of homeland and students who call to report to adjust attitude.
And this group of students we know them as 'dao din', students from faculty of law, khon kaen university, who camp to learn society. They are on the area with villagers around the golden mines, Wang Saphung District. Many years from seniors to juniors. Study information and work with villagers all along, not only in this government days.
For villagers in the area, the soil star is not different from children and grandchildren who come to help each other and take care
After coup, the movement to fight gold mines are more restricted and always connected to politics, basically fighting for the quality of life of life.
From the light sound, it can barely make noise. It's easy. City people like us haven't heard about the villagers in wang saphung district.
Once in 2556, while the riot police will break down, villagers who come to gather to hear comments after cuddle states, keep people from commenting. Only allow those who agree to go in one side when it comes to face. Set up a human wall to protect villagers from the force of officers.
Students Help villagers who are in trouble against power of cuddle states and capital power.
Friends, if we were villagers in Wang Saphung District, how would we feel about these students?
Once upon a time, when I was still studying at the faculty of cuddle, Chulalongkorn University, I had a chance to read the magazine ' special edition of ' 14 October 2516 ' while chasing my eyes on the story in it. I had a question. In mind why young people in that era have strength and aspirations are different from young people in our generation.
Their aspirations are national social level, not a dream of personal success. Want to work in a famous company. Want a lot of salary, want bonus months a year or something.
Their problem is looking forward to change society to more equality. Help be a voice for farmers, poor people to be more justice in life than ever.
So what are we doing?
I've heard many adults say that the problem of education in the post-term is scheduled to serve capitalism, workers, employees log in to work, meet business entrepreneurs. Look at the problems that teachers have given us. We can't deny that it's true. Students like us design expensive chairs, interia, Luxury Hotel, five Star Spa, cool graphics, cool design, almost no design to solve problems for little ones or to solve the problems of disadvantaged people in society.
It seems like we live in different worlds.
It's not that students don't want to use knowledge to help society, but we barely have that mode because we live in a world far away from the problems of those little people.
Of course, the problem that the teacher gives us is a necessary problem for professional assembly. But if we look at the other way, if we live in the same society, we should know the problem and try to use the knowledge that we have studied to figure out how to solve it for friends. Isn't it society? But we have never been taught to look that way. These days may start to have some.
And this is a common thing in Thai University. The bond connects the relationship between students and social problems. The story of society. The misery of social friends is faded.
After the students of the soil star came out to move and arrested to military court, we heard both adults in the city and comment on Facebook say, " admire students who made a reputation for the country in science, Sports. Come out to this move. Let's stop because it makes the city unpeaceful " or the words like " why are students ranting. Why is the duty of students to study " or even the saying " these look like students, but they look like beast. Say "
I feel sad after listening to Thai society. Students who think about social friends fighting for justice. Become students that adults don't want. What kind of students do we want?
Some people write comments to ask these students, " when the government cheat, why don't you come out to shrink their head which I think this is the same thing, whether the cuddle government, cuddle government, cuddle, the election or government used. The unjust power that comes from taking over should be investigated, and the ground stars have fought both governments.
Arrests of din students is not sad because cuddle government officials arrested a group of students who fight for justice for villagers, but this arrest will scare many students and citizens who wish society. It is a cut off the idea of dreams. And hope is not only for young people, not only for the people, but it is also a cut of the thoughts, dreams and hopes of Thai society.
Because it tells us that this society does not value fighting for justice for fellow society.
If you let this happen, what do we want to see society?
A society where people laugh at when students who fight for the justice of villagers are arrested. What kind of society is this?
Don't we really need sense citizens for social associates?
If our family has to drink chemical contaminated creek, don't we really need sympathy from anyone? If our friends have to drink chemical contaminated water, we will shrug and say that first cry. Why would we really live like that?
If the soil stars fought for us for our village, would we look at him differently from now?
One day these students may ask for something for us or wait until that day so we think they did the right thing.
For me, din star is an example of students who are hard to find in Thai society. Both their dedication and courage are all up to be salute. I respect them for seeing villagers as ' friend s'. What happens is villagers. See them as ' friend s' as well
Feeling grateful for ' friend s' like this. It's a magical thing with the overall society because it creates an atmosphere of being part of each other. Sympathy for each other. Help each other to happen in society.
This is the ' friend ' that is missing from Thai society because we keep thinking about ' personal issue '
Many people may be bored of politics, bored of movement, calling and like the city is peaceful. But we have to ask who ' peaceful ' is peaceful and peaceful for anyone when there are people who benefit from this ' peace ' and need to make noise for others to hear. Fighting for my own life
Therefore, a peaceful city without contending or disputing is a world that tucked under the carpet. Press over the cries of many people from hearing.
Peace is beyond invisible suffering
Therefore, democracy is important because it opens the opportunity for every voice to speak, make noise.
Every voice speaks the same loud and the same important.
Before being arrested, these students wear shirts with letters, " we are friends I think this word means another aspect hidden in it. If ' friend ' are the ones who see each other's suffering and don't think about themselves. These students are. Friends of villagers are friends of the people.
'we' are all the people.
As for the real ' Devil ' or ' BEAST ' is the opposite of the people. No matter who they are, no matter how they come, election comes to take power. If the opposite of the people, don't listen to the voice, don't focus, don't think about the benefit of all people Truly, we should stand beside each other to make noise to expel demons together.
Leaders. If you see that we are friends. If we are beside the people, we have to listen to each other. Open the opportunity to comment, not to fix it, but to catch those who come out to warn or adjust attitude.
'we' should fight corps cuddle together and fight against unrighteous power together.
Fighting all kinds of unrighteousness is necessary.
There may be different opinions. If you don't like Mr. Thaksin. If you don't like khun prayut, let's say (which is not strange if anyone doesn't like both of them). But if you see that you shouldn't fight for disadvantaged people who Should let these people express their thoughts. This one would be a big deal.
The peaceful society that we want should be a society where people care about each other's problems and suffering. Listen to exchange civilized opinions, not peaceful because of other people's mouth or neglect. Don't care about suffering
A society like that may seem peaceful just because we can't hear or ignore other people's cries.
As a person who lives in the same society. #Are we friends?
If you are not friends with the people, who will we be friends with?Translated
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【 🇹🇼🇨🇿 民主國家聯合記者會】
#全面民主合作夥伴 的新境界 ✨
今天 #JW部長 在聯合記者會上宣布
與我國成功解鎖 #超過20項成就‼️
✅ 維護 #自由 #民主 的共享理念
● 國會高層互訪:#韋德齊議長 邀請立法院游錫堃院長訪問捷克
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● #亞洲矽谷計畫執行中心 及數位時代:與捷方簽署兩項備忘錄強化 #智慧城市 #AIoT產業合作
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● 研議 #華航直飛布拉格 客運方案 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
✅ 台捷人文科技交流
● #布拉格愛樂 明年來台巡迴演出
● 研議推動 #故宮 與捷克文物交換展覽
● #布拉格化工大學 與國立台北科技大學簽署姐妹校合作備忘錄
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● 布拉格化工大學與國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University簽署合作備忘錄
● 協調我國內大學增加 #50名華語文獎學金 名額提供捷克學生來台學習
● #捷克科學院 與中央研究院 Academia Sinica更緊密的學術合作
● 國家實驗研究院太空中心與捷克科學院簽署合作備忘錄的意向
● 推動 #維索基納 (Vysočina) 省與我地方政府交流
● 強化台捷雙方中學學生交流
#韋德齊議長 致詞中也重申以上滿滿的
更特別感謝這次台灣朋友們超熱情的接待 🥰
「就像是 #和朋友在一起一樣的fu!」
#只要有意志就會找到出路 👊🏻
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu and President of the Czech Senate Miloš Vystrčil held a joint press conference earlier today, alongside Legislative Yuan President You Si-kun and the Chair of the Czech-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce Pavel Diviš, to reveal the progress made during the visit of the delegation to #Taiwan.
Minister Wu emphasized the historic significance of the visit and stated that it has provided a mechanism for cooperation between #LikeMindedPartners and will strengthen cooperation in terms of democratic values, supply chains, trade and artistic exchange.
Senate President Vystrčil pointed to three areas in which progress had been made through the visit, the first being in the development of substantive bilateral relations, including trade, investment, research and education, medicine and public health, which he said he would bring up with the responsible senate committees on his return home; the second was that the visit highlighted the importance of the values of #freedom and #democracy; the third was that it will promote further cooperation under the framework of a shared value for democracy. He also invited Legislative Yuan President You to visit the Czech Republic to continue parliamentary exchanges.
university press 在 Roundfinger Facebook 八卦
ผมเติบโตขึ้นมากับคำห้อยท้ายสปอตวิทยุที่พูดรัวๆ เร็วๆ ว่า "การลงทุนมีความเสี่ยง ผู้ลงทุนโปรดศึกษาข้อมูลก่อนตัดสินใจลงทุน" ซึ่งประโยคแรกนั้นฝังเข้าไปในหัว ทำให้ผมไม่เคยสนใจ "การลงทุน" เลย
...Continue ReadingNot investing is risky
I grew up with the back of the radio spot that quickly said, "investment is risky. Please study information before investing the first sentence is embedded into my head. I never care about" investment
Change happens when I have a chance to make a documentary about investment. Talk to good financiers, so I gain a new understanding that " Investment " is not always equal to " playing shares but more importantly, we shouldn't press our own financial dimensions left. " Investment " but you should think that life should have " financial planning "
" financial planning " sounds a headache for those who study in semi-Art Science like me. It's known as " planning " bitter medicine. It's also " money " me and my friends often think -- know. How much I earn, how much salary is enough to eat? But when I talk to finance, I know that I am very misunderstood.
" financial planning " is the same thing as " life planning
From a life that keeps walking along with karma and destiny. If we start planning financially, we will start seeing our lives clearer.
See the future clearer when we determine what kind of life we will live after retirement. How many baht per month. Do you have children or parents need to take care of? How many times per year. How many dreams do you want to do we need to spend? How much money Much more we can predict to plan for life after work as close to the imagination.
See the present clearer. When planning to the future, the plan will come back to tell us what kind of life we should spend today. How much will it be? How much will we save a month? How much money to save money to invest? How much money can I invest In order for money to grow. Besides the salary that is a regular income, will we have an extra career? Should we buy land, building, area or condo. How often should we travel? How often should we go to study? How much do we spend
It seems like a life that used to be unclear is gradually " forming " or seeing more " Draft "
As true as they say, "money is not the most important thing of life" but money is important, not less to give life a stable feeling.
Some people say that if you keep thinking about money, you won't do what they dream of. But if we don't think about money, we may not have a chance to follow what we dream of. It can be because we are always worried about insecure.
Financial planning doesn't make us stable immediately, but it will make us go down to play in a life field more like a football team with a team manager to plan on the game on the field.
And " Investment " is just part of " financial planning besides, our other lifestyle behavior, spending, and other lifestyle.
But when we start financial planning, we start studying investment because it's at least an alternative to make money a chance to grow.
But as he said, "investment is risky" so we need to study carefully and for those who never know about investment, consultants and provide good information.
These days, banks are open for more aspects. I just had a chance to visit scb investment center on the 5TH FLOOR CENTRAL WORLD. This is open to welcome scb's wealth clients and those who are interested in financial planning and investment.
It's a new dimension of the bank because this is not the original "Bank" but a financial consulting center, especially beautiful, modern design. Those who are interested in investment consulting services. Here will be consulting both one-on-on-on-one. Online via a very modern screen. Here is a room where users can access professional computers and programs to study investment information. There are many experienced speaker to share useful views on investment and finance. Besides, there is also room. Safety enables customers to bring valuable property with advanced security systems.
For friends who are interested in investing or want to plan financial, you can ask for advice at www.scb.co.th/investmentcenter
Personally, when I had a chance to learn about financial planning through an interview, I thought - this is something to teach in school or university because financial planning will make us plan clearer.
As for friends who have a lot of knowledge of this side, I am here to tell you that there is a new place that you can go to use.
When I start learning, I slowly understand that " investing " is different from " playing shares " and investors may both " play stocks " and " Long-term investment " or invest in funds, including other ways.
Investment with clear plans, clear information will reduce risk, and I see the opposite of myself when I was young that life without investment or a life without financial planning is at risk.
In a world full of change, unplanned at all.Translated
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UMADURAVIDEO 登録者数100万人突破を記念し、エイチフラクタル×ウマヅラビデオのコラボレーションアイテムを期間限定で販売!!!
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Carr, David M. (2000). Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C.. eds. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9780567372871.

university press 在 超級歪 SuperY Youtube 的評價
參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2021.1.14 - 2021.1.21
👏感謝 商周出版的熱情贈書
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2005, Understanding Amae: The Japanese Concept of Need-love :
Collected Papers of Takeo Doi. Kent, UK: Global Oriental.
Benedict, Ruth
Butler, Judith
Conklin, Beth
2001. Consuming Grief: Compassionate Cannibalism in an Amazonian Society.
Austin: University of Texas Press.
Davies, Roger & Ikeno, Osamu
Freud, Sigmund
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Klein, Melanie
Morse, Ronald
2015, Yanagita Kunio and the Folklore Movement: The Search
for Japan's National Character and Distinctiveness. Routledge.
Roland, Alan
1996, Cultural Pluralism and Psychoanalysis: The Asian and North
American Experience. New York: Routledge.

university press 在 Point of View Youtube 的評價
- “Black Death.”[ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://blackdeathfacts.com/ [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- “ BLACK DEATH TIMELINE.” [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: http://blackdeathreglit.weebly.com/timeline.html [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- BBC. “The Black Death.” [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z7r7hyc/revision/2 [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- Benedictow, Ole.“ The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever.” History Today Volume 55 Issue 3 March 2548.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “History of Quarantine.”[ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/historyquarantine.html [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- Herlihy, David. The Black Death and the Transformation of the West. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2540.
- hfocus.“กำเนิดและสิ้นสุดโรคระบาดร้ายแรงในอดีต ตอนที่ 1 กาฬโรค.”[ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.hfocus.org/content/2014/08/7906 [2557] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- Howard, Jenny.” Plague, explained “.[ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/health-and-human-body/human-diseases/the-plague/ [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- Mussap, Christian J. "The Plague Doctor of Venice." Internal Medicine Journal. (May 2563): 617-676.
- ณรงค์กร มโนจันทร์เพ็ญ. "รู้จักคำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับโรคระบาด." [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.facebook.com/thestandardth/photos/a.1725541161072102/2377049565921255/?type=3&theater [2563] สืบค้น 13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- ไทยรัฐ. "ค้นพบหลุมศพมรณะดำในศตวรรษที่ 14." [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.thairath.co.th/news/foreign/1780738 [2563] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
- ศิลปวัฒนธรรม. “Black Death โรคระบาดครั้งใหญ่ จากจีนถึงไทย สู่ตำนานพระเจ้าอู่ทองสร้างกรุงศรีอยุธยา” [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.silpa-mag.com/history/article_44799 [2563] สืบค้น 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563.
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