經營了十年的Youtube頻道, 終於在昨天晚上悄悄破了一百萬訂閱人數, 真的百感交集. 老實說那時候註冊這個帳號也只是要把大學的作業上傳上去給家人朋友看, 還有做一些無聊影片和歌曲DEMO跟自己的朋友分享. 從來就沒有想過會有所謂的"粉絲","訂閱人"或什麼"破百萬影片"存在.
感謝Youtube讓我重新找到自己, 讓我有一個可以發揮的舞台, 就算電視電台禁播我的作品, Youtube依然很美式地給我絕對地創作自由. 無論政府人員, 黑特酸民 衛道人士再不爽寫信到美國也刪不了我的作品, 這就叫作痛快!
感謝所有參與過我Youtube作品的台前幕後工作人員,合作夥伴,歌手演員和來賓們, 更要感謝每一位訂閱Namewee Channel 的老朋友新朋友們. 我會作更多更擊敗你的作品出來! 謝謝大家!
ps. 隨著頻道破了百萬訂閱, 昨天我的新歌[擊敗人]MV也在一天破了一百萬, 而且還攻下了馬來西亞, 新加坡. 台灣三個國家的單日Youtube熱門影片榜首. 真的太開勳了!!! oh yeah!!!!
For 10 years I worked hard on my YouTube channel, and to see my effort rewarded with 1 million subscribers yesterday, it was hard to describe my feelings. This account was originally created to share my homework with my family and friends and also to entertain my friends with some of my crazy lame words. I didn't expect to gain any 'fans', 'subscribers' or even to produce videos with millions of views.
My gratitude goes to YouTube for allowing me to re-discover myself and giving me a platform to exert my creativity. Even when I was banned by TV and radio stations, YouTube still gives me the freedom and space to be creative. Even if anyone from the government, haters, or those 'moral-protectors' report me all the way to US, there's nothing they can do to get my work deleted. Now that's what I call 'great satisfaction'!
To each and everyone of you, all pre- and post-production staff, business partners, artists, and special guests who've been involved in my YouTube works, thank you so much! Much appreciation to all new and old friends who subscribed to Namewee Channel as well! I will produce even more and greather 'Geebai' works for all you! Thank you!
PS : Along with my channel reaching one million subscribers, my latest song《Geebai People》also achieved one million views in just one day of release! Aaaand it was also listed as the top Daily Trending Video in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan! I'm so haapppaayy! Oh Yeah!!!
so lame無聊 在 英文情緒動詞三種用法:bore, bored, boring 無聊的 - YouTube ... 的八卦
She was bored, so she fell asleep. 她感到很 無聊 ,所以她就睡著了。 A: What did you think of the lecture? B: It was so boring. The teacher just went on and on. A: ... ... <看更多>
so lame無聊 在 [問題] 請問新加坡人講的Lame...是啥是什麼意思?要怎麼用? 的八卦
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