「哥本哈根民主高峰會」就「從香港戰場為民主奮鬥(Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong)」發表演說,有幸成為峰會首位發言嘉賓。
US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo
President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Dr. Tsai Ing-wen
European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova
NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana
68th US Secretary of State (2013-2017) John Kerry
64th US Secretary of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright
29th Australian Prime Minister (2015-2018) Malcolm Turnbull
2020 Copenhagen Democracy Summit
Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong
Joshua Wong
18 June 2020
Thank you so much for inviting me to speak, Ryan. I say this knowing I might not have the chance to do so again in the future, and this is not an exaggeration. Many of you still recall the scene when millions of Hong Kongers took to the street last year. We opposed the extradition arrangements that would’ve essentially allowed legalized kidnapping: Hong Kongers found guilty of breaking Chinese law could be sent to stand trial in a Chinese court. The authorities eventually withdrew the bill under tremendous pressure, but they also responded our demand to full democracy with oppressive policing forces. The number of arrested protested since last summer is already more than the number of prisoners in Hong Kong right now. More than thousands were arrested and charged with rioting. Many more injured or even went missing.
New Crackdown
This prolonged struggle with the Chinese Communist Party for years now. The Umbrella Movement broke out in 2014 demanding that Beijing lived up to its promises of democracy. But rather than doing so in honour of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, Xi Jinping’s crackdown on our autonomy has only intensified over time.
What Xi Jinping learnt from Hong Kong’s democratic movement last year is to become more draconic and oppressive. It would be best to have me sent across the border to stand trial directly than to engage in dynamic diplomatic talks and negotiation. Therefore, precisely one year afterwards, when I am attending this summit, Beijing's legislature, the NPCSC, at the same time holds meetings, finalizing a sweeping national security law that targets democratic activists like myself.
Under the pretext of ‘national security’, this law purports to target acts of “collusion with foreign forces’’. Beijing did not define what is ‘’collusion’’, but it will wield massive discretionary power to punish activists and electoral candidates on the one hand, and cut off Hong Kong from the international society and their crucial support, on the other. Take this occasion as an example, I’m convinced that every word comes from my mouth today could well become proof of crime at the Chinese courtroom in the near future. Worse still, not only can democratic activists and legislators who have participated in international advocacy efforts be barred from running elections or even imprisoned, INGOs and other organizations, including their personnel and assets, can also be subject to legal persecution.
So the developments in Hong Kong have changed quite swiftly. Large-scale protests defying the communist government may no longer be an option. It could be my last testimony when I am still free, yet prosecuted and put behind bars under the sweeping security law. Our long march to democracy will be forced into a prolonged period of fierce crackdown, perhaps similar to what Poland experienced in the Communist era, with secret police agency stationed in the city.
The Wounds of Hong Kong are Proof of Defying Beijing’s Oppression
These scenarios may create a stark contrast with the impression we usually have to a cosmopolitan Hong Kong famous for its international financial centre. The economic freedom, free flow of capital and freedom to information we used to enjoy in Hong Kong, will fade away after the law imposed. It is also the Sword of Damocles over all investors and ex-pats living and working on this island. When geopolitical tension intensifies, ex-pats can fall victim to the ill-defined law and China's hostage diplomacy. In the past, two Canadian nationals were detained for nearly two years as retaliation to Huawei's executive Meng Wanzhou's arrest, let alone Swedish NGO worker Peter Dahlin, Australian writer Yang Hengjun and Taiwanese NGO activist Lee Ming-che. Foreign journalists, human rights workers and academics were barred from Hong Kong. When China makes national security its priority, no one is safe.
Citizen journalists, booksellers, NGO workers, religious groups, online bloggers, booksellers, writers, human rights defenders or even critics of government policies are put behind bars. Amnesty International also raised concerns about its spill-out effects on economic activities and online speech. Once the law reaches out its claw to this beacon of liberty on China's soul, this vibrant civil society is on the brink of collapse.
Certainly, I would devote whatever efforts I can to defy this new round of oppression. But Beijing’s continued moves to crush democracy in Xinjiang and in Hong Kong also explain the Goliath we are facing is not as fierce as it looks like. In the past two decades, Beijing’s aggressive expansion in Europe, Asia and Africa has given a warning signal to democratic states all over the world. The world is awakening from the Chinese Nightmare. If we are determined to safeguard democratic aspirations, we must act to defy China's dictatoral grip.
Towards Democracy: Pain, Tears and Compassion.
In Hong Kong, we had experienced many depressing moments last year when state-mobilized mobs attacked passengers in the metro station, when police forcefully entered the university campus to arrest and to torture protestors, when witnessing countless students younger than me were put behind bars. What drives us to continue our struggle? My answer is compassion.
As my dear friend, Brian Leung said, ‘’Hong Kong Belongs to Everyone Who Shares Its Pain’’. In the previous year, we burst into tears mourning the death of protestors, we shared boxes of surgical masks to one another to defend ourselves from the Coronavirus. I also pray for protesters who are forced to leave our home because of their sacrifice in the movement. I pray for brothers who are struggled in jail now and I pray for those who will become political refugees soon. They are the reasons I’m still fighting in this battle. As we grow in pain, in tears and in compassion, I believe we shall succeed one day.
Thank you.
同時也有36部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅創意世界 Creative World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,DIY Rainbow Loom 彩虹編織器中文教學頻道 幸運草 4 Leaf Clover Charm - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom Chinese Tutorial 這種設計也可用於 Fun Loom,CRA-Z-Loom,Wonder Loom,Bandaloom和所有...
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因此我們需要『立即、快速及大規模的減少溫室氣體排放量』。(Immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions)
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🌊Are you daydreaming about traveling to the beach during these hot summer days but choosing to stay home to help contain this pandemic? The next best thing to visiting the ocean, is gathering online with likeminded advocates to help protect the ocean. Starting July 7, AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office and Taiwan’s Ocean Affairs Council will co-host the 2021 Ocean Challenge virtual forum. Taiwan high school and university students will compete and present their solutions to pressing environmental challenges facing our shared oceans. Join us to watch the forum at 9:00am for former AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene’s remarks, followed by ✅the keynote speech “Data and Technology for a Healthy Ocean - Promises and Challenges” by U.S. ocean policy expert Dr. Linwood Pendleton. https://youtu.be/A40yDc2rr-E.
✅You can also preview Dr. Pendleton’s key points on CommonWealth Magazine’s sustainability column now! https://bit.ly/3wjBcGk
✅For more details of the Ocean Challenge Forum: https://bit.ly/2TvrDqF
scale英文 在 創意世界 Creative World Youtube 的評價
DIY Rainbow Loom 彩虹編織器中文教學頻道
幸運草 4 Leaf Clover Charm - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom Chinese Tutorial
這種設計也可用於 Fun Loom,CRA-Z-Loom,Wonder Loom,Bandaloom和所有其他編織機
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DIY 橡皮筋編織手環, 吊飾和人物
其他橡皮筋編織設計: Rainbow Loom Chinese/Mandarin tutorials
單手鍊 Single Bracelet
魚尾手環(2針) Fishtail Bracelet
玫瑰手環 Rose Garden Bracelet
小雨滴手環 Raindrop Bracelet
彩虹梯手環 Ladder Bracelet
三聯單手鐲 Triple Single Bracelet
蝴蝶結戒指 Bow Ring
草莓 Strawberry Charms
櫻桃 Cherry Charms
可口可樂 Coca Cola Soda
星形手環 Starburst Bracelet
小熊貓 Panda Bear Charm
鉛筆 Pencil Charms
爆米花 Popcorn Charms
剪刀 Scissor(Close End) Charms
雞腿 Chicken Leg
小企鵝 Penguin Charms
立體小烏龜 3D Turtle Charm
彩虹圈鑰匙圈 Rainbow Ring Keychain
小老鼠 Hamster/Mouse Charms
冰淇淋 Ice Cream Charms
章魚Octopus Charms
口紅Lipstick Charms
魚竿Fishing Pole Charms
鑽石手鍊 Diamond Bracelet
瓢蟲手鍊 Ladybug Bracelet
蜂窩手環 Honeycomb Bracelets
小蜜蜂手鍊 Honey Bee Bracelets
龍鱗手鐲(6針) Dragon Scale Cuff 6 Pin
迷你凱蒂貓 Hello Kitty Charms
貓頭鷹 Owl Charms
可拆卸筆套或勾針套 Removable Pencil Grip
小甜心手鍊 Sweetheart Bracelet
心心相印手環 Rectangle Bracelet
比比鏈/拉鍊手環Zippy Chain Bracelets
小金鱼 Gold Fish Charms
壽司卷 Sushi Roll Charms
冰棒 Popsicle Charms
彩虹編織花 Rainbow Bloom Charms
小蝴蝶戒指Butteryfly Blossom Ring
彩虹花手環 Flower Power Bracelet
逆向魚尾手環 Inverted Fishtail Bracelet
自由扭轉手鐲 Liberty Twist Bracelet
鑽石圈手環 Diamond with Rings Bracelet
剪刀 Scissor(Open End) Charms
蝴蝶結 Bow/Ribbon Charms
十字魚尾手鍊Cross Quadfish Bracelet
立體小狗 3D Dog/Puppy Charms
小狗 Dog Face Emoji Charm
小雞在蛋殼 Chick in Eggshell Charms
縱橫交叉手環 Confetti Criss-Cross Bracelet
嶺尖鑽石手環 Diamond Ridge Bracelet
鋸齒形手環 Zig Zag Bracelet
米老鼠鉛筆帽 Mickey Mouse Pencil Topper
蝴蝶花手環 Butterfly Blossoms Bracelet
龍鱗手鐲(8針) Dragon Scale Cuff 8 Pin
療癒系"綿綿兔" Fumo Charms
奧林匹克手環 Olympic Them Bracelet
菱形手環 Single Rhombus Bracelet
輕鬆小熊 Rilakkuma Bear Charm
彩虹雙圈手環 Upsy Daisy Twistzy Wistzy Bracelet
圖騰柱手環 Totem Pole Bracelet
西瓜 Watermelon Charm
天堂鳥手環 Bird of Paradise Bracelet
芙蓉花手環 Hibiscus Bracelet
香蕉 Banana Charm
紅蘿蔔 Carrot Charms
炸薯條 French Fries Charm
立體小貓咪 3D Cat/Kitty Charm
迷你十字架 Mini Cross Charm
立體小倉鼠/老鼠 3D Hamster/Mouse
立體龍 3D Dragon
維尼小熊Winnie the Pooh
小野花手環 Daisy Bracelet
幸運草 4 Leaf Clover Charm
小雞 Chicks Charm
和平標誌 Peace Sign
高音譜號 Treble Clef
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設計者: Made by Mommy
英文版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K25voTsIWI
翻譯者: 創意世界 Creative World
版權所有請勿複製©2014 by 創意世界 Creative World
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

scale英文 在 創意世界 Creative World Youtube 的評價
DIY Rainbow Loom 彩虹編織器中文教學頻道
逆向魚尾手環 Inverted Fishtail Bracelet - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom Chinese Tutorial
這種設計也可用於 Fun Loom,CRA-Z-Loom,Wonder Loom,Bandaloom和所有其他編織機
♥訂閱創意世界頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/CreativeWorldUSA
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DIY 橡皮筋編織手環, 吊飾和人物
其他橡皮筋編織設計: Rainbow Loom Chinese/Mandarin tutorials
單手鍊 Single Bracelet
魚尾手環(2針) Fishtail Bracelet
玫瑰手環 Rose Garden Bracelet
小雨滴手環 Raindrop Bracelet
彩虹梯手環 Ladder Bracelet
三聯單手鐲 Triple Single Bracelet
蝴蝶結戒指 Bow Ring
草莓 Strawberry Charms
櫻桃 Cherry Charms
可口可樂 Coca Cola Soda
星形手環 Starburst Bracelet
小熊貓 Panda Bear Charm
鉛筆 Pencil Charms
爆米花 Popcorn Charms
剪刀 Scissor Charms
雞腿 Chicken Leg
小企鵝 Penguin Charms
立體小烏龜 3D Turtle Charm
彩虹圈鑰匙圈 Rainbow Ring Keychain
小老鼠 Hamster/Mouse Charms
冰淇淋 Ice Cream Charms
章魚Octopus Charms
口紅Lipstick Charms
魚竿Fishing Pole Charms
鑽石手鍊 Diamond Bracelet
瓢蟲手鍊 Ladybug Bracelet
蜂窩手環 Honeycomb Bracelets
小蜜蜂手鍊 Honey Bee Bracelets
龍鱗手鐲 Dragon Scale Cuff 6 Pin
迷你凱蒂貓 Hello Kitty Charms
貓頭鷹 Owl Charms
可拆卸筆套或勾針套 Removable Pencil Grip
小甜心手鍊 Sweetheart Bracelet
心心相印手環 Enchanted Heart Bracelet
比比鏈/拉鍊手環Zippy Chain Bracelets
小金鱼 Gold Fish Charms
壽司卷 Sushi Roll Charms
冰棒 Popsicle Charms
彩虹編織花 Rainbow Bloom Charms
小蝴蝶戒指Butteryfly Blossom Ring
彩虹花手環 Flower Power Bracelet
逆向魚尾手環 Inverted Fishtail Bracelet
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設計者: beyondcrafts123
英文版: http://bit.ly/1k8iAMU
翻譯者: 創意世界 Creative World
版權所有請勿複製©2014 by 創意世界 Creative World
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

scale英文 在 創意世界 Creative World Youtube 的評價
DIY Rainbow Loom 彩虹編織器中文教學頻道
小熊貓 Baby Panda Bear Charms - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom
這種設計也可用於 Fun Loom,CRA-Z-Loom,Wonder Loom,Bandaloom和所有其他編織機
訂閱創意世界頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/CreativeWorldUSA
購買材料 官方網站 http://www.rainbow-loom.com.tw
DIY 橡皮筋編織手環, 吊飾和公仔
其他橡皮筋編織設計: Rainbow Loom Chinese/Mandarin tutorials
單手鍊 Single Bracelet
魚尾手環(2針) Fishtail Bracelet
玫瑰手環 Rose Garden Bracelet
小雨滴手環 Raindrop Bracelet
彩虹梯手環 Ladder Bracelet
三聯單手環Triple Single Bracelet
星星手環(Starburst Bracelets)
蝴蝶結戒指 Bow Ring
草莓 Strawberry Charms
櫻桃 Cherry Charms
可口可樂 Coca Cola Soda Charms
壽司Sushi Charms
小熊貓 Panda Bear Charms
鉛筆 Pencil Charms
爆米花 Popcorn Charms
剪刀 Scissor Charms
雞腿 Chicken Leg
小企鵝 Penguin Charms
立體小烏龜 3D Turtle Charm
彩虹圈鑰匙圈 Rainbow Ring Keychain
小老鼠 Hamster/Mouse Charms
冰淇淋 Ice Cream Charms
章魚Octopus Charms
口紅Lipstick Charms
魚竿Fishing Pole Charms
鑽石手鍊 Diamond Bracelet
瓢蟲手鍊 Ladybug Bracelet
蜂窩手環 Honeycomb Bracelets
小蜜蜂手鍊 Honey Bee Bracelets
龍鱗手鐲 Dragon Scale Cuff 6 Pin
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設計者: TutorialByA
英文版 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A06DXRw39eU
翻譯者: 創意世界 Creative World
版權所有 ©2014 by 創意世界 Creative World

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