💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry)
✨白瑞梅 Amie Parry 現為中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
💕Why I chose Taiwan #16 – Amie Parry
“I grew up in a small city in inland California called San Bernardino. I went to college and graduate school in San Diego. I got my PhD in literature. We were all expected to learn at least one language, so I did Chinese. I traveled to Taiwan with a friend right after I graduated from college in 1987. We came here to teach English and study Chinese for six months, then I traveled around Asia by myself with a backpack.
I originally wanted to study classical Chinese poetry. I got a Fulbright grant and I came back here. I started going to the poetry nights that were happening at that time. I met some of the modernist poets, and I switched my focus to the modernist poetry of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Taiwan. I wrote my dissertation on modernism as a way of understanding the parts of modernity that are hard to know in the existing political language that we inherit. I think that experience in historical formation is always more complicated than the language.
These poems are not explicitly political; they're very experimental and strange. At the time, the modernist poets I met were mostly 外省, men who had been drafted and come over with the KMT, so they had experienced war and displacement, and a very intense and traumatic historical moment. People experienced it differently, and at that time, it was a hard thing to talk about. Later, I wrote a book about poetry, but I just focused on one or two poets I find really, really fascinating. And I was asking some of the same kinds of questions: how can these poems help you think about certain topics that are hard to think about?
At that time, Modernist poetry was a kind of an institution already. There was a journal called 現代詩, “Modern Poetry,” a really important journal that most of these poets were published in. Some of them combined poetry and theater. There's just so much going on in Taiwan in terms of poetry and performance and literature. It's just amazing. And I'm very interested in it at all, but I haven't kept up. After I finished my dissertation, I got a job offer at 交大. I thought, wow, there's something really amazing happening intellectually here. When my first book came out, it actually got an award in the U.S., and I was so surprised. I didn't even know it had been nominated. I asked them, ‘Why did you choose my book?’ And they said, because one of the chapters has a transnational of framework for the whole argument, so it wasn't like you used Western theories and Eastern texts, it's like the whole knowledge part is coming out of both places.
I currently teach in the English department at National Central University. I'm the chair and I teach writing classes, literature classes, and literary and cultural theory classes. Since my first visit to Taiwan in 1987, I think people are a little more comfortable talking to people from different places. In my personal interactions, I feel a difference, like a greater openness. Back then, there were so many interesting things happening here, all at one time, and that's the time that I happened to be here. And I made good friends in my personal life and in my intellectual life. And I think those are the things that made me come back: like if you feel that there's something interesting happening and there's some way that you can support it. I guess that's a way of feeling at home.” — Amie Parry
✨Amie Parry is professor of the Department of English at the National Central University
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428萬的網紅emi wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Finally the last day of my One Month Project Comeback!! Many of you requested a cooking video with my parents of all the yummy meals I eat everyday so...
「part time job中文」的推薦目錄:
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part time job中文 在 Joyce看世界就是不一樣 - Joyce Yang Facebook 八卦
如果,在2019年中旬的時候和你說 –
美股熔斷N次+ N國降息;
在疫情爆發之前,對於第三次世界大戰有很多預測,台海危機也曾經被當成是導火線的可能性之一,但是大家都沒有想到,這次的疫情在全球擴散,我們的敵人不是不同國家的人,而是看不見的病毒,有很多人用第三次世界大戰來形容這次的病毒危機 -- 147國淪陷、確診超過32萬、死亡破1.3萬、40多國封閉邊境,全球進入大鎖國時代,此次抗疫戰爭不知何時落幕,而最讓人擔憂的是,可能,最糟糕的情況還沒來。
#危機下的轉機 #雲端會議軟體行業正夯
Zoom雲端會議軟體公司股價累計已漲58.52%,創辦人袁征的身家也跟著飆升了57%/20億美元(約604.4億元台幣),達到56億美元(約1692.32億元台幣)。因為隨著疫情蔓延,辦公室關閉、交通中斷發、國際交流大多數轉為線上、各種會面紛紛取消,各行各業對Zoom雲端會議軟體需求激增,辦公室會議、商業會議、大學授課…等,都開始轉向線上視訊。很多其他類似公司,例如Skype, Webex, 也在經歷同樣的大幅成長。
#WorkingfromhomeDay1 #Workingfromhome
#遠距工作已經成為未來工作不可避免的大趨勢 #遠距已經成為MUST
美國超過 8 成的公司引入了遠距辦公制度,超過 3000 萬人用這樣的方式工作;日本電氣公司計劃讓 6 萬名員工遠距工作;在中國大陸,已有近 1000 萬家企業、約 2 億人在家線上辦公。我想,即便在疫情接近尾聲和結束後,我們的工作形態也會持續往遠距工作的方向發展。
✅Tip no. 1 – Life goes on and work goes on繼續投遞簡歷,繼續申請工作
✅Tip no. 2 – Update your CV 更新自己的簡歷
✅Tip no. 3 – Be extra patient 保持耐心,永不放棄
公司就像人一樣,面對突如其來的危機也是無所適從,別驚訝,不是所有公司在疫情當下都有詳細的應對和執行計劃,所以,如果你申請了工作後,沒有很快得到回復,不需要太過焦慮,建議你發一封follow up email去追蹤一下你的工作申請進展。
✅Tip no. 4 – A new way of working – remotely 專注於搜尋遠距工作
既然知道目前的職場情況是往遠距工作發展,那就沖破自己心中的限制,直接找到遠距工作來做!目前在全球範圍內,有很多公司有完善的體系支持遠距員工,有些幾乎完全遠距工作的公司,團隊成員遍布世界各地,薪水待遇非常優。你可以在FlexJobs, We Work Remotely和Remote.co這三個網站去尋找相關工作機會。
👉FlexJobs - https://www.flexjobs.com/
👉We Work Remotely - https://weworkremotely.com/
👉Remote.co - https://remote.co/
✅Tip no. 5 – Get prepared for an online interview 隨時準備好線上面試
✅Tip no. 6 – Carry on with our lives as normal as possible 保持身體健康照顧心情平穩
✅No people, no virus.
✅Less contact, less chance of getting the virus.
⭕️We have to find a way to continue our lives as normal as possible, but with extreme precautions of course.
❗️CODIV-19 is getting out of control globally. To be honest, I really want to go back to my home island, Taiwan at the moment. I think a lot of my relatives in the UK and the US share the same feeling. Unfortunately, we don’t see that leaders of Australia, UK and US tackling this crisis with swift and accurate measures. Taiwan suffered from the SARS crisis back in 2003 and it had forced the island to create better defense system and immediate response mechanism towards outbreak of viruses.
❗️Taiwan has over 23 million people (similar to Australia. The population in Australia is about 24 million.) and it’s a very densely populated place. Geographically, we are very close to mainland China and because of this, a lot of people, including health professionals predicted that Taiwan would soon fall to COVID-19 and it would be very difficult to control it. But so far, the COVID-19 confirmed cases are 153 in Taiwan. Comparing to most European countries, America and Australia, COVID-19 is under control in Taiwan. And strict measures have been taking place continuously to ensure that it stays under control.
🚫So don’t tell me that wearing masks are not working; don’t tell me that working from home and closing schools & non-essential places are not working; don’t tell me about group immunity to an unknown virus when there are patients getting re-infected; don’t tell me that COVID-19 only attacks old people while there are over 50% of server cases that are under the age of 60 in ICU in a hospital in Italy; don’t tell me that COVID-19 doesn’t effect young people as there are 19 year-olds getting infected in Australia, China and South Korea. Some of them are also classified as server cases. In New York, there more than 10,000 confirm cases and 54% of them are young people between the age of 18-49; don’t tell me to get prepared to lose my loved ones while we witness some countries and regions are getting this crisis under control.
⭕️We can control this crisis by religiously practicing social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, monitoring our own temperature, stopping travels...the list goes on and these measures they do work. It really angers me to see that 4 cruise ships were given special permission to dock in Australia despite the 30-day coronavirus ban. And people are still heading to the beach in large numbers. Viruses do not count to 100 or 500 before they infect people. They don’t wait for 48 hours for the emergency rules to be effective. The only math they know is to multiply as quickly as they can. We all have the responsibility to carry out the measures that are effective to control this crisis. With no exceptions!
⭕️Time to learn from some more successful cases in dealing with COVID-19 - Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan...even China as it has managed to control it. We are also seeing slowing down in new cases in South Korea. And Australia’s neighbor - New Zealand is doing a great job in stopping the virus from spreading. The confirmed cases are still under 60. It’s not a time to urge or debate on which political ideology is better than others. It’s not a time to calculate certain parties’ business or political interests. It’s definitely wrong to blame Chinese or Asians for this virus. Viruses do not care if you are white, black, yellow, communist, socialist, capitalist or otherwise.
😂Something to laugh about in this crisis atmosphere - Shoppers in the Netherlands are panic buying weed. Toilet paper? Who cares! Meat? Don’t need it! Talking about priorities in different countries!
#疫情下的生活 #疫情快點結束 #遠離人群 #covid_19 #codvid19 #covid19italia #台灣防疫 #台灣防疫經驗
👉Joyce看世界就是不一樣offical website:https://www.joyceseestheworld.com/
part time job中文 在 Soac Liu 索艾克 Facebook 八卦
/Soac Liu Studio徵人啟事/
嗨大家好,我是Soac,投身飲食相關工作已經好幾年了,這陣子也正式成立飲食工作室。我們時常在想,以自己小小的力量能帶給台灣這塊土地什麼的養分,也想讓這個世界上有更多人能接觸到台灣的飲食面貌。再過沒多久,我們將會正式發佈工作室籌備的台灣飲食網站 – TAIWAN TONGUE。
若大家對於工作內容有興趣或疑慮的話,再請以站內信方式聯繫,這邊就恕不一一答覆留言了,也請大家幫忙宣傳,感謝 ☺
職缺1. 全職文字編輯 三月就職
-負責Soac Liu Studio相關平台之編輯、企劃、採訪、撰稿等工作。
- LGBTQ友善是必備條件,不然你就得投萌萌相關產業了。
請以 email 方式檢附履歷、清晰大頭照、自傳、作品集、聯絡方式,主旨請註明「應徵 Soac Liu Studio文字編輯職務 – 你的名字」 ,寄至 ChiChuanNTB@gmail.com 張先生收。
Job 2. Part-time English Editor
We are looking for someone who is a native English speaker and capable of translating/ interviewing/ editing texts related to Taiwanese cuisine and culinary culture, for our upcoming TAIWAN TONGUE website. Please send your portfolio to Mr.Chang/ ChiChuanNTB@gmail.com , thanks.
part time job中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的評價
Finally the last day of my One Month Project Comeback!! Many of you requested a cooking video with my parents of all the yummy meals I eat everyday so here you go! (: Special thanks to my parents for being a part of this video.
♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi
INSTAGRAM: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiwong_
FACEBOOK: Emi Wong ► https://www.facebook.com/StayFitandTravel/
Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/14B6ipvBQ5pyP49lQ1KCjz?si=4QlubtsSS3SNKSiOFwdrkw
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aarre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AarreMusic/
WHO IS EMI ► http://bit.ly/WhoIsEmi
WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/WorkoutWthEmi
BEGINNER WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/BeginnerWorkoutsWithEmi
FITNESS & DIET TIPS ► http://bit.ly/FitnessDietTipsWithEmi
EAT (FOOD VLOGS!) ► http://bit.ly/EatWithEmi
TRAVEL ► http://bit.ly/TravelWithEmi
RECIPES ► http://bit.ly/CookWithEmi
FUN CHALLENGES ► http://bit.ly/ChallengesWithEmi
MAKE UP & FASHION ► http://bit.ly/MakeUpFashionWithEmi
廣東話片 Videos in Cantonese ► http://bit.ly/CantoneseVideosEmi
有中文字幕的片 With Chinese Subtitles ► http://bit.ly/ChineseSubtitlesEmi
part time job中文 在 CodyHongTV Youtube 的評價
~訂閱CODY 每週看新片✮ 點我訂閱 → http://goo.gl/8s2O2o
如何在YouTube 賺錢 :http://goo.gl/Niq31o
Friendship, is one of the most important part of our life.
A human can’t live happily without friends.
People always said, depend on parents when home, depend on friends when outside.
That’s why, friends are very important in our life.
When you’re facing a hard time, true friends will come to rescue.
But I believe everyone here have experienced a two-faced friend, where they treated you nicely in front, but backstab you behind. What’s your reaction after you realised that your friend is actually a two-faced friend ? You're unhappy because of your two-faced friend ? Does it affect you much when you realised your close friend is a two-faced friend ? Share your experience with us in the comment section below ! In fact, everyone can be a two-faced person, but use the mask to protect yourself, instead of using it to hurt someone else.
・如何用700塊馬幣去柬埔寨玩 ?(吴哥窟)
Hello 你好!我叫CODY, 是一個身體很瘦,夢想卻很大的馬來西亞男生。今年21歲,
聯絡我 / Also find Cody Here !
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放火 Louis
Ling BigYong
老吳 Laowu
Dennis Lim Ming
Lim Shang Jin
Yangbaobei 楊寶貝
Ryuuu TV / 學日文看日本
미라 Mira's Garden
Sanyuan_JAPAN 三原慧悟
靠杯星球 fun planet
TGOP (This Group Of People)
Dankhoo Productions
Night Owl Cinematics
JianHao Tan
AlanChannel / 阿倫頻道
香格拉 Shangrilayt
... and MANY more!
CodyHongTV 頻道關鍵字:
馬來西亞 挑戰 挑战 台灣 挑战影片 挑戰影片 香港 台灣女生 馬來西亞男生 馬來西亞女生 生活分享 台灣男生 旅行 美食 廉價旅行 馬來西亞美食 马来西亚男生 馬來西亞華語 台湾中文 香港觀光 台灣觀光 馬來西亞觀光 旅遊 留學 馬來西亞人 馬來西亞華僑 台湾男生 台湾女生 台湾情侣 马来西亚情侣 廣東話 浪漫愛情短片 台灣人 香港人 旅遊推薦 必知 必去 必吃 必看 旅行 自由行 跟團 台湾 香港 旅游 留学 生活分享 日本旅行 日本美食 都市传说 马来西亚都市传说 台湾都市传说 香港旅行 香港美食 日本观光 香港观光 台湾观光 挑戰 挑战 挑战影片 台湾人 香港人 旅游推荐 廉价旅行 自由行 跟团 马来西亚人 浪漫爱情短片 都市傳說 馬來西亞都市傳說 台灣都市傳說 愛情短片 男朋友 女朋友 馬來西亞必吃 馬來西亞必玩 馬來西亞必喝 馬來西亞必看 省錢旅行 訪問 採訪 上街採訪 挑戰 空少 空服員 馬來西亞口音 愛情影片 情侶 曖昧 台灣中文 馬來西亞華語 搞笑影片 恶搞影片 搞笑影片 惡搞影片
part time job中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的評價
NOT SPONSORED by any of the restaurants
♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi
INSTAGRAM: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiwong_
FACEBOOK: Emi Wong ► https://www.facebook.com/StayFitandTravel/
Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
1. Kam Wah Cafe & Bakery 金華冰廳
47 Bute St, Prince Edward 太子弼街47號地下
2. Yan Wo Dou Bun Chong (Tofu Pudding Place) 人和荳品廠
28 Mong Kok Rd,, Mong Kok 旺角旺角道28號地下
3. Street Food Stall 龍津美食
32 Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok 旺角旺角道32號
4. Outdoor Dim Sum Place 一茗堂小聚
G/F, 263 Tin Shum Chuen, Tai Wai 大圍田心村地下263號舖
5. Dessert Place 糖宮甜品專門店
G/F, 61 Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai 大圍積信街61號地舖
♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/14B6ipvBQ5pyP49lQ1KCjz?si=4QlubtsSS3SNKSiOFwdrkw
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aarre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AarreMusic/
WHO IS EMI ► http://bit.ly/WhoIsEmi
WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/WorkoutWthEmi
BEGINNER WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/BeginnerWorkoutsWithEmi
FITNESS & DIET TIPS ► http://bit.ly/FitnessDietTipsWithEmi
EAT (FOOD VLOGS!) ► http://bit.ly/EatWithEmi
TRAVEL ► http://bit.ly/TravelWithEmi
RECIPES ► http://bit.ly/CookWithEmi
FUN CHALLENGES ► http://bit.ly/ChallengesWithEmi
MAKE UP & FASHION ► http://bit.ly/MakeUpFashionWithEmi
廣東話片 Videos in Cantonese ► http://bit.ly/CantoneseVideosEmi
有中文字幕的片 With Chinese Subtitles ► http://bit.ly/ChineseSubtitlesEmi
part time job中文 在 兼職嘅重要性| Part time job | 點解要返Part Time 的八卦
PartTime #兼職#Parttime #PTJobs #HongKong #HK中五中六嘅時候,仲有一班朋友會去咗返兼職,嗰陣時一定會覺得佢係係等錢洗 不過老實講, ... ... <看更多>