At the Committee of Supply (COS) debate for PMO yesterday, Josephine Teo spoke about the importance of valuing and celebrating parenthood as a society. One point she made struck me: quite apart from financial incentives and practical considerations, a country’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR) depends also on historical and social factors, which are often not well understood.
She gave the example of France, which has a TFR of 2.0 — one of the highest among developed countries. France has good social policies to support and encourage parenthood. But when Josephine visited France to study their experience, all the people she met gave one more explanation: "1945". France lost so many of its citizens in the Second World War (600,000 dead) that after the War ended in 1945, there was a strong desire - a national psyche - to repopulate the nation.
The TFR is a statistic, but it is made up of countless individual stories. I was reminded of the late Congressman Tom Lantos whom I met years ago. He was a Hungarian Jew and Holocaust survivor. He lost most of his family in the concentration camps. After the War, he emigrated to the US and became a Congressman. He had two daughters and 18 grandchildren. His daughters decided to give him as many grandchildren as they could, to make up for the family members killed.
Singapore is fortunate not to have experienced such calamities. Our TFR was 1.25 last year. We should do all we can to encourage couples to have more kids. Hence the enhancements to paternity leave, shared parental leave, and adoption leave that Josephine announced. They come into effect next year, so if you are thinking of having a baby (or another baby), now is the time to start trying! :) - LHL
(Families enjoying a day out at Marina Barrage / Photo by me)
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Faa Firds,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Join my giveaway! Go to my instagram @faafirds and repost a faafirdsxdormer picture to win 3 hijabs! 1. Must be 18+ or with parental permission! 2...
「parental leave」的推薦目錄:
parental leave 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
敬自由 / 性別平權
外交部在今年聯合國推案影片《敬 自由》中
『在這裡 各種想法進步得很快
Ingrained gender roles have taken a heavy toll on previous generations in #Taiwan and the greater Asia region. Many brilliant women were forced out of their careers and had to undertake the lion’s share of childcare duties, while men were denied the opportunity to be the primary care-giver to their children. Things are changing here in Taiwan and the government is trying to make this change easier, allowing both men and women to take up to six months parental leave to care for their child, with subsidies available allowing them to collect around 80% of their salary.
In the recent promotional short, "To Freedom," as part of MOFA’s #UNGA76 campaign, we feature the story of one such young parent, who represents many young men taking advantage of the recent changes to parental leave allowance:
“It’s quite progressive here. My wife and I have the same choices and opportunities. As I wanted to spend time with my child, I took six months parental leave from work and so his first word was “Daddy!” Family and career carry equal importance and require equal strength.”
If the UN states part of its mission as encouraging countries around the world to respect the rights of their people, Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference.
#GenderEquality #WomensEmpowerment
parental leave 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook 八卦
2015 年的一月,我和親愛的老婆從美國東岸那時大雪紛飛的馬里蘭州搬到陽光普照的加州灣區。時間轉眼一下就過了 4 年, 我們也從當初的灣區菜鳥,到現在大概知曉這裡的各式生活狀況、職場秘辛。 對於矽谷,大家總是有許多憧憬、幻想,當初的我也不例外,希望在這個世界科技之都能立足,並和各國高手一起競爭、合作、參與改變世界的產品。 四年後,在矽谷這個入門工程師的領域,我算是站穩腳步,小有成就,這篇是我的回顧及心得。
2015 年一月,我們從零下還在下雪的地方穿超級厚重的外套在雷根華盛頓國家機場(DCA)上飛機,我們剛下飛機就發現晚上攝氏 10 幾度的舊金山實在好溫暖,脫下了外套後, 要拿我們 2 個大行李箱、 3 個小行李箱,隨身背包、及大外套讓我們手忙腳亂了一陣子。那時要從舊金山機場坐 Uber 到定的 Airbnb 房子,我們選擇最大容量的 Uber XL, 來接我們的大叔開一台大 SUV, 在塞完我們所有的東西後幾乎沒有什麼剩下的空間了。 40 分鐘的路程,我們到了舊金山 Glen Park 附近定的房子,我們知道房東在上夜班,她 90 歲的媽媽會幫我們開門。 在按了門鈴後,過了許久,房子才出現亮光,2 樓窗戶出現一位老太太,揮手示意她知道了。 我們於是在一樓門口等著她, 等著等、大概過了將近 5 分鐘都沒有動靜,我們一度懷疑老太太怎麼了, 正要打電話給房東時,老太太才步履蹣跚的到門口來開門,原來她只是因為走路很慢,但並沒有出什麼事。 當我們走到 3 樓的房間時,發現房間內放一張床和一個小桌子就沒有什麼空位了,我們的行李根本就放不進房間裡。 只能先拿貴重及那晚需要的東西,剩下的先暫時放在他們的車庫裡。
我們搬到舊金山之前,在馬里蘭的 Rockville 租一個 one bedroom 採光不錯的電梯公寓, 850 square feet 包水電, 一個月的租金是 $1350, 而舊金山我們租的房間是一間獨立的房子裡 4 個房間中的一間,大概只有 200 square feet,要和另外一個房間共用廁所,而整個家住了 9 個人加 3 隻狗,一個月的租金是 $1700。 我們知道舊金山的房價及房租很高,要找短期租房的更是困難,所以也只能摸摸鼻子,住在一個不是那麼舒服的地方。希望一切在我上完 3 個月的程式密集班(可以參考我之前的文章- Coding bootcamp 程式語言密集班- 從不會寫程式到3個月被矽谷科技公司雇用的終南捷徑?) 後就可以穩定下來。
在開始上課之前,我們有大概幾天的空檔,那時候 Uber 和 Lyft 剛推出共乘服務, Uber Pool 或 Lyft Line 只要 $5 就可以讓你搭車到舊金山任何地方, 而且還可以帶一個人。而舊金山的公車系統 Muni, 一個人的基本票價是 $2.25, 而且你要到的地方可能要換很多次車多花很多錢。 那時候的演算法可能還沒有很完善,我們常常上車後,司機到我們的目的地前也沒有接到共乘的人,所以和一般票價的 Uber/Lyft 沒什麼差別。 我們第一次覺得在矽谷可以嘗試新產品真是好棒!
2015 年初的舊金山不太冷,白天有到攝氏 20 多度,我們出門去 Dolores Park 的時候基本上就是穿著短袖加一個薄外套,對於在東岸生活了幾年的我們,真的很享受能在冬天公園裡曬曬太陽。
而灣區的餐廳選擇很多、不管是中式、日式、或是哪種料理,我們都可以找到沒有太貴,但就很好吃的,當然我們知道和洛杉磯 LA 的美食可能還是有差距,但我們真的很感動灣區的食物選擇及品質。
在舊金山市區上課時,我覺得最不能忍受的是 Market Street 附近的遊民,有時候一個轉彎,你就看到整條街 30~40個遊民聚集在要走的路上。 因為聽到了不少被遊民謾罵、甚至毆打的案例,通常我都會繞路而行。 但舊金山遊民數量實在太多,路上常常有許多遊民的排泄物,走路真的要很小心。 到 2019 年的現在,每次去舊金山我們還是覺得要經過遊民附近是很可怕的經驗。
那時候我每天早上 9 點到晚上 9 點在學習,要回家的路上沒什麼人,從上課到 Bart 車站 5 分鐘,及從 Glen Park 車站走回家的 15 分鐘,我每天都很害怕被搶劫或是襲擊,我會多帶一個備用錢包放一些小錢,並穿著慢跑鞋,想說希望如果真的遇上了,就把備用錢包丟到反方向、拔腿就跑,好在到搬離開舊金山時都平安沒有遇到。
矽谷的工作機會很多,以軟體工程師來說,大中小公司面試的重點不太一樣,大公司著重演算法、資料結構、 system design、小公司著重實際經驗及所要的技能是否能立即使用。 2015 年的時候,大家提到想進的夢想公司是 FLAG , FLAG 是 Facebook、 LinkedIn、 Google 這 3 間公司、A 有人說是為了順口加的,有人說是 Apple , 有人說是 Amazon。 FLG 都是相對年輕的公司、公司福利待遇類似、公司有提供三餐等等,是眾多畢業生想加入的公司。 到現在比較多人在講的是 FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google), 到去年下半年前,這幾家公司的過去幾年股票漲很多, 讓投資人或是工作申請者趨之若鶩。
我 2015 年在找工作時,我主要要靠自己及朋友內推來申請職缺。 我開始在 SolarCity 工作之後, 不時的信箱或是 LinkedIn 就會收到 recruiter 寄信,詢問有沒有興趣去了解他們的公司或是面試。 而我加入 Facebook 之後, recruiter 們寄來的信就更多了。 在矽谷,1 年半 到 2 年換一個工作是很正常的, 文章像是 Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less, Why you should switch jobs every 2 to 3 years to boost your earnings 都鼓勵著大家時常去就業市場上看看自己的行情。 而前幾年許多獨角獸公司的擴張,大舉砸錢找人才, 也讓 FAANG 公司許多員工流向像是 Uber、 Airbnb、Dropbox、Pinterest、 Snapchat、Slack 等公司。
因為工作機會多,許多朋友也早就、或是後來搬到矽谷發展, 參加朋友們之間的活動, 讓我也認識許多在不同科技公司的朋友們。 在矽谷這裡, 可能認識的 3 個人就有 2 個是在科技公司工作。 軟體工程師是佔最大的比例、而 Product Manager 、Designer 等科技公司中的重要角色也是有不少人。 相對來說, 其他地區的職業傾向沒有像矽谷這裡這麼傾向科技業。
美國的產假在已開發國家中是很落後的, 但加州的父母福利在美國各州還算是還不錯的, 加州規定懷孕的媽媽在產前 4 週可以開始請 maternity leave, 產後有 12 週的 paid maternity leave 。 爸爸也有在小孩出生到一歲前的 6 週 leave。 而科技公司為了讓員工有小孩時無後顧之憂, 也會加碼提高爸媽在家照顧嬰兒時間, 最高的 Netflix 可以提供到一年的帶薪產假呢 (不知道有沒有人有親身看到請一年假的 Netflix 同事),這篇文章提供了矽谷各大科技公司的產假福利時間 Netflix parents get a paid year off and Amazon pays for spouses’ parental leave。我所在的 Facebook 是不論是爸爸或媽媽都可以請 17週的產假,公司及部門也都會盡量鼓勵大家在小孩一歲前把這個假放完,多在家陪小孩。
在生活壓力上,矽谷的工作壓力也還是蠻大的, 你的同事及朋友們,大家都是聰明人,也賭上一切在這裡努力求生。 每個人真的都非常努力的在工作中表現及爭取。 因為矽谷灣區蓋的房子數目跟不上人搬進來的速度, 房價飛漲, 100萬美金在矽谷只能在沒有那麼好地區學區買 60 年以上屋齡的小小的老房子。 相比之下, 馬里蘭最好學區 Potomac 10, 10, 10 的房子,有著可大 2、3 倍的室內室外空間及較新的屋齡, 許多也不到 100 萬美金。 有許多有小孩家庭的人, 因為受不了房價及學區, 紛紛搬離矽谷, 其中, 蠻多人選擇搬到西雅圖, 我一年半前寫的西雅圖要超越矽谷了?提到了西雅圖的崛起及人才的流動,我最近也剛好有同事調到西雅圖,薪水不變的情況下,因為不用繳交華盛頓州的收入稅、及相對低廉的生活成本,每個月可以用的稅後收入增加許多,除了冬天下雨多了些之外,生活過的很開心。
我知道每個城市都有它的優缺點, 我很感激來灣區矽谷的一切體驗, 對我來說,矽谷願意接受一個半路出家的我, 讓我有機會證明我自己, 這裡的氣候、食物、福利、及各種機會,都是很多地方沒有的。 上一個 4 年,我過的很精彩,希望下一個在矽谷的 4 年能更加適應、綻放光芒。
你的矽谷經驗或者你的美國經驗是怎麼樣呢? 歡迎一起留言討論分享。
parental leave 在 Faa Firds Youtube 的評價
Join my giveaway! Go to my instagram @faafirds and repost a faafirdsxdormer picture to win 3 hijabs!
1. Must be 18+ or with parental permission!
2. For YouTube, subscribe to faafirds channel & leave a comment down below telling me why you'd like to win!
3. For Instagram, follow me and repost this picture with #FaafirdsxDormer .
4. You must be following @_dormer_ to win this.
5. Open to Malaysians only.
6. End of this giveaway: 5/5/2015
Goodluck girls!! :-)
Say hi to me at my social media accounts -
Facebook like page: ...
This video is sponsored. However, all opinions are my own. There may be affiliate links used above. Some of the items I have purchased myself but some may have been gifted to me by companies.
parental leave 在 Faa Firds Youtube 的評價
G I V E A W A Y R U L E S:
1. Must be 18+ or with parental permission!
2. For YouTube, subscribe to faafirds channel, like this video & leave a comment down below telling me why you'd like to win!
3. For Instagram, follow me and repost this picture with #FaafirdsGiveaway .
4. You must be following @benefitcosmeticsmy to win this.
5. For Twitter, follow me @faafirds and retweet this picture.
6. Open to Malaysians only.
7. End of this giveaway: 18/1/2015
Hit me up at my social media accounts -
Facebook like page:
This video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. There may be affiliate links used above.
Most of the items I have purchased myself but some may have been gifted to me by companies.
parental leave 在 FERNTUBE (Fernanda Ly) Youtube 的評價
(Giveaway info is at the bottom)
Today we celebrate 10k subs with a Vivienne Westwood sample sale video that I've been meaning to post 🌟
I may or may not have been waiting for this milestone in order to do so 👀
I previously asked if everyone was open to a giveaway and I'm so excited to hold one now! The names of the prizes are also below in case you want to buy them yourself hahaha
Fun fact: The night before was when I dislocated my knee, but as a big fan and collector of VW I couldn't miss this sale. Pretty sure standing in line is what made my knee worse.... The few weeks in an immobiliser was worth it for this 🤗
I've really enjoyed being on YouTube, so thank you for your support thus far! Tbh I wasn't expecting to keep at it for so long lol
It's been fun learning how to edit videos and images too. I'm aware there are many things I could improve on and things I could nitpick at, but I feel like I've come a long way from my first upload 9 months ago 🥸
Again, thank you so much for your continued support in watching, commenting, and liking my videos. It means the world to me ❤
#ferntube #viviennewestwood #giveaway
✩ Instagram: @warukatta
✩ Email:
Please contact my agencies in regards to model work
✩ Songs:
Waves - Fiji Blue (
Lovely Day - VirgoZilla Beatz (
✩ Subtitle file: (
*** As Youtube has unfortunately discontinued community contributions, here is the script for anyone still willing to do subs for other languages. If you replace the english text with your language and email me the file, I'll be more than happy to upload it for everyone to see. Thank you for your helpful contributions until now!
✩ FTC: This giveaway is not sponsored by Vivienne Westwood, YouTube, nor any other company and all moneys spent is my own.
Ferntube's 10k Subscriber Giveaway ❤️❤️❤️
Comment to win a pair of Vivienne Westwood earrings in celebration of 10k subs!
I want to share my happiness by giving two(!) subscribers the chance to win a pair of earrings each!
🌎 Giveaway is open worldwide 🌎
✩✩ Vivienne Westwood 'Sorada' Orb Earrings (Crystal on Rhodium) ✩✩
✩✩ Vivienne Westwood 'Rosemary' Small Earrings (Brass) ✩✩
Leave a comment on this video
That's it
Please be sure you're subscribed to my YouTube (I'll be checking!)
If you are under 18 years old, please have parental permission before commenting.
Only one entry per person; multiple entries/ comments will not be counted.
I'll use a random number generator to choose two winning comments so everything stays fair ❤️
Giveaway begins 02/03/2021 upon upload and closes midnight (Eastern Standard Time) of 22/03/2021
Winners must message me within 48 hours of contact to claim prizes, if not, I will have the rng choose another comment.
parental leave 在 Parental leave - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Unpaid parental or family leave is provided when an employer is required to hold an employee's job while that employee is taking leave. Paid parental or family ... ... <看更多>
parental leave 在 PARENTAL LEAVE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
parental leave 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby 2. time…。了解更多。 ... <看更多>
parental leave 在 parental leave-育嬰假 - 經理人 的相關結果
依〈性別工作平等法〉規定,父母雙方都可申請parental leave「育嬰假」在家中照顧3 歲以下幼兒。但在美國通常直接用maternity leave一詞,包含女性生產及照顧嬰兒所需 ... ... <看更多>