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同時也有731部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Michael Jordan's coach pleaded with him to go back in the game, and the opposing coach made sure Jordan had the chance to end his career with a basket...
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這一場就是我們湖人迷要看到的霸王LeBron James,一個我們熟悉的野獸降臨,能夠 #一股氣連續飆分主宰比賽,用一己之力將戰局風雲變色。
之前我有提到的,在此戰之前,這系列戰 #LBJ數據是很漂亮沒錯,可是他卻沒有打出真正給人感受到『#季後賽模式』,那個有『#無極限』一夫當關的他,始終很難靠他殺進殺出打出一波攻勢,進攻端顯得有退化跡象。
🔥但今天,在過往系列戰3-1領先從不給翻盤的LeBron James,果然不想夜長夢多,第二節就開啟進攻模式,得分慾望很強,打得非常有侵略性,把握金塊防守稍微鬆懈時,#連續三次輕鬆突破得手,接著又靠著吸引包夾傳切給Markieff Morris投進底線三分。
這一波連攻帶傳,是奠定紫金大軍這場始終 #保持領先優勢的開端,而金塊那頭主將Nikola Jokic又因為 #過早三犯而不得不下場,加上金塊外線又不準,缺乏心臟的金塊只能節節敗退,最多被湖人拉到16分差的領先優勢。
只是易籃後,始終韌性的金塊又在第三節上眼反撲戲碼,這次由Jerami Grant帶頭殺出,撇除上半場的低迷,#Grant連續三分開張也重啟他的信心,其單節14分又如G3一樣要跳出扮演英雄,給予湖人防守端壓力倍增。
除此之外老將Paul Millsap雖然命中率不佳,但不得不說他打得很拚,在禁區不斷攪和,就在這兩人跳出貢獻,#然後湖人第三節後段進攻節奏全失,金塊接連打出10-4與17-4的攻勢,讓比賽又開始有了懸念,湖人好在 #有AD一顆三分保持優勢進入第四節,不然士氣真的有可能會崩掉。
而金塊在自家大刀Jamal Murray拚到有傷,#狀態嚴重下滑下仍是死咬不放,但少了Murray的刁鑽與不可擋的狂野因子,在得分爆發力影響實在太大,Joker再怎麼出色也無法承擔Murray這項任務。
🔥湖人就在在Anthony Davis與Danny Green的連續三分進球後,漸漸穩住優勢與節奏,而接著我們都知道了,LeBron James開啟了他季後賽模式,進入無極限的狀態。
🔥全場38分16籃板10助攻與60%命中率,就連失誤就僅有2次,這晚的LBJ真的 #無懈可擊,不僅拿下生涯季後賽第27次大三元,35歲高齡的他也成為最老能在季後賽拿下最多大三元的球員(35歲以上4次)。
這個系列戰開打前,我就一直提到Anthony Davis是金塊擋不住的強點,而這場AD也是穩穩貢獻繳出27分5籃板3助攻2抄截1阻攻的出色表現,其中 #他兩顆三分都宛如及時雨。
🔥AD一直是這系列戰 #湖人表現最穩定的巨星,如果沒有他,光靠LBJ是無法擊倒頑強的金塊,而這也再次呼應了,聯盟最強的雙人組,今年怎麼看都是LBJ+AD,絕非Kawhi+PG13,且Joker與Murray絕對建立了他們在聯盟的雙人組地位。
而這一場兩位老將Dwight Howard與Rajon Rondo依舊發揮拼圖效應,這系列戰如果沒有他們兩老在一旁支援,那湖人還真的難抵金塊團隊攻勢。
至於Alex Caruso這場也有跳出,一樣繳出他精力無窮的特質,首節 #不斷衝鋒陷陣攻擊籃框得手,而在防守端他也依舊做得很好,能賴到Joker犯規,就做為第一道牆上,他真的拚盡全力。
🔥這一場也非提一下Danny Green(11分2阻攻),撇除開局打得亂七八糟外,他這場之後確實有回穩一些,#除了有關鍵三分命中外,他也在防守端有些亮點,他能夠稍微醒一下,在這一戰也有舉足輕重的價值。
🔥在Jamal Murray帶傷上陣,Joker陷入犯規麻煩,他們還是堅韌不拔,真的很猛,就是會有人可以跳出來攪局,打出不管是雙巨星的主宰力或是團隊上的整合運作,都不愧為西區頂級強權的 #真實力,
🔥而Jamal Murray也是儼然要竄起的新星,#刁鑽無比猶如利刃,就像Frank Vogel教練說的,還真的拿他沒辦法,只可惜他這場明顯被傷勢問題影響,也讓金塊在生死戰中缺了他這把大刀。
別忘了金塊還有一個Will Barton沒上陣,他們未來是備受期待的,接下來的自由市場就看能不能留下Jerami Grant,#他的防守與強硬的作風,還不是Michael Porter可以取代的。
🔥當然Porter是 #金塊未來上限的關鍵人物,成為頂尖球星的可能性很大,相信Mike Malone教練會有一套培養計畫,就今年季後賽,真的就做得很棒。
至於老將Paul Millsap,他真的老了,進攻端雖然打不好,但防守上絕對仍有苦功,我認為他還是有他的影響力,如果金塊可以便宜留住他,保有家有一老會是不錯的選擇。
最後真的恭喜湖人 #時隔十年再度挺進總冠軍賽,對於我這個湖人迷來說是很感動的!尤其今年又發生這麼多事情,那種渴望冠軍的心更為強烈!
🔥很高興我湖能擁有Frank Vogel教練,我認為他真的是很棒的教練,這一切都是相輔相成的!
🏀跟大家說,今天下午我會再送一本關於NBA的好書給大家【NBA x MBA】,麻煩關注一下我的IG,有興趣抽獎碰運氣的記得別錯過了。
🏀紫金大暖男Lamar Odom,比我們想像的都偉大!
✏️ HBK
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做為一名湖人球迷,前三節真的看了快吐血,球隊除了LeBron James與Dwight Howard外,所有人都打得有氣無力,攻防兩端都不在狀況,就連球隊得分王Anthony Davis都彷彿近鄉情怯,進攻端整個大失常。
Avery Bradley今天沒上,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope的防守與恍神會讓人特別想念他,而Howard此戰過早陷入犯規麻煩,其實好幾球吹Howard的防守犯規都有爭議,這也讓他上場時間受到限制,這導致湖人今晚大多時間在整個防線上與前面幾場相比下滑許多。
且不得不講,Kyle Kuzma前三節真的打得挺糟的,完全在球隊節奏外,或許是想證明自己,Kuzma整晚多次持球單打對手,以及三分硬拔,然而這並不是他的強項,導致許多進攻後被公牛反打一波,對整個士氣相當傷。
因此整場比賽陷入一個狀態,LBJ上場猛力追分,但他下場公牛又拉開比分,形成落後差距一直趕不上,眼看很有可能輸得情況下,真的得佩服Frank Vogel仍相信他的替補,而他們也在第四節用行動做為回報。
接著這季湖人迷最愛的戲碼再次上演,Dwight Howard又再一次在第四節關鍵時刻成為改變士氣的人物,先是在禁區強力搶下進攻籃板一個雙手暴扣,再來就是振奮湖人鬥志的一個防守play。
直接在外圍擺明對上今晚狀況很好的Coby White,Howard展現什麼叫防守企圖心,拼命的追防送出大鍋直接將球搧出場外,搞得全場喧囂聲不斷,且還沒完,隨即Howard又在公牛油漆區強打一個2+1,雖然罰球沒進,但這兩個攻防表現我認為是改變今晚雙方士氣的分水嶺。
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在士氣開始導向湖人這邊後,LeBron James在接著上來壓陣,先傳給Kuzma所擅長的無球進攻配合,接著又給Quinn Cook底線一顆三分彈,搭配Alex Caruso積極抄截反打的硬碰硬上籃得手,公牛基本宣告氣勢整個瓦解。
此戰能逆轉,LeBron James無疑是最大功臣,再度拿下大三元繳出30分10籃板11助攻,撐起了湖人糟糕的前三節,並在關鍵時刻收割比賽。
除此之外LBJ還成為歷史上年紀最大能連續三場大三元的球員,上一個紀錄保持人就是現在湖人的助教Jason Kidd,而同樣也LBJ也成為湖人繼Magic Johnson後,第二個能連續三場大三元的紫金球員。
而Dwight Howard雖然只有6分6籃板1阻攻,但他在第四節的影響力真的太大,再次發揮出的能成為湖人關鍵拼圖的特質。
Quinn Cook今晚也發揮穩定,在球隊進攻不順下,帶來給力的火力支援,至於Kuzma,雖然過程中有很多東西要檢討,但能救贖自己,漸漸進入狀態是直得替他高興,湖人需要他成為穩定的第六人火力。
至於公牛方面真的是輸得可惜了,我認為Jim Boylen有幾次湖人準備打出氣勢時是應該可以叫個暫停緩住局面的,但公牛整個球隊過於年輕經驗不足也是事實,第四節整個進攻啞火,被湖人打出一個38:19的差距。
✏️ HBK
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Michael Jordan's coach pleaded with him to go back in the game, and the opposing coach made sure Jordan had the chance to end his career with a basket.
Jordan's last shot was a free throw, and like his final appearance in an NBA uniform, it was good.
One of the greatest players in NBA history played the final game of his illustrious career Wednesday night, not in the setting that he would have preferred but in a special atmosphere nonetheless. Jordan's final moment on the court ended with him receiving applause and a lengthy standing ovation from nearly everyone in the arena -- including the coaches and the other players.
He soaked it all up with a wide smile and a wave to the crowd after exiting for good with 1:44 remaining in the fourth quarter of a 107-87 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.
``Now I guess it hits me that I'm not going to be in a uniform anymore -- and that's not a terrible feeling,'' Jordan said afterward. ``It's something that I've come to grips with, and it's time. This is the final retirement.''
Jordan finished with 15 points, four rebounds and four assists in 28 minutes -- drawing several adoring ovations from the last sellout crowd that will ever watch him play.
``The Philly people did a great job. They gave me the biggest inspiration, in a sense,'' Jordan said. ``Obviously, they wanted to see me make a couple of baskets and then come off. That was very, very respectful, and I had a good time.''
Jordan's final points almost looked scripted, with Eric Snow of the 76ers fouling him in the backcourt for no apparent reason except to send him to the line.
``Coach (Larry Brown) told me to foul him, get him to the line to get some points and get him out of there,'' Snow said.
Both foul shots went in, and the Wizards committed a foul one second later so that Jordan could be removed from the game and receive the proper send-off. In a rare scene, the 10 players who remained on the court turned to Jordan and applauded, too.
The 40-year-old Jordan would have preferred to end his career in the playoffs, but the Wizards never clicked during his two years in Washington and finished 37-45 in both seasons.
But that was merely a footnote on this stirring night, the last time the basketball public was treated to one of the greatest athletes in history playing the game one last time.
Jordan finished his career with 32,292 points -- the third-highest total in league history, behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone. His final career average of 30.12 goes down as the best in NBA history, just ahead of Wilt Chamberlain's 30.07.
``I never, never took the game for granted. I was very true to the game, and the game was very true to me. It was just that simple,'' Jordan said.
With the Sixers ahead by 21 points with 9 1/2 minutes remaining, the crowd began chanting ``We want Mike.'' The chant grew louder as the period progressed with Jordan remaining seated, and fans ignored the game to stand and stare at the Wizards' bench, wondering why Jordan wasn't playing.
This being Philadelphia, they eventually booed.
Jordan finally pulled his warmups off and re-entered the game with 2:35 left for his brief final appearance.
``I played here. I told him I at least have to be able to come back (to Philadelphia),'' Wizards coach Doug Collins said. ``I told him to go back in for a minute. He said, 'I'm stiff.' I said, 'Please. They want to see you.' He said, 'Larry Hughes is going to foul out soon, so put me in then.'''
Earlier in the game, Jordan showed his age.
There was a play in the first quarter when he looked like the Jordan of old, except for the result. Starting near the foul line, Jordan ducked his shoulder, lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and drove to his right, the ball rolling off his fingers ever so softly as it arched toward the net.
Rather than going in, though, the ball hit the front rim and missed -- one of several of his shots that came up a few inches short.
One of the exceptions was Jordan's final shot of the first half -- a one-handed dunk that came after he received a nice pass under the basket from Bobby Simmons.
Jordan hit his first two shots of the third quarter but didn't do much else positive in the period. On an alley-oop pass from Tyronn Lue, the ball hit him in the fingertips and bounced harmlessly away. A lazy crosscourt pass was picked off by Aaron McKie, leading to one of Philadelphia's 31 fast-break points. Jordan's final field-goal attempt was a missed layup with 8:13 remaining.
``I'm not embarrassed,'' Jordan said, ``but it's just not ... I've had better feelings in terms of playing a competitive game.''
The standing ovation that Jordan received lasted about three minutes, with Jordan smiling, nodding and chewing gum throughout. The group Boyz II Men sang ``It's So Hard To Say Goodbye'' between the first and second quarters as a montage of Jordan's career highlights was shown on the scoreboard.

nba play 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Yao, Shaq, Iverson: Hall of Fame roundtable.
Yao Ming, Shaquille O'Neal and Allen Iverson sit down with ESPN's Carry Chow from the Hall of Fame to reminisce about facing off against each other and thoughts on today's NBA, especially the change in the play of the big men.

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Nobody but The Answer himself knows the answers to all of the financial and legal questions that keep popping up about Allen Iverson nowadays. The one thing that is certain about Iverson is that no matter how much negative press he receives, he’s still loved all around the round as an almost cult figure especially in Asia where they worship the crossover king.
Earlier this year, The Answer joined The Professor and his Ballup teammates in a three game Chinese exhibition tour that brought out tens of thousands of fans to the games and in the streets to see the American streetball stars and ex NBA star.
Although Grayson “The Professor” Boucher never made it to the NBA, he also has reached a cult status for breaking ankles and putting on amazing ball handling exhibitions over the past decade on the And1 Mixtapes and now the Ballup Tour which will be on FoxSprots1 TV later this summer.
From the highlights of the video, it looks like Iverson still has a lot of game left in him and there’s no shortage of people that still want to see him play so if AI doesn’t sign with a pro team in the US or overseas, hopefully we get to see him in a few more exhibition events like this. In the meantime, it looks like we will just have to rewatch and enjoy classic Iverson footage and wait on The Answer.

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