Three of my professors💝🤗🤗
They are all Australia's famous naturopathic doctors and nutritional medicine specialists😘😉💞
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過72萬的網紅Warner Music Malaysia,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Follow Jessie Chung on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessiechung.official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiechung.offical www.jessiechu...
「naturopathic medicine」的推薦目錄:
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 蔡明劼醫師 健康。瘦身 Facebook
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube
- 關於naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube
naturopathic medicine 在 蔡明劼醫師 健康。瘦身 Facebook 八卦
原來川普身邊這位《總統的醫生》是DO(Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,中譯整骨醫師),不是像蔡醫師這樣的MD(Doctor of Medicine),我之前都沒注意到這個細節。
至於《自然療師》(Naturopathic practitioner)是完全不一樣的,《自然療法》(Naturopath)這個系統在各個州的認證標準則都不同,有些甚至根本就沒獲得教育部的認證。所以很可能含有偽科學的療法在內,建議大家要多多注意喔~~
naturopathic medicine 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 八卦
<香港好危險之: 咖啡灌腸醫癌症?>
有讀者報料,原來有位前港姐歐芷婷幾度改名換姓, 現叫自己做「生酮女皇」歐昶瑩,不斷拍片教人做另類治療, 例如咖啡灌腸,生酮飲食等等。
她當然也開了網店, 出售各式各樣的產品,並好像私家醫生般提供面對面「諮詢服務」,例如跟癌症病人講解 "生酮飲食,草本和生活小改變如何可以幫助身體對抗癌症" ! ( https://www.hkketo.com/ )
收取的價錢? 每小時盛惠港元 $1680!「一路發」, 真的好意頭吧?
原來這位「生酮女皇」大有來頭, 竟然有讀過哈佛大學醫學院.... 的 100小時遙距課程! ( https://online-learning.harvard.edu/…/global-health-delivery )
姑且勿論以此等 '資歷' ,向病人 (甚至癌症病人) 提供收費的諮詢服務, 這種手法在香港是否合法 (不知道這是否 衞生署衞生防護中心 Centre for Health Protection, DH, 還是私營醫療機構規管辦事處 的範疇呢?) 我們儘管看看這個葫蘆賣的是什麼藥。
這種方法由 Max Gerson 開發,Max Gerson 是一位德國出生的醫生,於1936年移民到美國並在紐約市執業至1959年去世。
咖啡灌腸是通過肛門注射咖啡以清潔直腸和大腸的灌腸相關程序。Gerson 說咖啡灌腸具有積極的排毒作用,有助於恢復患者的健康。他聲稱,與鹽水灌腸不同,灌腸中的咖啡通過小腸的平滑肌進入肝臟。他說,這可以刺激自主神經系統,就像咖啡因口服時一樣,激活肝臟中膽汁的釋放,清除更多的胃腸道並排出比正常灌腸更多的毒素。
Gerson 飲食的支持者聲稱只有毒素從體內排出才能治愈癌症。他們推薦使用頻繁的咖啡灌腸「排毒」。
Gerson 治療仍在墨西哥蒂華納 (Tijuana) 的 Meridien 醫院,以及美國亞利桑那州的 Gerson 治療中心進行。他的女兒 Charlotte Gerson 現時仍然通過講座及 Gerson 研究所的出版物繼續積極推廣 Gerson 療法。
1947年,美國國家癌症研究所 (National Cancer Institute, NCI) 審查了 Gerson 選擇的10個案件,發現他的報告不能令人信服。同年,由紐約縣醫學會任命的一個委員會審查了86名患者的記錄,並檢查了10名患者身體,沒有發現 Gerson 方法對治療癌症有任何價值的證據。
美國國家癌症中心更於1959年分析了 Gerson 的書 <<癌症治療:五十個病例的結果>> ,得出結論: 大多數病例未能滿足癌症病例的正確評估標準(如癌症的組織學驗證)[1]。
(a)Gerson 聲稱存在於加工食品中的「毒藥」從未被發現,
即使其女兒 Charlotte Gerson 稱,Gerson 診所的治療已經為許多癌症提供了高治愈率,然而在1986年,雖然診所人員表示他們會系統地跟進他們的病人,但是研究人員發現患者在離開醫院後並沒有受到監控[3]。
1983年訪問 Gerson 診所的三名自然療法療師通過年度信件或電話跟進了18名患者,為期5年。在5年的時間裡,只有一個人還活著(但仍然患有癌症);其餘的人已經死於癌症 [4]。
咖啡灌腸可能引起嚴重的副作用(一些常見於其他類型的灌腸),包括感染,嚴重的電解質紊亂,結腸炎,直腸結腸炎,如果咖啡灌入太快或太熱,它可能導致內部燒傷,直腸穿孔 (rectal perforation),甚至腦膿腫或心肺衰竭。
其實,如果非經專業訓練,泵液體或氣體進入肛門、大腸, 尤其是本身有 腸道疾病的病人, 都有可能會導致直腸穿孔 。由於直腸有無數細菌,如果出現直腸穿孔, 可以導致敗血病,死亡率也非常高。
根據美國國家癌症研究所的數據,文獻中報導有三個死亡案例懷疑是與咖啡灌腸有關。 其中一個可能是由於細菌感染,另外兩例因嚴重的電解質紊亂而死亡。
在 1980 年至 1986 年期間,至少有13 名接受 Gerson 治療的患者入住聖地亞哥地區醫院,因為注射肝臟引起了彎曲桿菌膿毒症[5]。沒有一個癌病患者的癌症被根治, 其中一個人更在一周內死於惡性腫瘤,五人由於血清鈉水平低而昏迷 (可能是由於「無鈉」Gerson飲食方案) 。
美國食品和藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)已經裁定,研究者如果使用咖啡灌腸來進行臨床研究,必須要向病人警告其能導致死亡的風險。
最近不是有一篇新聞,關於一名台灣醫生使用咖啡灌腸療法來醫治其肝膿腫, 最後因細菌感染死亡嗎?
其實,直腸灌洗通常用作醫療程序的準備,例如直腸鏡檢查。 至於「解毒」 ,醫學界則認為沒有這目的進行直腸灌洗,因為你的消化系統和腸道已經懂得排走體內的廢物。
老老實實, 欺騙一個無助的癌症病人 sell 自己神奇產品一個鐘,收番一千幾百, 再賣一個醫學用泵加幾條管, 又收四百幾蚊, 又不準自己買一般咖啡用作灌腸, 要特別買「灌腸用有機咖啡」,另外再要買 "帶氧鎂藥片"!? 真是在豬年「發過豬頭」, 「豬籠入水」!
請各位讀者能夠花一分鐘的時間,按下「分享」鍵再「留言」分享你的看法, 好讓有更多的市民能夠看到這篇文章,把這些踢爆偽科學的資訊傳開去。
更多文章 @ 醫學治眼
- 家長邪教式反疫苗危害公眾 https://www.facebook.com/eyesupersuperUK/posts/2289506121285934
- 癌腫瘤能夠化成為水排出體外(?!) https://www.facebook.com/eyesupersuperUK/posts/2301878343382045
- 從未被證明水有記憶力的順勢療法 https://www.facebook.com/eyesupersuperUK/posts/2292587367644476
1. American Cancer Society. Unproven methods of cancer management: Gerson method. CA—A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 40:252-256, 1990.
2. Green S. A critique of the rationale for cancer treatment with coffee enemas and diet. JAMA 268:3224-3227, 1992.
3. Lowell J. The Gerson Clinic. Nutrition Forum 3:9-12, 1986.
4. Austin S, Dale EB, DeKadt S. Long-term follow-up of cancer patients using Contreras, Hoxsey and Gerson therapies. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 5(1):74-76, 1994.
5. Ginsberg MM and others. Campylobacter sepsis associated with "nutritional therapy"—California. MMWR 30:294-295, 1981.
naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube 的評價
Follow Jessie Chung on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessiechung.official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiechung.offical
Jessie Chung is an international recording artist and actress based in Australia, currently under the management of Future Entertainment & Music Group. She is the only Malaysian artist who has stormed foreign charts, including the prestigious Taiwan 5 Music International Chart, and the I Radio Top Hits Chart. True to her multitalented status, she is also a doctor of medicine in oncology, naturopathic doctor (US), certified nutritional consultant (US), homeopathic doctor, certified iridologist, biotech researcher, accomplished entrepreneur, author, martial arts coach, and philanthropist from Malaysia. Besides holding a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine—Oncology from Guangzhou University of TCM, China, she also possesses a MBA from The University of South Australia and a BSc. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, USA. In recent years, she was the only naturopathic oncologist selected as one of the Hummingbird Cancer Centre leading members to head their natural therapy department.
Her passion for music was evident at a young age as she racked up numerous singing competition awards. In junior high school, Jessie was the only youth representative in the entire district selected to sing at the National Day Celebration. She then proceeded to perform on many TV programmes in subsequent years. Her high school years in Canada was highlighted by her participation in an international talent contest held by TVB, and she successfully entered into the finals at the ripe age of sixteen. Besides singing, Jessie also has a gift for musical instruments, passing grade 8 organ at a young age with distinction, under the examination of Japanese auditors.
After her studies, she devoted herself into the entertainment industry and charity; so far, she has released eight albums and starred in three feature films. In 2013, she took on lead actress in the Chinese film Faces and Malaysian film Unchanging Love. She also appeared in the 2014 film Kungfu Taboo.
She is known for her ebullient and enigmatic concert performances in countries all around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. With experience in dozens of concerts in five different languages, Jessie yielded huge responses from fans around the world during her 2015 Love Unity Concert, leaving barely any space in the arena. Building on her success from the previous year, she proceeded to perform in the Jessie Chung Exquisite Chinese Orchestra Concert in 2016, selling out all ten performances. Besides touring and performing in concerts, she has also starred in several stage plays, tackling lead roles in Malaysia, Singapore and Canada. Her recent stage production Moonlight was also well received by the visual arts community, and the organizer has brought Moonlight to numerous locations around the country.
By now, she has released six Chinese albums and two English albums. Her single Love in You was selected as the theme song for the Korean TV series My Secret Garden in Taiwan, whereas her album of the same name topped Malaysia’s aiFM Top Hits Chart, staying at number 1 for many consecutive weeks. In China, her album Loving You charted among the top 10. Her recent album Tearless Sky rose to 4th place on the I Radio Top Hits Chart and 6th place on the Pop Radio Top Ten Music Chart just within two weeks of initial release in Taiwan. The album was well received by the public and has received appraisal from music journalists. She has appeared on numerous TV shows in Taiwan, and her album was strongly recommended by the TV hosts of the programmes, one of them being Kevin Tsai (Cai Kang Yong), in his legendary TV show Kangsi Coming. Exhibiting a strong presence on TV shows, Jessie has recently been invited to host TV shows in both China and Australia.
Besides, she authored Stay Away from Cancer, Stay Away from Diseases, and the Jessie Diary series, informing the world with her medical experiences while also giving them a peek into her soul. She has authored more than ten literary and medical works to date, most of them in English and Chinese, with translations in Malay.
As an accomplished martial arts practitioner, Jessie has successfully achieved the 5th Duan of Chinese Wushu Duanwei; she is also a certified Wushu coach, referee, and instructor. She has won a total of 12 gold medals and 5 silver medals in various international Wushu competitions.
Jessie has been honoured with countless awards received from various ministers of Malaysia for her achievements, particularly two awards from the prime ministers of Malaysia.

naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube 的評價
Follow Jessie Chung on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessiechung.official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiechung.offical
Jessie Chung is an international recording artist and actress based in Australia, currently under the management of Future Entertainment & Music Group. She is the only Malaysian artist who has stormed foreign charts, including the prestigious Taiwan 5 Music International Chart, and the I Radio Top Hits Chart. True to her multitalented status, she is also a doctor of medicine in oncology, naturopathic doctor (US), certified nutritional consultant (US), homeopathic doctor, certified iridologist, biotech researcher, accomplished entrepreneur, author, martial arts coach, and philanthropist from Malaysia. Besides holding a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine—Oncology from Guangzhou University of TCM, China, she also possesses a MBA from The University of South Australia and a BSc. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, USA. In recent years, she was the only naturopathic oncologist selected as one of the Hummingbird Cancer Centre leading members to head their natural therapy department.
Her passion for music was evident at a young age as she racked up numerous singing competition awards. In junior high school, Jessie was the only youth representative in the entire district selected to sing at the National Day Celebration. She then proceeded to perform on many TV programmes in subsequent years. Her high school years in Canada was highlighted by her participation in an international talent contest held by TVB, and she successfully entered into the finals at the ripe age of sixteen. Besides singing, Jessie also has a gift for musical instruments, passing grade 8 organ at a young age with distinction, under the examination of Japanese auditors.
After her studies, she devoted herself into the entertainment industry and charity; so far, she has released eight albums and starred in three feature films. In 2013, she took on lead actress in the Chinese film Faces and Malaysian film Unchanging Love. She also appeared in the 2014 film Kungfu Taboo.
She is known for her ebullient and enigmatic concert performances in countries all around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. With experience in dozens of concerts in five different languages, Jessie yielded huge responses from fans around the world during her 2015 Love Unity Concert, leaving barely any space in the arena. Building on her success from the previous year, she proceeded to perform in the Jessie Chung Exquisite Chinese Orchestra Concert in 2016, selling out all ten performances. Besides touring and performing in concerts, she has also starred in several stage plays, tackling lead roles in Malaysia, Singapore and Canada. Her recent stage production Moonlight was also well received by the visual arts community, and the organizer has brought Moonlight to numerous locations around the country.
By now, she has released six Chinese albums and two English albums. Her single Love in You was selected as the theme song for the Korean TV series My Secret Garden in Taiwan, whereas her album of the same name topped Malaysia’s aiFM Top Hits Chart, staying at number 1 for many consecutive weeks. In China, her album Loving You charted among the top 10. Her recent album Tearless Sky rose to 4th place on the I Radio Top Hits Chart and 6th place on the Pop Radio Top Ten Music Chart just within two weeks of initial release in Taiwan. The album was well received by the public and has received appraisal from music journalists. She has appeared on numerous TV shows in Taiwan, and her album was strongly recommended by the TV hosts of the programmes, one of them being Kevin Tsai (Cai Kang Yong), in his legendary TV show Kangsi Coming. Exhibiting a strong presence on TV shows, Jessie has recently been invited to host TV shows in both China and Australia.
As an accomplished martial arts practitioner, Jessie has successfully achieved the 5th Duan of Chinese Wushu Duanwei; she is also a certified Wushu coach, referee, and instructor. She has won a total of 12 gold medals and 5 silver medals in various international Wushu competitions.
Jessie has been honoured with countless awards received from various ministers of Malaysia for her achievements, particularly two awards from the prime ministers of Malaysia.

naturopathic medicine 在 Warner Music Malaysia Youtube 的評價
Follow Jessie Chung on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessiechung.official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiechung.offical
Jessie Chung is an international recording artist and actress based in Australia, currently under the management of Future Entertainment & Music Group. She is the only Malaysian artist who has stormed foreign charts, including the prestigious Taiwan 5 Music International Chart, and the I Radio Top Hits Chart. True to her multitalented status, she is also a doctor of medicine in oncology, naturopathic doctor (US), certified nutritional consultant (US), homeopathic doctor, certified iridologist, biotech researcher, accomplished entrepreneur, author, martial arts coach, and philanthropist from Malaysia. Besides holding a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine—Oncology from Guangzhou University of TCM, China, she also possesses a MBA from The University of South Australia and a BSc. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, USA. In recent years, she was the only naturopathic oncologist selected as one of the Hummingbird Cancer Centre leading members to head their natural therapy department.
Her passion for music was evident at a young age as she racked up numerous singing competition awards. In junior high school, Jessie was the only youth representative in the entire district selected to sing at the National Day Celebration. She then proceeded to perform on many TV programmes in subsequent years. Her high school years in Canada was highlighted by her participation in an international talent contest held by TVB, and she successfully entered into the finals at the ripe age of sixteen. Besides singing, Jessie also has a gift for musical instruments, passing grade 8 organ at a young age with distinction, under the examination of Japanese auditors.
After her studies, she devoted herself into the entertainment industry and charity; so far, she has released eight albums and starred in three feature films. In 2013, she took on lead actress in the Chinese film Faces and Malaysian film Unchanging Love. She also appeared in the 2014 film Kungfu Taboo.
She is known for her ebullient and enigmatic concert performances in countries all around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. With experience in dozens of concerts in five different languages, Jessie yielded huge responses from fans around the world during her 2015 Love Unity Concert, leaving barely any space in the arena. Building on her success from the previous year, she proceeded to perform in the Jessie Chung Exquisite Chinese Orchestra Concert in 2016, selling out all ten performances. Besides touring and performing in concerts, she has also starred in several stage plays, tackling lead roles in Malaysia, Singapore and Canada. Her recent stage production Moonlight was also well received by the visual arts community, and the organizer has brought Moonlight to numerous locations around the country.
By now, she has released six Chinese albums and two English albums. Her single Love in You was selected as the theme song for the Korean TV series My Secret Garden in Taiwan, whereas her album of the same name topped Malaysia’s aiFM Top Hits Chart, staying at number 1 for many consecutive weeks. In China, her album Loving You charted among the top 10. Her recent album Tearless Sky rose to 4th place on the I Radio Top Hits Chart and 6th place on the Pop Radio Top Ten Music Chart just within two weeks of initial release in Taiwan. The album was well received by the public and has received appraisal from music journalists. She has appeared on numerous TV shows in Taiwan, and her album was strongly recommended by the TV hosts of the programmes, one of them being Kevin Tsai (Cai Kang Yong), in his legendary TV show Kangsi Coming. Exhibiting a strong presence on TV shows, Jessie has recently been invited to host TV shows in both China and Australia.
Besides, she authored Stay Away from Cancer, Stay Away from Diseases, and the Jessie Diary series, informing the world with her medical experiences while also giving them a peek into her soul. She has authored more than ten literary and medical works to date, most of them in English and Chinese, with translations in Malay.
As an accomplished martial arts practitioner, Jessie has successfully achieved the 5th Duan of Chinese Wushu Duanwei; she is also a certified Wushu coach, referee, and instructor. She has won a total of 12 gold medals and 5 silver medals in various international Wushu competitions.
Jessie has been honoured with countless awards received from various ministers of Malaysia for her achievements, particularly two awards from the prime ministers of Malaysia.

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Naturopathic physicians now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, ... ... <看更多>
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