今天我抱著興奮和期待的心情,造訪了新竹的國研院太空中心。我參觀了「福爾摩沙衛星七號星系計畫」預計在2016年第三季發射的第一批六顆氣象微衛星的整合測試現況。藉由測試GPS衛星訊號所接收到的大氣層變化,這些感應器讓世界各地的科學家能進一步瞭解地球的天氣和氣候,這也是美國和台灣透過科學合作能達成的傲人成就之一! --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
I had a very exciting day visiting the National Space Office (NSPO) in Hsinchu. I got to see testing on the first six COSMIC-2 / FORMOSAT-7 weather satellites, which are scheduled to be launched in the third quarter of 2016. By measuring atmospheric changes to GPS satellite signals, these sensors will provide scientists all around the world with a much greater understanding of the Earth’s weather and climate. It’s a great example of the amazing things that the United States and Taiwan can do when we cooperate in scientific fields! … km
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Getting ready for the upcoming launch of the COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 weather satellite. Learn more about this joint project between the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Taiwan’s National Space Organization: https://bit.ly/2wsrLbb
Did you know that COSMIC-2 is a team of 6 satellites?
After launch, these remote-sensing microsatellites will work together to collect data for weather forecasting, climate change monitoring and space weather research.
Follow #CountDowntoLaunch on Twitter!
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Watch the launch of the nation’s next-generation weather satellite, #GOESR! Once in orbit, the satellite will use its sensors to continuously track weather conditions, keep a watch on storms and even produce real-time maps of lightning activity. Liftoff is scheduled for 5:42 p.m. EST.
national weather satellite 在 NASA Launches NOAA Weather Satellite to Improve Forecasts 的八卦
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