美國在台協會的「留學美國」任務在農曆新年後又開始啟動了!文化官馬明遠本週拜訪了新北市私立裕德雙語國際學校,與學生分享他的求學經驗和對美國教育的觀察。馬明遠也致贈美國旅遊和文學相關書籍給學校。約200名七年級到十二年級的同學到場聆聽,很多同學也問了很多有趣的問題!你們也有興趣聽美國官員或留學專員解說美國教育嗎?我們很樂意到你們的學校去拜訪,做英文或中文演說喔!歡迎聯繫 educationusa@mail.ait.org.tw 來了解更多資訊。最棒的是,所有的「留學美國」服務都是免費的喔!
#EducationUSATaiwan #studyintheusataiwan #travelintheUSA
#留學美國在台灣 #台灣高中 #留學美國念大學 New Taipei City Yuteh Private Bilingual School 新北市私立裕德雙語高級中學
AIT has resumed our EducationUSA outreach after Lunar New Year! Our Cultural Affairs Officer Martin Luke visited New Taipei City’s Yuteh Private International School this week to meet students and share some information on U.S. education. Luke also brought some valuable books on American travel and literature to Yuteh as gifts. Around 200 students, from Grade 7th to 12th grades, attended the discussion and raised a number of interesting questions.
Would you or your school be interested in learning more about U.S. education from one of our American officers or EdUSA advisers? We are happy to visit your school too, and can offer talks in English or Chinese! Please reach out to us at educationusa@mail.ait.org.tw for more information. All EducationUSA services are offered at no cost.
同時也有34部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Thanks to ExpressVPN for the sponsorship; go to https://expressvpn.com/xiaomanyc and find out how you can get 3 months free! Today I went to NYC’s Bro...
lunar中文 在 波痞到底是在幹嘛? Facebook 八卦
Happy Lunar new year🧨🧨🧨
關於過年,如果用英文講,我不會說Chinese new year(中國新年),而會說Lunar new year(農曆新年)。
所以為了全世界的政治正確(?),不要再用Chinese new year跟CNY這樣的詞彙啦!
lunar中文 在 波痞到底是在幹嘛? Facebook 八卦
Happy Lunar new year🧨🧨🧨
關於過年,如果用英文講,我不會說Chinese new year(中國新年),而會說Lunar new year(農曆新年)。
所以為了全世界的政治正確(?),不要再用Chinese new year跟CNY這樣的詞彙啦!
lunar中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
Thanks to ExpressVPN for the sponsorship; go to https://expressvpn.com/xiaomanyc and find out how you can get 3 months free! Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and ordered food in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. The other patrons in the restaurant were completely shocked!!!
It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!
Thanks everyone for supporting me on my language learning journey — part 2 of these Fuzhounese videos coming up very soon! And also Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!
Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc
Check out my Chinese course:
If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc
Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
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lunar中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and got food and chatted with locals in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. They were totally stunned!!! This is Part 2 of our Fuzhounese adventure in NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown of Sunset Park (8th Avenue).
It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!
Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
Check out my new beginner course and learn Chinese exactly how I wish I'd learned it: http://bit.ly/3tgq4d8
Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!
If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

lunar中文 在 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes Youtube 的評價
#曼食慢语# 自从2016年开始,年夜饭视频应该算是我每年的保留节目了,不论年底有多忙,我都会拍这样一个视频,展现一个人制作一整桌年夜饭的流程,以及节奏的控制。没想到大家都这么喜欢这个节目,每次看见后台小伙伴催促我上新年特辑的时候,都既紧张又开心。
⊙ 沙拉:
牛排 1块(300克左右,最好是西冷或者菲力),盐 适量,黑胡椒 适量,橄榄油 适量,球生菜 适量,罗马生菜 适量,芝麻菜 适量,樱桃番茄 3-4个,牛油果 1/2个
⊙ 酱汁:
生抽 2大勺,醋 1.5大勺,糖 一小撮,白胡椒 一小撮,油辣椒 1小勺,蒜 1瓣、香油 1小勺
⊙ 鸭腿 1kg
⊙ 腌料:
花椒 1小勺,粗盐 30克,大葱 1小截,姜 3片,八角 3个
⊙ 熏料:
米 10克,茶叶 10克,新鲜橙子皮 适量 ,红糖 50克
⊙ 伊比利亚火腿片 70克,芭乐 半个,蜜瓜 2牙,糖 1小勺,辣椒粉 1小勺,芝麻菜适量
⊙ 山药 125克,淡奶油 150克
⊙ 红薯 125克,淡奶油 175克
⊙ 紫薯 125克,淡奶油 200克
⊙ 白吐司 5片
⊙ 荷兰小黄瓜 5-6根,盐 1小勺 ,蒜 5瓣,红辣椒 5个,老抽 1-2小勺,糖 1小勺,香油 1大勺,水 适量
⊙ 高汤:鸡 半只,猪骨 500克,猪脚 1个,大葱 1截,姜 1小块,金华火腿 2-3片(约20克左右)
⊙ 主料:干鲍鱼 5个,海参 3个,干花胶 80克,瑶柱 50克,花菇 3个,猪小排 150克,牛蹄筋 80克,生抽 2小勺,冰糖 5克,料酒 2大勺,冬笋 1个,大葱 1截,姜 1小块,金华火腿 50克,黄酒 1大勺,鸽子蛋 4个,新鲜虎虾 3只
⊙ 东星斑 1条(盒马吃好点频道有售),蒜 6瓣,姜 1块,大葱 1根,糖 1小撮 ,盐 1小撮,生抽 2大勺,蚝油 1大勺,食用油 2-3大勺
⊙ 帝王蟹 1只(盒马有售,新鲜的帝王蟹)
⊙ 帝王蟹豆腐:姜泥 1大勺,嫩豆腐 300克,大葱 1截,姜 1小块,盐 适量,玉米淀粉 1小勺,小葱 1根
⊙ 烤帝王蟹腿:黄油 30克,蒜 4瓣,生抽 1小勺
⊙ 猪肋排 800克
⊙ 腌料:蒜 8瓣,干辣椒 3个,白酒 1大勺,生抽 1大勺,蜂蜜 1小勺,八角 3个,花椒 1小勺,孜然粒 1小勺,
⊙ 装饰料:红辣椒 适量,白芝麻 适量
⊙ 咸鱼 80克,长茄子 2根,猪油 30克,蒜 5瓣,姜 1小块,葱 适量,红辣椒 1个,料酒 1大勺,生抽 1大勺,醋 1小勺,老抽 几滴,糖 适量,盐 适量,香油 适量
⊙ 牛尾 800克,白萝卜 300克,白洋葱 1个,青蒜 1棵,盐 适量
⊙ 藜麦 50克,黄米 100克,糯米 150克,糖 30克,豆沙馅 200克,咸蛋黄 3个,黄油 30克,黄油 适量(抹碗用)
⊙ 蜜枣,葡萄干,熟核桃仁,枸杞,熟扁桃仁,熟松子仁
⊙ 马蹄 150克,甘蔗 300克,茅根 100克,胡萝卜 100克
⊙ 生姜 1小块,黄酒 300毫升,话梅干 4-5颗,冰糖 1-2大勺
▋ Latest Video
[2017年年夜饭 2017 Chinese New Year Dinner]
[2016年年夜饭 2016 Chinese New Year Dinner]
[咸鱼Salted Fish]
[油辣椒Chili Oil]
[红豆沙Sweetened Bean Paste]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandatastes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandatastes

lunar中文 在 【床戰】Lunar Client 設定介紹- 2021最新版大佬都在用的啟動器 的八卦
幹..好久沒有上字幕了好累...#LunarClient #2021最新#床戰我的DC群- https://discord.gg ... ... <看更多>