Ansheles 挑戰!麥兜 X 黎根落單一take過
🇭🇰[Can] 第一次意外地上網睇到麥兜條片嘅時候,我已經深深地愛上佢。當時我仲未聽得明佢講乜,但我已經覺得佢好搞笑。即使睇咗咁多次,到而家每次睇到都仲係會大笑!呢個卡通捕捉左香港嘅精粹同埋原汁原味既本土文化。如果有機會,我會將佢譯做好多唔同嘅語言,放喺飛黎香港嘅飛機上面播俾旅客睇。今次呢條片睇落好似好容易,但要記得哂所有對白真係非常非常難。我希望藉住呢條片證明比自己睇如果你夠努力,無嘢係唔可能嘅。今後我會用呢條片繼續鼓勵自己!
特別感謝 Emma Patarini 和 Yeni Lam 的演出及聲效控制 Lego
🇬🇧[Eng] Ever since the first time I accidentally stumbled across this video on the Internet I fell absolutely in love with McDull and even though back then I didn't really understand what was happening, I still found it incredibly funny ,even now after watching it so many times and learning the whole thing, I still laugh every time! This cartoon captures the very essence of Hong Kong and it's culture and so if I would have a chance, I would translate it to many languages and play it on an airplane on the way to Hong Kong for people that have never been here before!
Although this looks easy, learning it was incredibly hard. My goal with this video was to challenge and prove myself that anything is possible as long as you work hard for it.
Now I will use this video as self motivation!
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同時也有221部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Nordvpn會有3折優惠再送一個月全免費service給你!!! 請使用以下連結: 優惠碼: deepwebstreet Instagram: Face...
learning motivation 在 Sascha Heusermann 賀少俠 Facebook 八卦
努力加上決心會帶來成就。Hard work and determination lead to success. Harte Arbeit und Entschlossenheit führen zum Erfolg.
#humanflag #calisthenics #workout #motivation #gettingbetter #goals #staystrong #lifelessons #learning #improving
learning motivation 在 陳明珠 Facebook 八卦
我很感恩雖然沒有大紅大紫,但一路上滿滿是貴人與奇蹟。今年我接下了一個新節目,我將帶著五大洲12位外國朋友來認識台灣與客家文化,此時,有聲語言變得十二萬分重要,曾經短暫擔任過國小英文老師的我,用英語來表達並不陌生,但是要更精進絕對需要更有系統的學習,謝謝 TutorABC 為我開啟了新的學習大門,透過線上課程,我可以隨時隨地進入學習的情境中。
Teacher Madison住在英國劍橋,透過螢幕鏡頭,我看見她教學的熱情與喜悅,我也藉著簡單的英文語句,跟她說此時我在這太平洋的寶島上,那海有多藍,那陽光的味緒多和煦,那礫石的觸感有多親膚,那男女老少有多熱情。
我們說說笑笑,也用英文交換彼此眼前的美好景物,有幾度我眼眶紅紅,也許是橘紅夕陽映眼的關係吧,當她說起受教育的過程中,她一直都知道太平洋上有一個美麗的寶島,叫作「Formosa Taiwan」,而她也一直期待著有天能夠來台灣旅行,我們靜默了幾秒,同聲說——
So glad to meet you here today through
特別幫大家爭取到一堂 TutorABC 免費課程,明珠粉絲獨享喔→
#TutorABC因材施教立即見效 #AI打造量身定製課程
“You opened my door to the world, and accompanied me on this global journey”
There are two kinds of languages; one is conveyed by sound while the other one is utterly silent. The “silent” language is perceived by an observant and open heart. On the other hand, a language with sound requires a wild imagination and relentless training.
As an outdoor TV host, I believe that what matters, besides speaking eloquently, is to read between the lines and to be aware of the stories in our elder’s eyes, silver hair buns, and intertwined fingerprints. During the past 8 years of my career, I collected a plethora of anecdotes, and they are just like sparkling stars in my little universe. I hope someday I can stand in front of a big crowd and show everyone these stars, which represent the gifts of Taiwan.
I am eternally grateful for those heroes and miracles along the way, even if I didn’t make it big. This year, I am hosting a new TV program. I will introduce Taiwanese and Hakka culture to twelve foreign friends from five continents. Because of this, my language skills are crucial to the success of the program. I am familiar with communicating in English since I have been an elementary school English teacher. However, in order to reach a higher level of proficiency, I need to learn in a more systematic and organized way. Thanks to TutorABC, I found a new gateway to learning, and through their online courses, I can always start learning regardless of time and space.
So, one day I came to the gorgeous northern coast, and started my first English class. As a nature lover, I can also release my stress from work. Not to mention, I finally had the chance to introduce my foreign friends to the beauty of Taiwan and its natural scenery.
Ms. Madison, my teacher, lives in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Via the camera of her computer screen, I saw her joy and enthusiasm in teaching English. With a few simple English sentences and phrases, I described the sight of this gifted island on the Pacific Ocean: the azure sea, the blazing sun, the textured rocks, and the elated people.
I chose the course related to outdoor activities. Before class, TutorABC will provide me with course material for previewing. During class, Ms. Madison will introduce the definition of the words, and encourage me to use those words to share my stories and experiences. Before the class ends, a learning assessment will be conducted to record my current progress.
We chatted, laughed, and used English to share the breathtaking view in front of us. Occasionally, my eyes were slightly red, probably due to the orange sunset that projected onto my eyes. Ms. Madison talked about her school years, and how she always knew that there is a beautiful island named “Formosa Taiwan” on the Pacific Ocean. She always looked forward to visiting Taiwan. After a few seconds of silence, we said to each other simultaneously, “So glad to meet you here today through TutorABC!”
Learning a new language can be very joyful and rewarding, if we are willing to forget all the excessive concerns and recollect the pure enthusiasm of learning our mother tongue from adults when we were still children. TutorABC can help us find back that motivation for learning language, but first, we ask you to open your mind, observe with your heart, and learn without fear!
Photo Joseph Cheng Photography - Shape, no other
learning motivation 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的評價
優惠碼: deepwebstreet
暗網? 陰謀論?:
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據):
車志健 Brian Cha
我是 ‘啊?.’ 本來我人生沒有什麼方向. 有個wung大的創業夢但沒有實踐的歩jauw. 又常常有壓力. 直到我有一天在Youtube看到一個廣告. 不是他! 是Nordvpn!
如果..我突然之間一無所有! 有黑客入侵我iphone, 以前的我會非常擔心. 現在有Nordvpn我只需要一部手機, 全球59個國家5070個不同server適用. 雖然下jou Nordvpn沒有每天收入9億, 但你都唔洗gum luw luw jue, 因為用到多個網絡我機場, 咖啡, 洒店都不用”quit youtube囉!”
By the way 就算你的名字是不是叫做kelvin, 無論用windows, mac或Android的機. 你隻手指按下面連結一個juy, 然後輸入優惠碼 ‘deepwebstreet’ 就會有3折優惠和一個月全免費service送給你! Good boy無論你是上網學教你創業課程, 或因為yik ching常常需要上網工作, 一個nordvpn app在一部手機?面就改變左我一生. 亦可以改變你一生.
“坦白d講, 你地成日話唔中意d廣告. 用左Nordvpn set我呢度加拿大. 你唔想睇到的廣告就自自然然睇唔到架啦!”
暗網仔出街的觀眾大家好! 大概10年前我曾經有一個暑假做過一個賣一套套相當名貴廚房刀的door to door salesman. tuw過朋友親戚的介紹成功在大小的廚房puy蘋果, 切繩, 甚至剪爆un仔.
過了那個暑假之後我ling ng到整份工作的可疑之處. 一個領導人找其他人入會做sales然後收yung是chun ait sik. 之後我沒有做這份工作了, 但坦白講刀我現在還會用.
幾年前社交媒體上開始出現一堆堆自ching是 “entrepreneur” 的年輕人. 好有型地主要用相片去sell一個 “我很成功這個樣子” 的lifestyle. 內容大多數都是教你如何run一個成功的business. 但可能那個人本身是從來也沒有run過一個成功的business. 多數他唯一的business就是教你如何run一個business.
或者一個人生教練可能實際年齡只有22 suey.
我叫這個做 “Brian Cha現象” 我不是針對Brian, 我用brian的名字因為大家容易一點明白, 因為他們所有人用的business model都是這個‘new non-linear marketing approach’
第一歩: Youtube廣告是大家認識Brian的主要kuey do. 廣告片很多超過百萬點擊但可能好少Like, 可能dislike仲多. 之前外國一段時間一些bin tai的小朋友Youtube頻道會有比較負面的留言, 這種contextual advertising能找一些特定興chuey, 年齡Chung, 影片類型的人張廣告放在他們眼前.
第二步: 明星效應一定伴隨第一歩. 歐美做創業家跟做演員或運動員都一樣是所謂 ‘kuw到女’ 的職業. 導致很多年hing人崇拜.
第三歩: Brian個人網ji需要比email. 有了你email後就不停market產品, seminar等等東西比你. 是最古老的email marketing
第四歩: 2020全新教學: 5個簡單歩驟把生意網絡化就是重點.
雖然在加拿大我看不到Brian cha的廣告. 但可以說整天有無數無數個用 ‘non-linear marketing’ 由教你用Facebook 10日jan過百萬到如何溝女都有. 其實像這行最出名的Gary Vaynerchuk真是有一個成功的紅酒生意和媒體公司教人是沒有問題的.
但好像這位tai lopez就是一個恐怖故事了. 他租車, 請一些美女幫他拍片都是為sell他的網上課程67 steps. 廣告的fook koy ching do可以bey美Brian cha. 也有多個Youtuber cheun佢.
我之前買過67 steps不能說aik人. 是有一些道理. 但很多都是general knowledge的一些東西. 不需要這麼貴也沒有改變我一生. 我也跟他有一段故事. 之前有個美女外國friend説IG收到他私suen飛來我們城市見這個女生然後跟他上床. 他的錢是mok後老細比的. 他只是一個frontman.
Gary vaynerchuk has an actual wine business and social media marketing business.
Tai lopez story
我自己意見是: 我喜歡學習. 我喜歡網上學習. 所以如果現在我學音樂會到Berkelee music school學. 我之前也以Youtuber身分教過一點剪片, social media東西最後覺得自己末夠料也停了. 這是我的經驗, 不知道brian覺得怎麼樣呢?
I love learning online but try more credible sources
真正想創業的人要知道一個人做公司/品牌是一個lonely game. 是否真正sik合你呢? 有些人像我我覺得一定要創業的. 有些人叫 ‘connector’ sik hup與人接觸一起合作做一些東西出來. 也有些人sik hup幫大公司打工. 我覺得你自己所有這些東西之前的第0歩: know yourself先.
learning motivation 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
I wanted to upload a little vlog today to demonstrate my level of Spanish after ~4 months of studying during quarantine. Roughly 1 month was super intense, 6-7+ hours of studying per day. Apart from this I’ve been studying for about 1 hour per day, apart from weekends. My main method of studying has been one-on-one tutoring, essentially just LOTS of talking. Initially, I did do a bunch of essentially grammatical learning, but IN SPANISH and always paired with lots of discussion and examples.
You can check out my affiliate link here if you’re interested in using the program I did: (More specifically I went through their Grammarless program.) But you also don’t have to learn Spanish through Baselang or any particular program or school — the idea is to massively expose yourself to basic conversations until you get better. It’s way easier to learn Spanish like this than to learn, say, Chinese, because with Spanish there’s so much stuff that as an English speaker you can already understand!
Learning Spanish through Stories?
The course I used initially to give me a good foundation in Spanish was called “Spanish Uncovered” by the polyglot Olly Richards, which is a way to learn Spanish naturally through stories. I really enjoyed it, and it seems to be an excellent way to get a good foundation in a new language.
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learning motivation 在 umino ASMR Youtube 的評價
Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate.
People who don't understand Japanese can't understand what I'm talking about in this video. So I will explain it in the summary column.
This video contains 10 types of earpicks. The reason why the video is so short is because "don't get tired". If the viewer is tired, there's nothing I can do about it. Are you tired of seeing ASMR? (I don't get tired of it.) I think some people skip as they can't listen to their favorite sounds for a few minutes. This video is for those people. I don't think it can be used for sleep, but it's perfect for enjoying many good sounds in a short time.
The video I used this time was already posted on YouTube. I think that the URL is in the summary column, so if you are interested please look there. That said, it is very likely that I will lose my motivation when I finish making this video. If that happens, please find it yourself. In Japan, there is a word that "it is an excursion to go home". (I don't know if there is a culture of excursions abroad.) This is true for making videos. The process of making a video is to post the video in a state where the summary section is perfect. My situation.
This persistent motivation question is similar to studying for an exam. Have you ever been so enthusiastic about studying for an exam that you're still in the test production? Most of them just feel like studying for an exam, and don't remember much about what they study. I don't think there is anything more meaningless than studying without learning. I failed with this when I was a student.
We talked about the pool because it's summer. I think there are pools overseas. I've seen the news that people are gathering too much in pools in China. I looked at it and didn't it enjoy the pool anymore? I thought. That is the impression of a person who does not go to the pool. People who enjoy swimming pools that don't swim well enjoy the atmosphere. Food, smell and openness to eat at the pool. It's a story unrelated to humans who can't enjoy the atmosphere of the place.
No, I didn't want to talk about this. Isn't the pool very dirty? It is a story. A small child may be leaking pee... Thinking so, the pool is very dirty.
Perhaps there are people who have not washed their bodies. Some people might be thinking "Is it good to wash your body in the pool?" "I do not want to take a bath that contains a dad!" There is such a quote in Japan. A young woman would have once said. There may be many people overseas who don't take a bath first. Young women who don't want to take a bath with their dad also enter the pool with uncle around who doesn't know if they took a bath. What is this contradiction! This is a pity for Japanese dad! I sympathize with my dad. No, I don't even get angry at young women. I don't remember.
Everyone overseas tells us about the episode with your father. I like the story that keeps my heart warm. Will everyone in Japan hurt my dad anyway? I don't want to hear about them. Keep your mouth shut.
Good night.
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Copyright © 2017 UMINO ASMR All Rights Reserved.
learning motivation 在 Learning Motivation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 的相關結果
An Expanded Cognitive Model of Motivation to Learn. As already discussed, learning motivation results from the interaction between person (Box 1) and situation ... ... <看更多>
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The success of learning depends on whether or not the learners are motivated. Motivation drives learners in reaching learning goals. ... <看更多>
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First and foremost, motivation is an orientation towards learning. Therefore, it impacts how likely a student is either to give up or push ... ... <看更多>