大小奶終於見天了 哈哈哈。做人啊,別一直工作收錢而不會去適當處理錢財。要不你就只還債 要不只給別人 要不只給醫藥費 要不只炫耀 要不用完了還是不開心。錢財身外物,開心其實很簡單 也不用錢。但生活品質是要錢維持的。你把錢花在哪呢?給家人 給租金 食物以外,你用來買衣服包包鞋子名牌奢侈品 還是存起來呢?存起來是要買什麼呢?存那麼多錢你有什麼打算呢?若突然間死掉了拿你的錢怎麼辦了呢?你姐我33歲慢慢的已經對幾乎所有人事物麻木了 呵呵 所以除了顧我的家人和我愛的人以外,其他的錢還了該還的,幫下我要幫的人事物,我有的錢 我都到處吃喝玩樂環遊世界去。因為想到如果我突然間死了,那起碼我活過我想要的生活。你呢?
地點 : 世界十大水療Polynesian Spa Rotorua 紐西蘭 🇳🇿 @polynesianspa
Polynesian Spa is New Zealand’s leading internationally acclaimed spa. Enjoy this unique lakefront thermal spa experience - offering a wonderful fusion of relaxing hot mineral spring bathing, spa therapies and picturesque views of Lake Rotorua. Discover why Polynesian Spa was voted a World Top Ten Spa in 2004-2007, 2009 & 2011 by the prestigious Conde Nast Traveller magazine. With 28 thermal pools, simply select one of four bathing areas - Deluxe Lake Spa, Adult Pools (with historic Priest Spa), Private Pools, or Family Spa. Indulge in an enticing array of sumptuous spa therapies at the Lake Spa Retreat (appointments essential).
Open daily from 8am to 11pm, Polynesian Spa is conveniently located in central Rotorua, and features a Polynesian Spa Store and Café.
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leading衣服 在 方文琳 Facebook 八卦
謝謝高島屋#KOCCA 專櫃提供我們母女漂亮衣服.
大崎下 Never Disappear
李鼎的也不賴Leading Lee
陳彥名 Aric Chen
徐韜 Tau
leading衣服 在 Greenpeace 綠色和平 (台灣網站) Facebook 八卦
減法生活 + 貓貓作伴 = C’est la vie!
台灣台中的一對夫妻,過了3年零浪費生活,這是一種幾乎不製造垃圾的生活方式,牙膏、肥皂、洗髮精全部自製,不點外賣、不買衣服、連超市都不逛,家庭開銷每月僅3800元。夫妻倆開了間貓旅館,但他們兩個人、加上一群貓,每個月産生的垃圾卻只有104克。#零浪費 #貓
A couple from Taichung, Taiwan have been leading a zero-waste life for 3 years. They made toothpaste, soap, shampoo all by themselves. And they don’t order take-out food, shop or even go to supermarkets. They create almost no waste in life, and spend only 3,800 yuan per month. Living in the cat hotel they own, the couple and their pet cats only produce 104 grams of garbage monthly.