面試中談到錢怎麼辦? 問到你期望薪水如何接招?
之前工作系列的相關文章 "面試技巧及心得,如何有條理的說服面試官?", 分享了我的找工作經驗及一些面試上的技巧來增加說服面試官。 最近有讀者詢問 recruiter 每次詢問 salary expectation 就卡住, 不論怎麼講後續就不了了之, 不知道是講高了,公司覺得和職位可以提供的落差太大?還是講低了,公司反而覺得你不夠資格?
其實現在美國找工作,加州、紐約州、麻州及一些城市都立法禁止公司在面試過程中直接詢問候選人當前或是過往的薪水紀錄。 以矽谷所在的加州為例, 法案的名稱是 CA Labor Code section 432.3, 公告法條的細節在 California Legislative Information (連結)。 因為詢問候選人當前或過往薪水不合法了, 所以公司就只能問你對於申請的職缺的期待薪水。
在我寫的"簡介美國軟體工程師面試流程", 提到美國第一關的電話面試, 通常 recruiter 都是問你一些你過往經驗、工作簽證、公司文化上的問題。 很多時候,recruiter 也會在這一關問候選人對於這個職缺的薪水期望。
如果你上網搜尋相關文章, 你會大部分文章都會說不論什麼時候, 在找工作的時候,申請者先給一個薪水期望區間值絕對是一個百害而無一利的動作。舉例來說, 如果你說你的薪水期望是年薪 9 ~ 10 萬美金,如果這個職位公司本來的預算是 10~14 萬,那以公司立場來說,如果你通過面試, 他們可能可以開一個 8.5 萬的 offer 給你, 再和你幾輪談判到你想要的區間。 如果公司的預算是 7~8 萬,因為你的期望高於他們的預算, 所以 recruiter 最後就決定不要進入下一關面試了。 如果是你的 dream company, 你知道就算是薪水稍低你也想要加入那家公司, 提供薪水期待讓你可能錯失機會。先提供薪水期望讓你在這兩種情況下, 都沒有得到好處。
那如果你真的不幸的在第一關電話面試遇到這個問題的話, 你該這麼應對呢? 一般來說, 從我的過往經驗總結的心得,我會像是這樣回答, 如果你真的不知道怎麼應對, 稍微改一下以下句子, 印出來,之後面試就這樣應對吧。
Recruiter: So Brian, can you tell me about your salary expectation for this role?
Me: Hm...I think it's too early in the interview phase to discuss about salary. It's like on the first date, asking how much I can contribute to the family after getting married. I would be more comfortable to discuss the salary down the road after we found we are a good fit for each other.
告訴 recruiter 在第一階段討論薪水期待太早了, 就像在第一次約會就討論婚後要如何出錢一樣, 如果在接下來面試我們都覺得彼此適合的話,再來談。 言下之意也是如果接下來面試你不滿意我,或我不滿意你, 我們反正也不用談了,現在談也是浪費時間。
但有些 recruiter 會緊追不捨,一定要問一個數字。
Recruiter: But Brian, I really need to get a number from you. It will help us know your expectation is in our range and it won't waste us time if we are far off.
Me: I really can't provide you a number at this moment. Since you mentioned you don't want to waste our time. How about you provide your budget for this position for me? I can then evaluate if it's also in my range.
Recruiter 常常會說不要浪費彼此時間, 但其實只是不想要浪費他/她的時間。 我會反問他/她給這個職位的預算, 讓我來評估是否在我的理想區間。
Recruiter: I can't provide you our budget or the salary range at this stage. Brian, I really need to get a number from you. Otherwise, I can not move you to the next stage of interview.
Me: I really can't provide you a number at this moment. I haven't heard of any company that blocks a candidate from interviewing just because the candidate doesn't want to provide the salary range in the beginning of the interview. If that's the case for your company, then I guess I won't continue the interview process.
很多 recruiter 都會說如果不提供期望薪水就不能進入下一關。說實在的, 我還沒真的聽過有誰因為不提供期望薪水就不能繼續面試, 如果這個公司真的這樣的話,那其實我也不想要面試這家公司了。
Recruiter: Hm...okay, if you insist not to tell me a number now, I can postpone this discussion to a later phase. I do need some numbers from you soon.
Me: We can discuss it in a later phase after we still find each other a good fit.
最後 recruiter 還是會心不甘情不願的讓候選人面試, 如果我沒有通過, 反正也不用討論薪水, 如果通過, 也要看看我面試過程中有沒有真的很想要加入那家公司, 再來討論薪水。
Recruiter: Congrats, Brian. I got good news for you. The team really likes you and we want to give you an offer. Can you tell me your salary expectation now?
Me: Thanks. That's great news to hear. I also had a good time with the team. Since I don't know the position level, role's expectation, and the company budget for the person with my skills and experience, I think it will be better that you provide the offer number first.
如果拿到了 offer,還是要 recruiter 先說一個數字再來討論。 畢竟他/她才是知道職位的等級、職位責任內容、還有公司給這個職位的預算。
最後,如果你是找位於加州的工作, 恭喜你, 2018 年 1 月 1 日開始生效的法案規定公司在候選人詢問申請工作的薪水區間的時候必須要回答,公司必須告知你職位的 base salary及 bonus 相關訊息。 當然,我猜想有些公司可能也會說在最後階段才可以告訴你這個資訊。 既然公司都不會太早告訴你, 下次有 recruiter 再問你這個類似的問題時候, 記得別再被牽著鼻子走了!
it職位名稱 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 八卦
【專題訪問 Interview Feature】2019年度香港大學學生會周年大選中央幹事會候選常務祕書麥嘉晉訪問 | Interview with Mak Ka Chun Eugene, the Proposed General Secretary of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union of Annual Election 2019
(Please scroll down for English version.)
1. 對常務祕書一職的了解?
2. 為何參選常務祕書而非其他職位?
3. 你認為自己被釣狗公及流出不雅影片會否對選情有影響?
(參考資料:[有圖]求智囊團撚狗公 https://lihkg.com/t/640617/1?ref=android )
4. 你心目中學生會的立場是?
5. 你為何決定單獨參選?
6. 假若四位候選幹事同事當選,如何處理意見分歧?
7. 你的政治光譜/政治立場是什麼?
8. 你可否用香港的政治組織/政治人物代表自己?
9. 你對初一事件的看法?
10. 你是否支持香港獨立?
11. 你是否同意訂立國歌法?
12. 你是否同意就廿三條法?
Mak Ka Chun Eugene is running as a one-man cabinet in the Annual Election 2019. He is another candidate unit running for a seat in the Union’s Executive Committee, besides Prism, the proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union in Annual Election 2019. Campus TV has interviewed with Mak, with regards to his vision of a one-man cabinet, the reason to run as candidate, and the leakage of his personal videos; he has also elaborated on his disagreeing with Hong Kong independence and supporting the enactment of the National Anthem Bill.
The interview excerpts are as follows:
1. What is your understanding of the post of General Secretary?
I might not have too clear of an understanding about the post of General Secretary, i.e. the duties of the General Secretary of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union.
2. Why did you choose to run for the post of the General Secretary out of other posts?
The reason for running for the General Secretary is because I do not believe I have what it takes to assume the post of the Chairperson (the correct title should be: “President”). I am a rather careful and meticulous person, and my abilities are more in line with the area of the General Secretary, such as word/ document processing, and handling emails.
3. Do you think your incident* about being exposed as a womanizer, and the leakage of your explicit videos have an impact on your election campaign?
I understand that I have left a negative impression on some people from this incident; I would like to apologize to these people, because I have scathed the reputation of the University as a student of the University. In addition, this incident has made me known to public. Objectively speaking, some might consider the incident as a mistake, and that it would not affect my political stance or my service to them (members of the Students’ Union). Meanwhile, I do recognize that this incident has created a negative impression of myself, I will try my best to gain the trust of people from my election campaign.
*Mak Ka Chun Eugene was allegedly exposed as a womanizer, some explicit photos and videos of Mak in a conversation have been leaked by an anonymous account onto Lihkg, a public forum in Hong Kong.
4. What is the position of the Students’ Union in your eyes?
We should take into considerations the various perspectives and stakeholders’ opinions before declaring a stance, therefore I am not sure what I will be standing for should I be elected. Personally, I am not too keen on politics, but I would say that for most issues, I take more of a centre-left position.
5. Why did you decide to run as an independent candidate?
Despite not having formed a cabinet, I wish to fulfill my election aim: I hope to show the society how The Hong Kong University Students’ Union is not as radical and one-sidedly biased as how the society perceives it to be. I hope people could see that the Union has not only one path of thinking, everybody has individual thinking. Therefore, I would run as candidate even if I am doing so alone.
6. Should four proposed candidates of the Executive Committee be elected, how would discrepancy of views be dealt with?
If all four candidates have the honour to be elected, and have disparate views on issues, I think (acting on one’s) political views is not the Union’s only duty, there are other duties including administrative work, representing students, providing students’ welfare etc. Therefore, I do not think I would resign solely over a discrepancy on political views, other duties should not be neglected.
7. Where do you stand on the political spectrum? / How would you define your political stance?
I am not too keen on politics, but I would say that for most issues, I take more of a centre-left position.
8. Could you use a political group or a political figure in Hong Kong to represent yourself?
I think it is quite difficult to say, because Hong Kong’s politics has been so polarizing. Personally, I do not consider myself radical (politically), so I think the earlier Democratic Party better represents my current stance. In terms of a political figure, I think Mr Ronny Tong Ka-wah can better represent me, because like Tong, I know how to handle matters from multiple perspectives. Besides, Tong is a rather collected politician, he knows not to carelessly react and comment; he does not hold a predetermined stance towards issues, and he does not let his pan-democratic background dictate his views on matters that he thinks are unreasonable or not deserving of his support. Therefore, Mr Ronny Tong Ka-wah and the earlier Democratic Party is better proximate and representative of my political stance.
9. What are your views on the Mong Kok Incident in 2016?
What I observe currently about the Mong Kok Riot, or my apologies, it should be the Mong Kok Incident, is that many people are unwilling to bear responsibility for their actions, and I think a lot of the participants (of the incident) were rather reckless and negligent in considering the majority of Hong Kong’s opinion, they have also harmed the safety of many. I personally do not support nor agree with this action. However, I believe all voices should be heard, if anyone has an opinion on an issue, I hope they can convey them in a rational manner.
10. Do you support Hong Kong independence?
Firstly, I do not agree with nor support Hong Kong independence, but I think that the idea itself can be discussed on an academic or political level, as long as we are not encouraging the actualisation of it, we can have purely theoretical discussion because it is like any other thought or ideology that can be discussed. In response to Hong Kong independence, I have a few points to raise.
I do not support Hong Kong independence because I think that Hong Kong has established long years of relationship with China, Hong Kong needs the support of China in multiple areas, no matter economic, social, or policy-wise. We should always have a close connection to China. Certainly, I do not agree with all of China’s policies, for example the oppression of freedom of speech and of human rights, but I do not think we should cut ties with China entirely based on these disagreements. Ultimately, China and we have had a very close affiliation historically. At the same time, I think that Hong Kong independence is not legally justified, so I would not support such an illegal action. Because Hong Kong independence is not legal and not suitable, I do not support it.
11. Do you agree with the enactment of the National Anthem Bill?
I think the motive of the enacting the National Anthem Bill is justified, and (the act) should be encouraged. As long as everyone is willing to respect the national anthem and to bear responsibility for their own actions, I think the enactment of the National Anthem Bill is necessary, because I respect the national anthem. Besides using the national anthem as a form of self-expression (of political opinions or views), there are many other ways to communicate an opinion. Although freedom of speech might be harmed under the enactment of the bill, there are still other methods to convey our opinions about China, so I do not foresee the effect of the National Anthem Bill to be as severe as it is portrayed to be.
12. Do you agree with the enactment of Article 23?
Currently and in the short run, Article 23 should not be enacted. However, if Hong Kong experiences a problem of safety in the future, one that the current legal system has no power to control, I think that it may call for Article 23… not necessarily Article 23, but an enhanced enforcement of the law, the law should be amended to strengthen its power and deterring functions to ensure the safety of our society.
Other candidates for the Annual Election 2019 include Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, the Proposed Cabinet of Campus TV, the Proposed Editorial Board of Undergrad, and the Proposed Popularly Elected Union Councillor.
The Central Campaign for Annual Election 2019 will be held from the 21st to 25th of January at the Sun Yat-sen Place, from 12:30 to 14:30.
it職位名稱 在 氣象達人彭啟明 Facebook 八卦
【全球氣象產業的發展前景 19 從 AMS 100 看美國氣象產業】
今年2020年一月中在波士頓舉行美國氣象學會 AMS 100 的年度大會,會議中也包含了氣象產業博覽會,其中含有氣象服務、硬體設備、視覺化軟體、雲端資源應用、科普教育服務、氣象播報服務等等林林總總將近 100 間公司及機構參與,當然也包括了美國國家海洋暨大氣總署 NOAA與美國國家航空暨太空總署 NASA 也參與其中,大家常聽到的 AccuWeather、被 IBM 收購的 The Weather Company 等等企業也有在展場中展出,甚至是直接在現場進行徵才。這次前往會議的同事 周哲維 (Che-Wei Chou) 就提到說,「到了這邊才知道原來國外的氣象產業可以做到這麼大!各種類型的公司裡,都會用到氣象的專業人才,以硬體設備商為例,要製作氣象觀測儀器,必然是會需要氣象領域的專業知識,才會曉得要怎麼作出專業的器材,因此就會設有職位是給專業的氣象人才,相較起台灣的氣象領域大環境,看了真的是覺得很羨慕!」。
NOAA 的副署長Laura Furgione 曾說
NOAA provides the foundation and framework for weather, water, and climate products/services. Building a Weather-Ready Nation is our primary initiative that drives the nation's and our global effort to reduce weather-related fatalities. We cannot do this alone and that is where the enterprise, as a whole, is able to amplify the message to ensure a consistent, appropriate response.
2016-2019年AMS主席 Matt Parker也說
The thing to remember is that no one sector can do the observational and modeling work demanded by our vast customer base. The strength of the weather, water and climate enterprise remains the willingness of the government, academic and commercial sectors to work together effectively.
When It Comes To U.S. Weather Forecasting: Private, Public Or Both?
二方面,氣象局在官方的角色延伸的太廣,官方卻用顧問或是簽署 MOU 的方式壓縮掉許多應該有讓氣象領域出身的學子發揮的機會,每次詢問為何這次是對民間服務,又是說是為民服務,那有差別嗎? 是對商業還是政府嗎? 又回答得很不好意思,『我們不針對單一個案回答』來搪塞。
109氣象資訊之智慧應用服務計畫(II)-數位創新 (1 / 4)
109農漁業健康環境形塑-運用客製化天氣與氣候資訊 (3 / 4)
109 建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統 (4 / 4)
108農漁業健康環境形塑-運用客製化天氣與氣候資訊 (2 / 4)
108氣象資訊之智慧應用服務計畫(I) (4 / 4)
108建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統 (3 / 4)
106-109經濟部能源局 綠能科技前瞻研究計畫-氣象資訊在綠能開發之應用
【全球氣象產業的發展前景 總整理】
it職位名稱 在 想進科技業不能不知道 常見職務縮寫 - Dcard 的八卦
都要解釋英文縮寫又偷藏SRS,你覺得不知道這些職位名稱縮寫的人會知道它的意思嗎? 還有QA、QC你都翻品質,後面解釋卻又用質量,到底能不能統一用一種 ... ... <看更多>
it職位名稱 在 名片中IT部門主管該用什麼英文名稱? - Mobile01 的八卦
職位特性直屬總經理但沒有正式的職稱如Manger 請問使用IT Administrator 是否恰當?...(恕刪). 看中文職稱來決定吧~~~ 如果是比經理還大的職稱(如協理),英文寫法應該 ... ... <看更多>