【報名時間】:即日起至2019/6/23 (小班制限額4名)
【課程時間】:(2019) 7/20(週六)、7/27(週六)、8/3(週六)
早上10:00 至下午4: 30
【費用】:TWD 48,000 (含創作指導與國際頂級5.1錄音室四小時,一首四分鐘聲音作品DEMO的完成費用)
1. 有聲音或音樂創作經驗為優
2. 需要聲音藝術作品升學或就業者
3 .希望參展國際相關發表者。
4. 需自備筆電與耳機,自己習慣使用的聲音、音樂編輯軟體(如logic、Pro Tools, Cubase, Audacity 等皆可)
1. 主要內容為從現代藝術的發展如康丁斯基、新達達主義了解而導入音樂/聲音藝術的敘事性與實驗性的創作。
2. 課程進行將包含一對一指導、自行製作時段與團體討論。
3. 完成作品範例:
李婉菁 (http://sandrawcl.wixsite.com/demo)
西拉雅人,自幼與父親李茂松教授學習鋼琴、電子琴、樂理。美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶地音樂院電腦音樂研究所畢業,師事Dr. Geoffrey Wright,畢業論文 《A Performer's Musicological Research in Performing Interactive Computer Music》 獲選發表於 International Computer Music Conference [國際電腦音樂協會 - ICMC] 。求學期間,曾師事李茂松教授、Prof. Charles Covington、宋允鵬教授、李潤愛教授,並與許明鐘教授學習樂曲分析、黃燕忠教授學習對位法。曾就讀於東吳大學音樂系、台南應用科技大學音樂系。經年致力於電腦實驗音樂的演奏與創作,並於台北/台南長期主持「電音工作坊」,培育年輕音樂人。近年來常與藝術、媒體機構如身體氣象館、經維互動、探索頻道等; 藝術家姚立群、盧盈良、姚立群、吳俊輝、陳明秀、陳偉、劉守曜、區秀詒(馬來西亞)等擔任配樂製作。
創作風格傾向專著於使用冷冽的電子音色表現最真摯的人性面。音樂型式跨越古典、電子異響、重金屬搖滾等。曾任古典(Indulge跨界美聲樂團)、金屬樂團(閃靈樂團、衹樂團)鍵盤手,以及 2008 年盤古樂團台灣巡迴演出之鍵盤手。2009 年起,結合電腦音樂、配樂作曲、黑腔形式、聲音採集混音與環境音樂等多重形式,與聲樂手、DJ、劇場導演創作並發展實驗音樂劇《黑暗巴洛克》(牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節 2009/驅魔記 2009)。2012 年,率領DJ、搖滾樂手與韓國藝術家李幸俊,聯合呈現實驗電影與多投影電影現場表演《狂喜洗澡狂》。2014 年,策畫「手作:巴爾的摩-首爾-台北三城音樂會」。
音樂作品〈扮仙〉獲選音樂資訊檢索領域專業級別的年度國際學術會議展演(International Society for music information retrieval [ISMIR], 2014, 台灣)、電聲暨音樂大會(Sound and Music Computing Conference [SMC], 2015, 愛爾蘭)、2016 klingt gut! 聲音研討會 ( 2016 klingt gut! Symposium on Sound,德國); 2017 NYCEMF(美國紐約)、2018TAxT桃園科技藝術節、2018 ICMC 演出(韓國大邱)曾獲紐約樂評人Jean Ballard Terepka評論為:"Ban Shan.......an impression of combined dancerly delicacy and cosmic largeness emerges, and the protected god became a powerful force of creativity."— New York (2017, 6)
另有作品如〈Dirge〉獲選 [ICMC]展演 (2015, 美國-德州),〈River〉獲選 [ISMIR] (2015, 西班牙)、紐約電子音樂節既紐約愛樂雙年展展演(New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival and New York Philharmonic Biennial, 2016, 美國-紐約); "The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth (風隨意 )" 受邀發表於 WOCMAT-IRCAM 2016。2017 年與台灣聲景藝術家范欽慧共同創作〈風舞竹〉,為寫給苗栗竹林聲景、實驗電聲與現場鋼琴演出的作品。2018 於紐約NYCEMF發表鋼琴與電腦互動作品《秋日二重奏》,並於韓國ICMC與王永宏、楊政諺同演出《Signal Exchange》。
現為台北牯嶺街⼩劇場/ 身體氣象館聲⾳與⾳樂策展人之一,並任教於輔仁大學音樂系。
從小就讀音樂班,大學時主修心理系,畢業後毅然轉換跑道,遠赴法國國立馬爾梅松音樂院CNR de Rueil-Malmaison主修小提琴與室內樂,於2010年完成學業返台。現在任教於輔仁大學音樂系、桃園西門國小音樂班,擔任ff studio錄音室總監、Etoile星星室內樂團團長。 於國立馬爾梅松音樂院通過小提琴高級班文憑考試,室內樂高級班第一獎、室內樂卓越獎(Prix d’Excellence),期間也修習音樂訓練課程、管絃樂法、樂曲分析等課程,成績優異。在法期間師事Maurice Moulin,Dominique Barbier,Nicolas Miribel。曾參加Gérard Poulet小提琴大師班、及Eric Ledeuil探戈音樂(Tango)大師班。
秉著對音樂的專業與熱愛,再深究錄音技術,由於對音樂的專業與自己具備演奏能力,以及對管弦樂樂器法和樂曲分析的了解,在錄音工程上更能掌握聲響的美學以及給予演奏者專業上的意見。 目前任台北ff studio錄音室的總監及錄音師,並擁有Avid Training - Pro Tools 101、110、201 等三張專業錄音工程證照及Apple Certified Pro - Final Cut Pro X 蘋果培訓影音剪輯國際認證,所錄電影配樂: 侯孝賢>獲得2015坎城影展「最佳電影原聲帶獎」(Cannes Soundtrack Award) 。
創立並擔任Etoile星星室內樂團的團長,以古典跨界創作、法國音樂為主題受邀於各界,廣受好評:包含總統就職慶典、文化局主辦歐洲魅影電影節開幕演出、法蘭西法文歌唱大賽優勝者音樂會、入選堤頂之星、台北藝穗節,受邀於武陵富野度假村、河岸留言、百達翡麗鐘錶發表、台北愛樂兒童節目、以及下鄉校園巡迴等活動。也多次受訪於廣播電台及Muzik古典樂刊等雜誌專訪。發行兩張專輯: ”Ensemble d’Etoile”,及"La Promenade 散步"。 音樂之外,興趣廣泛的他對於攝影也有所涉獵,他的攝影作品曾分別被一本英文書籍及一本中文書籍選做封面出版。
ff studio:http://ffstudio.tw/
(Background : designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik)
indulge in中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
【玳瑚師父客人見證】 《我生命中的良師益友》
A Good Teacher & A Valuable Friend in My Life (English version below)
文 / 黃騰慶 Written by: Joseph Ng
師父他处事态度认真,外表严肃,但背后影藏着一颗博爱的心和的一個對于善用自己的生命和玄学知識去利益別人的堅定精神。 他拥有非常饱满的佛學知識,更非常樂意地與人分享,勸人向善。 那時候的我對宗教和人生有著許多疑惑,師父也不辭辛勞地為我解答。
I have had the privilege of engaging Master Dai Hu to do a name analysis for me way back in 2006. It was quite a surreal experience as what he told me, be it my personality traits, my childhood, my career and relationship, was stark accurate. I asked him to pen a new Chinese name for me. He came up with 3 name selections for me, and I was pleasantly surprised how eloquent they sounded. He painstakingly explained the essence of each name selection, and after much consideration, I chose one. I have been using my new name for the past several years, and have experienced positive changes in my career and relationships.
It was also my good fortune to be able to engage Master Dai Hu for a Feng Shui audit of my new 4-room flat. Even though the place was a mere 92sqm, he spent nearly 3 hours going into the details. It was definitely value for money! He did not have a good appraisal of the house, explaining that layout of the flat would not provide the warmth and comfort of a home, and advised us to move as soon as the 5-year Minimum Occupancy Period is up. He said the best Feng Shui comes from having a good layout in the first place and not man-made remedies. At first I did not give much thought to his advice but the longer I stayed there, I realized what he was trying to tell me. I did not feel fully settled at home and this affected my focus at work and to a certain extent, my marriage. Master Dai Hu did advise certain steps to mitigate the negative effect, and I am glad that things did not go any worse.
Now that I am not residing there any longer, the difference in my life is stark and telling. In the past, there were always missed opportunities. No matter how hard I worked, my finances were always in a rut. There were no benefactors in sight and things did not go my way at all. My life has improved tremendously in terms of my luck and career growth since I moved out. Master Dai Hu also did the Feng Shui audit of my current residence. I received unexpected assistance along the way and my career fared much better. There is no way I am going to stay in that house again for all the negative memories it has given me.
Master constantly reminded me not to indulge in worldly pleasures but instead, use the time to accumulate merits through virtuous deeds. He said my wife and I had insufficient merits to begin with in this life and thus ended up with a lousy flat layout. If I had known Master Dai Hu earlier, I would have definitely gotten him to assist in my house selection.
Behind his stern demeanor lies a very compassionate spirit with an insurmountable tenacity to make the best use of his life to help others through his vast experience in Chinese metaphysics. He also possesses a huge wealth of knowledge in Buddhism and is never afraid of sharing it. That was a great thing for me as I was, at that stage of my life, seeking more understanding into the religion and asking a lot of questions about life.
To me, Master Dai Hu is not just your usual "fortune teller". He is a teacher and a mentor in life and Buddhism, and most importantly, a brave and tenacious human being who walks the talk!
indulge in中文 在 Winghei Che 車泳希 Facebook 八卦
Outback Steakhouse Hong Kong (Official)
祝大家Mali Mali Christmas!
(又係我同Wong Yat Ho 黃溢濠)☺️
【💫🎩We wish you a Mali Mali Christmas!🎄】
中文 - https://tinyurl.com/yatdpsms
英文 - https://tinyurl.com/y8wc9koz
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【💫🎩We wish you a Magical Christmas!🎄】
Christmas is about sharing good food with your besties! So, put down your phones and get your friends together for a feast! Get ready to indulge in our Peel & Eat Shrimps, Tomahawk Steaks, Bloomin’ Onion, Baby-back Ribs, and more! We also have a Party Menu Takeout for you to just order and go!
Check out our website for more information: https://www.outback.com.hk/locations/index.php?lang=en
Party Menu Takeout Link:
English version - https://tinyurl.com/y8wc9koz
Chinese version - https://tinyurl.com/yatdpsms
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indulge in中文 在 Korantemaa - By the time you've finished your coffee 中文翻譯 的八卦
Indulge in. 38 subscribers. Subscribe. Korantemaa : 瑞典的獨立歌手, 老靈魂帶點慵懶的聲線於YouTube頻道上發表多部翻唱影片與原創作品非常推薦! ... <看更多>