【公子獻頭】#全文中英翻譯 美國打擊中國從來只是欠一個借口,今次北京被香港獻頭,換來的可能不只是華府為港人發聲,更是重新檢討對北京策略。首兩段已見真章。#跟提示機讀稿你就知佢係幾認真
// #全面檢討對華政策
非常感謝你。 下午好。 謝謝。 我今天在這裡談論我們與中國的關係以及一些保護美國安全與繁榮的新措施。 中國失德行為模式眾所周知。 幾十年來,他們前所未有地搶劫美國。 與中國交易每年損失數千億美元,尤其是在上屆執政期間。中國突襲了我們的工廠,外判了我們的工作,掏空了我們的各行各業,竊取了我們的知識產權,並違反了他們對加入世界貿易組織的承諾。
更糟的是,它們被視為發展中國家,正在獲得包括美國在內的其他國家無權獲得的各種利益。 但是我從來沒有為此將責任放於在中國。 他們能夠為盜竊開脫,是因為過去的政客,坦率地說是因為過去的總統。
奪去了無數生命,並在全球範圍內造成了巨大的經濟困難。 世界衛生組織強烈建議我不要過早對中國作禁令,但我還是這樣做了,事實證明是100%正確的。 中國完全控制著世界衛生組織,儘管中國每年只支付4000萬美元,而美國每年只支付約4.5億美元。
我們詳細列出了世衛必須進行改革,並與他們直接對話,但是他們拒絕採取相關行動。由於它們未能答允要求的和急需的改革,因此我們今天將終止與世界衛生組織的關係,並將這些資金重新分配給全球其他組織,應滿足全球迫切的公共衛生需求。 世界需要中國為有關病毒事宜提供答案。 我們必須具有透明度。 為什麼中國將武漢的感染者與中國其他地區隔離開來? 它無處可去。 它沒有去北京。 它無處可去,但是中國允許他們自由地在世界各地旅行,包括歐洲和美國。
#取消香港特殊待遇 #一國一制取代了一國兩制
Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thank you. I’m here today to talk about our relationship with China and several new measures to protect American security and prosperity. China’s pattern of misconduct is well known. For decades, they’ve ripped off the United States, like no one has ever done before. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year were lost dealing with China, especially over the years during the prior administration. China raided our factories, off shored our jobs, gutted our industries, stole our intellectual property and violated their commitments under the World Trade Organization.
To make matters worse, they are considered a developing nation, getting all sorts of benefits that others, including the United States are not entitled to. But I have never solely blamed China for this. They were able to get away with a theft, like no one was able to get away with before because of past politicians and frankly, past presidents.
But unlike those who came before, my administration negotiated and fought for what was right. It’s called fair and reciprocal treatment. China has also unlawfully claimed territory in the Pacific Ocean, threatening freedom of navigation and international trade. And they broke their word to the world on ensuring the autonomy of Hong Kong. The United States wants an open and constructive relationship with China, but achieving that relationship requires us to vigorously defend our national interests.
The Chinese government has continually violated its promises to us and so many other nations. These plain facts can not be overlooked or swept aside. The world is now suffering as a result of the malfeasance of the Chinese government. China’s coverup of the Wu Han virus allowed the disease to spread all over the world, instigating a global pandemic that has cost more than 100,000 American lives and over a million lives worldwide. Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the world health organization to mislead the world When the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities.
Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe. They strongly recommended against me doing the early ban from China, but I did it anyway, and was proven to be 100% correct. China has total control over the World Health Organization, despite only paying $40 million per year, compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year.
We have detailed the reforms that it must make and engage with them directly, but they have refused to act. Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs. The world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency. Why is it that China shut off infected people from Wuhan, to all other parts of China? It went nowhere else. It didn’t go to Beijing. It went nowhere else, but they allowed them to freely travel throughout the world, including Europe and the United States.
The death and destruction caused by this is incalculable. We must have answers not only for us, but for the rest of the world. This pandemic has underscored the crucial importance of building up America’s economic independence, reassuring our critical supply chains and protecting America’s scientific and technological advances. For years, the government of China has conducted elicit espionage to steal our industrial secrets of which there are many. Today I will issue a proclamation to better secure our nation’s vital university research and to suspend the entry of certain foreign nationals from China, who we have identified as potential security risks.
I am also taking action to protect the integrity of America’s financial system, by far the best in the world. I am instructing my presidential working group on Financial Markets, to study the differing practices of Chinese companies listed on the US financial markets, with the goal of protecting American investors. Investment firms should not be subjecting their clients to the hidden and undue risks associated with financing Chinese companies that do not play by the same rules.
Americans are entitled to fairness and transparency. Several of the most significant actions we’re taking pertain to deeply troubling situations unfolding in Hong Kong. This week, China unilaterally impose control over Hong Kong security. This was a plain violation of Beijing’s treaty obligations with the United Kingdom in the Declaration of 1984 and explicit provisions of Hong Kong’s basic law. It has 27 years to go. The Chinese government’s move against Hong Kong is the latest in a series of measures that are diminishing the city’s longstanding and very proud status. This is a tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, the people of China, and indeed the people of the world.
China claims it is protecting national security, but the truth is that Hong Kong was secure and prosperous as a free society. Beijing’s decision reverses all of that. It extends the reach of China’s invasive state security apparatus into what was formerly a bastion of Liberty. China’s latest incursion, along with other recent developments that degraded the territory’s freedoms, makes clear that Hong Kong is no longer sufficiently autonomous to warrant the special treatment that we have afforded the territory since the handover.
China has replaced its promise formula of one country, two systems, with one country, one system. Therefore, I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment. My announcement today will affect the full range of agreements we have with Hong Kong, from our extradition treaty to our export controls on dual use technologies and more, with few exceptions. We will be revising the state department’s travel advisory for Hong Kong to reflect the increased danger of surveillance and punishment by the Chinese state security apparatus.
We will take action to revoke Hong Kong’s preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China. The United States will also take necessary steps to sanction PRC and Hong Kong officials directly or indirectly involved in eroding Hong Kong’s autonomy and just, if you take a look, smothering, absolutely smothering Hong Kong’s freedom. Our actions will be strong, our actions will be meaningful.
More than two decades ago on a rainy night in 1997, British soldiers lowered the Union flag and Chinese soldiers raised the Chinese flag in Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong felt simultaneously proud of their Chinese heritage and their unique Hong Kong identity. The people of Hong Kong hoped that in the years and decades to come, China would increasingly come to resemble it’s most radiant and dynamic city. The rest of the world was electrified by a sense of optimism that Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past. In every decision, I will continue to proudly defend and protect the workers, families, and citizens of the United States of America. Thank you very much. Thank you.
freedom from disease is called 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)演說:China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong】
雖不獲法庭批准離港,我仍在上週透過視像會議方式,參與英國劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)的辯論「This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong」。
發言期間,除解說香港淪落為警察城市(Police State)的源由,直斥在習近平主政下,人民權利不斷受到侵害;我亦以武漢肺炎為例,提到政權面對疫情爆發,多番以中國國家利益與民族認同,凌駕港人切身安危。
#眾志國際連結 #SelfGovernance
Cambridge Union Debate: This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong
When we speak of Imperial Power, it doesn’t necessarily mean a colonial power. But we are referring to an act of expanding influence and authority over a territory through political, legal, economic or even military means. And indeed, the Chinese communist government has exerted that influence over Hong Kong since the Handover in 1997 and escalated that influence more rapidly and more aggressively after 2003.
The principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ is a fragile ruling philosophy defining China-Hong Kong relations, guaranteeing the global financial city its autonomy. But in the past 22 years, Beijing intervened on many fronts already, abusing this ruling philosophy and implementing authoritarian measures upon Hong Kong citizens.
My activism experience serves as a clear case for the motion. Hong Kong’s civil society has long been the constant target of state attack, and the motive is crystal clear: to eradicate opposition in order to maintain China’s dominating influence over Hong Kong. The Oppression of personal freedoms is merely one case in point.
Last year in June, shortly after serving my prison sentence, I went protesting against the controversial extradition bill, exercising my freedom to assembly. The government arrested me again and charged me of inciting people taking part in an unlawful assembly. Then I went contesting in local election, yet the government banned me from running for office because of my political stance.
I then turned to international advocacy, planning to fly to the United Kingdom and other European countries to explain our democratic and peaceful cause. Regrettably, the court thought this parliamentary hearing is not important and rejected my travel application. Every time I spoke in parliamentary hearings, no matter in person or via skype, the Chinese foreign ministry would condemn that parliament for colliding with a so-called separatist who has never advocated independence.
Following these encounters, it's become clear now I'm deprived of the right to the election, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly (not allowed to appear on designated area), and freedom of speech. The civil liberties guaranteed in the constitution are however no longer applicable to me. These oppressive measures are not out of political context.
#重點在此 I’d also argue that time and again, China’s national pride and interests override Hong Kong’s own interests. The development in the past decade has shown that many of the competitive edges of Hong Kong as a global financial city like rule of law, free flow of information, checks and balances are compromised and give way to Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream. The Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak precisely explain this argument. Hong Kong, given its proximity to mainland China, is highly prone to infection and spread of disease.
Instead of taking strict measures to prevent public health crisis from erupting, the Hong Kong government, as of today, still refused to close the border, allowing countless potential cases flee to Hong Kong and further dampen the burden of Hong Kong’s medical services. From the moment that Xi Jinping’s image become the top priority, the autonomous decision-making mechanism of the Hong Kong government has collapsed.
The opposing side may argue that China is not imperial power in HK because integration and cooperation in the past have fostered but not encroached economic development in Hong Kong and our city does benefit from it. I’m afraid I cannot agree with this viewpoint at all.
Growing socio-economic integration with China, more connected transport infrastructure like the High-Speed Railway, are accounted for the city’s outbreak of Coronavirus. The first five patients confirmed positive to the virus were passengers of the Railway. Behind the grand narratives of ‘economic integration’ is more blatant aggression of the Hong Kong system. Hong Kong always has to give in and make up for its sovereign country’s faulty policy.
In conclusion, I have two questions for everyone. Can citizens in New York directly elected their mayor? Yes. Can citizens in London directly their mayor? Yes. We are not asking go too far, but just hope to ask for election rather that selection under Chinese rule to hand-pick those Beijing Loyalists.People in Hong Kong is not experiencing rule of law but only suffering from rule by tear gas. The root cause of crisi is police brutality, which included live round fired towards high school students, young lady being gang rape in police stations and 8000 people arrested from the age of 11 to 84.
When offenses are committed and the offenders are prosecuted as is now happening, there’s no damage to the rule of law at all. It’s only when police officers who beat people up and none of them has even been arrested, that the rule of law is damaged. There’s no rule of law when the brutality of police officers goes unpunished!
Therefore, the House should recognize the fact that China is not only the new imperial power in HK, but it is also an authoritarian and oppressive imperial power since Emperor Xi took over the power. The continuing intervention of the Chinese authorities in Hong Kong’s local affairs presents a fundamental challenge to the continuation of HK peoples identity and way of life.
We are proud to be HongKongers and we hope to determine our own future. That’s the reason for cross-generation of HKers to fight for freedom and wish you can stand with Hong Kong. Thank you.
freedom from disease is called 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)演說:China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong】
雖不獲法庭批准離港,我仍在上週透過視像會議方式,參與英國劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)的辯論「This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong」。
發言期間,除解說香港淪落為警察城市(Police State)的源由,直斥在習近平主政下,人民權利不斷受到侵害;我亦以武漢肺炎為例,提到政權面對疫情爆發,多番以中國國家利益與民族認同,凌駕港人切身安危。
#眾志國際連結 #SelfGovernance
Cambridge Union Debate: This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong
When we speak of Imperial Power, it doesn’t necessarily mean a colonial power. But we are referring to an act of expanding influence and authority over a territory through political, legal, economic or even military means. And indeed, the Chinese communist government has exerted that influence over Hong Kong since the Handover in 1997 and escalated that influence more rapidly and more aggressively after 2003.
The principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ is a fragile ruling philosophy defining China-Hong Kong relations, guaranteeing the global financial city its autonomy. But in the past 22 years, Beijing intervened on many fronts already, abusing this ruling philosophy and implementing authoritarian measures upon Hong Kong citizens.
My activism experience serves as a clear case for the motion. Hong Kong’s civil society has long been the constant target of state attack, and the motive is crystal clear: to eradicate opposition in order to maintain China’s dominating influence over Hong Kong. The Oppression of personal freedoms is merely one case in point.
Last year in June, shortly after serving my prison sentence, I went protesting against the controversial extradition bill, exercising my freedom to assembly. The government arrested me again and charged me of inciting people taking part in an unlawful assembly. Then I went contesting in local election, yet the government banned me from running for office because of my political stance.
I then turned to international advocacy, planning to fly to the United Kingdom and other European countries to explain our democratic and peaceful cause. Regrettably, the court thought this parliamentary hearing is not important and rejected my travel application. Every time I spoke in parliamentary hearings, no matter in person or via skype, the Chinese foreign ministry would condemn that parliament for colliding with a so-called separatist who has never advocated independence.
Following these encounters, it's become clear now I'm deprived of the right to the election, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly (not allowed to appear on designated area), and freedom of speech. The civil liberties guaranteed in the constitution are however no longer applicable to me. These oppressive measures are not out of political context.
#重點在此 I’d also argue that time and again, China’s national pride and interests override Hong Kong’s own interests. The development in the past decade has shown that many of the competitive edges of Hong Kong as a global financial city like rule of law, free flow of information, checks and balances are compromised and give way to Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream. The Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak precisely explain this argument. Hong Kong, given its proximity to mainland China, is highly prone to infection and spread of disease.
Instead of taking strict measures to prevent public health crisis from erupting, the Hong Kong government, as of today, still refused to close the border, allowing countless potential cases flee to Hong Kong and further dampen the burden of Hong Kong’s medical services. From the moment that Xi Jinping’s image become the top priority, the autonomous decision-making mechanism of the Hong Kong government has collapsed.
The opposing side may argue that China is not imperial power in HK because integration and cooperation in the past have fostered but not encroached economic development in Hong Kong and our city does benefit from it. I’m afraid I cannot agree with this viewpoint at all.
Growing socio-economic integration with China, more connected transport infrastructure like the High-Speed Railway, are accounted for the city’s outbreak of Coronavirus. The first five patients confirmed positive to the virus were passengers of the Railway. Behind the grand narratives of ‘economic integration’ is more blatant aggression of the Hong Kong system. Hong Kong always has to give in and make up for its sovereign country’s faulty policy.
In conclusion, I have two questions for everyone. Can citizens in New York directly elected their mayor? Yes. Can citizens in London directly their mayor? Yes. We are not asking go too far, but just hope to ask for election rather that selection under Chinese rule to hand-pick those Beijing Loyalists.People in Hong Kong is not experiencing rule of law but only suffering from rule by tear gas. The root cause of crisi is police brutality, which included live round fired towards high school students, young lady being gang rape in police stations and 8000 people arrested from the age of 11 to 84.
When offenses are committed and the offenders are prosecuted as is now happening, there’s no damage to the rule of law at all. It’s only when police officers who beat people up and none of them has even been arrested, that the rule of law is damaged. There’s no rule of law when the brutality of police officers goes unpunished!
Therefore, the House should recognize the fact that China is not only the new imperial power in HK, but it is also an authoritarian and oppressive imperial power since Emperor Xi took over the power. The continuing intervention of the Chinese authorities in Hong Kong’s local affairs presents a fundamental challenge to the continuation of HK peoples identity and way of life.
We are proud to be HongKongers and we hope to determine our own future. That’s the reason for cross-generation of HKers to fight for freedom and wish you can stand with Hong Kong. Thank you.