【#重要資訊請廣傳🇮🇹】日前中國官媒、微信、香港藍媒鋪天蓋地宣傳,「武漢肺炎源自意大利」,唯一的source,就是引述意大利醫生Giuseppe Remuzzi接受美國電台訪問的一句話,再斷章取義,昨天我們已經解釋過。
一位手足為了求真,專門發電郵向Dr Remuzzi本人詢問,從這位意大利專家的以下回覆,可明確知道他的原意:不但肯定武漢肺炎源自武漢,而且懷疑早在10月尾,武漢可能已出現武漢肺炎感染,但中國政府沒有公佈,期間可能大量中國人從武漢來到意大利,令意大利出現了一些疑似案例,由於一切來自中國的資訊都不透明,才令疫情失去控制的黃金時機。整個訊息,和中國官媒宣傳的完全相反,fake news之意,莫此為甚。
Dear XXX,
The only thing I said was that some general practitioners candidly told me of having observed a few cases of severe pneumonia already in late November and December, which is not unexpected, since the majority of contagions are coming from asymptomatic people who likely travelled from China before the Chinese authorities communicated that this outbreak had occurred. Attached is my answer to the journalists who have contacted me.
//Quoting the answer:
I repeat, none of these cases have been documented as Covid-19 because there was no evidence yet of the existence of Covid-19.
In any case, we can be certain that the virus emerged in Wuhan first, where it had probably been circulating for some time before it was made public in China, and the genetics confirm this beyond a shadow of a doubt. It arrived in Italy through a German person who had been in contact with a Chinese person, as you can see in the NEJM paper (DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2001468). The strongest evidence of the fact that the current Covid-19 derives from bats and pangolins is reported in an article in Nature Medicine (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0820-9) recently published, which shows almost identical sequences. Commercial activities using bats and pangolins are very well documented in Wuhan market, which was almost certainly the source of the outbreak. The question now is for how long the virus was circulating in China before health authorities understood the dimension of the problem. Considering the incubation period, I would not be surprised if asymptomatic individuals had been moving around China and travelling abroad in December and maybe even earlier.
In my opinion, there is no doubt that the virus arrived in Italy from China based on genetic studies just reported in Nature Medicine. However, one has to consider the possibility that, rather understandably, the emergence of this unfortunate event in China probably occurred long before health authorities realised it,considering the number of asymptomatic carriers, which isnow extremely well documented in the paper published in Science (DOI:10.1126/science.abb3221).//
By the way, I think you should probably investigate an event that was organised in Wuhan at the end of October (see attached). We know from the paper published in Science that 80% of contagions occur through people who are asymptomatic; you can imagine how many people arrived in Italy from Wuhan in that precise period of time.
Please see also a statement by Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University and the Lancet paper attached.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Remuzzi//
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「只罵白因子跟淨淨這些消毒液廠商,卻不罵台大醫院,你們也只是 #醫醫相護 而已!」
寫了消毒液廠商的文章後,收到這樣的批評。雖然心裡真的覺得荒謬,但這樣的論調,似乎還真的得到某些人的認同。因此我們覺得有必要公開跟大家說,MedPartner 團隊對這些事情評論的基礎,到底有什麼不同?搞懂其中的差異,相信對社會整體的思辨力會有幫助。
沒錯,我們的組成有醫師、藥師、營養師、化妝品配方師、博士後研究員 ... 等,甚至有醫師就是前台大醫院員工。但我們在近期台大醫院接錯管路的事件,沒立刻批評台大醫院,絕對不是因為「醫醫相護」,因為消毒廠商的事件,跟台大醫院的事件,在 #惡意的程度 上是有天壤之別的。
如果我們要 #系統性解決問題 ,就只能透過揭露事實,並在之後努力整理防疫相關的正確知識,藉由民眾正確認知的建立,以及對各類消毒產品優缺點的理解,讓大家更有機會選到相對優質的產品,才有可能產生產業良性的競爭,讓社會往正面的方向發展。這就是我們不得不批判的原因。
今天我們會敢出來講,就是因為 MedPartner 團隊根本不收任何廠商的錢,我們的資源,全都是從 3000 多位網友每個月的小額訂閱支持,還有團隊負責醫師每個月自己再貼上十幾萬的收入來的。團隊負責醫師給整個編輯團隊的原則只有「#憑著你的良心跟專業,#說該說的話,#做該做的事」。有事情的話,就由團隊負責醫師來扛責任、承擔風險。
大家只要動動手,去 google news 上搜尋相關的關鍵字,就可以看到,這些廠商買了多少商業置入新聞,收了這麼多錢,你如果是媒體老闆,會讓這些負面的消息被放上去嗎?
這就是醫界犯錯的時候,標準的 RCA (root cause analysis,根本原因分析)流程。我們不會去責怪犯錯的「個人」,除非這件事情是「嚴重的故意」。我們會全盤去思考整個流程,到底哪裡出了問題,並且想辦法優化流程,讓問題發生的機會下降。
所以這位朋友,你搞懂這兩個事件,雖然都是錯事,但其中的差異有多大了嗎?看到這,你還真的覺得「兩邊都錯, #兩邊都一樣爛嗎?」
關於消毒產品,這個產業的亂象,已經長年累積的問題了,不是一天兩天可以解決。團隊在開會後決定,接下來會持續針對這些產品的各項問題、優缺點,以及更完整的防護正確知識,撰寫一系列文章。因為臉書的觸及真的很爛,建議大家除了對我們粉專設定按讚搶先看以外,也可以加入我們的Line@ 即時收到通知。加入連結:http://line.me/ti/p/%40wyt3898a
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昨天對 ZOOCCi 質物系的恐嚇行銷提出指正後,想不到對方不但沒改進,反而是指控我們「抹黑」、是「特定醫美陣營在鏟除異己的工具」,真的很讓人失望。針對對方所回應的,我們完整回應在這篇文章裡面,希望 ZOOCCi 質物系可以再想一下,你們真的要繼續這麼做嗎?
這篇文章,我們會透過 ZOOCCi 質物系的選物標準,來看看如何用錯誤科學推論來搞恐嚇行銷的真相。
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【台灣素食營養學會 官網】http://www.twvns.org/
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吃素跑對馬拉松有影響嗎? http://goo.gl/4MlOsa
Olympic vegetarians: the elite athletes who shun meat http://goo.gl/J8GgkL
Fuhrman J, Ferreri DM. Fueling the vegetarian (vegan) athlete. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2010 Jul-Aug;9(4):233-41. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e3181e93a6f. Review. Erratum in: Curr Sports Med Rep. 2010 Sep-Oct;9(5):313.
McAnulty LS, Nieman DC, Dumke CL, Shooter LA, Henson DA, Utter AC, Milne G,McAnulty SR. Effect of blueberry ingestion on natural killer cell counts,oxidative stress, and inflammation prior to and after 2.5 h of running. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2011 Dec;36(6):976-84.
Thomas DT, Erdman KA, Burke LM. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 Mar;116(3):501-28.
Helms ER, Aragon AA, Fitschen PJ. Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014 May 12;11:20. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-11-20. eCollection 2014. Review. PubMed PMID: 24864135; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4033492.
Van Vliet S, Burd NA, van Loon LJ. The Skeletal Muscle Anabolic Response to Plant- versus Animal-Based Protein Consumption. J Nutr. 2015 Sep;145(9):1981-91. doi: 10.3945/jn.114.204305. Epub 2015 Jul 29. Review. PubMed PMID: 26224750.
Eisinger M, Plath M, Jung K, Leitzmann C. Nutrient intake of endurance runners with ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet and regular western diet. Z Ernahrungswiss. 1994 Sep;33(3):217-29.

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A new addition to the ever popular Combat Conditioning classes is a pool recovery session ran by strength and conditioning coach, Andrew Wood. A various number of workouts from swimming to shadow boxing underwater can part of the session.
Coach Andrew Wood has been using this method for years with our fighters and has added it to our Combat Conditioning Classes.
Recovery in any sport is a crucial aspect of training. While some athletes have a preferred method or routine that fits their training program, recent studies have provided some scientific evidence that aquatic-based recovery workout method may actually be more beneficial over another.
Any pain-inducing inflammation from MMA, Muay Thai or any other various types of training -- whether it be muscle soreness, contusions or joint pain-- has to be flushed out of the area. Because you float in water, you can work your muscles and engage in movement, intense or relaxed, while submerged without adding further wear and tear to the troubled areas as you would on land.
An aquatic-based recovery workout reduces muscle fatigue and post-exercise pain, partly because the hydrostatic properties of water help decrease inflammation, according to a study in the “International Journal of Sports Medicine.” Dynamic range-of-motion exercises combined with diaphragmatic breathing also decrease muscular tension and increase relaxation.
A Jeff Sainlar film

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