"The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?"
繼上次問到Twitter老細口啞之後,美國參議員Ted Cruz接受《Fox News》Sean Hannity訪問,評論大選兩邊嘅爭拗同輿論偏頗嘅情況,再提出一個跨黨派政見立場,值得所有人反思嘅問題,到底大家仲信唔信法律制度先?還是靠响social media打嘴炮或者記者講就得㗎?
"The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?"
"The way the system works is, you follow the law...You know, one of the frustrating things as a citizen, you see all these tweets going back and forth, you see allegations of this happened, that happened. It's hard to know, it's hard for anyone to know, all right, is this true, what's true?"
"The only way to know is, we have a legal process -- we have state courts, we have federal courts that can hear legal claims."
"And right now, it is incumbent on the Trump Campaign's lawyers to go in and prove their case in court -- to lay out evidence -- to lay out evidence of illegally cast votes, lay out evidence of what was done right and what was done wrong. And when the process is over, we're going to know the result..."
"Now, the fact that you or I might say that or someone might tweet that -- that's not conclusive evidence. That needs to be determined in a court of law."
"It's amazing that reporters are running around screaming, no, no, no, we can't resolve any of these legal matters."
(最「奇妙」就係啲記者四周圍同人講「No, no, no,呢啲問題係唔可以用法律解決㗎」)
其實Ted Cruz提出呢個概念,去到呢刻到底仲有幾多人明白呢?還是為咗個人政見、立場或者喜惡,而忘記咗?
Photo Source:FoxNews
evidence用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
2011 年,從賓大到哥大時,我幻想著休閒時間,就要到 SOHO 的咖啡廳看看書,感受被小說家跟 #紐約時報 的 editors 們包圍著工作的氣氛。放假時,要到中央公園吃著在 Plaza Hotel 地下街買的龍蝦堡享受一下午的悠閒。
沒想到一開學,我的生活變瞬間變成了:「不是在圖書館,就是往圖書館的路上。」過程當中,好強的我,為了「英文寫作要比哥大的美國學生更好」這個目標,我開始整理了「 #英文寫作資料庫」。
✔︎ 在指出 research gap 時,學者們不約而同地使用 “Relatively little is known about sth…”
✔︎ 在指出證據越來越多時,他們不約而同地使用 “Evidence is growing that…”(絕對不是 There're more and more evidences 喔)
如果我們可以掌握這些高頻、模組化的寫作特性,其實很多時候不需要拼命地用中文組裝,最後反而製造出了多 #奇形怪狀的中式英文 寫法。
✔︎ 這套我一直以來 #整理英文寫作語料 的方式(我叫它 #3D英文筆記術 ),我會在這次與 #Hahow 合作的線上課程當中與你們分享。
► 表達目的時,我們需要注意「#文法搭配」,才能用的出來
X is intended to… / X is aimed at… / X is consistent with Y
► 有了 #詞義搭配 (lexical collocation) 這個模組,我們才能很自然地使用 a handful of studies / a wealth of research / a suite of questions 這樣的用法。
► 對 #慣用句頭、#慣用句中 的熟悉、整理,寫作時才能夠輕鬆用出:
・The past decade has witnessed XXX
・There has been much controversy surrounding…
・X stand in stark contrast to Y
・X is subject to Y
・X has grown in importance / popularity
如果你也想增進你的英文寫作能力(不管是要考檢定考、還是商用寫作),在 3D 英文筆記術課程中你會學到「如何在閱讀時,抄出對寫作有益的筆記」,我也教會你一套可以受用一輩子的筆記方法。歡迎加入我們:)
✔︎ 3D 英文筆記術課程:https://hahow.in/cr/ntealex-3dnotetaking
evidence用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[時事英文] 美國總統大選陷入膠著
It ain’t over till every vote is counted.
President Donald Trump claimed victory over Democratic rival Joe Biden on Wednesday with millions of votes still uncounted in a White House race that will not be decided until tallying is completed over the coming hours or days.
1. claim victory 聲稱勝利
2. rival 競爭者;對手;敵手
3. uncounted (adj.) 未計算過的
4. tally (v.) 計算;清點
By early Wednesday, the race was down to a handful of states, and both Trump, 74 and Biden, 77, had possible paths to reach the needed 270 Electoral College votes to win the White House.
5. be down to 由⋯⋯決定
6. Electoral College votes 選舉人團票
Shortly after Biden said he was confident of winning the contest once the votes are counted, Trump appeared at the White House to declare victory and said his lawyers would be taking his case to the U.S. Supreme Court, without specifying what they would claim.
7. be confident of… 對⋯⋯有信心
8. declare victory 宣布獲勝
9. take his case to 將他的案子提交到⋯⋯
10. the Supreme Court of the United States 美國最高法院
11. specify 具體指定;明確說明
“We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said. “This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.” He provided no evidence to back up his claim of fraud.
12. frankly 直率地;坦白地
13. a major fraud 重大的詐欺
14. in a proper manner 以適當的方式
15. back up 支持
Polls have closed and voting has stopped across the country, but election laws in U.S. states require all votes to be counted, and many states routinely take days to finish counting ballots. More votes stood to be counted this year than in the past as people voted early by mail and in person because of the coronavirus pandemic.
16. the polls 投票處
17. count ballots 統計選票
18. in person 親自
19. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠病毒大流行疫情
Global stocks gyrated in early trade as results streamed in, with a final call now seen unlikely for days and the outcome raising the potential for gridlock that complicates the chance of a quick U.S. government spending boost to counter the effects of the pandemic.
20. gyrate(通常指很快地)旋轉;迴旋;轉動
21. stream in 流入
22. a final call 最後的決定
23. raise the potential for 提高⋯⋯的可能性
24. gridlock 僵局
25. complicate the chance 使機率複雜化
26. counter the effects of 抵消⋯⋯
資料來源: https://reut.rs/3oWNEcI
最新開票動態: https://politi.co/34U5ipm
時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt
evidence用法 在 evidence - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
evidence · n. 證據;證詞;證人;物證[U][(+of/for)][+that][+to-v];跡象[U][C][(+of)][+(that)] · vt. 證明;顯示,表明 ... ... <看更多>
evidence用法 在 證據"evidence" 的用法:... - superB Daily English 的相關結果
superB Daily English ... 證據"evidence" 的用法: Evidence是「不可數」的。所以用法要注意。 ... 這個用法就跟「行李」一樣。因為行李"baggage/ luggage" ... ... <看更多>
evidence用法 在 evidence (【名詞】證據, 證詞, 證人, 物證, 跡象, 證明)意思 的相關結果
Hair fashion among young people is evidence of how quickly times can change. 從年輕人頭髮的時尚可見 ... ... <看更多>