美國左翼呼籲在教育界、警隊、醫生、律師、所有「老闆」(all bosses ) 行業,將「保守主義者」全部清洗。這段文字,首先是英文有誤:
1, Subjected to —— 應作Subject to : 凡染了病或基於某種不正常狀態,或「有賴於」,當用subject to。如Liberals are easily subject to brainwash. Children in Africa are subject to tropical diseases. The offer is effective subject to a written agreement.
而「受控制」、「被征服」、「慘遭」,才用subjected to,如The prisoners of wars were subjected to atrocious torture。
2, Manual work, 不是 Menial work —— manual, 專指用肢體從事的勞力工作。 menial,指在一個專業之中,不須此行專業知識的一般低層工作。例如,在一個藥房裏,藥劑師是專業,但是在藥房專做將藥品搬運上架的工人,或登記藥品的文書人員,在這個辦公室並無晉升機會的,就是menial worker。
Manual workers,包括在監獄裏被分派洗衣和貼信封、被罰從事體力勞動的囚犯,因此地位更低,因此根據這個左翼法西斯分子,從事勞動工作的人,不配享有人權。這是非常法西斯的決定。
3,除了英文詞𢑥之用錯,這個左匪本身卻是一個低教育程度的人,他分不清Conservative 和 conservative 的分別。保守主義,Conservativism , 是主張維護家庭倫理、基督教信仰、講究禮貌品味、美學、崇尚善良的一連串價值觀的人。進而也包括崇尚市場經濟、小政府、反對政府干預、也就是相對於社會主義者。Conservative , 保守主義者,那個C一定是大寫。
在華語世界,例如香港,在民主派之外,親中愛國也被指為「保守派」,例如「民建聯對全民直選的態度很保守」,有如將一切舊事物稱為「封建」,而封建必定「落後」,蓄意洗腦,這是對出自英文語境的Conservatives 這個名詞的侮辱。
因為,「保守」( Conservative ) , 不是到了21世紀還堅持女人要紮腳、女性可以做妾侍的意思。在華文世界,西方社會學名詞的誤譯,百年來遍地皆是。
不過最有趣的的是,以這個白左的大清洗呼籲,加上民主黨眾議員AOC 和奧巴馬前任秘書推出的 Trump Accountability Project ,也呼籲搜索黑名單,禁止曾經為川普助選和工作過的工作人員在華盛頓謀職,掀起「消滅運動」(Cancel Campaign ),美國各城市各行業必須興起告密風,與納粹德國和史太林的蘇聯一樣,才可保證美國式的辦事效率。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▽詳しいレシピはこちらのブログから♪ 『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2019/05/15/195130 【ヨーグルトdeレアチーズケーキ】 本日5月15日は、ヨーグルトに含まれるブルガリア菌が不老長寿に効くことを世界に発表した人...
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[時事英文] 世界衛生組織祕書長譚德塞的「指控」
Umm…no. Red herring much?
red herring 紅鯡魚謬誤
Red herring fallacies are frequently used in public relations and political propaganda. Media and politicians often use new events or misinterpreting issues to shift the attention of the masses from core issues. The fallacy is often used to deal with governmental or corporate crises.
The origin of the term red herring is debatable. One popular tale states that escaping convicts used the pungent fish to throw off hounds in pursuit.
An Open Letter to Dr Tedros(一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信):https://youtu.be/EKh6qiAGDfA
TAIPEI — Taiwan's Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned "groundless" accusations from the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) that racist slurs against him had come from the island, as Taipei escalated its feud with the body.
1、groundless accusations 沒有根據的指責
2、racist slurs 種族主義言論
3、escalate 使⋯⋯逐步升級
Taiwan's lack of membership of the WHO, due to pressure from China which claims the island as its own, has infuriated the Taipei government during the coronavirus outbreak, which says it has been unable to get timely information and that Taiwanese lives have become political pawns. The WHO denies the criticisms.
4、infuriate 激怒
5、timely information 即時資訊
6、political pawns 政治棋子
On Wednesday, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus rejected "racist slurs" against him, which he said had originated in Taiwan.
Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said it "strongly condemned and protested the groundless accusations" which it labeled "imaginary".
7、label somebody/something (as) something 將某人/某物貼上標籤
8、strongly condemn 強烈譴責
"We are a mature and highly-accomplished advanced democratic country, and have absolutely not instigated our people to personally attack the WHO's Director General, and have absolutely not made any racist comments," it said.
9、highly-accomplished 高素養
10、democratic country 民主國家
11、instigate 煽動
12、make racist comments 發表種族主義評論
Taiwan condemns any form of discrimination, and any attacks on the internet against the WHO's boss have nothing to do with Taiwan's Foreign Ministry nor have been instigated by it, the ministry added.
13、condemn discrimination 譴責歧視
14、have nothing to do with 與⋯⋯不相干
Tedros' comments were irresponsible and he should clarify them and apologize to Taiwan, it said.
Taiwan has been proud of its early and so far effective measures against the coronavirus, logging just 379 cases and five deaths to date, far lower than many of its neighbors, even as it has been excluded from the WHO.
15、effective measure 有效措施
16、log (v.) 記錄;記載
17、exclude……from 阻止⋯⋯進入;把⋯⋯排除在外
The WHO, in a rare statement about Taiwan last month, said it was closely following the development of the coronavirus there, is learning lessons from how they are fighting it, and detailing how the WHO has been working with Taiwanese health experts.
18、in a rare statement 在罕見的陳述中
19、detail (v.) 詳述
Taiwan says the WHO ignored its questions at the start of the coronavirus outbreak and has not shared with member states information Taiwan has provided on the coronavirus including details on its cases and prevention methods. This is part of what it has long described as a pattern that puts it at risk because of Chinese pressure to exclude it from international bodies.
20、prevention methods 預防方法
21、at the start of 在⋯⋯之初
22、put……at risk 讓⋯⋯處於危險之中
23、international bodies 國際組織;國際機構
Full video(完整影片):https://youtu.be/-8b8Vj6lg3Q
effective名詞 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 八卦
語文除了用來傳情達意,有時也用來矇混敷衍、塗脂抹粉。此道官員政客、公關人員最擅長。舉個例,公司要裁員減開支,直截了當的說法是:To cut costs, we will sack some of you.(為減開支,我們要炒些人。)但通告上一定不會這樣寫,而可能是:
In response to the current global economic downturn, we are planning to better manage our costs by introducing a series of business restructuring initiatives which will result in an increase in non-voluntary turnovers.(為應對目前環球經濟衰退,我們正籌備一系列商務重組計劃以更有效地控制成本,其間非自願人員更替的數量會因而上升。)
第一招:Use the passive and omit the agent. 轉主動為被動,不要加「by」
主動句的主語通常是做事的所謂agent,假如改寫成被動句即可把他從句子剔走。所以不說 Tom stole the apple 而說 The item was stolen(物件被盜)。當然不要加 by Tom。
第二招:Prefer the abstract to the concrete. 棄精確,取模糊。
所有精確的字,都要用含混語言代替:棄 kill,steal,rape,sack,dump,而取 occur,engage,conduct,render,undergo。所以,不是 We are going to sack some people(我們將要炒人),而是 Our company is undergoing a restructuring process(本公司正進行業務重組的過程。)
第三招:Prefer nouns to verbs. 棄動詞,取名詞
這與第二招互相補足。總之生動鮮明的動詞,都改成名詞,再配上 abstract verb。所以,不說 Tom raped Mary(Tom強姦Mary了)而說 Tom and Mary engaged in non-consensual sexual activities(Tom跟Mary發生非自願的性行為)。
第四招:Prefer the long to the short. 字越長越好,句子亦然
因為讀起來較廢勁,表達亦較間接。所以 steal 不夠 misappropriate 好,misappropriate 又不夠 temporarily remove from the lawful owner(從合法物主處暫時拿走)好,所以:Tom temporarily removed the apple from its lawful owner。假如配合第一招一起用,就變成:The item was temporarily removed from its lawful owner(物件被人暫時從合法物主處拿取)。從 Tom 的角度看,這樣寫肯定比赤裸裸的「Tom stole the apple」(Tom偷了個蘋果)順眼。以上四招的目標相同,都務求令讀者花最大力氣才能把文字和文字代表的事物連繫起來。最後,畫龍還要點睛:
第五招:Sprinkle with favourable modifiers. 有利己方的修飾詞,不妨多加
別說 We tortured the suspects(我們虐待疑犯),要說 We subjected the suspects to some harmless but effective interrogation methods(我們在疑犯身上進行了一些無害但有效的審問措施)。別說 We burn coal to get electricity(我們燒煤取電),卻說 We have devised a fuel strategy that enables us to produce electricity in a sustainable and environmentally-responsible manner(我們的燃料政策,讓我們能以可持續和有利環境的方式發電)。
We are killing more and more innocent civilians in the war.(我們殺的無辜平民越來越多。)
More and more innocent civilians are killed in the war.(越來越多無辜平民被殺。)
再用名詞配上模糊的動詞。現在「kill」不見了,變成委婉詞「collateral damage」(這個詞,根據新出的牛津英漢漢英詞典 Oxford Chinese Dictionary,中文譯為「附帶性破壞」,跟英文的有異曲同工之妙)。「More and more」太直接了,改成「There is an increase in」;「war」也因為太敏感而改成「operation」:
There is an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our operation.(我方執行任務其間,附帶性破壞的發生次數上升了。)
血腥味頓時消減不少。最後,「There is an increase」語氣太肯定了,改成「There have been reports of the possibility of an increase」(有報告顯示有可能增加)。而「our operation」可進一步修飾成「our peacekeeping operation」(維持和平任務):
There have been reports of the possibility of an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our peacekeeping operation.(有報告顯示,我方執行維持和平任務其間附帶性破壞的發生次數可能上升了。)
effective名詞 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的評價
『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2019/05/15/195130
ヨーグルト 400g
牛乳 150g
砂糖 60g
レモン汁 大さじ1
粉ゼラチン 5g
ビスケット 3枚
【No-Bake Yogurt Cheese Cake】
Today, May 15, the Bulgaria bacterium contained in yogurt was enacted as "yogurt Day" after Dr. Mennichikov's birthday, a person who announced to the world that it is effective for the longevity of youth.
Unfortunately, this theory seems to have been denied at present, but yogurt has become like a pronoun of good food for the body these days, and I think that there are a lot of people who eat every day.
Using such yogurt, I would like to make a popular sweets staple "No-Bake Cheese Cake" this time.
Without using cream cheese, which is the main ingredient of rare cheesecake, we will use the yogurt that was drained.
Cream cheese will be a little hesitant because the higher the price and high calorie, draining yogurt because the price and calories are low, especially for women who are conscious of the household and the figure is a blessing ingredients. In addition, this recipe only uses a microwave oven once and just mixes it and cools it without using the fire and the stove!
Very simple and easy.
For those who are troublesome to make sweets, even children, we have become a recipe that you can challenge easily. Voila, thick as soggy!
Because I use yogurt, the aftertaste is refreshing! And, the material cost of the one person to be worried whopping 71 yen! Low cost and even lower calories, and very easy!
This is a recommended recipe for those who like sweets must see.
Please try the "No-Bake Yogurt Cheese Cake" which is good for the cost performance and is healthy and delicious.
Yogurt 400g
150g of milk
60g of sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
Powdered gelatin 5g
Three biscuits
▽Subscribe to my channel♪
楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/

effective名詞 在 豐富 Youtube 的評價
節目直播時間:週五 14點
⏭ 章節:
00:00 頻道片頭
00:07 開場
01:12 節目片頭
01:30 賺高薪需要具備的能力
24:18 Q&A:股票如何停利或停損
34:24 Q&A:第一季13集節目後,請用臉書粉絲頁繼續聯絡
45:07 請繼續提問:你活著不是為了工作,祝大家早日達到FIRE財務自由
48:24 節目片尾
48:50 頻道片尾
📝 名詞補充:
1. Manage Expectation:預期管理
2. Assume - "Make an ass of U and ME":不要亂假設,再確定比較安全
3. Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:美國有名的效率提升書
4. Responsive:做事要很快的回覆
5. 10Q and 10K:美國上市公司需要公佈的季報和年報
6. Charles Schwab,Fidelity,Vanguard:美國三大免交易費的證券商
7. Market Timing:抓股市的時機進場退場,很不建議,因為很難
8. Opportunity Cost:機會成本
📚 參考書訊:《財務自由的人生:跟著首席分析師楊應超學華爾街的投資技巧和工作效率,40歲就過FIRE的優質生活》 https://eslite.me/w24ad
#楊應超 #財務自由 #FIRE

effective名詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的評價
· 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教
· 線上課程:發音教學、文法解析
1 【presentation 簡報】-- 名詞
She will give a presentation later.
present 呈現(動詞)
presentation 簡報,其實就是一種「呈現」
2 【report vs. presentation】
report 回顧、總結、報告狀況
I report to the project manager on progress every Friday.
presentation 介紹、銷售
I will make a presentation on our new products.
對方購買 or 老闆開發
report — 回顧 事情差不多結束了,或是有個進度,彙整報告
presentation — 展望 說服聽眾行動,介紹新事物
【賓狗小偏方】 presentation 跟 report “re” 重複、再一次,所以是「回顧」的報告
3 【可以 do a presentation 嗎】
She will deliver a presentation on the new services.
有些英文教學文說,不可以用 do,do是錯的 但實際上搜尋,還是有人用,甚至有少許字典會列出 do a presentation 所以 do a presentation 應該是聽得懂的、說出口也可以放輕鬆
很常見的搭配動詞是 give, make, deliver
4 【keynote presentation 主題簡報】— 名詞
The conference will start with a keynote presentation on solar energy.
講者 keynote speaker — 有份量
4 【presentation skills 簡報技巧】 - 名詞
Presentation skills are the skills to create and deliver a clear and effective presentation.
less text and more visuals
maintain eye contact with your audience
keep it short
5 【怎麼結束英文簡報】 The is the end of my presentation. Thank you!
1 presentation 簡報
2 presentation 可以搭配的動詞有 give, make, deliver
3 keynote presentation 主題簡報
4 presentation skills 簡報技巧
5 簡報結束時,簡單說“This is the end of my presentation. Thank you!” 就好了

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