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พ่อบ้านคะ สั่งของเสร็จเค้าไม่ยอมส่งของ แถม Block หนูอีกค่ะ 😅
พ่อบ้านว่าคุณอาจจะเซ็งมากแน่ๆ ใช่มั้ยครับถ้าโดน และยิ่งถ้าเป็นการโกงที่มูลค่าเยอะๆ ก็จะยิ่งเจ็บใจไม่น้อย เอาอย่างนี้ครับพ่อบ้านขอแนะนำทางแก้ไขในเบื้องต้นให้ดังนี้นะครับ
1. ทำใจ! และสงบสติอารมณ์ก่อนครับ อย่าเอารูปเค้าไปโพสประจานเด็ดขาด เดี๋ยวจะเปลี่ยนสถานะของเราจากเหยื่อกลายเป็นผู้ต้องหาครับ
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1. ซื้อของกับร้านค้าออนไลน์, Website หรือคนที่จดทะเบียนถูกต้องและมีความน่าเชื่อถือ เพื่อมีปัญหาก็จะง่ายต่อการติดตามตัวได้
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3. ใช้รูปแบบการชำระเงินที่ปลอดภัยและง่ายต่อการดึงเงินคืนถ้าเกิดปัญหา เช่น Paypal, Western Union หรือ บัตรเครดิตครับ
#พ่อบ้านเยอรมัน #เยอรมัน #เยอรมนี #Germany #German
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過885萬的網紅Michelle Phan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO. Special ending. Remember Sailor Moon? She was my hero, and she was one of the biggest reason why I loved waking up early to wa...
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延續上一篇, 這裡討論一下心態的問題。
我聽過很多人忌諱死人穿過的衣服, 在非洲, 大部分收到的舊衣都是從歐美國家淘汰的, 非洲國家迦納和多哥都稱這些衣服為”死掉白人的衣服”, 另一個國家坦尚尼亞稱這些為”在美國死亡的衣服”, 索馬利亞則稱這些衣服為”Huudhaydh”, 意思是”誰死了?” 11月1號是基督徒的諸聖節(大家熟悉的萬聖節), 墨西哥則叫做” Dia de los Muertos” 意思是Day of the Dead 亡靈節. 中國和台灣有清明節. 大部分節慶都是為了紀念祖先, 絕大部分的亞洲人因為習俗, 覺得穿古着就會沾上死人的穢氣. 當然如果是死了入棺的衣服我也會覺得毛毛的, 但是誰會賣棺材裡的衣服啊? 奮力挖了半天只為了脫死人的LEVI’S賣? 不合情理吧? 在葉門, 進口二手衣被視為走私, 在海關抓到的衣服會被沒收燒毀, 葉門的官員甚至說”這些都是沙烏地有錢的人不要的衣服, 我們也不要死人的衣服”. 甚至中國也是一樣, 出口舊衣服可以, 但是不准進口, 因為中國視舊衣為”廢棄物”. 在下定論古着=死人的衣服之前, 我們是否應該先理解這些古著商去哪裡採購衣服?
過去一直由日本來決定古著的價格, 由於這幾年Ebay的出現, 泰國和馬來西亞這些新興國家加入, 造成日本不再有決定權來設定古著的價格, 越來越多的加入Ebay賣家的行列, 在紐約和洛杉磯都有店面的Raggedy Threads店主@Orangepancake 指出, 因為近期古著熱讓許多年輕想掙錢的孩子投入此行業, 但是他們並不了解行情, 古著樂團T, 長袖帽T這些年輕人喜歡的產品, 價格在Ebay上面非常混亂, 例如一件樂團T過去可能是$100美金, 但現在往往是過去的兩三倍價格, 幸運的是如果他們成交賣出, 那他們以後就會以此作為基準來販售. 古著界其實也有機制的, 商家們仰賴美國各地的”Pickers”, 這些Pickers可能是想賺些外快的大嬸或者年輕的學生, 它們每天穿梭在Estate Sale, Thrift Stores, 將他們找到的產品加上利潤後賣出給古著店, 古著店再制定價格銷售給消費者, 這樣大家能將古著的價格維持住, 而非漫天喊價. 在美國的古著店, 也會互相採購, 講難聽一點, 古著就那些量而已, 稀有的古著早已經落到收藏家的手中, 所以當量變很稀有時, 收藏家和古著商也都會互相交換(例如交換手中沒有的顏色或款式).
跟大企業比起來, 年輕人更喜歡在IG上面買賣東西, 通常大企業都有特定的trend buying, 例如它們會去買大數據的資料, 根據大資料給出的來設計, 挑選顏色, 布料來迎合消費者, 但是獨立的古著商甚至年輕賣家, 通過IG照片呈現出來它們自己的”選貨”, 預計今年的服裝市場將在全球範圍內下降15.2%,其中美國將佔40%, 由於疫情年輕人透過IG分享許多自己的選貨, 年輕人似乎更熱衷在網路上購買古著. 比起辛苦在外面打工, 美國有許多年輕人投入了古著的行業, 回到剛剛一開始的問題, 這些古著商去哪裡採購衣服呢? 絕大部分都是Thrift Stores (可看前篇: https://www.facebook.com/meetaiday/posts/764922073647936/ ), 再來就是美國各地的Estate Sale (主要是出售過世人房子裡面的所有物), 過去美國的有錢人都會將不要的衣物捐出, 而這些衣服則會落入Thrift Stores, 破損無法販售的則壓成方塊出口到第三國家. 所以換句話說, 穿古著有機會穿到死人的衣服, 是的, 有很大可能是過世的人留下的衣服. 你是否曾取笑過古著看起來像是”阿罵的衣服”, 對, 這些的確就是西郎骨頭的衣服, 換個方式想, 我會去想像之前的擁有者的生活, 他為什麼會有這件日本二戰時期的橫須賀外套? 他是否去日本打仗了? 這件連身褲沾滿機油, 他是否生前是修車工人? 這些能延續下來的老衣服我們繼續保留, 個人認為非常的浪漫。
日本人對於古著的要求到了吹毛求疵的地步, 完整無破損, Levi’s最好是Deadstock沒穿過洗過. 我理解收藏家到一定程度後, 會想要收藏更稀有更完整的產品, 但是大部分的朋友剛入門就要Deadstock, NOS(New Old Stock, 指的是全新未使用過的老品), 我個人是非常不贊同這種想法, 使用過的著用感, 也是古著故事的一部分啊, 看到牛仔褲膝蓋的摩擦, 蟲蛀的痕跡(蟲不吃化纖), 我覺得這些都是時間和歲月留下的美感, 新品是無法仿製的老味.
前幾年流行的日本Boro, 雖然很多品牌製作出”仿”Boro的全新品, 大家如果對Boro稍有理解, 應該知道Boro的產生是因為古時日本人貧窮節儉, 因為務農只好不停地在破損的地方修補, 而這些修補的痕跡成就了Boro獨一無二的美. 我甚至還看到有人印刷Boro圖案在包包衣服球鞋上, Why?
我就是喜歡西郎骨頭的衣服, 你呢?
ebay de 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 八卦
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! 來美國後才知道不是每個「老外」都慶祝聖誕節的,像是猶太同事就不慶祝聖誕節,不過,他們常會在十二月底慶祝光明節Hanukkah(又稱為Chanukah),像是今年就是12/22-12/30。也因此公司會寫「佳節愉快Happy Holiddays」而不是聖誕快樂,有時候也會寫「For those who celebrate, Merry Christmas!(如果你有慶祝的話,聖誕快樂)」
農曆新年,我們會說「Happy Lunar New Year」(農曆新年快樂),而不是「Happy Chinese New Year(中國新年快樂)」,因為除了中國人,其實新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、緬甸、泰國、柬埔寨、菲律賓等地也都有人慶祝。
5/5 Cinco de Mayo (墨西哥五月五日節)
11/14 Diwali(印度排燈節)
11/26 Thanksgiving(美國感恩節)
12/10-12/18 Hanukkah(猶太光明節)
#領導力 #矽谷文化 #美國文化 #多元文化 #leadership #diversity #culture #Hanukkah #Chanukah
ebay de 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的評價
WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO. Special ending.
Remember Sailor Moon? She was my hero, and she was one of the biggest reason why I loved waking up early to watch her shows on TV right before school. I was inspired to draw Anime after Sailor Moon. Heck, it inspired me to LOVE anime.
Naoko Takeuchi If you are watching or reading this, thank you so much for creating a hero for all of us girls to look up to. I dream of meeting you one day. I would probably cry because you are one of my biggest inspiration. Arigato!
My photo I took with my webcam here
I love the manga, the artwork and the storyline of Sailor Moon. How she has wonderful friends, her tuxedo mask and an amazing journey to save the world. Every girl can be a super hero now. All you need is an eyeliner and meatball hair.
This is perfect for Halloween, cosplaying any anime character like Chobits, Death Note, Naruto, even Final Fantasy characters like Tifa. If you want a more toned down anime eyes, check out my older one here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nJXK5EJEQA
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♥ My Instagram: http://instagram.com/MichellePhan
♥ My Blog: http://michellephan.com
♥ ICON Network: http://youtube.com/ICONnetwork
Lancome Le Crayon Poudre Brows http://bit.ly/1nX8uWN
Sephora Eyeliner Liquid Eyeliner http://amzn.to/1rZhR8t
Sephora White Eyeliner http://bit.ly/1nX8FBA
White Pearl Eyeshadow Ben Nye, Discontinued, similar here: http://amzn.to/1uEzzlh
White Gel Liner In Silk White, Discontinued, similar here: http://amzn.to/1s26LPd
YSL Cream de Blush 02 Powdery Rose http://amzn.to/1k5UBEC
NYX Flower Pink Lipstick http://amzn.to/1AvDOzU
Pink lipgloss NYX LA-LA http://amzn.to/1nRYsWW
Sailor Moon Wig here
It takes 2-3 weeks to be delieverd
This lady makes Sailor Moon and Anime wigs too, her shipping is probably faster than the one above.
Sailor Moon Costume - Custom Made. The BEST cosplay
This nice man makes them. Let him know I referred you because he is super nice and doesn't know I'm advertising his work =)
His ebay store
THE BEST SAILOR MOON ACCESSORIES. I scoured for only the BEST for you =D
Sailor Moon Hair Gems, Choker and Heart Brooch
VERY SWEET LADY who HAND makes these! I recommend her work. It's better than the ones they sell at costume stores. AND IT'S INEXPENSIVE! Your wallets will be happy
Sailor Moon Tiara and Earrings and Barrettes
They make the best Tiaras hands down.
The monkey in the closet was an awesome Christmas present from my brother. He got it at Spencers.

ebay de 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的評價
*please turn on subtitles for eng sub and viet sub* Happy Lunar New Year!! This is my first chit chat get ready with me in tieng Viet ? I did pink coral makeup to celebrate Year of the Pig + 2019 Pantone Color of the Year ?also I know my Viet isn’t great but I’m trying my best ? let me know if u caught any mistakes so i can improve in the next vid!
✧ IG: http://www.instagram.com/jessyluxe
✧ SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/luxejessy
✧ SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/jessyluxe
✧ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/luxejessy
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!
Finally, the much requested video in Vietnamese ?
Honestly, the reason it took me so long to actually get to filming this was because I wanted it to be perfect. I post a lot about how proud I am to be Vietnamese (because it took so long for me to learn about and appreciate my culture) and so I thought posting a video in which I wasn't fLuEnT would be disappointing to a lot of you guys.
But in reality, I am a Vietnamese-American/second-generation immigrant who has spoken English for the majority of her life. And although I am still trying to learn more Vietnamese and can share this through my platform, it would be unrealistic to front as if I were fluent. So if you are Vietnamese-American and aren't the best at Vietnamese either, it's ok! Let's learn together! Hope you all have a lovely Lunar New Year/Tết ?
♡ xo
« ᴇ ʏ ᴇ s »
- too faced﹍ super coverage sculpting concealer (“almond”) http://bit.ly/2B5iLOs
- huda beauty﹍ the new nude eyeshadow palette (“tickle”) http://bit.ly/2t6RWmc
- buxom﹍ wanderlust primer infused blush (“ibiza”) http://bit.ly/2WDuFpo
- benefit cosmetics﹍ roller liner liquid eyeliner (“brown”) http://bit.ly/2Sq5DuM
- velour lashes﹍ luxe faux mink false lashes (“sunshine and whispie”) http://bit.ly/2DUqT3D
- etude house﹍ lash perm curl fix mascara (“brown”) http://bit.ly/2WJHJJI
« ғ ᴀ ᴄ ᴇ »
- j.cat beauty﹍ h2o fresh dewy hydrating face primer http://bit.ly/2PMBtAw
- smashbox﹍ studio skin 15 hour wear hydrating foundation (“1.1” + “2”) http://bit.ly/2GSFLTB
- too faced﹍ super coverage sculpting concealer (“almond”) http://bit.ly/2B5iLOs
- laura mercier﹍ translucent loose setting powder http://bit.ly/2NUChhQ
- kevyn aucoin﹍ the sculpting powder (“medium”) http://bit.ly/2AlxyCc
- buxom﹍ wanderlust primer infused blush (“ibiza”) http://bit.ly/2WDuFpo
- sleek makeup﹍ blush by 3 palette (“fleeting moment”) http://bit.ly/2BjYy4V
- ofra cosmetics﹍ highlighter (“rodeo drive”) http://bit.ly/2AXkSBz
- benefit cosmetics﹍ roller liner liquid eyeliner (“brown”) http://bit.ly/2Sq5DuM
« ʟ ɪ ᴘ s »
- nyx professional makeup﹍ slim lip pencil (“peekaboo neutral”) http://bit.ly/2R62oEb
- mac powder kiss lipstick (“a little tamed”) http://bit.ly/2UAsHEu
« ᴛ ᴏ ᴏ ʟ s »
- sigma﹍ 3dhd blender sponge http://bit.ly/2Akpm4X
- colourpop﹍ tapered blending brush http://bit.ly/2G1nIds
- shiseido﹍ eyelash curler http://bit.ly/2PcbYrP
- real techniques﹍ flawless base set (“contour brush”) http://bit.ly/2TBRKah
- sigma﹍ high cheekbone highlighter brush (“F03”) http://bit.ly/2GPQWMK
- too faced﹍ mr. right perfect powder brush http://bit.ly/2zxsHNp
- luxie﹍ small tapered eye blending brush (“231”) http://bit.ly/2vEzdjj
- sigma﹍ tapered blending brush (“E40”) http://bit.ly/2VnLqEz
« ᴡ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ɪ ɴ ɢ »
‣ yesstyle code “JESSICA10”
- wig + roller﹍ jellyfish long full wig wavy (“natural black”) http://bit.ly/2GaITJk
- top﹍ sinora short-sleeve cropped top [no longer available]
- earrings﹍ chaffus pearl gemstone drop earring http://bit.ly/2Gbaavm
- milk maid﹍ pink pig printed phone case with stand [no longer available from where i got it but i’ve seen it on ebay]
- ipsy studio
- editing program: final cut pro x 10.4.1
↳ ᴀ ᴜ ᴅ ɪ ᴏ ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ
- Ann De Renais - Reverie D'Amour
?business email: jessica@rare.global
ғᴛᴄ: ɴᴏᴛ sᴘᴏɴsᴏʀᴇᴅ! sᴏᴍᴇ ʟɪɴᴋs ʟɪsᴛᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀғғɪʟɪᴀᴛᴇ ʟɪɴᴋs ᴀɴᴅ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛs ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ɪ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴘʀ ♡

ebay de 在 Imagine Scent Youtube 的評價
ALL-STAR MEN'S FRAGRANCES RANKED (Most Complimented/ Best Men Fragrances)
Aqva Amara by Bvlgari- This is one of my most favorite summer fragrance ever. It's strong but not offensive, unique yet super mass pleasing. Also, the best part, it's under $35 for a 100ml. Highly recommended! http://amzn.to/2p8zwkj
Ultra Male by JPG- This is a new one in my collection. It's nice but I prefer Armani Code Profumo for the winter/ club settings more. But this one is still a solid choice. http://amzn.to/2oUG8lI
Pegasus by Parfums De Marly- One of the legendary mass pleasing niche fragrance on the market right now. It's super nice, pleasing, and manly. Last a long time and projects a good amount. http://amzn.to/2pS9Qcg
La Nuit De L' Homme Eau Electrique by YSL- New release from YSL, not yet available in the US but you can sometime find it on ebay from international sellers. Not the best release, but not a bad fragrance.
First Instinct by A&F- Light teenage summer fragrance. You really can't go wrong if you are younger. But it's nothing too special if you are over the college age group. Great choice for the beach. http://amzn.to/2oUOQQE
Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme- MY FAVORITE DESIGNER FRAGRANCE IN THE WORLD!!! With no exaggeration, this will always be in my collection. I love how versatile it is and how many compliment it gotten me so far. It's smells incredible and it's god-like status for me in terms of pleasing the crowd.Another highly recommended one. http://amzn.to/2ogXydC
Reflection Man by Amouage- Second most popular niche fragrance on the market. Nice up-scale manly vibe, with a playful touch. I love it, my girlffriend love it, and my co-workers love it as well. Another one that you really can't go wrong picking up. http://amzn.to/2oUNdCI
1. http://amzn.to/2k59ME9
2. http://amzn.to/2kVuzsW
3. http://amzn.to/2lqfTPw
4. http://amzn.to/2lmqHlI
5. http://amzn.to/2kQv6fX
6. http://amzn.to/2kQtkf0
7. http://amzn.to/2kVuRjj
8. http://amzn.to/2lmE9FY
9. http://amzn.to/2kK9MX1
10. http://amzn.to/2kVlobV
Camera- http://amzn.to/2kVevr3
Lens- http://amzn.to/2lmrSSe
Microphone- http://amzn.to/2ktZ8VQ
Lighting- http://amzn.to/2ku1KmP
Filmora Video Editing Software http://amzn.to/2k5eWja
Stay tune for more Top 10 Best Men Fragrances, Most Complimented Fragrances, Best Designer Fragrances, Best Niche Fragrances, Brand Reviews, and much much more.

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