#PradaGroup further deepens its commitment to #diversity, #equity and #inclusion with substantial investments in talent and educational advancement programmes. In an effort to increase representation within the Company and the fashion industry as a whole, the Group has established internship and mentorship programmes and launched a series of initiatives in partnership with Fitnyc, UNFPA and Theaster Gates.
Discover more: https://bit.ly/2QTmOWU
#PradaGroupImpact #PradaGroupTalents #Education #People
「diversity and inclusion internship」的推薦目錄:
diversity and inclusion internship 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
今天的「My U.S. Experience我的美國經驗」影片,我們邀請到明尼蘇達州立大學畢業的朱頤,跟大家分享實習經驗在美國的重要性。他認為英文是一個不可或缺的溝通工具,而多元和包容是美國社會很重要的兩大要素。#IEW2016 #EducationUSATaiwan
In today’s #MyUSExperience video, a graduate from Minnesota State University Moorhead Chu Yi will share with us the importance of his internship in the United States. Mr. Chu thinks English is an essential communication tool. Chu also shares why he thinks diversity and inclusion are important in the United States.
diversity and inclusion internship 在 Facebook 八卦
商界一直是 #平機會 的緊密合作夥伴。在此特別感謝 #種族多元共融僱主約章 的簽署機構,支持推動種族多元工作間。簽署機構皆同意《約章》羅列的九項目標:
1. 基於《種族歧視條例》的原則和《種族歧視條例僱傭實務守則》,制訂種族平等和多元共融的機構政策。
2. 訂立一套公平程序及準則,在招聘、僱用、晉升、員工發展及解僱的過程中不會對任何種族人士造成歧視。
3. 定期審視政策和流程,確保僱傭環境對所有種族人士公平而無障礙。
4. 培訓、教育和鼓勵員工,加強他們對種族共融的意識,包括認識有助建立多元共融的良好常規政策,以及種族歧視所帶來的不良後果。
5. 提供機會,讓處於弱勢的少數族裔社群認識和投身所屬界別(如實習機會、在職培訓、師友計劃和志願服務)。
6. 營造安全的工作環境,讓所有員工充分協作。
7. 了解及回應不同族裔員工在溝通、政策和活動上的具體需要,讓他們可融入和參與機構之中。
8. 設立申訴程序,處理員工提出任何涉及歧視、騷擾或不公平對待的投訴。
9. 確保所有申訴均得到迅速和有效的處理,並加以保密。
The business sector has always been the close partner of the Equal Opportunities Commission (“#EOC”). My appreciation goes to the employers which shows their serious support to the promotion of racial diversity in the workplace by signing The Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter For Employers. These employers all concur with the nine goals set forth in the Charter as follows:
1. Implement racial equality and diversity policies for the organisation based on the principles of the Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO) and the Code of Practice on Employment under the RDO.
2. Establish fair recruitment, appointment, promotion, staff development and dismissal processes and criteria that do not discriminate against any person or groups of persons on the ground of race.
3. Review the employment processes and policies regularly to ensure relevance, fairness and absence of barriers for people of all races.
4. Raise awareness of the policies and principles of racial inclusion and the consequences of racial discrimination among staff through training courses, awareness campaigns, sharing of good practices, events and award schemes.
5. Proactively encourage engagement with racial minorities from underprivileged and under-represented communities through recruitment as well as internship opportunities, on-the-job training, mentorship schemes and staff volunteering activities.
6. Provide a safe and collaborative work environment for all employees.
7. Make employees of all races feel involved and included by taking into account their particular needs, if any, in communication, policies and activities.
8. Have in place a formal grievance process for employees to report and receive redress for any discrimination, harassment or unfair treatment, whether to themselves or observed towards others.
9. Ensure grievances are dealt with swiftly, effectively and confidentially.
The EOC encourages more companies and organisations to sign the Charter and work closely with us by bringing the value of racial diversity and inclusion to every single workplace.
#平等機會委員會 #EOC 共融i世代 Generation i