[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Business and Commerce
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6p57ufhkkpr66l/business%20and%20commerce.mp3
Desktop file: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1lrfdY58oh1
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英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56
account (n.) 帳目;帳單;帳戶
accountable (adj.) 負責的
accountant (n.) 會計師
acquire (v.) 獲得
administrative (adj.) 行政的
advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
agenda (n.) 議程
agreement (n.) 同意;協定
alternative (adj.) 可供選擇的事物、方式
announce (v.) 宣佈;宣告;公諸於眾
approach (n.) 方法
approval (n.) 贊成;同意
assess (v.) 評估(財產價值);評定
asset (n.) 有用的東西;優點;長處
assign (v.) 分配
attorney (n.) 律師
audit (n./v.) 審計
balance sheet (n.) 資產負債表
balance (n.) 餘額;差額
bankrupt (a.) 破產的;倒閉的
bankruptcy (n.) 破產
benchmark (n.) 基準;水準點;標準
bid (v.) 出價;投標;喊價
board (n.) 理事會;委員會;董事會
bond (n.) 債券
brainstorm (v.) 腦力激蕩,集思廣益
break a contract (v. phr.) 違約
breakthrough (n.) 突破;重大進展
bureaucracy (n.) 官撩主義
buyout/buy out (n./v.)買進全部產權;收購全部
capital (n.) 資本; 資金
carry out (v.) 執行;貫徹;
commerce (n.) 貿易
commercial (adj.) 商業化;商用的
commodity (n.) 商品;農產品
competitor (n.) 競爭者;對手
compromise (v) 妥協; 折衷;和解
concede (v.) 容忍;容許;讓步
conclusive (a.) 決定性的;勿庸置疑的
conference (n.) 會議;協商;討論會
conglomerate (n.) 企業集團
consensus (n.) 一致的意見;共識
consolidate (v.) 結合;合併;強化
consumer (n.) 消費者;顧客
contract (n.) 契約;合同
contractor (n.) 立契約人;承包商
contribute (v.) 貢獻
convention (n.) 慣例;常規;大會
converse (v.) 談話;交談
convince (v.) 使信服
corporate (adj.) 企業的; 團體的
corporation (n.) 公司
cost-effective (a.) 符合成本效益的
credibility (n.) 信譽
credible (adj.) 可信的;可靠的
credit (n.) 信用;信譽;功勞
criterion (n. / pl. = criteria) 規範;標準
currency (n.) 貨幣;流通;通用
cut down (v. phr.) 削減;縮短
dealer (n.) 商人;業者
debit card (n.) 存款戶持有的借方卡
debt (n.) 債;債務
decision making (phr.) 決策
decline (n.) 衰落;衰退 (v.) 下降
deductible (n./adj.) adj.=可抵扣/n.= (保險)扣除條款
deduction (n.) 扣除;扣除額
default (n.) 不履行, 違約, 拖欠
deficit (n.) 赤字;虧損額
demand (v.) 要求 (n.) 需求
demonstration (n.) 示範;實證
deposit (n.) 付押金;付保證金
devaluation (n.) 貶值
diplomacy (n.) 外交手腕;交際手段
discrepancy (n.) 差異;不同;不一致
dispute (n.) 爭端;爭執;糾紛;
dissuade (v.) 勸阻
due (a.) 應付的;到期的;該發生的
earnings (n.) 薪水;工資;收益
embezzle (v.) 盜用;挪用;侵佔(公款等)
employee (n.) 僱員
employer (n.) 雇主
endorse (v.) 背書;支持;贊同
enterprise (n.) 企業
entrepreneur (n.) 企業家;主辦人
estimate (v.) 估計;估價
evaluation (n.) 評價
exempt from (v. phr.) 被免除的;豁免的
expand (v.) 擴張;擴大
expenditure (n.) 消費;開銷
expense (n.) 消耗;消費
export (v.) 輸出;出口
finance (n.) 財政學;財政; 財源
firm (n.) 公司;商行
fiscal (a.) 財政的;會計的
fluctuation (n.) 波動;起伏;漲落
advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
franchise (n.) 〔經營某公司商品或服務的〕特許經營權
forward (v.) 送到,轉號
franchise (n.) 經銷權;加盟權
free ride (n.) 搭便車
fund (n.) 基金;專款
gross (adj.) 總共的;全部的
haggle (v.) 討價還價
hedge fund (n.) 對沖基金(也稱避險基金或套利基金)
headquarter (n.) 總公司;總部;司令部
holding (n.) 土地;財產(常用複數)
import (v.) 輸入;進口
in exchange for (phr.) 換取
influential (adj.) 有影響
integrate (v.) 統合;整合
internship (n.) 實習
inventory (n.) 詳細目錄;清單;存貨
invoice (n.) 發票; 發貨清單
joint venture (n.) 合資投機活動; 企業
launch (v.) 開辦;展開;發起;開始
lease (v./n.) 租約, 租契, 租賃
long-range (a.) 長期的;遠程的
marketing (n.) 市場營銷
merge (v.) 合併;併吞
monopoly (n.) 壟斷;獨佔;專賣
negotiate (v.) 談判
obligation (n.) 義務
on behalf of (phr.) 代表
order (v.) 匯單;訂貨;訂單;匯票
organization (n.) 組織
outsourcing (n.) 外包
overdue (a.) 過期未付的
patent (n.) 專利 (v. =取得…的專利)
payment (n.) 支付;付款
pending (adj.) 未決定的;待決定的;
pension (n.) 養老金
persuade (v.) 說服;勸服
petition (n. / v.= petition for) 請願
phase (n.) 階段
postpone (v.) 延遲;延期
preliminary (a.) 初步的,開始的
premise (n.) 前提
procedure (n.) 程序
profit (n.) 利潤;收益;營利
propose (v.) 提議;建議
proposition (n.) 提案;建議;計畫
prospect (n.) 展望;期望
prospectus (n.) 計畫書;說明書
prosperity (n.) 繁榮;成功;興隆
purchase (v./n.) 購買
quota (n.) 定量;定額;配額
quote (v.) 報價
R&D (n.) 研發
reach consensus(phr.) 達成共識
real estate (n.) 房地產
receipt (n.) 收據
reconcile (v.) 調和;調解
remuneration (n.) 報酬;酬勞
rent (n.) 租金,租費 (v. ) 租用
retail (n.) 零售; (adj.) 零售的
return (v./n.) 回報
revenue (n.) 收益;歲入;稅收
rewarding (adj.) 獎勵的
rival (n.) 競爭者;對手;匹敵者
salary (n.) 薪資
scheme (n.) 設計;圖謀 (v.) 計畫
seminar (n.) 研討會;討論課;講習會
settlement (n.) 協議;支付
shareholder (n.) 股東
shipment (n.) 一批貨
skills and expertise (n.) 技能和專門知識
social security (n.) 社會保障
solution (n.) 解決方案
statement (n.) 聲明;陳述
stock (n.) 公債;證券;股票
stockbroker (n.) 證券和股票經紀人
strategy (n.) 戰略
subsidiary (n.) 子公司
supply (n.) 供應品;供應物;庫存
surplus (n.) 盈餘 (adj.) 過剩的量
tariff (n.) 關稅
tax (n.) 稅 (v.) 向……課稅
temp work (n.) 臨時工作
thrive (v.) 茂盛;興旺;繁榮
trade (n.) 貿易; 交易;商業 (v.) 交換;進行交易
trademark (n.) 注冊商標
undervalue (v.) 低估價值;看輕
voucher (n.) 保證人;憑證;折價券
warehouse (n.) 倉庫;貨價;大商店
withdraw (v.) 收回;取回;撤回;提款
yield (v.) 產生(效果,收益等)(n.) 產量;收穫量;收益
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Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
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How to Buy a Xiaomi in Two Short Months】
Beijing, Sept. 4th (by Carlos Tejada) -- China’s Xiaomi rose to the top ranks of global smartphone makers in only five years by selling high-spec phones at lowball prices. The phones have been snapped up by Chinese consumers looking for an affordable, homegrown alternative to pricier gadgets made by Apple and Samsung Electronics. Its success has made it China’s most valuable startup and second only to Uber in terms of global valuations.
中國的小米公司僅用了不到五年的時間,藉由以低價銷售高規格手機商品,在全球智慧型手機市場中躍昇至名列前茅的位置。與美國蘋果和南韓三星生產且較為昂貴的智慧型裝置相比,小米公司給中國消費者提供的是可負擔得起的國產化和實惠替代選擇,其產品也屢屢被中國消費者一掃而空。小米公司的成功使它一舉成為中國最具市場價值的新創企業,即使在全球範圍來算,其市值也僅次於 Uber。
So goes the story behind Xiaomi’s rise. Still, there’s one aspect of its business that can be hard to convey to the outside world: Its phones can be very, very, very difficult to buy.
Xiaomi sells its phones only in China, India and a few other Asian markets. But that’s just the start of the difficulties. In China the company sells its newest phones online in limited batches through what are called flash sales. Xiaomi and analysts say that helps the company cope with demand for new products as it ramps up production.
On a practical level, it means those who aren’t quick enough with a computer mouse may have a long time to wait before they get one.
I chose to buy a Xiaomi phone after the company lent me its newest phablet, the Note Pro, to use for a few weeks. I liked the large screen, decent camera and its take on Google’s Android phone-operating software, which in my opinion is still inferior to Apple’s mobile software but is closing the gap. Mostly, I liked the price – the Note Pro costs about half the price of Apple’s base-model iPhone 6 Plus, which is the same size but comes with only a quarter of the memory.
在小米公司把最新型的 Note Pro 智慧型大螢幕手機借給我使用了幾個星期之後,我決定自行購買一台小米手機。我非常喜歡它的大螢幕以及拍照效果不錯的鏡頭。小米手機使用的是 Google 公司的 Android 手機作業系統,雖然 Android 系統跟蘋果公司的 iOS 系統還存在一定差距,但這個差距正逐漸縮小中。我最在意的還是價格:小米 Note Pro 的售價僅為蘋果公司 iPhone 6 Plus 基本款(16 GB)的一半,且這兩台手機的尺寸一樣,而 Note Pro 的記憶體容量足足為 iPhone 6 Plus 的 4 倍 (64 GB)。
Another reason I liked it: In China-nerd circles, the phone is a conversation starter. People who follow China or technology but who aren’t on the mainland rarely see one. In that crowd everybody has an opinion of Xiaomi, ranging from respect for a scrappy startup to contempt for a cheap copycat. “Oh, you have a Xiaomi?” they ask, with some mix of curiosity and amusement.
I chose to buy my phone like most Chinese people buy theirs: through an online flash sale. I skipped online brokers and secondhand dealers over concerns about malware and fakes. I also declined an offer from Xiaomi for a pass that would let me jump to the front of the line, an inducement it offers to its biggest Mi fans.
I went in with a co-worker, Olivia, who wanted to buy a budget-level phone for her father.
我和我的同事 Olivia 一起進行搶購,而她想幫她爸爸購買一台經濟實惠的手機。
Day 1第 1 天
Xiaomi holds its flash sales on Tuesdays at noon sharp. To buy one, a customer needs access to a Chinese debit or credit card or an account with an online payment system like Alibaba Group’s Alipay affiliate. With all those in check, I perched over my computer with my mouse at the ready.
As it turns out, there’s another helpful prerequisite: An ability to read fine print in Chinese. My noontime click generated a message congratulating me for registering to try to buy a Xiaomi phone. The fine print on the website said people trying to buy a phone must first register on the site. My first true opportunity, it told me, would be next Tuesday.
Day 8第 8 天
Primed and registered, I set off with my mouse promptly at noon as if a starter’s pistol had gone off next to my ear. Two pages of options popped up on my browser. I read the Chinese as quickly as I could and clicked away.
Xiaomi’s mascot – a white rabbit named Mitu wearing a green Chinese army hat – popped up on my screen. It appeared to be running in place. The text explained that too many people were trying to buy phones too. “I’m lined up and currently moving forward with everything I’ve got,” it said.
It ran with everything it had for the next 20 minutes. I wondered how long it would take for me to find out whether I had won my phone.
結果20 分鐘過去了,頁面所顯示的內容還是一樣,我當時就很好奇還需要等多久我才會知道是否搶到了手機。
A colleague, Yang Jie, walked by and sighed. “You didn’t get it, Carlos,” she said. Sure enough, the image soon changed to a Mitu gushing tears. “Sorry, we’re already sold out,” it said.
這時我一位同事Yang Jie經過並嘆了一口氣。她說:「Carlos,你沒有搶到。」果不其然,頁面隨後便出現了一隻淚水狂噴的米兔。上面寫著:「非常抱歉,我們已經售罄。」
I looked to Olivia, who shook her head. Sold out too.
我望向 Olivia 那兒,她搖了搖頭,顯然她也沒有搶到。
Day 15第 15 天
I noticed this time that Xiaomi offers potential buyers the option of ordering the Xiaomi phone for guaranteed delivery in a month. I snorted. Waiting, I decided, is for chumps. I’m not a chump. I’m a champ. Surely I can click as fast as anybody.
Apparently not. This time the crying Mitu quickly replaced the running Mitu. Sold out. On to next week.
But not with Olivia. Twice was enough, and she dropped out. “It’s too hard,” she said.
不過這次 Olivia 並沒有參與,因為她覺得兩次嘗試就夠了所以罷手。她說:「這太難了」。
Day 22第 22 天
I was on the phone with a colleague in Hong Kong when the trumpets from theme music of China’s national noon television broadcast blared across the newsroom. Noon! I scrambled to my open browser. Those precious seconds may have cost me. The crying Mitu mocked my inattention. Vigilance is the price of flash sales.
Day 29第 29 天
Xiaomi says it sells phones in limited batches strictly for production reasons, not to stoke demand through what’s known as scarcity marketing. “We have to monitor the demand for our smartphones, and produce our inventory accordingly, which requires us to use the flash sale model,” a spokeswoman said.
Whatever the reason, it resulted in a crying Mitu on my screen.
Day 36第 36 天
Hello again, you crying little lapin tease. Had I chosen to be a chump, instead of a champ, I’d have my Xiaomi by now.
Still, I wasn’t frustrated. More curious. Was it possible, in fact, to buy a Xiaomi phone?
Day 42第 42 天
Noon on Tuesday in China came at 9 p.m. Monday at the airport in Phoenix, where I was schlepping two children from one set of grandparents to another. I thought about telling my wife I wanted to put down our luggage and pause our U.S. vacation while I try to buy a phone in China from a company that uses a militant rabbit as a mascot. I thought about the divorce proceedings. I kept silent.
中國週二的正午是美國鳳凰城(Phoenix)週一早上 9 點,當時我在鳳凰城的機場內,手上抱著兩個孩子,我剛把他們從祖父母處接回,現在正前往外祖父母的住處。當時我想要告訴太太我想放下行李並暫停我們的度假,因為我正嘗試從一家以軍裝兔子作為吉祥物的公司處搶購一台手機。只是在我想到了離婚的訴訟程序之後,我選擇了保持沉默。
Day 49第 49 天
I just plain forgot.
Day 55第 55 天
I logged into Xiaomi’s Chinese site the day before the Tuesday auction to register for the big showto be greeted with a message that the Note Pro was available for immediate sale. The Xiaomi spokeswoman later said that “we move from flash sales to open sales after we determine the exact alignment of demand and supply accordingly.” My Xiaomi would be waiting at my desk in Beijing when I returned.
我在週二的搶購開始之前就先登入小米的中文網頁,結果登入後我看到一則訊息說小米 Note Pro 已經可以即時購買。隨後小米公司的女發言人表示:「在確認了供應量能夠滿足需求量以後,我們決定將銷售方式從限量搶購調整為公開銷售。」在我回到北京的時候我的小米手機就已經躺在我桌子上等著我了。
TZ Wong, an analyst with research firm Canalys, says Xiaomi will need to broaden its distribution channels, “especially if it wants to achieve its ambitious 80 million to 100 million smartphone target for this year.” The Xiaomi spokeswoman said it doesn’t pursue market-share targets.
市場調查及研究機構Canalys 的分析師 TZ Wong 表示小米公司必須拓展其分配銷售的管道,「特別是如果他們想在今年達成 8 千萬至 1 億的銷售目標後。」但小米的女發言人稱公司並不以追求市場佔有率為目標。
My phone works fine so far. Does it work two-months’-wait fine? That’s between me and the Mitu.
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debit account中文 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube 的評價

debit account中文 在 悠遊Debit卡-悠遊卡股份有限公司 的八卦
悠遊Debit卡是具備簽帳金融卡、悠遊卡功能之晶片卡,由發卡銀行與悠遊卡公司合作發行。最大特色就是具備「自動加值(Autoload)」功能。 悠遊Debit卡之國際發卡組織 ... ... <看更多>
debit account中文 在 第三课Accounting会计里的debit credit其实很简单 - YouTube 的八卦
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