International Comparison of Incidence and Mortality Rates of COVID-19
In the statistics of the COVID-19 collected and published by the World Health Organization (WHO), only the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 of affected countries are available, without taking the population of each country into consideration. It will result in a biased assessment of the COVID-19 risk for each country.
Better data for international comparison is incidence rates, which refer to the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases (numerator) divided by the number of the population (denominator) of a given country. As shown in Table 1. the incidence rate per 100,000 population was highest in Italy, Korean, Iran, and China (>5.0 per 100,000) and much lower in Japan, US and Taiwan (<0.5 per 100,000).
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in each country is not only related to its population but also dependent on the coverage rate of the COVID-19 virus test. The confirmed case number and incidence rate are relatively low for those countries where only the severe cases were tested for COVID-19 virus; and they are much higher for countries where severe, moderate and mild cases were tested for the virus.
Once a country changes its policy of virus testing, for example of testing only those who are seriously ill, the number of the confirmed cases and incidence rate will drop sharply in a short period of time, but its case fatality rate will rise accordingly.
The case fatality rate is the proportion (percentage) of confirmed COVID-19 cases who died from the disease. Its numerator is the number of confirmed cases who died from the disease, and its denominator is the total number of confirmed cases. It is for sure that the case fatality rate will be higher if the analysis is limited to severe cases, and it will drop dramatically if the analysis also includes moderate and mild cases.
As shown in Table 2, the case fatality rates are the same for severe (5%), moderate (0.5%) and mild (0.1%) COVID-19 confirmed cases in countries A, B, and C are the same, but
the overall case fatality rates per 1,000 confirmed cases are significantly different among the country A, where only test the severe cases (41 per 1,000), country B where both severe and moderate cases are tested (14 per 1,000), and country C where test all severe, moderate and mild cases (8 per 1,000).
Among the countries with more than 1,000 confirmed cases in Table 1, the overall case-fatality rates in Italy, China and Iran were all exceeded 3.5%. Obviously, the severe cases account for a relatively large proportion of confirmed cases. The overall case-fatality rate for South Korea and Germany was only 0.8% and 0.1%, respectively, where the moderate and mild cases account for a relatively large proportion.
When we see a rapid decline in the number of confirmed cases with a soared case fatality rate, we must first pay attention to the change in the country's virus testing strategy. The Director-General of WHO recently stated that all countries should be cautious for the case fatality rate of COVID-19 is rising! The conclusion that the Director-General was biasedly made without taking the change in the virus testing strategy into consideration. He made the matter worse by causing unnecessary panic!
In addition to the virus-detection strategy, some other factors such as age, chronic disease status, and quality of medical care also affect the case fatality rate. For examples, the fatality rate will be low if the patients in the hospital for isolation treatment are mostly young people, without chronic disease, and receiving good cares. If most patients are old, with chronic disease, and receiving inadequate cares due to limited hospital resources and manpower, the case fatality rate will become high.
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅朱綺綺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ysl唇彩有這麼多種 到底哪一種才適合自己呢? 今天挑出熱賣的八款來重點介紹 每一款都有做唇部跟手部的刷色跟分析 是想入手Ysl但又不知道怎麼挑選的女孩絕對不能錯過的一支影片❤️ ::Products List ►情挑誘吻雙色蜜唇膏 #7 上市前在網路上引起大討論的小嘴唇款 做了雙層夾心設計...
comparison英文 在 法鼓山 Facebook 八卦
To have peace is to be blessed
Many people pray for blessings. Some pray to gods, some pray to the Buddhas, and some even seek from other people. But, most of them are not clear whether they are actually blessed or not.
佛陀教我們要知足常樂,但很多人卻「人在福中不知福」,即使已經富甲天下了,如果不知足,仍然是貧窮的;有的人雖然窮得「上無片瓦覆頂,下無立錐之地」, 但只要他感覺活得很有意義,這人就算是有福的。
The Buddha teaches us that to be content is to have happiness, but many people fail to count the blessings they are actually enjoying. Even when we are wealthy beyond comparison, if we are not satisfied, then we will still be impoverished. Some people may have little, but as long as they feel they are living a meaningful life, they are blessed.
So, one who knows contentment is blessed. We often say that to have peace is to be blessed, but first we need to know where peace actually comes from.
Peace is not attained by seeking externally, so peace of mind is the greatest blessing. If one knows no satisfaction and feels unease, then one will lack in blessings.
文/摘自聖嚴法師著作《如何渡過苦日子》 圖/林俐
Excerpts from Master Sheng Yen’s book, How To Get Through Hardship
Translated by Chang, Cheng-yu
Edited by Chang Chiacheng
Illustration by Lin Li
comparison英文 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 八卦
annual/anniversary sale 週年慶
compare prices = comparison shop 貨比三家
What a bargain! = What a steal! 耶~~搶到便宜好康囉~~
penny pincher 精打細算的人
must-buy/must-have 必敗品
limited edition 限量款
This is soooooo you! 這(商品)上面寫了你的名字阿! (根本就是為你設計的啦~~)
comparison英文 在 朱綺綺 Youtube 的評價
Ysl唇彩有這麼多種 到底哪一種才適合自己呢?
今天挑出熱賣的八款來重點介紹 每一款都有做唇部跟手部的刷色跟分析
::Products List
►情挑誘吻雙色蜜唇膏 #7
做了雙層夾心設計 外層是溫感護唇精華 妝感屬於微透感 水潤度100分
不是飽和度高的款式哦!但可以看影片中薄擦跟厚擦還是會有不同妝感~上次參加YSL party的時候就有收到一隻刻著我名字 專屬於我的唇膏呢
►情挑誘光水唇膏 #49
添加了65%的保養精油 滋潤度同樣滿分 妝感一樣是水潤感 但比蜜唇膏更飽和
這隻的紅我好像也不太需要贅述 網路上隨手一查全部都是試色 歡迎大家去看看不同試色~
►奢華緞面唇膏 #74
這款是飽和度高的一款唇膏 妝感是非常有質感的緞面光感
這隻我試到以後覺得相見恨晚 飽和度高 直接擦滿唇部或是點拍方式上妝都很美 妝效跟顏色我都非常喜歡
之前都被唇釉吸走目光 一直都沒有想試試唇膏 沒想到這麼好用~
►奢華緞面鏡光唇釉-水吻系列 #205
這隻是不習慣唇釉的人可以試試的入門款 有著唇釉的優點 但沒有染唇效果 適合給不喜歡誇張 也不愛染唇效果的人使用
►奢華緞面鏡光唇釉 #11
這款跟水吻系列不一樣的是他多了染唇的效果 更不易掉色了
疊兩層就非常飽和 顏色的選擇也非常多 喜歡唇釉的人基本上都會入手的款式
►奢華緞面漆光唇釉 #407
這隻我之前有拍過試色影片 不過那時候還沒有拿到這隻紅透半邊天的407 現在終於拿到啦!
這款添加了頂級乳霜 跟鏡光唇釉不一樣 做成了漆光感 飽和度又更高了 刷頭也做得更好 描繪唇形上也更方便~
想看更多的人可以來看看之前的試色影片// https://youtu.be/Gbt3f7jRm5Y
►情挑誘色美唇精萃 #16
這款唇萃添加了五種頂級保養精油 除了單用外也很適合拿來妝前打底 使用霧面唇彩前拿它來打底非常適合 先擦上等它吸收後嘴唇就會有一定的滋潤度 這時候上霧面唇彩也比較不會有乾裂的現象 不過就會稍微影響到後續唇膏的顏色 但我個人是不太在意~
►玩色炫耀唇頰蜜 #05
這隻我前陣子也發過試色了 是一筆多用的霧面絲絨感唇彩
可以拿來畫咬唇妝 撞色唇 除了拿來畫唇部以外也可以當腮紅使用 妝感非常漂亮貼合肌膚~
想看更多的人可以來看看之前的試色影片// https://youtu.be/3I8dAqpHOMA
►街頭狂潮拼接時尚五色眼影盤 街頭焦點
::Chi’s Review
依照透度來分 前三名的透感唇是唇萃>蜜唇膏>水唇膏
//鏡光唇釉的水吻系列屬於透感跟飽和感之間 所以我就沒放入以上分類了
例如說畫個撞色唇或咬唇妝 就可以選擇新品唇頰棒
唇萃的部分用途其實也不少 除了可以在唇妝之前保養 也可以在唇彩上完後點綴使用
專屬於綺綺的select shop//
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comparison英文 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的評價
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我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
這位才是真正的網絡垃圾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJYDx1GP-U&t=263s
Billie Eilish出賣靈魂的方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfB1S2uy5Po&t=115s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s
揭發用1億成本拍Youtube片MrBeast 3個暴富祕訣
利用1億成本拍Youtube片MrBeast 3個暴富祕訣
成本$14,337,100拍Youtube片的MrBeast XX的秘密
錢錢錢錢. 錢錢錢錢. 小時候看香港電影經常出現的設定是: 建築, 購物, 娛樂, 尊嚴也是離不開 ‘錢’ 這個字. 有錢字的電影名也大把: 借錢專家, 搶錢夫妻, 慳錢家族.
反以外國用 ‘Money’ 作為主題的經典電影通常只是用來作為包裝去講主角之間的友情親情或本來人性的弱點.
這個 ‘人性’ wuy chi到現今Youtube界會給10,000元美金貼士, 100,000美元cheuy手給lo sook者, 再以1,000,000美元買一盒燻肉? 這位草根出身的22歲Youtuber到底怎麼可以花14,337,100美金 (一千四百三十三萬七千一百美元) 即是一億一千一百一十一萬六千六百八十二元港幣, 拍Youtube呢? 這個數字不計他送藍寶堅尼給自己d friend, 建設史上最高的Lego玩具, 拿來破壞ja lan的戰艦或送100,000朵玫瑰花給自己女朋友作為情人節禮物那個budget.
大家好又是我暗網仔. 就用第13集網路傳記人物MrBeast導出3個讓你可以成為他一樣的戰略. 不是只做Youtuber那麼簡單, 是2020年如何處於一個控制到這麼多錢的有利位置.
3點: 破解youtube演算法/熱門影片/如何用錢做生意
YouTube algorithm - click through rate (title usually has shock value, and thumbnail is amateur by design) and watch time
8年拍了686條Youtube片的MrBeast大部分最高觀看次數影片都是自2017年pai錢/耐力choi等影片開始. 9500萬view, 7400萬, 6900萬. 都是Youtuber夢mei yi kuw的viral video [pause video] (“Viral” 這個字意味該影片能複製到很多不同地方. ). Youtube演算法viral就會整天讓你見到 ‘他’ 迫你按下去. 大家對演算法常常會用過於複雜甚至陰謀論的解釋, 但Youtube演算法只goo兩樣東西: 觀看分鐘和click-through rate. Mrbeast利用觀看分鐘由片頭馬上來個hook講述影片大gong之後10至20分鐘最適合有: 開始, 中段, 結尾| 的影片長度, 在片尾才揭露標題吸引你進來的那一個點, 因而令觀眾別需看到最尾, 得到結果. Click-through rate又分開影片標題和封面兩個部份. Mr beast標題除了直接還常常帶著shock value, 讓人有 ‘唔係啊話’ 會按下去的感覺. 封面yun用Youtuber paddy galloway分析 ‘amateur by design’ 去解釋: ‘donating $100,000 to streamers with 0 viewers’ 封面可能過於簡單, 某一些部分還不是crop得太好, 但2019年3月Mrbeast已經有30人員工的團體幫他工作, 怎麼做不好一個簡單的封面呢? 這個故意設定是為pooy合Youtube鬆散, 業餘的感覺. 最終影片得到4400萬views. 估計Mr beast一個月賺的廣告錢高達一百萬.
The viral video forumla. How he mixed several into 1.
一goon viral影片都會有以下6大元素: 跟錢有關/極端的反應/挑戰影片/惡搞/戲劇性影片/有大Youtuber的客chuen. Mrbeast內容聰明的地方是他將幾個不同會爆的元素kuw埋一chuy. 像之前那條 ‘donating $100,000...”影片 1 (跟錢有關) 2(極端的反應) 3有點惡搞) 這條 ‘last youtuber to leave wins $100,000 challenge’ 1(跟錢有關) 2(挑戰影片) 3(有大youtuber 客cheun) 好似jup yuek一樣. 露宿者
-his universal appeal and not niche . He appeals to mainstream youtube casuals , not just his loyal fans.
他影片不停viral成功也可以歸功於他影片是大jung化影片. 3歳到80的人也會被他的影片吸引. 由如初代youtube. 是這10年Youtube才被 ‘niche’ youtuber這樣東西ching ba. 我們比較Youtube第一人pewdiepie拍的重心也是遊戲影片. 品牌上有多個死忠但比較難像Mr beast有廣泛appeal.
再比較像pewdiepie一日一片的創作者Mrbeast 因為upload的片較少反以他的觀眾每一次看到有新片知道他們花10至20分鐘看這條絕對會是高質內容. 所以mrbeast條條都有這樣一個期望的時候好容易中到演算法最想要的東西.
-talk scarcity vs habit uploading. Talk in comparison to any market, early starters get a advantage in terms of being a personality because the space is vacant. Any coming up people to the market needs to be unique to set themselves apart. )
*the most main reason is money.
如何用錢the growth stage. Invest money back into yourself.
Mr beast如何用錢是他能在Youtube suen chook上位最重要一點. 他的資金分為兩種主要收入: 廣告錢和sponsor給他的直入廣告錢.
一定不是來自他自身家庭環境. 1998年5月7號出生的Mrbeast原名 Jimmy Donaldson長大於美國Kansas州, 13歳開始用 ‘Mrbeast6000’ 帳號在Youtube拍片. 2013至2014年上載超過100條遊戲影片但只有幾千views. 到2015年7月他才到達3000個subscriber.
有趣地他初時比較多人留意的影片系列 ‘How much money do youtubers make’ 也是將自己收入公開從估計其他大Youtuber的收入. 可見他從來對錢也不是十分juek緊.
(Show interview clip 3:25)
(Count to 100,000)
(show pewdiepie pewdiepie) (show yourself) 你知道連全港最面肥Youtuber暗網仔也要抄襲他概念就知道他利害. 但肥面Youtuber收到直入廣告Nordvpn收入後是買隻lo被自己lo mo架! 而MrBeast收到直入廣告是reinvest回自己business度.
(Casey interview 7:01) 每一次Mrbeast收到廣告soing給他的chuw lo他就馬上把那一but錢放進自己的影片作爲內容. 通常是做慈善捐給有需要的人. 雖然mrbeast是付出了這but錢但由於他已經精通自己創造viral video的formula影片dim gik通常夠他賺回這but錢有dut. 但又chuey yi再度擴大自己品牌.
在這一兩年他爆紅期間這chak略特別effective因為在5步business life cycle 中他當時處於第2步: Growth stage. 一poon生意這個成長階段應該盡量推出duk po推出新產品給顧客而不是集中在賺錢的部分.
comparison英文 在 Em Proving Youtube 的評價
Hello大家好, 我是EM!
謝謝大家對我的支持 ^^
Instagram : em.proving
影片提及到的文具 :
Stationery mentioned in the vedio :
-小黃 【moleskine型子弹笔记日记本A5厚绑带笔记本方格点阵本bujo手帐】
-小白 【A5定页手帐内芯空白方格笔记本子内页文库本点阵手账本芯hobo内芯】
Recommand video:
我的軟頭筆收藏 My Brush Pen Collection
跟我一起學英文軟筆書法(一)基礎篇 How I learn Brush Lettering
跟我一起設計2018年子彈手帳筆記 Plan With Me 2018 Bullet Journal Setup
跟我一起設計七月子彈手帳日記 Plan With Me July 2018 Bullet Journal
台灣九乘九文具專家購物分享│Taiwan Stationery Haul
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comparison英文 在 「comparison」正確用法是?看例句一次搞懂! - 英文庫 的相關結果
comparison 的中文意思為「比較、對比」,我們先來看兩個例句暖身一下吧:. This place used to be thriving. The tour guide showed us the photos for comparison. 這個 ... ... <看更多>
comparison英文 在 別再搞錯啦!compare to 跟compare with 用法差在哪? - 希平方 的相關結果
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