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如何渡過苦日子 在 法鼓山 Facebook 八卦
To have peace is to be blessed
Many people pray for blessings. Some pray to gods, some pray to the Buddhas, and some even seek from other people. But, most of them are not clear whether they are actually blessed or not.
佛陀教我們要知足常樂,但很多人卻「人在福中不知福」,即使已經富甲天下了,如果不知足,仍然是貧窮的;有的人雖然窮得「上無片瓦覆頂,下無立錐之地」, 但只要他感覺活得很有意義,這人就算是有福的。
The Buddha teaches us that to be content is to have happiness, but many people fail to count the blessings they are actually enjoying. Even when we are wealthy beyond comparison, if we are not satisfied, then we will still be impoverished. Some people may have little, but as long as they feel they are living a meaningful life, they are blessed.
So, one who knows contentment is blessed. We often say that to have peace is to be blessed, but first we need to know where peace actually comes from.
Peace is not attained by seeking externally, so peace of mind is the greatest blessing. If one knows no satisfaction and feels unease, then one will lack in blessings.
文/摘自聖嚴法師著作《如何渡過苦日子》 圖/林俐
Excerpts from Master Sheng Yen’s book, How To Get Through Hardship
Translated by Chang, Cheng-yu
Edited by Chang Chiacheng
Illustration by Lin Li