《監獄中的監獄》(Please scroll for English version)
還柙首天,我被送到去年六月才步出的荔枝角收押所,然後進行不陌生的入冊程序 —— 見長官、換囚衣和領取個人用品等。本來我已對這些程序諷刺地感到熟悉,但到了下午四時左右,當我跟林朗彥相繼完成初到荔枝角收柙所的各項程序並呆坐於指模房一角等侯指示時,保安組職員突然將我帶往收押所醫院。我本來以為在獄中見醫生是基於程序需要,結果卻被帶到收押所醫院走廊盡頭的單人囚室,那刻我才深知不妙,也成了惡夢真正的開端。
The prison inside prison
After my immediate remand on November 23, I had intended to send letters from the prison to update you my latest situation in jail after my remand on November 23. But owing to the sudden solitary confinement that night, it turned out that I was unable to do so. Although I have been in prison three times, being held in the prison isolation unit is far beyond my expectation. It took me a lot of time and energy to calm myself down and reorganise my thoughts.
On the first day of remand in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, I went through the registration procedures—meeting with officers, changing into prison clothes and obtaining daily necessities. The procedures are very familiar as I was released from here in June. At about 4 pm, Ivan Lam and I completed all procedures and waiting for further instructions in the fingerprinting room, officers from the security team suddenly took me to the hospital in the Centre. While I thought it was a normal procedure to see doctor, I was taken to a single cell at the end of the hospital corridor. At that moment, I knew it was the beginning of the nightmare.
After arriving the single cell, the correctional officer told me that I needed to wait for a senior officer to explain the situation and said, "You should be here for a while." During waiting for the senior officer, I felt very disturbed and kept wondering why they moved me to solitary confinement. In the end, the senior provided a highly unexpected reason—there were "foreign objects" in my stomach, the officer said, they could be drugs, rings or gold and silver objects. Therefore, I needed to be in solitary confinement for several days until they found out what the "foreign objects" were.
I have taken X-rays for a few times, but nothing happened before, I was completely confused about the X-rays result. I have never had anything to do with drugs, and all food I had before remand were normal food. Moreover, under the current policy, the prison administration does not allow inmates to see their X-rays, so there is no way to verify the results.
As the officers suspected I possess drugs in my body, the treatment was even worse than normal solitary confinement. Generally speaking, persons in remand can spend their time in the activity room with three to forty other inmates in the daytime and return to their five-personal cell at night. However, what happened to me was, apart from visiting by my friends and relatives and taking a shower, I basically could not leave the single cell. I was even not allowed to have one hour of outdoor activity. Since the isolation was based on the presumption of possession of drugs, correctional officers would check my blood pressure and oxygen saturation every four hours even at midnight. The light in the cell was also kept turning on 24 hours a day, so I needed to use my face mask as the blindfold to barely put myself to sleep.
The most difficult thing was that since the original intent of the entire confinement was to let persons excrete drugs from their body, so I could not use the toilet in the cell, and the tap did not have water to prevent people from flushing drugs away. Instead, officers would provide a plastic plate. But because of the lack of replacement of the toilet plate, I could only use the washbasin to urinate. After the I excreted in the plate, I needed to inform the officer to come to the cell and check the excrement for any foreign objects such as pills or drugs. When the process was completed, the officers would ask me to sign an "isolated observation" form. I still remembered the uncomfortable feeling when I saw the form clearly stated "suspected possession of drugs in the inmate's body" every time I signed the paper.
To my understanding, such solitary confinement generally lasts three to five days, and today is the second day of formal solitary confinement. I hope that when this letter is sent and published, the isolation is ended. Before I could adapt the fact that I was already in prison, I was sent to solitary confinement and all activities and communication were cut off. It was indeed difficult to endure, and I am sorry that I have not yet provided any analysis of the politics and social environment. But I know that there are still many other Hong Kong protesters who are facing lawsuits or are in jail like me. I hope you can continue to do as much as you can to let them know they are not alone. Monday (November 30) is the day when 12 Hongkongers were arrested and sent to Mainland China for 100 days, I urge everyone to continue to pay attention to them.
Finally, I want to be frank that, in the face of uncertainties, I just feel uneasy and anxious. However, as I said when I stepped into the dock in the courtroom, "Hang in everyone, I know the situation that the people outside face will be more difficult. Keep fighting." I will also learn to turn the pains and sufferings I encountered in prison into the power that drives my growth. I know it will never be easy, but I will try my best.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過173萬的網紅NanoKano,也在其Youtube影片中提到,雙胞胎姐姐鬧脾氣說妹妹和媽媽壞掉了 双子お姉ちゃんが意地悪い?ママと妹が壊れた? The twin sister got angry and said that the sister and mother were broken ******* 2人不知為什麼吵架,發現的時候,nano正扯著ka...
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WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底
11月12日聖文森衛生部次長Cuthbert Knights在A委員會發言
Mr. President, the 73rd annual World Health Assembly is being held at a time when the world is facing an unparalleled and unprecedented challenge from the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made more urgent than ever the importance of the world’s most comprehensive health commitment to date, “Universal Health Coverage: Moving together to build a healthy world.”
Mr. President, this historic declaration on universal health coverage adopted by the UN Member States underscores the significant role of Member States’ cooperation and reinforces further the importance of inclusivity in achieving universal health coverage, and thereby, prevent billions from accessing healthcare.
At a time when the world is still checkmated by the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO’s repeated call for the world to work together to combat the disease can no longer exclude any member’s participation in the WHA. In other words, Mr. President, to make “health for all” a reality and ensure that no member is left behind, we must address the meaningful participation for all members in this most important and distinguished forum.
Cognizant of the critical importance for all people to have access to the healthcare they need, when and where they need it, without facing financial hardship, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is therefore of the view that it is entirely irrational and counterproductive not to have any member, including Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the WHO. Taiwan possesses the expertise, professionalism, and generosity to make a significant difference, and we cannot and should not allow great power politics to deny Taiwan’s meaningful participation.
This is Chair. Saint Vincent, I would like to ask you in accordance with the rule 53 of the Rules of Procedures to confine yourself to addressing the agenda item under discussion. Thank you. You are welcome to continue.
[Saint Vincent]
So I will continue. This is what I am doing. Taiwan, in view of its resounding success in responding to COVID-19, is in a position to share its best practices, expertise, professionalism, and generosity that can be helpful to combat COVID-19 pandemic. It has afforded many member states including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines the opportunity to access high quality health services, medical equipment, and supplies and skills; health workers to strengthen the health workforce; and infrastructure in the face of and in response to the relentless COVID-19 pandemic and other diseases.
And I will conclude, Mr. President, what therefore justifies the continued exclusion of Taiwan’s meaningful participation from this forum? As we are all undoubtedly aware, there is already an established precedence of Taiwan’s participation at this assembly as an observer, and its meaningful and ongoing interaction with the WHO. Hence it is reasonably normal to your expectations to conclude that Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as an observer is neither illegal nor inconsistent with any resolution. In this view, the WHO can no longer continue to disregard the health and human rights of the Taiwanese people. Should the legitimate health and welfare of the 23 million people in Taiwan be held ransom to the preference of a government? This must change.
Mr. President, Saint Vincent remains resolute in its stance regarding Taiwan’s participation in the WHO. Thank you, Mr. President.
allow三態 在 US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站 Facebook 八卦
民主黨初選總統候選人,參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)對中共侵台議題做了清楚的表態。
他接受CBS的專訪,談到美國在什麼情況下必須要使用武力。名主持人安德森古柏(Anderson Cooper)問:「如果中共使用武力侵略台灣,這是一件你認為必須要回應的事……(嗎)?」
Cooper: If China took military action against Taiwan, is that something you would—
Sanders: That's something, yeah, I mean I think we have got to make it clear to countries around the world that we will not sit by and allow invasions to take place, absolutely.”
➤ 報導網址(非業配XD):https://pse.is/PRKMR
根據美國的「一中政策」(包括台灣關係法,美中三個聯合公報,雷根對台六項保證等),以往行政部門對這樣問題的回應,在 #最友善台灣的狀況下 是這樣子的:
「根據我國法律,#任何對台灣的威脅,而且這個威脅包括廣義的經濟制裁、封鎖、禁運等等,都是美國所 #嚴重關切 的事項。美國總統將會諮詢國會並做出適當的處置。」
➤ 參考先前國防部助理部長薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)的發言:https://pse.is/QC26J
從桑德斯這番令梗王不爽的發言當中來看,這也是我們長時間以來常常在鼓吹的,網友們不要隨便就說美國哪個黨是在賣台、哪個黨一定只會親中,事實上,政策偏好是一個 #動態的過程,也絕非簡易的二分法「親中」、「反中」。美國的外交政策是以自身利益為出發點,因此當然會跟我們的視角不一樣。我們要做的事情不是去仇恨哪個政治人物(「批判」當然是可以的,也是應該的),而是要努力去做更多的闡述、遊說、宣傳,讓台灣的朋友變得更多。
▍上個週六(22日)是美國民主黨總統候選人黨內初選投票第三輪,在小編寫這篇文章時(開票進度72%),桑德斯以47%的得票率領先拜登(Joe Biden)的20.8%、布塔朱吉(Pete Buttigieg)的13.7%以及華倫(Elizabeth Warren)的9.4%,在美國的內華達州(Nevada)取得壓倒性的勝利。桑德斯目前已在第一輪的愛荷華州(Iowa)和布塔朱吉打平取得第一,也在第二輪的新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)勝出,現在又在內華達州以超高票數遙遙領先其他候選人,以初選結果來看桑德斯目前是民主黨最有希望的總統候選人。
allow三態 在 NanoKano Youtube 的評價
The twin sister got angry and said that the sister and mother were broken
(これは成長の過程での喧嘩に過ぎません。 撮影記録は、2人が後で第三者の視点から見て反省できるようにするためです。 もともとこちらは成長記録のチャネルだからです。
There was a quarrel, so I hurriedly went to see it and Nano pulled Kano's clothes and I couldn't understand why.
(This is just a quarrel in the process of growing up. The filming document is to allow the two to watch and reflect from the perspective of a third person afterwards. It was originally because this is a channel for growth records.)
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Quarrel over toy shovel car
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allow三態 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的評價
Twitch傳送門: https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2
美國大概是世界上最有名的隨時會出賣你的好朋友了,從越南到阿富汗,哪個不是好朋友,但當了好朋友之後還是要隨時小心美方忽然決策改變啊!今天就來談一談美方最近的狀況吧! FT 美國德州Sam Houston州立大學政治系副教授
先來看看最近的一個跟美方全力配合現在命懸一線的好例子,阿富汗。根據自由時報的報導:【阿富汗激進組織「神學士」(Taliban,或譯塔利班)目前在與政府軍的爭鬥中暫居上風,並握有國內大部分領土。阿富汗總統加尼(Ashraf Ghani)今日表示,這要歸咎於美國「突發」的撤軍決定,不過他的政府已制訂好計畫,會在6個月之內將情勢制於掌握之下。《路透》報導,加尼在國會演說提到,「當前的情況是因為國際部隊突然撤軍的決定」、「近三個月以來,我們遭遇了始料未及的狀況」。】當然我們可以說被放棄會不爽天經地義,但包含了前任駐阿最高指揮官和曾經在阿富汗服役的暢銷書作者,都提到了一個問題,阿富汗的美軍協力者怎麼辦?當年美軍撤離南越時,一併疏散了十三萬名的美軍協力者,讓他們可以入境美國,免於他們被越共秋後算帳。但當年用的主要是船隻,這次阿富汗的這些翻譯、工程師、人道工作者至少有超過七萬名,如果要靠空運,將會超過二次世界大戰以後突破柏林封鎖的大規模空運,美軍做得到嗎?已經有阿富汗翻譯單純只是被塔利班哨所發現身分就被斬首了,這七萬名美軍協助者怎麼辦?
7 月 29 日,一艘賴比瑞亞籍、以色列公司管理的油輪「莫瑟街號」(MV Mercer Street),在沒有裝載原油或石油產品的情況下駛離阿曼灣,過不久卻遭到裝有爆炸物的無人機襲擊,造成一名英國人和一名羅馬尼亞人死亡,英國、美國和以色列均指責是伊朗操縱無人機襲擊油輪,伊朗則矢口否認。
除了 Asphalt Princess 遭到挾持之外,還有 4 艘郵輪的狀況不明確。根據 Refinitiv 船舶追蹤數據,3 日在阿聯酋和伊朗之間的海域,至少有 5 艘船舶將其自動追蹤系統(AIS)的狀態更新為「不受指揮」,這種狀況代表著因為特殊狀況,船舶無法進行操縱。
美聯社也報導,3 日至少有 4 艘船在阿聯酋海岸外廣播警告,說失去對轉向的控制。據悉,這 4 艘船分別為 Queen Ematha、the Golden Brilliant、Jag Poofa 和 Abyss。】但特別的是,伊朗外交部完全否認有這件事情,以色列卻不斷的提高對立,背後倒是甚麼原因?
然後曾任CIA東亞和南亞海外工作站站長的退休人員David Sauer在THEHILLS上面投了一篇書。標題看起來還好,【The US cannot allow China to think it will abandon Taiwan】,美國不能讓中國以為它會放棄台灣。但內文卻提到台灣應該增加兵力,在城市、下水道和山區持續作戰,進行“焦土”政策,讓中國贏了台灣也得不到東西...翁P大為震怒,說這又不是你家,你才全家焦土戰術咧,這到底是安得甚麼心啊?順帶一提,美國眾議院提案政府單位不買含有台灣的中國地圖,參議院會過嗎?
根據自由時報的報導:【根據日經新聞報導,由於美中貿易戰越演越烈,增添晶片的地緣政治風險,有日本專家建議,日美應共同設立先進半導體研究所,在日本進行晶片設計,並交由美國廠商製造,以擺脫當前過度依賴台灣供應晶片的情況。提出這個構想的包括前日本防衛省次官西正典(Masanori Nishi),以及美國在日智囊組織鮑爾亞洲集團(BGA)的成員;BGA是華府智庫戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)在東南亞設立的分支機構。】但不只日方這樣提案,美國的商務部長也沒有在客氣的,也是根據自由時報的報導:【美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)28日表示,由於地緣政治的風險,美國希望減少對台灣晶片的依賴,將透過520億美元的半導體扶植計畫,補助歐盟等外國晶片生產商。】
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00:00 開播
10:00 阿富汗直指美國不夠意思
29:00 聯俄抗中?拜登與俄羅斯轉趨強硬
41:00 國民黨黨魁戰 解析江朱
55:00 美方怎看國民黨/柯文哲?
01:06:00 中東局勢-伊朗.以色列
01:12:00 美韓8月聯合軍演 金與正:南北韓關係再度蒙上陰影
01:23:00 前任CIA亞洲事務官員投書 台灣應考慮焦土政策
01:27:00 美方將減少對台灣晶片的依賴

allow三態 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的評價
展期: 2013年11月8日 (星期五) -- 2014年4月9日 (星期三)
地點: 香港科學館地下展覽廳
票價: $20/$14#/$10*
香港賽馬會呈獻系列 :「巨龍傳奇」展覽
多媒體劇場: 利用大型電腦動畫,帶領觀眾穿越時空返回恐龍時代。
機械動樂園: 透過「為食恐龍」機械恐龍展**,讓觀眾全面認識恐龍的飲食習性。
化石發掘場: 展示恐龍的埋藏狀態,並讓觀眾了解發掘和修復工作的艱辛。
化石展示區: 展出來自十間博物館超過一百件珍貴化石標本和展品,配合運用
要一次過欣賞長達30米、全亞洲最大的恐龍之一炳靈大夏巨龍,栩栩如生的鳥類祖先顧氏小盜龍,奇形怪趣的恐龍蛋,以及小朋友最喜愛的三角龍、暴龍和劍龍嗎?還有最新發現、可能是世界上最大的恐龍 -- 巨型汝陽龍的巨大椎骨化石?那就不要錯過「巨龍傳奇」展覽。參觀時別忘記下載特別為展覽設計的應用程式和携帶你的智能手機或平板電腦,以獲得更多樂趣和資訊。
Throughout the extended history of the Earth, there comes a time when dinosaurs first appeared about 200 million years ago and become the ultimate rulers of the planet for 130 million years. Over long periods of time, the ancient landmass Pangaea split into different continents as a result of plate tectonic movements. Dinosaurs evolved into a whole family of different species in order to adapt to the changing environment, but they ultimately could not escape from extinction and all disappeared about 65 million years ago. Thanks to the efforts of paleontologists, today we can have a glimpse of how dinosaurs survived and reigned from the large number of fossils unearthed. Dinosaur fossils can be found on all continents and more than 1,000 species have been named. Today, China has become one of the countries where most dinosaur species are discovered and many of them are unique.
The Hong Kong Science Museum had organised a number of dinosaur exhibitions and all were well received. The coming "Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs" exhibition would be the largest ever presented in Hong Kong. This exhibition is solely sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. In this exhibition, new technologies and presentation methods will be used to introduce the largest Titanosaurus and the latest studies on dinosaurs. Occupying an area of 2,500 sq. metres, the exhibition is divided into four areas with different themes:
Multimedia Theatre: The large-scale computer animations in this area will bring visitors back to the age of dinosaurs.
Animatronic Dinosaur Zoo: The robotic dinosaurs and interactive exhibits featured in the "Dino Jaws" Exhibition** will allow visitors to learn about the eating behaviours of dinosaurs.
Fossil Excavation Site: Visitors will be able to appreciate the hard work of excavation and repairing of fossils through a reconstructed dinosaurs burial site.
Fossil Gallery: More than a hundred exotic fossils and exhibits from ten museums will be displayed in this area. Together with the interactive games developed with latest technologies, visitors can learn about the latest discoveries in dinosaurs.

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