Better than the Placebo Effect
Have you heard of the “Placebo Effect”? For example, if a person was having a fever and you gave him a piece of candy saying that it was a pill would reduce his fever, he may eat it. After eating, he may come back telling you that it was effective at reducing his fever.
What happened? How come a regular piece of candy can work to reduce his fever? It is because faith is very powerful. The person believed that he was going to get better after taking the piece of candy, and he could have confessed that he would feel better soon. There was an effortless expectancy to get well.
Have you ever experienced this: after seeing many ants crawling around, suddenly you feel the sensation of ants crawling over your body. What you see caused your mind to produce a real reaction in your body.
Consider this: if a person is able to heal himself through the Placebo Effect and even produce an illusion of physical sensations in his body based on sight, imagine what the truth of God’s word can do for a person who has faith in it?
If faith based on a lie can produce a beneficial effect, then the result of faith mixed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be much more assured and powerful!
“For indeed we have had good news preached to us, even as they also did, but the word they heard didn’t profit them, because it wasn’t mixed with faith by those who heard.” (Hebrews 4:2 WEB)
A seed sitting by itself is only potential power. That power of life is released by adding water, when the seed is planted underground.
God’s word is a seed, and mixing it with faith is the act of adding water, and the ground is your heart.
“A man’s stomach is filled with the fruit of his mouth. With the harvest of his lips he is satisfied. Death and life are in the power of the tongue; those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:20-21 WEB)
Your mouth produces a harvest of fruits when you speak.
What you believe in your heart becomes a watered seed planted in good ground. What you speak with your mouth becomes a harvest of fruits of those seeds that were planted. You will eat that fruit—really experience the effects of what you once sowed.
What is it that you love that taste of? Do you love Death by complaining, cursing and expecting the worst to happen? Or do you love Life by praying, praising, worshiping, and expecting good things to come from God?
What is the power of having faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? You can find out in “Messiah’s Miracles”:
Get the paperback (hardcopy) edition on Amazon:
Get the digital eBook edition on my website:
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,030的網紅Daily Health Wellness Center,也在其Youtube影片中提到,More Info Connect with Me in Instagram : The Omega 3 Effect Book: A stroke is a ...
「word of mouth effect」的推薦目錄:
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 Daily Health Wellness Center Youtube
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube
- 關於word of mouth effect 在 Daily Health Wellness Center Youtube
word of mouth effect 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 八卦
希望你唔好覺得我好「吋」,在玩嘢...! 我只想真心同你分享我的思維。
想預訂我親筆簽名的新書《李根興的生意哲學》,可以whatsapp我(+852) 90361143。
內容包括(1) 創業勵志故事,(2) 生意理論,(3) 商舖知識,(4) 創業隨筆。三百多頁,定價HK$198,2020年第二季出版。
P.S. 我只whatsapp 回覆至新書No. 854,其他會未來一兩日內會回覆。俾我一家人放下假先😅
錄影日期2020年1月30日星期四 at Lake Tahoe
首先希望大家在香港保重,身體健康。 我而家嚟咗Lake Tahoe 呢度同外母一家人趁農曆新年滑雪,到處走走。
嚟緊第二季我會出本書叫做【李根興的生意哲學】, 內容包括好多勵志故事,生意理論,商舖知識同埋創業隨筆。基本上就係我過去18年創業的經驗同理論炒埋一碟。 我爸爸,亦都係我偶像,會幫我寫個「序」,總括佢1973年大陸落嚟香港兩手空空對我嘅創業忠告。 我三個女幫我用手畫緊個封面, 唔知係乜,佢哋話事,可能係個月球,可能係隻烏龜,whatever they think it's right. 到時你睇到。我仲已經搵咗多位商界名人,每人幫我寫三至五個創業原則同謬誤。全書約三四百頁。2020年第二季出街。定價港幣$198。
本來我都冇諗過突然賣書, 只係飛嚟嘅時候冇嘢做繼續要proof-read 本書,機上 wifi 有人問我幾時可以預訂,我畀咗個whatsapp number,就馬上收到好多order,兩三日內就賣了過千本。I have lost count, 未有時間數。So far 千四五左右掛。我唔係靠賣書搵食,not sure .....
我目的唔係想show off,反而係賣書過程入面有啲中國人嘅傳統智慧對我有三大啟發, 肺炎疫情總會過去, 可能到時對你做生意都有幫助。
(1) 「物以罕為貴」。
Whatever you sell, try to make it limited edition (限量版). 普通一本書印十萬本都得,但如果十萬本都一模一樣,就唔珍貴。 我自己頭嗰1000本就講到明有編號, 蓋章,簽名,加個人化的message,一千本之後就無 number 。
你做間茶餐廳都係一樣,每日都要推出啲特別限量餐,要講到明限幾多份,不斷update 剩幾多,咁人客先會覺得緊張,好嘢才爭住買。 亦都因為咁,你有冇留意到airlines網上嗰啲訂位,永遠都係得 few seats left for this price,幾個坐位剩,之後可能都只係加幾十蚊又有位啦, 但啲人客見到 few seats left for this price 就緊張好多,馬上訂位。
(2) 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」
之前啲人訂書,都係一本一本咁訂,whatsapp 覆到我手軟。 後來啲人就馬上平均訂書數目飆升咗兩三倍,點解? 因為我加咗句,限量每人五本,再後來改做每人限三本。 咁啲人可能覺得:「嘩,限三本,咁梗係好嘢!」,馬上個個都訂兩三本。 馬上賣得好快。
記唔記得我同你講過, 美國人好鍾意飲金寶湯。 超級市場想賣多啲金寶湯嘅方法唔單止係減價,根據1998年美國 Journal of Marketing Research 三位教授研究咗86間超級市場指出,佢哋發現如果純粹減價,由每罐美金89仙減至79仙, 平均每個人會買3.3罐。 行過買嘅機會率係7%。但如果擺個sign 喺度 Limit 12 Cans per Person, 每人限買12罐, 咁啲人睇到 limit 12罐,一定係好嘢啦, 個個係咁買,咁樣平均每人買就會由3.3罐提升至7罐。 行過買嘅機會率亦都會由7%提升至9%。 咁.... 總生意額就可以升咗165%。
你盤生意, 又有冇咩係可以唔單止限總數,仲要每人限量呢? 每人限食兩個特色漢堡包? 每人限飲三杯特色 milshake? 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」,中國人幾千年嘅智慧有佢嘅道理。
(3) 「小財唔出,大財唔入」
It's not about money! 我做咗個 test, 當我話用作慈善用途,個個都賣比我,但如果我話我自己日後可賣貴啲,就個個都唔肯俾我。Why?
根據哈佛行為經濟學教授 Francesca Gino,呢個叫 Endowment Effect (禀赋效應)。人無嘅時候,就唔介意繼續無。但一擁有咗,就唔想無。 除非知道係畀另一個人,比佢更加差,能夠令佢好返少少,咁佢又唔介意再無喎。 即係等於做慈善,個個都ok,接受我個價。
但如果要令到佢由有變無,目的係令到另一個人更加好,比自己仲好的話,佢又唔制喎。 因此我話我想回購再賣高啲價,個個都唔肯賣畀我。
但賣唔賣畀我,唔重要。最重要嘅係,佢接受咗我嘅價錢,佢開心收到多啲錢,肯定周圍同人講。 即使唔接受, 都已經覺得自己賺咗, 肯定更加珍惜本書, 都係周圍同人講。變相免費 word of mouth marketing (口碑宣傳) 亦都係最有效的marketing. 有限錢,最緊要大家happy.
你做生意都係,「小財唔出,大財唔入!」。 開緊茶餐廳,試下每個碟有個number, 到某個幸運數字嘅時候,就請個人食餐飯。或者同佢講,佢可以選擇免費,捐咗個餐錢去做善事積福。
你食物成本最多幾十蚊,每日送十個、一百個都好呀,有限錢,但肯定 word of mouth 嘅 marketing effect 好大, 餐廳一定大排長龍。 我都會落嚟幫你宣傳送你啲「良心餐」出街。 好過為咗省成本,社運/肺炎,逆市白交租,拍烏蠅。
總之,「物以罕為貴」,「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭」,「小財唔出,大財唔入」, 做茶餐廳,做牙醫,做運輸同樣道理。中國人幾千年的傳統智慧有佢嘅料到。我唔係靠賣書搵食, 都係兩三日單靠facebook 賣千幾本。 對我自己做商舖基金都好大啟發。你呢?
It's a good book,我畢生智慧係晒入面,想有我親筆簽名,whatsapp me at +852 9036 1143。出街時通知你點攞書。如果你 message mark 住以上「三大智慧」其中一個, 我會親筆係本書入面「第四個智慧」特登 Blank 咗嗰頁寫埋畀你 😉 其他人無㗎,大家香港保重!
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享
word of mouth effect 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 八卦
希望你唔好覺得我好「吋」,在玩嘢...! 我只想真心同你分享我的思維。
想預訂我親筆簽名的新書《李根興的生意哲學》,可以whatsapp我(+852) 90361143。
內容包括(1) 創業勵志故事,(2) 生意理論,(3) 商舖知識,(4) 創業隨筆。三百多頁,定價HK$198,2020年第二季出版。
P.S. 我只whatsapp 回覆至新書No. 854,其他會未來一兩日內會回覆。俾我一家人放下假先😅
錄影日期2020年1月30日星期四 at Lake Tahoe
首先希望大家在香港保重,身體健康。 我而家嚟咗Lake Tahoe 呢度同外母一家人趁農曆新年滑雪,到處走走。
嚟緊第二季我會出本書叫做【李根興的生意哲學】, 內容包括好多勵志故事,生意理論,商舖知識同埋創業隨筆。基本上就係我過去18年創業的經驗同理論炒埋一碟。 我爸爸,亦都係我偶像,會幫我寫個「序」,總括佢1973年大陸落嚟香港兩手空空對我嘅創業忠告。 我三個女幫我用手畫緊個封面, 唔知係乜,佢哋話事,可能係個月球,可能係隻烏龜,whatever they think it's right. 到時你睇到。我仲已經搵咗多位商界名人,每人幫我寫三至五個創業原則同謬誤。全書約三四百頁。2020年第二季出街。定價港幣$198。
本來我都冇諗過突然賣書, 只係飛嚟嘅時候冇嘢做繼續要proof-read 本書,機上 wifi 有人問我幾時可以預訂,我畀咗個whatsapp number,就馬上收到好多order,兩三日內就賣了過千本。I have lost count, 未有時間數。So far 千四五左右掛。我唔係靠賣書搵食,not sure .....
我目的唔係想show off,反而係賣書過程入面有啲中國人嘅傳統智慧對我有三大啟發, 肺炎疫情總會過去, 可能到時對你做生意都有幫助。
(1) 「物以罕為貴」。
Whatever you sell, try to make it limited edition (限量版). 普通一本書印十萬本都得,但如果十萬本都一模一樣,就唔珍貴。 我自己頭嗰1000本就講到明有編號, 蓋章,簽名,加個人化的message,一千本之後就無 number 。
你做間茶餐廳都係一樣,每日都要推出啲特別限量餐,要講到明限幾多份,不斷update 剩幾多,咁人客先會覺得緊張,好嘢才爭住買。 亦都因為咁,你有冇留意到airlines網上嗰啲訂位,永遠都係得 few seats left for this price,幾個坐位剩,之後可能都只係加幾十蚊又有位啦, 但啲人客見到 few seats left for this price 就緊張好多,馬上訂位。
(2) 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」
之前啲人訂書,都係一本一本咁訂,whatsapp 覆到我手軟。 後來啲人就馬上平均訂書數目飆升咗兩三倍,點解? 因為我加咗句,限量每人五本,再後來改做每人限三本。 咁啲人可能覺得:「嘩,限三本,咁梗係好嘢!」,馬上個個都訂兩三本。 馬上賣得好快。
記唔記得我同你講過, 美國人好鍾意飲金寶湯。 超級市場想賣多啲金寶湯嘅方法唔單止係減價,根據1998年美國 Journal of Marketing Research 三位教授研究咗86間超級市場指出,佢哋發現如果純粹減價,由每罐美金89仙減至79仙, 平均每個人會買3.3罐。 行過買嘅機會率係7%。但如果擺個sign 喺度 Limit 12 Cans per Person, 每人限買12罐, 咁啲人睇到 limit 12罐,一定係好嘢啦, 個個係咁買,咁樣平均每人買就會由3.3罐提升至7罐。 行過買嘅機會率亦都會由7%提升至9%。 咁.... 總生意額就可以升咗165%。
你盤生意, 又有冇咩係可以唔單止限總數,仲要每人限量呢? 每人限食兩個特色漢堡包? 每人限飲三杯特色 milshake? 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」,中國人幾千年嘅智慧有佢嘅道理。
(3) 「小財唔出,大財唔入」
It's not about money! 我做咗個 test, 當我話用作慈善用途,個個都賣比我,但如果我話我自己日後可賣貴啲,就個個都唔肯俾我。Why?
根據哈佛行為經濟學教授 Francesca Gino,呢個叫 Endowment Effect (禀赋效應)。人無嘅時候,就唔介意繼續無。但一擁有咗,就唔想無。 除非知道係畀另一個人,比佢更加差,能夠令佢好返少少,咁佢又唔介意再無喎。 即係等於做慈善,個個都ok,接受我個價。
但如果要令到佢由有變無,目的係令到另一個人更加好,比自己仲好的話,佢又唔制喎。 因此我話我想回購再賣高啲價,個個都唔肯賣畀我。
但賣唔賣畀我,唔重要。最重要嘅係,佢接受咗我嘅價錢,佢開心收到多啲錢,肯定周圍同人講。 即使唔接受, 都已經覺得自己賺咗, 肯定更加珍惜本書, 都係周圍同人講。變相免費 word of mouth marketing (口碑宣傳) 亦都係最有效的marketing. 有限錢,最緊要大家happy.
你做生意都係,「小財唔出,大財唔入!」。 開緊茶餐廳,試下每個碟有個number, 到某個幸運數字嘅時候,就請個人食餐飯。或者同佢講,佢可以選擇免費,捐咗個餐錢去做善事積福。
你食物成本最多幾十蚊,每日送十個、一百個都好呀,有限錢,但肯定 word of mouth 嘅 marketing effect 好大, 餐廳一定大排長龍。 我都會落嚟幫你宣傳送你啲「良心餐」出街。 好過為咗省成本,社運/肺炎,逆市白交租,拍烏蠅。
總之,「物以罕為貴」,「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭」,「小財唔出,大財唔入」, 做茶餐廳,做牙醫,做運輸同樣道理。中國人幾千年的傳統智慧有佢嘅料到。我唔係靠賣書搵食, 都係兩三日單靠facebook 賣千幾本。 對我自己做商舖基金都好大啟發。你呢?
It's a good book,我畢生智慧係晒入面,想有我親筆簽名,whatsapp me at +852 9036 1143。出街時通知你點攞書。如果你 message mark 住以上「三大智慧」其中一個, 我會親筆係本書入面「第四個智慧」特登 Blank 咗嗰頁寫埋畀你 😉 其他人無㗎,大家香港保重!
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享
word of mouth effect 在 Daily Health Wellness Center Youtube 的評價
More Info Connect with Me in Instagram :
The Omega 3 Effect Book:
A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.
Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential because the sooner a person receives treatment for a stroke, the less damage is likely to happen. If you suspect that you or someone else is having a stroke, phone 999 (Malaysia) immediately and ask for an ambulance.
Signs and symptoms
The main symptoms of stroke can be remembered with the word FAST: Face-Arms-Speech-Time.
Face – the face may have dropped on one side, the person may not be able to smile or their mouth or eye may have dropped.
Arms – the person with suspected stroke may not be able to lift both arms and keep them there because of arm weakness or numbness in one arm.
Speech – their speech may be slurred or garbled, or the person may not be able to talk at all despite appearing to be awake.
Time – it is time to dial 999 (Malaysia) immediately if you see any of these signs or symptoms.
Stroke Exercise
Stroke Attack
Stroke Animation
Stroke Rehabilitation
Brain Attack
Stroke Patient
** Connect With Me :
Free Weight Management Program:
7 Day Sugar Detox:
IG: doctors.bulletin (
Credit: I do not own the stroke animation video. The credit belongs to the original owner SABC
word of mouth effect 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的評價
希望你唔好覺得我好「吋」,在玩嘢...! 我只想真心同你分享我的思維。
想預訂我親筆簽名的新書《李根興的生意哲學》,可以whatsapp我(+852) 90361143。
內容包括(1) 創業勵志故事,(2) 生意理論,(3) 商舖知識,(4) 創業隨筆。三百多頁,定價HK$198,2020年第二季出版。
P.S. 我只whatsapp 回覆至新書No. 854,其他會未來一兩日內會回覆。俾我一家人放下假先?
錄影日期2020年1月30日星期四 at Lake Tahoe
首先希望大家在香港保重,身體健康。 我而家嚟咗Lake Tahoe 呢度同外母一家人趁農曆新年滑雪,到處走走。
嚟緊第二季我會出本書叫做【李根興的生意哲學】, 內容包括好多勵志故事,生意理論,商舖知識同埋創業隨筆。基本上就係我過去18年創業的經驗同理論炒埋一碟。 我爸爸,亦都係我偶像,會幫我寫個「序」,總括佢1973年大陸落嚟香港兩手空空對我嘅創業忠告。 我三個女幫我用手畫緊個封面, 唔知係乜,佢哋話事,可能係個月球,可能係隻烏龜,whatever they think it's right. 到時你睇到。我仲已經搵咗多位商界名人,每人幫我寫三至五個創業原則同謬誤。全書約三四百頁。2020年第二季出街。定價港幣$198。
本來我都冇諗過突然賣書, 只係飛嚟嘅時候冇嘢做繼續要proof-read 本書,機上 wifi 有人問我幾時可以預訂,我畀咗個whatsapp number,就馬上收到好多order,兩三日內就賣了過千本。I have lost count, 未有時間數。So far 千四五左右掛。我唔係靠賣書搵食,not sure .....
我目的唔係想show off,反而係賣書過程入面有啲中國人嘅傳統智慧對我有三大啟發, 肺炎疫情總會過去, 可能到時對你做生意都有幫助。
(1) 「物以罕為貴」。
Whatever you sell, try to make it limited edition (限量版). 普通一本書印十萬本都得,但如果十萬本都一模一樣,就唔珍貴。 我自己頭嗰1000本就講到明有編號, 蓋章,簽名,加個人化的message,一千本之後就無 number 。
你做間茶餐廳都係一樣,每日都要推出啲特別限量餐,要講到明限幾多份,不斷update 剩幾多,咁人客先會覺得緊張,好嘢才爭住買。 亦都因為咁,你有冇留意到airlines網上嗰啲訂位,永遠都係得 few seats left for this price,幾個坐位剩,之後可能都只係加幾十蚊又有位啦, 但啲人客見到 few seats left for this price 就緊張好多,馬上訂位。
(2) 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」
之前啲人訂書,都係一本一本咁訂,whatsapp 覆到我手軟。 後來啲人就馬上平均訂書數目飆升咗兩三倍,點解? 因為我加咗句,限量每人五本,再後來改做每人限三本。 咁啲人可能覺得:「嘩,限三本,咁梗係好嘢!」,馬上個個都訂兩三本。 馬上賣得好快。
記唔記得我同你講過, 美國人好鍾意飲金寶湯。 超級市場想賣多啲金寶湯嘅方法唔單止係減價,根據1998年美國 Journal of Marketing Research 三位教授研究咗86間超級市場指出,佢哋發現如果純粹減價,由每罐美金89仙減至79仙, 平均每個人會買3.3罐。 行過買嘅機會率係7%。但如果擺個sign 喺度 Limit 12 Cans per Person, 每人限買12罐, 咁啲人睇到 limit 12罐,一定係好嘢啦, 個個係咁買,咁樣平均每人買就會由3.3罐提升至7罐。 行過買嘅機會率亦都會由7%提升至9%。 咁.... 總生意額就可以升咗165%。
你盤生意, 又有冇咩係可以唔單止限總數,仲要每人限量呢? 每人限食兩個特色漢堡包? 每人限飲三杯特色 milshake? 「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭!」,中國人幾千年嘅智慧有佢嘅道理。
(3) 「小財唔出,大財唔入」
It's not about money! 我做咗個 test, 當我話用作慈善用途,個個都賣比我,但如果我話我自己日後可賣貴啲,就個個都唔肯俾我。Why?
根據哈佛行為經濟學教授 Francesca Gino,呢個叫 Endowment Effect (禀赋效應)。人無嘅時候,就唔介意繼續無。但一擁有咗,就唔想無。 除非知道係畀另一個人,比佢更加差,能夠令佢好返少少,咁佢又唔介意再無喎。 即係等於做慈善,個個都ok,接受我個價。
但如果要令到佢由有變無,目的係令到另一個人更加好,比自己仲好的話,佢又唔制喎。 因此我話我想回購再賣高啲價,個個都唔肯賣畀我。
但賣唔賣畀我,唔重要。最重要嘅係,佢接受咗我嘅價錢,佢開心收到多啲錢,肯定周圍同人講。 即使唔接受, 都已經覺得自己賺咗, 肯定更加珍惜本書, 都係周圍同人講。變相免費 word of mouth marketing (口碑宣傳) 亦都係最有效的marketing. 有限錢,最緊要大家happy.
你做生意都係,「小財唔出,大財唔入!」。 開緊茶餐廳,試下每個碟有個number, 到某個幸運數字嘅時候,就請個人食餐飯。或者同佢講,佢可以選擇免費,捐咗個餐錢去做善事積福。
你食物成本最多幾十蚊,每日送十個、一百個都好呀,有限錢,但肯定 word of mouth 嘅 marketing effect 好大, 餐廳一定大排長龍。 我都會落嚟幫你宣傳送你啲「良心餐」出街。 好過為咗省成本,社運/肺炎,逆市白交租,拍烏蠅。
總之,「物以罕為貴」,「瘦田冇人耕,耕開有人爭」,「小財唔出,大財唔入」, 做茶餐廳,做牙醫,做運輸同樣道理。中國人幾千年的傳統智慧有佢嘅料到。我唔係靠賣書搵食, 都係兩三日單靠facebook 賣千幾本。 對我自己做商舖基金都好大啟發。你呢?
It's a good book,我畢生智慧係晒入面,想有我親筆簽名,whatsapp me at +852 9036 1143。出街時通知你點攞書。如果你 message mark 住以上「三大智慧」其中一個, 我會親筆係本書入面「第四個智慧」特登 Blank 咗嗰頁寫埋畀你 ? 其他人無㗎,大家香港保重!
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享
word of mouth effect 在 Daily Health Wellness Center Youtube 的評價
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The Omega 3 Effect Book:
A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.
Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential because the sooner a person receives treatment for a stroke, the less damage is likely to happen. If you suspect that you or someone else is having a stroke, phone 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance.
Signs and symptoms
The main symptoms of stroke can be remembered with the word FAST: Face-Arms-Speech-Time.
Face – the face may have dropped on one side, the person may not be able to smile or their mouth or eye may have dropped.
Arms – the person with suspected stroke may not be able to lift both arms and keep them there because of arm weakness or numbness in one arm.
Speech – their speech may be slurred or garbled, or the person may not be able to talk at all despite appearing to be awake.
Time – it is time to dial 999 (Malaysia) immediately if you see any of these signs or symptoms.
Stroke Exercise
Stroke Attack
Stroke Animation
Stroke Rehabilitation
Brain Attack
Stroke Patient
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Credit: I do not own the stroke animation video. The credit belongs to the original owner
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