《kitmak 和你食住瘦- 牛油果吞拿魚肉沙律+ 全麥多士》
簡單的減肥菜,牛油果如果吃得不過量,對減重好有效喔!因為它是superfood, 再加入高蛋白的吞拿魚,洋蔥碎及紅甜椒的纖維,用乳酪代替蛋黃醬。瘦得來好味!孕婦都適合架!想知做法及更多資料,請Click 入
#kitmakfoodstyling #kitmak食譜 #食物造型 #老本行
#nutriciahk #牛油果 #avocado #salsa #diet #dietfood
牛油果 1個
甜紅椒 1/4個
罐頭礦泉水浸吞拿魚 3湯匙
洋蔥碎 1湯匙
純味乳酪 3湯匙
鹽 少許
黑椒 少許
特純橄欖油 少許
全麥麵包 2片
青檸 1/2個
1. 麵包切成方型烘香,備用。罐頭礦泉水浸吞拿魚隔去水份,備用。
2. 牛油果切半去核去皮切粒,以少許特純橄欖油拌勻;紅甜椒切碎,備用。
3. 將吞拿魚肉與牛油果加入乳酪、洋蔥碎,紅甜椒碎同拌勻,以少許鹽及黑椒碎調味。
4. 上碟,吃前榨少許青檸汁拌勻,以烘脆的麵包片同吃。
Recipe- Avocado tuna salsa with toast
Avocado is called superfood. Eating appropriate amount helps weight control in your diet. Mix it with tuna fish, chopped onion and red bell pepper could become a good salad. If substituting mayonnaise with yogurt, you could still lose weight without sacrificing the taste. Oh my...! Who said “fast” food can’t be good? This recipe works for pregnant women too. Further more details, please click https://www.nutricia.com/
1 Avocado
1/4 bell pepper
1/2 Can tune(mineral water soaked)
3 Tbsp Chopped onion
A pitch of salt
Some extra virgin olive oil
2 pieces Whole grain bread
1/2 lime
1.Toast the bread. Drain the tuna well.
2.Peel and remove the core of avocado,chopped. Mix well with extra virgin olive oil. Chop the bell pepper.
3.Mix the tuna, avocado, yogurt onion and bell pepper together. Season with salt and pepper.
4.Squeeze some lime juice. Serve it with toast bread.
「red chop works」的推薦目錄:
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Yong Tau Fu 酿豆腐 is a well known dish in the Hakka cuisine. It is a unique Chinese dish that is made of pork(originally), mackerel fish, tofu, and a variety of soy products and vegetables. Today, I am going to show you how to make Mel's style Yong Tau Fu and the various ways to use the stuffing/paste.
Because Max doesnt like fish, I am preparing the chicken version for him. It is not normal at all, but it works. We have also made brown rice Chee Cheong Fun and bean sauce to go with them.
As a child, growing up seeing my Poh Poh heating the chop board so hard with the fish paste, I was curious what she was doing. Luckily I still remember how she did it. I tried some years ago and started to add ingredients to make them more interesting.
Ingredients for the stuffing/fish paste:
. 1 mackerel fish with head and tail
. 1 kg Minced Chicken (if you plan to stuff the fish and make fishless YTF)
. chopped water chestnuts
. chopped onion
. shredded carrots
. chopped spring onions
. mashed garlic
. mashed ginger
. chopped coriander
. chopped shiitake mushroom
. oyster sauce
. soy sauce
. white pepper
. sesame oil
. salt
. 1 strip of salted fish in oil
For the vegetable and tofu for stuffing, you can get any kind of fried tofu, beancurd skin, hard tofu, bell pepper, big red and green chilis, lady fingers, eggplants, normal size bittergourd (I didnt have it then), mushrooms and any possible vegetable that can hold the stuffing to try out.
You can actually get the black bean sweet sauce from the market or just make your own.
Simplest Recipe Ingredients:
. 2 tbsp hoisin sauce
. 2 tbsp oyster sauce
. a bit of hot water
- Mix them all up and serve.
Once you stuffed the vegetables and tofu, you can pan-fry them like I did or steam them and then fry in pan again. Either way works.
#Melindalooi #melcooks #Lalacooks #Fashioncooking #CoutureFood #Yongtaufu #melcares #Dressupathome
You may call Peter Low for the freshest seafood in town +60122115586, he will deliver to you.
Get your vegetables from Jack's market +60169280967, they will deliver. #SupportLocal
@Myla_aka_lala is wearing @Melindalooicouture & I am in @melindalooirtw
Please whatsapp +60122940298 for more info.
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