✨台灣副總統暨知名流行病學家陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen接受母校美國約翰霍普金斯大學彭博公共衛生學院的邀請,分享2003年SARS疫情爆發時出任衛生署署長,以及目前以副總統身分領導抗疫的經驗。AIT處長酈英傑也加入這場網路研討會,並在開場致詞中表示:「正是這樣的時刻為美台關係賦與了新一層意義,我們把它稱為:『真朋友、真進展』。這也是為什麼蓬佩奧國務卿最近在推特中提到:在艱難的時刻,真正的朋友會站在一起。」
「美國冀望與台灣合作,共同推廣成功防疫的台灣模式。蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統於4月16日在時代雜誌發表專文表示,『台灣的成功並非偶然』。台灣模式最根本的要素是透明度:包括台灣當局與民眾之間的透明度,以及台灣與國際社會之間的透明度。台灣模式不僅成效卓著,同時也是民主體制的產物。」✨
#StriveTogetherThriveTogether #USTaiwanCooperationOnCOVID19 #TaiwanModel #台灣模式 #美台作伙抗疫 #真朋友真進展 #共同努力共同得益
✨In the webcast held by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Taiwan’s Vice President Chen Chien-jen, who is also a preeminent epidemiologist, shared his experiences during the 2003 SARS crisis as the health minister and now as Vice President during the COVID-19 pandemic. AIT Director Brent Christensen joined the webcast and said in an opening remarks that “It is moments like this that give new meaning to U.S.-Taiwan relationship, which we describe in the expression: Real Friends, Real Progress. That is why Secretary of State Pompeo recently tweeted: During tough times, real friends stick together."
“The United States is eager to work with Taiwan to promote the Taiwan Model for fighting pandemic diseases. As President Tsai noted in her April 16 article in Time magazine, Taiwan’s “success is no coincidence.” The most fundamental element of the Taiwan Model is transparency: transparency between the authorities and the public in Taiwan, and transparency between Taiwan and the international community. The Taiwan Model, which is one of the most effective in the world, is the product of a democratic system,” Director Christensen said.✨
Watch the webcast: https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/events/april-24.html
Read Director Christensen’s remarks: https://bit.ly/2VY20vB
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅TRICkSTAR5,也在其Youtube影片中提到,味方が背後を駆け上がるシチュエーションで使えるパスフェイントです。 動画内で紹介している一般的なフェイントよりも難易度が高いですが、その分威力抜群です。インサイドで引きずる感覚を養うことが大切です。 他のパス技:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q828Mu_L1YE&...
preeminent 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 八卦
李遠哲前院長獲美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)表彰:
美國國家科學院表示,李遠哲無論是在國際或臺灣的領導職位中,皆增進了科學與人權之間聯繫,並致力於強化科學以造福社會。他在擔任中研院院長期間(1994-2006),協助使「國際科學院與學術社群的人權網路(International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies)」更加健全,並在全球的科學自由面臨威脅時,確保中研院參與其中。
#中研院 #李遠哲 #人權 #科學家 #諾貝爾獎 #美國國家科學院
🌟推進權利與自由 — 科學與自由─科學、人性尊嚴及諾貝爾獎展覽
◾英國生物化學及分子生物學家,Richard J. Roberts
◾剛果醫師,Denis Mukwege
◾義大利神經生物學家,Rita Levi-Montalcini
◾美國分子生物學家,Peter Agre
◾法國病毒學家,Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
◾蘇聯原子物理學家,Andrei Sakharov
◾印度經濟學家,Amariya Sen
◾肯亞社會運動者,Wangari Maathai
◾英國化學家,Harold Kroto
◾瑞典神經科學家,Torsten Wiesel
Former Academia Sinica President Yuan Tseh Lee has won acclaim from the United States National Academy of Sciences for his renowned contributions towards human rights, in addition to his scientific achievements. In recognition of his efforts, the National Academy of Sciences has chosen Dr. Lee as one of ten Nobel Prize awardees to be included in the exhibition “Advancing Rights and Freedoms: Science, Human Dignity, and the Nobel Prize” for their efforts in enhancing human rights. The exhibition, which begins in March, features the awardees’ human rights contributions and photographic portraits, in order to raise public attention on the issues of science and human rights.
With his dedication to improving science and strengthening the ties between science and human rights, Dr. Lee has been included in this exhibition for his preeminent role both internationally and in Taiwan. During his service as President of Academia Sinica from 1994 to 2006, Dr. Lee helped promote the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies, and ensured the participation of Academia Sinica when the world’s scientific freedom was under threat.
The exhibition will take place from March 11 to June 1 at the National Academy of Sciences. http://www.cpnas.org/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/advancing-rights-and-freedoms.html
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Discover in God’s beautiful redemptive plan for man powerful keys that will transform your relationships!
Take a #MidweekGraceBreak as we screen this sermon, Redemption Truths That Bless Your Relationships. In this practical message, Joseph Prince reveals the real beauty behind God’s creation of the first man and woman, and how our glorious redemption was always preeminent to Him. See how Adam and Eve are a picture of Christ and His church, and learn from this original, divine model practical truths for a fulfilling and successful marriage and family life.
You’ll discover simple but effective ways to build and bless your relationships as you allow His redemption truths to refresh your heart! #TuneInToGrace
Learn more about this sermon: https://bit.ly/3ri7OOA
Click “Get Reminder” below so you’ll be notified when the screening begins. Share this with your loved ones and friends and invite them to watch the screening with you.
preeminent 在 TRICkSTAR5 Youtube 的評價
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Recommend Movie:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q828Mu_L1YE&feature=share&list=SP5772B735FA18438E

preeminent 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的評價
Discover in God’s beautiful redemptive plan for man powerful keys that will transform your relationships! In this practical message, Joseph Prince reveals the real beauty behind God’s creation of the first man and woman, and how our glorious redemption was always preeminent to Him. See how Adam and Eve are a picture of Christ and His church, and learn from this original, divine model practical truths for a fulfilling and successful marriage and family life. You’ll discover simple but effective ways to build and bless your relationships as you allow His redemption truths to refresh your heart!
Get the full message at:
JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/2fNtVHB
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preeminent 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
DR has gotten on GPZ900R.
It came to play for the first time one and today of DT, and the third generation model DR250R:SJ45A shared only the DR350 latter term model and transmission and back and forth wheels, and changes most other parts completely thank you. It tried for lightening such as abolition, the plating cylinders, and the aluminum spoke nipples of dry sump, and the unpopularity "Heavily and incompetent" of the predecessor of the change from the negative pressure cab to the compulsion opening and shutting flat valve cab to the predecessor etc. was blown off. It is DJEBEL (Jebel) as the brother car There are XC and DR-Z250 of the enduro model for export.
Latter term model(3ET)
It is restyled as a succession car of 37F in 1988. It can be said the maximum feature for the engine to be changed from the piston lead valve to the crankcase lead valve, to become 33 horsepower, and to have been changed to a dual radiator at the Motocrossar level. It boasted of a preeminent performance, and it was popular though the diameter 41mm was adopted and stroke improvement, extension of the wheelbase, improvement of the seat amount, and car heavy Ma (107kg in dry weight) had made the front fork big a little as the replica of Motocrossar YZ series.
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3代目モデルDR250R:SJ45AはDR350後期モデルとトランスミッション・前後ホイールのみを共用し、他のほとんどのパーツを一新。ドライサンプの廃止、メッキシリンダー、アルミスポークニップルなど軽量化に努め、先代までの負圧キャブから強制開閉フラットバルブキャブへの変更など、先代の「重たい・非力」といった不評を吹き飛ばした。 兄弟車としてDJEBEL(ジェベル) XC、輸出用エンデューロモデルのDR-Z250がある。
1988年に 37Fの後継車としてフルモデルチェンジされる。エンジンがピストンリードバルブからクランクケースリードバルブに変更され33馬力になり、モトクロッサー並みのデュアルラジエータに変更されたのが最大の特徴と言える。フロントフォークは径41mmを採用しストロークアップ、ホイールベースの延長、シート高のアップ、車重増(乾燥重量107kg)でやや大柄になったものの、抜群の性能を誇り、モトクロッサーYZシリーズのレプリカとして人気を博した。

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