正式成為【Kinetic Control 認證講師 】
經過 Mark Comerford 老師長達兩小時的口試,包括一連串的教學演示以及即席問答
我終於通過 Kinetic Control 認證講師考試
從培訓講師晉升為 正式認證講師!!!
回顧從2015年第一次開始接觸 kinetic Control
一路走來,謝謝陽明物治系 王子娟 老師、德建康肌適能中心
Daniel Chang 主任,還有母校陽明物治系所有老師,以及實習時所有曾經教過我的老師們,真的很謝謝所有老師一路走來的支持與鼓勵,希望我沒有辜負老師們的期望 =)
也感謝MPS (Movement Performance Solution,發展出KC課程的公司) 團隊的支持,感謝 Patrik 用心指點我教學的方法;感謝Sarah透過無數次越洋電話指導我、和我討論Case study;最後要深深感謝 Mark 老師,一切盡在不言中了。
世界各地另外14位 KC 講師們,都是各國十分出色的物理治療師,真的非常榮幸可以和他們一起在世界各地教授 Kinetic Control 課程。
對於Kinetic Control 課程有興趣的物理治療師們,歡迎私訊喔!
【湯士萱物理治療師/英國 Kinetic Control 認證講師/動作治療師,和您一起健康動起來】
Passed a 2-hour certificate exam held by Mark Comerford, im finally a "Kinetic Control Accredited Tutor" !!!!
I appreciate the support from MPS team, and thank Patrik for teaching me instructing skills, and Sarah for discussing cases through countless overseas calls
at last...least, thank Mark very much
It's my honor to deliver courses with all the brilliant KC instructors worldwide!
Let's make people move better, feel better and do more! 😃
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Hunter 物理治療師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Movement Science practitioner(MSP),是針對瑜珈老師、皮拉提斯老師、健身教練等專業族群所設計的動作解析、介入的系列課程。在MSP的課程裡,我們究竟可以學到甚麼?這個系統又可以應用在什麼樣的客戶族群上?就讓課程創辦人說為你一一解惑! P.S. YouTube的留言因...
movementhealth 在 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist Facebook 八卦
很榮幸 Kinetic Control 和 The Performance Matrix的研發團隊-英國 Comera Movement Science,在今年,於台灣成立了 「CMS- Asia Hub 亞洲分部」。
未來所有的亞洲課程,包含台灣、日本、韓國、新加坡、香港、澳門、中國、馬來西亞……等地的課程,皆會由 CMS- Asia Hub 亞洲分部負責。
非常感謝總部的信任,也特別感謝 Sarah 老師一路以來的支持與協助,將 Lead of CMS Asia Hub (CMS 亞洲分部負責人)的責任交給我。這分責任,讓我跨出了我的舒適圈,也做了許多功課,上了許多經營管理的課程。未來不只對自己的課程、公司負責,更要為整個團隊、為整個亞洲的 CMS 教育課程負責。更要非常感謝 Asia Hub 的成員── 林維萱 物理治療師 Tina Lin PhysioTherapist 、 Shirley Lai、 Hunter 物理治療師 和 Ariel 的支持與信任,讓我們能成為一個亮眼出色的團隊。
英國 CMS 是動作健康的先驅,為「動作專業人士」提供教育、諮詢、培訓和科技技術系統。 我們相信透過提升動作能力,能使生活品質、社交參與運動表現更加提升。
英國 CMS 專業的教學團隊由來自全世界數一數二的治療師及運動教練所組成。透過定期線上會議及內部訓練,來自全世界的講師彼此分享與討論教學方法、臨床經驗及最新的研究報告及文獻,不斷精進與成長,使我們不論在教學或臨床上,都能帶給學員、個案、客戶更高品質的課程、治療與訓練。
非常期待與您在 KC、TPM、MSP 課堂相見,加入全世界迅速增長的動作大家庭,一起提升全世界的動作健康!
CMS 課程合作或相關資訊請洽 CMS- Asia Hub office 康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center ([email protected])
We proudly announce the establishment of the CMS-Asia Hub.
It is my genuine pleasure to take the responsibility of the Lead of CMS Asia Hub.
This whole new position with which I’m not familiar at all, requires a great deal of preparation including taking many management courses.
I would like to express my appreciation to Sarah Mottram for her support and the trust from CMS HQ.
Besides, I also want to thank all supportive members of the CMS-Asia Hub team - Tina, Shirley, Hunter and Ariel. Without you, we won’t be able to make a great team .
CMS international team of educators, clinicians, researchers and developers have been providing tools, education and technology to optimise Movement Health across an individual’s lifespan for 25 years.
We believe in the power of movement assessment and retraining to empower each and every individual to achieve the best quality of life for a lifetime of activity, performance and participation.
Our professional teaching teams are formed by the best therapists and movement professions all around the world. In regular online meetings and annual internal training projects, we discuss teaching methods, clinical experiences, latest researches and scientific evidence, which enormously helps our professional development. We are not on our own, by supporting each other, we are growing in an amazing way both in teaching and clinical practice.
We are looking forward to your participation in the fast growing movement family and the “movement movement” we are developing all over the world.
movementhealth 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Facebook 八卦
很榮幸 Kinetic Control 和 The Performance Matrix 的研發團隊-英國 Comera Movement Science,在今年,於台灣成立了 「CMS- Asia Hub 亞洲分部」。
未來所有的亞洲課程,包含台灣、日本、韓國、新加坡、馬來西亞、香港、澳門、中國……等地的課程,皆會由 CMS- Asia Hub 亞洲分部負責。
英國 CMS 是動作健康的先驅,為「動作專業人士」提供教育、諮詢、培訓和科技技術系統。 我們相信透過提升動作能力,能使生活品質、社交參與運動表現更加提升。
英國 CMS 專業的教學團隊由來自全世界數一數二的治療師及運動教練所組成。透過定期線上會議及內部訓練,來自全世界的講師彼此分享與討論教學方法、臨床經驗及最新的研究報告及文獻,不斷精進與成長,使我們不論在教學或臨床上,都能帶給學員、個案、客戶更高品質的課程、治療與訓練。
非常期待您與更多的人加入我們 Comera Movement Science 在全世界迅速增長的動作大家庭,一起提升全世界的動作健康!
CMS 課程合作或相關資訊請洽 CMS- Asia Hub office 康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center([email protected])
We proudly announce the establishment of the CMS-Asia Hub.
It is my genuine pleasure to take the responsibility of the Lead of CMS Asia Hub.
CMS international team of educators, clinicians, researchers and developers have been providing tools, education and technology to optimise Movement Health across an individual’s lifespan for 25 years.
We believe in the power of movement assessment and retraining to empower each and every individual to achieve the best quality of life for a lifetime of activity, performance and participation.
Our professional teaching teams are formed by the best therapists and movement professions all around the world. In regular online meetings and annual internal training projects, we discuss teaching methods, clinical experiences, latest researches and scientific evidence, which enormously helps our professional development. We are not on our own, by supporting each other, we are growing in an amazing way both in teaching and clinical practice.
We are looking forward to your participation in the fast growing movement family and the “movement movement” we are developing all over the world.
movementhealth 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Youtube 的評價
Movement Science practitioner(MSP),是針對瑜珈老師、皮拉提斯老師、健身教練等專業族群所設計的動作解析、介入的系列課程。在MSP的課程裡,我們究竟可以學到甚麼?這個系統又可以應用在什麼樣的客戶族群上?就讓課程創辦人說為你一一解惑!
Movement Science practitioner (MSP) is a series designed for movement professionals such as yoga, Pilates, fitness trainer. MSP can give you the ability to interpret and engage your clients' movement. Since MSP is a brand new course, many people have some questions to it. What can we really learn from it? What kind of clients can we apply the skill we learn from the course to? All these questions will be answered by the developer of MSP in this video.
Due to too many comments on YouTube and the rarely shown notifications on my phone, I seldom reply to your comments here. If you have any questions, please feel free to send message to me via Facebook or Instagram, I will answer your questions immediately.
Facebook粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/HunterPTworkout/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hunterptworkout/
#瑜珈 #皮拉提斯 #重訓 #健身 #動作控制 #動作分析 #繼續教育課程 #肌肉分類模型 #物理治療 #動作健康 #ComeraMovementScience #MovementSciencePractitioner #yoga #Pilates #personaltrainer #movement #interpret #engage #movementhealth #physiotherapy #muscleclassificationmodel