The first winner for Mushi's player card event is Nani Nani! Congrats!
Nani Nani answer :
Q1: Mushi is the reason I start playing dota2. I like his style,I like how he never giv up , I like how when I watch the live game on twitch and everyone type the word RAPE.I like how the fans believe in Mushi.
“In Mushi We Trust ”btw when Mushi played on douyu (live)It could be clearly see that Mushi is Freaking NICE PERSON! HE NEVER BLAME ! SRSLY! I do watch douyu and Mushi just being so nice to his teamate ! As conclusion I think Mushi 's attitude is the biggest reason that make me like him so much
Q2.I think it is OD , but the hero that make me start to be a fan is SF . Dat moment when watching ORANGE VS DK ,Dat moment when Buring run into Mushi SF Ulti. Just AMAZINF.But mushi does play SF a lot times so this question i whould be choosing OD . I like how Mushi comback with OD when enemy lead with almost 20k gold
Q3.NEVER GIVE UP simply few word which a lot of meaning .NEVER RETIRE UNTIL ACHIEVE A WORLD CHAMPION. This motto make me freaking sad cause mushi really need a world champions to help ESPORT IN malaysia to become famous and better . Although last year DK win SL9 Champion but its not enough for mushi GONNA FOR TI5 ! GUDluck!
Second winner will be announce tomorrow at 2p.m, stay tuned!
*admin posting
motto meaning 在 Joanna Soh Facebook 八卦
Love the saying “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday” embraced by the Navy SEALs as meaning that every day you should work HARDER than the last, making the previous day seemed easier. 🔥
It has been challenging, painful (a huge log fell onto my head 😖) but adventurous with team Luminox. Rob Roy, a retired US Navy SEAL who served for 26 years, put us through a 3-hour Jungle Survivor Course and ended with a 30-min fitness challenge of what they would have gone through. Check out my Insta highlights. 🙌
What have I learned? You don’t give up until the end. Challenge yourself every single day because that’s the fastest way to grow and learn. Never get too comfortable or content. Work hard, adapt, support your teammates and there’s no finishing line in life. You just keep going! 👊
This is hands down THE most fun product launch as we got to experience the Luminox spirit, its motto, mission and the people who inspired their creations. ⌚️
p/s Did you feel my pain when the log fell onto my head? 😅 I’m still a little bit bruised but it’s better today. Thanks for all your concerns. 🙃
#LuminoxHooyah #Luminox #TheOnlyEasyDayWasYesterday #adventure #outdoors #fitness #adventurous #fit #spartan #bootcamp
motto meaning 在 波阿斯 Boaz Facebook 八卦
各位朋友們,想要和您們介紹一個全新的品牌 Ein Brera ,過去中我一直喜歡用不同商業角色,來推廣自己喜愛的理念與事物。Einbrera 是以色列國家IDF的口號,意思是「別無退路」No Alternative 。
以色列常流傳一句話 ”以色列無法有一次的失敗,只要一次的失敗就會失去國家”,以色列這句話是定義在國家的成面,在Einbrera品牌上 我想將它定義在對喜愛的人事物上的「專一」Onething ,這樣的專一是種熱忱,甚至到「別無退路」的喜愛。
IG: Einbrera
Ein Brera (About us/Our Story)
Established in the year 2020, a season of turmoil and downturn.
Catastrophe and apocalypse seem to be on the horizon,
Our backs against the wall.
And that is how we define “Ein Brera”
We don't give up despite struggles and despair.
Fully engaged, we dive into this passion.
Undistracted devotion to one thing.
Ein Brera: Unwavering Hope
Blending various elements with one vision:
Hebrew Language, Jewish Culture, and Modern Israeli Vibe.
Exploring a boundless territory, with keen sensitivity.
Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
Unbeholden to trends, we have our own opinions.
Expression that echoes what we believe, with style.
Gentle determination, and strength that lies within.
Our True Colors
*Ein Brera is a motto for IDF (Israel Defense Force), meaning “no alternative”.
溫柔中的堅定,Ein Brera
Ein Brera,以色列IDF國防軍的口號,表達為了捍衛所相信的價值而別無選擇與懸念的意志。
我行: 我述
表述 Expression
talk the talk, walk the walk
Ein Brera 背包客機能襪設計理念:
Derekh直譯的話就是 “道路” (土地)
希伯來文有句古諺 “Derekh Eretz”,精確地詮釋人與土地之間的關係與行為準則,時常省思自身做事的態度與心境。猶太人過往的智慧言語依舊歷久彌新,而思想與行動並進正是勇敢的具體表現。
Ein Brera 採用 51% 的 Meryl®Skinlife 紗線,此規格是台灣業界首見,它和棉襪觸感完全不同,第一次穿著時,可能會驚訝於它與過往棉襪完全不同的體驗。Meryl®Skinlife 屬於機能材質,有 100% 抗菌、防臭、抗紫外線、快乾,同時帶來絕佳的親膚觸感,非常適合背包客穿用。
在劇烈運動或極端環境依舊維持皮膚的平衡與高度的吸濕性,Meryl skinlife為抑菌纖維材質,具備優異的透氣和抗紫外線性能,加上輕盈與柔軟的觸感。
● 總共有兩種顏色選擇: 墨藍色、軍綠色
● 藍色襪子繡有希伯來文:土地/道路
● 墨綠色襪子繡有希伯來文:勇敢/堅定
• 台灣設計/製造
motto meaning 在 Motto Meaning - YouTube 的八卦
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