一 App 一路,刷下載量的黑色產業鏈
當你發現一個 app 在 *全球各地* 下載量激增,但身邊所用的人卻寥寥無幾,那可能你在見證一個獨特的行業,叫「刷榜產業鏈」。
有個概念叫 App Store Optimization(ASO),中文姑且譯作「應用商店優化」,用上「優化」這個詞特別合適,因為這種「優化」的工序,在中國甚為成熟,這類服務有時稱為「刷榜」或「刷子」,機器操作的話幾毛錢,人手操作就幾塊錢,例如一個人操作過百張 SIM 卡加過百部手機,幫客戶全球刷榜、導量、刷五星好評。人手操作,多花點功夫,較為不易被察覺。
Apple 的 App Store 對於刷榜的規定較為嚴格,所以刷榜操作通常都在 Google 的 Play Store。但即使同樣是 Google Play Store,不同國家的政策有異,在小國的監管較少,大國的監管較多,如果發現有造假之嫌,便會清榜、清零,風險較大,所以刷榜都集中在小國。
在網上找到一間 ASO 公司的報價,Google Play 的套餐,分別有以下選項:
而類似的消息,其實在中國的官媒新華社早就有報道。在 2019 年 8 月 4 日,新華社發表文章,題為〈揭秘APP「刷榜」黑色產業鏈:機器刷8毛 人刷2塊2〉,報道了國家級的中央電視台記者的調查發現,指出 App 刷榜日漸普遍,一條五星評分 8 毫子,iOS 人工下載 2.2 元,Android 人工下載則 1.6 元。
而劇本總是似曾相識,雷同實在不幸。港共每日像是善堂總理一樣公佈「安心出行」的下載量,但連登用戶 object71 發文〈《安心出行》實在係香港之光,在世界各地都咁受歡迎〉(連結: https://lihkg.com/thread/2417442/page/1),羅列出港公開發的「安心出行」app 之世界排名。先利申一點,我自己常用的 App Store 也不是香港區,而是美國。如果說香港人用美國、日本、台灣的 App Store 下載軟件,是常見之事。但「安心出行」app 的可笑之處,是那些下載量穩居第一的國家,居然非常 exotic,我估計連不少香港旅遊達人也不能直接叫出其中文名字。
目前「安心出行」app 在世界各地的 Play Store 下載排名,由 2021 年 2 月 15 日至 2021 年 2 月 22 日,穩佔第一位的國家及地區包括(數據:2021 年 2 月 21 日,北美東部時區晚上 10 時,來源 https://appfigures.com/reports/ranking,要登入才能看到):
⭐️「安心出行 LeaveHomeSafe」下載量排名 *第一位* 的國家及地區分別有:⭐️
🇦🇬 Antigua And Barbuda(安提瓜和巴布達)
🇧🇸 Bahamas(巴哈馬)
🇧🇿 Belize(伯利茲)
🇧🇲 Bermuda(百慕達)
🇻🇬 British Virgin Islands(英屬維珍群島)
🇨🇻 Cape Verde(佛得角)
🇰🇾 Cayman Islands(開曼群島)
🇨🇳 China(中國)
🇫🇯 Fiji(斐濟)
🇬🇼 Guinea-bissau(幾內亞比紹)
🇭🇰 Hong Kong(香港)
🇮🇸 Iceland(冰島)
🇲🇴 Macao(澳門)
🇫🇲 Micronesia(密克羅尼西亞)
🇳🇪 Niger(尼日爾)
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea(巴布亞新幾內亞)
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands(所羅門群島)
🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos(特克斯和凱科斯群島)
到底為甚麼位於中美洲巴哈馬群島東南的英國海外領土特克斯和凱科斯群島(Turks and Caicos),會有這麼多人下載「安心出行」app?相比起來,更多香港人居住的英國及美國,「安心出行」的下載排名,卻分別是 95 及 151 位。
由港共主導的「安心」app,居然可以在世界不同角落大放異彩,香港的創科成就實在令人鼓舞得發毛。在疫情過後,不妨聯到這些遙距關注香港的國家及地區,秉承「一 app 一路」精神,搞個大龍鳳,成立「安心聯盟」。
圖片:目前「安心出行」app 在世界各地的 Play Store 下載排名,由 2021 年 2 月 15 日至 2021 年 2 月 22 日,穩佔第一位的國家及地區包括(數據:2021 年 2 月 21 日,北美東部時區晚上 10 時,來源 Appfigures。)
連登用戶 object71 發文〈《安心出行》實在係香港之光,在世界各地都咁受歡迎〉
「安心出行」app 的全球排行榜數據(要登入才能看到)
中國新華社〈揭秘APP「刷榜」黑色產業鏈:機器刷8毛 人刷2塊2〉
* * *
1️⃣ 一 App 一路,刷下載量的黑色產業鏈
2️⃣ 騙徒手法層出不窮,切勿洗白「刷榜」行為
3️⃣ 「安心篤數」再 fact check
▶️ 請訂閱 Patreon 頻道,支持不受干預的獨立創作及評論 | www.patreon.com/pazu
同時也有62部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過550萬的網紅Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[use CC to enable Subtitles] Hello, my name is Kinoshita Yuka ! I love eating. OoGui (eating a lot) is my channel's main focus. I often do a social ea...
「hong kong islands」的推薦目錄:
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook
- 關於hong kong islands 在 林昶佐 Freddy Lim Facebook
- 關於hong kong islands 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか Youtube
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Yaki Wong Youtube
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Top 10 Beautiful Outlying Islands In Hong Kong - YouTube 的評價
- 關於hong kong islands 在 Geography of Hong Kong Main Areas - Pinterest 的評價
hong kong islands 在 林昶佐 Freddy Lim Facebook 八卦
美國、日本、台灣三國智庫共同主辦「2020台美日三邊印太安全對話」,包括蔡英文總統、美國前國務院助卿坎博(Kurt Campbell)、前國防部印太安全助理部長薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)、日本前駐美大使佐佐木賢一郎等重要人士都與會。
我也參與三國國會議員的對談,與羅致政委員、陳以信委員、美國聯邦眾議員貝拉(Ami Bera)以及日本眾議員鈴木馨祐,交流2020後的印太及台海情勢與願景。
2020 Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue
Hello moderator, fellow panelists, I am Taiwan legislator Freddy Lim.
This year, due to the pandemic, we can only conduct this panel online. I’m still very glad to be invited to attend this event and exchange ideas with these great panelists. Here I want to share my views on today’s main topic: “Challenges and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific Region and the Taiwan Strait in 2020 & Beyond”.
First I want to start with the conventional positioning of Taiwan under the established international order.
After WWII, the international order led by the allies dragged Taiwan into China’s civil war. Since then, Taiwan's been struggling with the “One China” dispute, unable to gain independence and world recognition like many other colonies.
Even though Taiwanese people have built an independent and democratic country after half a century of hard work, now we enjoy freedom and human rights, the international community still isolates Taiwan. One of the main reasons is obviously China.
The established international community viewed China as a huge economic opportunity, a partner that would eventually carry out political reforms and be integrated into modern international order. Under this conventional thinking, the international community is willing to help China ease and suppress many of its unpleasant problems, including the thorny "Democratic Taiwan."
This has reduced Taiwan to merely China’s “Taiwan Problem”. We’re even slandered as the “troublemaker” of the Taiwan Strait; As a result, the respect that Taiwan deserves continues to be shelved, and the active role we can play, the contributions we can make in the international community are also ignored.
However, this established international structure is now changing.
After decades of appeasement policy, and acquiring WTO membership in 2001, China’s various structural changes that the world anticipated have never taken place. On the contrary, China’s been using organized measures, such as bribing, infiltration, and hybrid-warfare, to undermine international norms. It’s worked hard to manipulate and control international organizations, in order to project its influence onto the world. These actions have been even more distinct after Xi Jinping became President of China in 2012.
Internationally, China implemented debt-trap diplomacy on many countries through the Belt and Road Initiative. It established Confucius Institutes around the world, which are basically intelligence operations in the name of culture. Chinese tech giant, Huawei also aids China’s international surveillance. Not to mention China’s relentless expansion in the South China Sea, building military bases, creating man-made islands. This year, it’s even more serious. We witnessed the long time Chinese infiltration into UN organizations. The favoritism towards China helped its cover-up, which led to the dysfunction of WHO, ultimately causing the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Domestically, the Chinese government not only failed to implement any political reforms, but it also created the “Social Credit” system with advanced technology, to surveil and control its own people; In addition, the Chinese government built the notorious “Reeducation Camps” - concentration camps in reality, in Tibet, Xingjian, where human rights conditions were already in a bad shape. Even the Hong Kong people, who were supposed to be protected by the promise of “One Country, Two Systems”, their freedom and human rights were completely destroyed by the Chinese government.
These compelling examples show that there is some serious fallacy in the conventional way of viewing China. All facts point to this: Taiwan is not the problem. China is the problem. China is the troublemaker of the Taiwan Strait. It’s the troublemaker of the Indo-Pacific region. It’s even the troublemaker of the entire world.
Under decades of collective misjudgement, China was allowed to become the most terrifying, largest digital authoritarian government in human history. It’s a new form of dictatorship. As a response, many countries have vastly changed their China policy in recent years, thus the change of international structure.
This brings me to my next point: Give Taiwan the status it deserves. Let us contribute to the international society.
In a new international structure, Taiwan shouldn’t be categorized as “China’s Taiwan Problem”. Instead, we should be one of the key countries for international cooperation, responding to the new type of dictatorship.
Taiwan has faced authoritarian China on the front line for decades. Many countries are now facing the problem of China's infiltration under its United Front programs. Taiwan started dealing with the same problems 10 to 20 years ago. We have gained a lot of experience to contribute to the international community.
Taking the COVID pandemic as an example, Taiwan has studied and analyzed the actual situation and the information provided by the Chinese government with a serious and high-vigilance attitude. Based on our experience and lessons learned from the China SARS epidemic in 2001, we decisively formed a series of epidemic preventive measures. We have handled the crisis with the principle of openness and transparency. Our people have been self-disciplined and willing to cooperate. All of this demonstrates the high level of democracy in Taiwan’s society.
After the domestic epidemic was brought under control, Taiwan has continued to share our epidemic prevention supplies and the experiences on forming epidemic prevention policies with the world.
Although Taiwan was suppressed, even excluded by China in various international organizations in the past, we’ve been doing our best to comply with the norms & regulations of international organizations. We always actively contribute every time we have the opportunity. What I want to say is, all of this proves Taiwan could be a reliable partner in the international community. We are capable of working with other countries to solve major problems. We deserve our seats and participation in international organizations.
Regarding the impact of U.S. change of administration.
Now the U. S. presidential election is over and the administration is currently under transition. Many countries, including Taiwan, are concerned about whether the new U.S. government will change its course on foreign policy, especially its China policy. However, the "Rebalance (of Asia-Pacific Region)" proposed by the Obama administration in 2011, was in fact already a strategic adjustment in response to the rise of China and possible subsequent expansion.
The Trump administration further proposed the Indo-Pacific strategy in 2017 to promote and uphold international law and regulations, aiming to ensure every country has the liberty to be free from oppression and coercion. I believe that both parties in the U.S. understand the root cause of the Indo-Pacific regional problem comes from the Chinese government. Even for the Biden administration, it will have to provide practical responses. Facing the new structure, they can’t just go back to the traditional thinking of the last century.
As for Taiwan, the pro-Taiwan acts in the U.S., such as the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018, Taiwan Travel Act, Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement, were passed with strong consensus between the Republicans and the Democrats. I believe Taiwan could be a key partner to the international community and play an active role in the free world. This isn’t just the consensus of the two parties in the U.S., but will be the consensus of all democratic countries.
In a progressive aspect, the International community can benefit from a wider recognition of Taiwan.
In recent years, the performance of Taiwanese society in terms of epidemic prevention performance, human rights, gender equality, marriage equality, and open government are actually in line with many progressive ideas and visions. The ideas and visions that many democratic countries have long supported. Therefore, I’m quite optimistic that, after 2020, Taiwan can make even greater progress, on multiple levels and in broader aspects, contributing to the international community.
Finally, I want to emphasize again that to truly resolve regional problems, we need dynamic multilateral cooperation. But this must not be a return to the conventional thinking of the past century, which was "expecting" China to abide by the international order. The outdated thinking had been proved to be a failure. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a series of Chinese infiltration and aggression after its rise in recent years, which became one of the most difficult issues in the world. I believe after 2020, U.S., Japan, and Taiwan can establish a new model of international cooperation through deeper collaboration and communication. And hopefully, this model will maximize the security of the Indo-Pacific region and promote peace, stability and development in the region.
This concludes my speech, thank you all for listening.
Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude to the moderators, my fellow panelists, and the organizers of this event.
I wish everyone peace and good health. Thank you.
hong kong islands 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
【#台灣 旺來🍍旺去 #澳洲】
台灣去冠芽 #鳳梨 成功突破檢疫障礙 (最近冠字輩很紅
可以輸銷到澳洲啦 👏👏👏
沒有住在深海裡 🧀
#台灣鳳梨 皮薄味美、香郁多汁、果質纖細又不咬舌
不只是國內水果市場的人氣王 👑
近幾年在海外市場的表現也是 #南波萬👍
可以悠哉地躺在市場上等買主 (吃我吃我
相信這些 #旺來 們一定都很~怕.jpg
加上澳洲這趴,現在台灣鳳梨鮮果實已經可以銷往 #加拿大 #日本 #韓國 #中國 #香港 #馬來西亞 #澳門 #汶萊 #阿拉伯聯合大公國 #巴林 #印尼 #帛琉 #關島 #馬紹爾 #荷蘭 #俄羅斯 等多達17個國家及地區呢~
#面向世界 #台灣好旺 🔥
Crikey! #Australia🇦🇺 has opened its doors to Taiwanese #pineapple imports! How about a round of piña coladas around the barbie? Previously only imports from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Solomon Islands were allowed. Taiwan produces 430,000 metric tons of pineapples per year, and in 2019 it exported 50,000 metric tons of the fruit worth valued at about US$60 million. We currently exports pineapples to Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Indonesia, Palau, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Netherlands and Russia.
#FruitDiplomacy #TradeDiplomacy #PenApple #ApplePen
hong kong islands 在 Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか Youtube 的評價
[use CC to enable Subtitles] Hello, my name is Kinoshita Yuka ! I love eating.
OoGui (eating a lot) is my channel's main focus. I often do a social eating live (Mukbang)
Today,I ate Special noodles called " Umakachan " Kyushu's noodles flavor ( "Nine Provinces" , the third biggest island of Japan and most southwesterly of its four main islands ) from house foods and i prepared with this 5 packs ramen ( Japanese dish consists of wheat noodles served in a meat or fish-based broth ), 1.5kg of Cod Roe Mayo rice bowl ( donburi , abbreviated as "don", Japanese "rice bowl dish", called sweetened or savory stews on rice as well ) and i used with it Char siu and more, all that exceed 4kg of pure weight, thanks to the viewer for this nostalgic precious gift . it was so delicious with nostalgic flavor and great ingredients!!!
⭐️木下ゆうかオリジナルグッズ \(﹡ˆOˆ﹡)/
⭐木下ゆうかLINEスタンプ2でたよ!!!ᐠ( ᐢᐢ )ᐟ
【大食いYouTuber】木下ゆうか はじめてのPhotoBook
木下ゆうかPhotobook "yuuka"
木下ゆうか:“Yuka Kinoshita” Japanese
Thank you Aphexx(@aphexx9 )-English subtitles
Thank you Range o(@orange0204)-Chinese subtitles
Thank you Waza_leji(Ieji_San) -Arabic subtitles
Thank you Taejun Lee -Korean subtitles
Thank you Jane-Korean subtitles
Thank you miu sister-Indonesian subtitles
Thank you Sony Boy-German subtitles
Thank you 香港國のパンダ・M-Hong Kong subtitles
Thank you 日本語字幕 Soraさん
Thank you My Nguyen-Vietnamese subtitles
for supporting in making subtitle.
If you've captioned/subbed one of my videos please inform me via E-mail. Thank you
⭐️エンディングなどのイラストは、ケイジェーさんに書いていただきました!(Twitter @K__j_344)
Thank you Mr. Range o!
Twitter https://twitter.com/mochiko0204
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8B%E3%82%86%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B-KinoshitaYuka/825093884226382
I’m also a competitive eater as a job.
Please let me know via email or comment if you have any requests what you want me to try or you wanna have a food battle with me!
素材提供 PIXTA
Please contact me if you have any job requests.
[email protected]
hong kong islands 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube 的評價
An amazing spectacle of local fish stores surround you as visit Hong Kong's famous goldfish street of Tung Choi, where you can find all sorts of tropical fish from all over the world. Many shop owners didn't like us filming or taking pictures, so keep that in mind. Other than that, wow, what an exciting time!! Aquarium hobbyists please share this video if you enjoyed it. Thanks.
About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 10+ countries in Asia from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me below so you don't miss any adventures.
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Original Music by Antti Luode.
I produce, film, and edit all videos myself, so I welcome any help Visit: http://www.kylele.net/support
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hong kong islands 在 Yaki Wong Youtube 的評價
如果喜歡我的影片 希望大家能夠幫忙翻譯字幕._.萬分感謝!!
Subtitle Help: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCGpYuomY5c_wey-EiCk5o6w&tab=2
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facebook :/yakidaily
wechat :wongyaki
email :yingying295@yahoo.com.hk
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hong kong islands 在 Geography of Hong Kong Main Areas - Pinterest 的八卦
There are four main areas in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and the Outlying Islands. Each represent such a distinct facet of the ... ... <看更多>
hong kong islands 在 Top 10 Beautiful Outlying Islands In Hong Kong - YouTube 的八卦
... <看更多>