#情人節選詩 #1 #情人不會從天上掉下來請多多搭訕嘿 #被揍
Will I see you no more before eternity? 也許不是每個人,都有傑西與席琳那樣的勇敢,也因此,有了那麼多令人嘆惋的擦肩而過。席琳在《愛在日落巴黎時》裡說:
"I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people with whom you’ll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times."
你呢?你有抓住當下的 "connection" 的勇氣嗎?或選擇和波特萊爾一樣,讓路過只是路過?
致路過的女子 ◎波特萊爾
撩著擺動著花邊和裙襬 ;
才一閃… 就黑夜了!──瞬間的美女,
À une passante
La rue assourdissante autour de moi hurlait.
Longue, mince, en grand deuil, douleur majestueuse,
Une femme passa, d'une main fastueuse
Soulevant, balançant le feston et l'ourlet;
Agile et noble, avec sa jambe de statue.
Moi, je buvais, crispé comme un extravagant,
Dans son oeil, ciel livide où germe l'ouragan,
La douceur qui fascine et le plaisir qui tue.
Un éclair... puis la nuit! — Fugitive beauté
Dont le regard m'a fait soudainement renaître,
Ne te verrai-je plus que dans l'éternité?
Ailleurs, bien loin d'ici! trop tard! jamais peut-être!
Car j'ignore où tu fuis, tu ne sais où je vais,
Ô toi que j'eusse aimée, ô toi qui le savais!
— Charles Baudelaire
To a Passer-By
The street about me roared with a deafening sound.
Tall, slender, in heavy mourning, majestic grief,
A woman passed, with a glittering hand
Raising, swinging the hem and flounces of her skirt;
Agile and graceful, her leg was like a statue's.
Tense as in a delirium, I drank
From her eyes, pale sky where tempests germinate,
The sweetness that enthralls and the pleasure that kills.
A lightning flash... then night! Fleeting beauty
By whose glance I was suddenly reborn,
Will I see you no more before eternity?
Elsewhere, far, far from here! too late! never perhaps!
For I know not where you fled, you know not where I go,
O you whom I would have loved, O you who knew it!
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
題外話,也許因為法國女人相信轉角遇到愛,所以她們會讓自己時刻保持優雅喔 :P
圖:Romance in Paris by Kal Gajoum, 2009.
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅Quốc Thịnh Lê,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Có nhiều cách để ươm cây su su như ươm nguyên trái, ươm hạt su su trực tiếp cho ra rễ hoặc trồng hạt thẳng vào đất mà không cần làm cho ra rễ trước. ...
germinate 在 Little Thunder 門小雷 Facebook 八卦
\\ Distance Zero // part 1 - a group exhibition of painting by Hong Kong artists is now open today
全新繪畫聯展 \\ Distance Zero // part 1
Participating Artists \ 參與藝術家
Chun Man Ting 鐘晚亭
Don’t cry in the morning
Little Thunder 門小雷
What city is removed from us by a distance of zero?
Those emotions, they have zero distance from us?
Why is it that the virus has zero distance from us?
It has been said that peace and security, is separated from us by a distance of zero
We wouldn't have imagined that the distance between us and panic is zero
That the distance between violence and our own bodies is zero
So it turns out that the distance between ourselves and the quarantine is zero
We found out that the distance between ourselves and Hong Kong is zero
That the margin between chaos and order is zero
\\ Distance Zero // Part 1- is an exhibition of the paintings of five Hong Kong artists, You might regard them as a meditation on recent events, or a means of communicating various emotions
We have not made a point of provoking you to reflect on anything through this exhibition, nor have we given much thought as to what sort of possibilities an encounter with these works might germinate
Whatever the case, with large scale exhibitions of all sorts being suspended as the virus takes its course, it's safe to say that in parallel space, the distance between yourself and these new works by local artists outside of the academy is zero.
由五位香港藝術家的繪畫作品聯合組成的展覽 \\ Distance Zero 距離 零 // Part 1
但在這個疫症持續的三月,多個大型藝術展停辨的香港藝術週,在parallel space 你跟香港非學院派的藝術家的全新畫作的距離是零。
Exhibition Date : 21 March to 5 April 2020
Opening hour : 1pm - 8pm
closed on Monday, Tuesday
Venue : Parallel Space
Address : Shop 202, Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, HK
Presented by Parallel Space
展覽日期: 3月21日 至 4月5日
時間: 1pm - 8pm
星期一 星期二 休息
主辦及地點 : Parallel Space
地址 : 香港九龍深水埗大南街202號地舖
#parallelspacehk #distancezero #hkgallery #artinhk #tainanstreet #hkartweek #coronavirus
@Parallel_Space #artalive #actualviewingroom
germinate 在 晚安詩 Facebook 八卦
訪了波特萊爾的墓,就順便回味一下之前貼的波特萊爾〈致路過的女子〉吧!剛好也是星期天呢 :-)
Will I see you no more before eternity? 也許不是每個人,都有傑西與席琳那樣的勇敢,也因此,有了那麼多令人嘆惋的擦肩而過。席琳在《愛在日落巴黎時》裡說:
"I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people with whom you’ll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times."
你呢?你有抓住當下的 "connection" 的勇氣嗎?或選擇和波特萊爾一樣,讓路過只是路過?
致路過的女子 ◎波特萊爾
撩著擺動著花邊和裙襬 ;
才一閃… 就黑夜了!──瞬間的美女,
À une passante
La rue assourdissante autour de moi hurlait.
Longue, mince, en grand deuil, douleur majestueuse,
Une femme passa, d'une main fastueuse
Soulevant, balançant le feston et l'ourlet;
Agile et noble, avec sa jambe de statue.
Moi, je buvais, crispé comme un extravagant,
Dans son oeil, ciel livide où germe l'ouragan,
La douceur qui fascine et le plaisir qui tue.
Un éclair... puis la nuit! — Fugitive beauté
Dont le regard m'a fait soudainement renaître,
Ne te verrai-je plus que dans l'éternité?
Ailleurs, bien loin d'ici! trop tard! jamais peut-être!
Car j'ignore où tu fuis, tu ne sais où je vais,
Ô toi que j'eusse aimée, ô toi qui le savais!
— Charles Baudelaire
To a Passer-By
The street about me roared with a deafening sound.
Tall, slender, in heavy mourning, majestic grief,
A woman passed, with a glittering hand
Raising, swinging the hem and flounces of her skirt;
Agile and graceful, her leg was like a statue's.
Tense as in a delirium, I drank
From her eyes, pale sky where tempests germinate,
The sweetness that enthralls and the pleasure that kills.
A lightning flash... then night! Fleeting beauty
By whose glance I was suddenly reborn,
Will I see you no more before eternity?
Elsewhere, far, far from here! too late! never perhaps!
For I know not where you fled, you know not where I go,
O you whom I would have loved, O you who knew it!
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
題外話,也許因為法國女人相信轉角遇到愛,所以她們會讓自己時刻保持優雅喔 :P
圖:Romance in Paris by Kal Gajoum, 2009.
germinate 在 Quốc Thịnh Lê Youtube 的評價
Có nhiều cách để ươm cây su su như ươm nguyên trái, ươm hạt su su trực tiếp cho ra rễ hoặc trồng hạt thẳng vào đất mà không cần làm cho ra rễ trước.
There are many ways to germinate chayote, such as germinate from chayote seeds, or germinate from whole chayote fruit.
Các bạn chọn cách nào các bạn thích nhé, riêng mình thì mình thích ươm cho ra rễ rồi mới trồng.
You choose the way you like, but i recomment you should germinate from the whole chayote fruits.
Nếu trồng nguyên trái thì thời gian ra rễ rất lâu còn ươm trực tiếp thì rất nhanh ra rễ, khoảng 3 ngày là rễ đã dài và trồng xuống đất được rồi.
Chayote trees are suited with cool weather, I try to plant in the tropical climate, to see where they have fruits or not.
Cây su su ưa thời tiết mát mẻ, mình thử trồng ở xứ nóng xem thử có trái không.
Các video clip khác mình đã làm:
I will update my chayote trees in the path above.

germinate 在 Quốc Thịnh Lê Youtube 的評價
Mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách ươm hạt cherry và trồng cherry bằng hạt. Dùng kềm cắt móng tay bạn sẽ tách lấy hạt cherry rất nhanh nhanh và sau đó sẽ ủ hạt cherry nẩy mầm.
Các video về cherry mình sẽ cập nhật vào playlist bên dưới.
Các bạn nhấn vào để xem toàn bộ nhé.

germinate 在 Quốc Thịnh Lê Youtube 的評價
Sau một thời gian ươm hạt ớt chuông và trồng ớt chuông ở xứ nóng Miền Nam thì mình thấy cây sống rất tốt và ra trái rất nhiều. Bạn trồng bằng hạt lấy từ trái hay hạt f1 đóng gói đều được nhưng mình nghĩ nếu bạn trồng số lượng ít thì nên trồng bằng hạt f1 đóng gói để có cây con khỏe mạnh hơn.
Hạt ớt chuông lấy từ trái thì ươm rất dễ, sau 1 đến 2 ngày là hạt đã nẩy mầm.
Còn hạt f1 đóng gói thì thời gian nẩy mầm lâu hơn. Gói 13 hạt mình ươm nẩy mầm được 9 hạt và đang đợi nẩy mầm thêm.
Các video khác mình sẽ cập nhật ở đây nhé:
Các bạn vào sẽ thấy được những video khác về cây ớt chuông mình đã làm.

germinate 在 germinate - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
germinate · vi. 發芽;生長;形成;產生 · vt. 使發芽;使生長;形成;產生 ... ... <看更多>
germinate 在 Germinate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster 的相關結果
: to begin to grow : sprout She patiently waited for the seeds to germinate. germinate. verb. ger·mi ... ... <看更多>
germinate 在 germinate中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
germinate 的例句. germinate. To make sure that all seeds had germinated, the soil was mixed again after 3 weeks. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. ... <看更多>