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📌鷹粟粉30 gram
📌 鮮奶390 ml
📌鮮奶100 ml
📌 白砂糖2湯匙
1. 雞蛋2隻放入大碗用手動打蛋器打均,之後加入白砂糖一起再打均。再加入玉桂粉,鮮奶,牛油,打均。
2. 長盤底掃上牛油。
3. 把提子麵包,方包,乾提子,均勻地鋪滿長盤內。
4. 把已發均的蛋漿倒入長盤內。之後稍等片刻,讓麵包把蛋漿全吸索。
5. 放入焗爐,調較溫度180度,共35分鐘。
6. 倒入390 ml鮮奶在平底鑊,加入白砂糖35g,用細火慢慢煮滾至起泡。
7. 另一邊把蛋黃放入大碗內,加入2湯匙白砂糖,用手動打蛋器打均至起泡。
8. 加入鷹粟粉,再打均,再把100 ml鮮奶分2次加入,攪均。
9. 把步驟6的鮮奶離火稍為攤涼大約30秒,之後逐少逐少倒入蛋漿內,邊倒邊攪均。(不可以停止攪均動作)
10. 把步驟9已攪均的鮮奶蛋漿倒回入平底鑊,開細火,再不斷攪均直到杰身,再放入牛油熄,杰身可熄火。
11. 麵包焗好後,放自己喜歡的份量在碟上,再倒入適量已煮好的吉士醬,即成。(如麵包焗好後,吉士醬放涼後太杰身,可以加入少許鮮奶稍為煮熱,稀釋一下吉士醬。)
Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce
(YouTube video starts at 6:49. Skip 44:51 for final process.)
Eggs - 2
Sugar - 70g
Cinnamon powder - ½ tsp
Milk - 1 cup
Melted butter - 60g
A bowl of mixed raisins and cranberries
Assorted breads - hand tear into small pieces
Custard Sauce ingredients: (suggest to use half portion)
Milk - 390ml
Sugar - 35g
Egg yolks - 4
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Corn flour - 30g
Milk - 100ml
Melted butter - 2 tbsp
1. In a mixing bowl, add in 2 eggs and 70g sugar and beat until sugar has melted. Add in 1 tsp cinnamon powder, 1 cup milk, 60g melted butter and mix well. Set aside.
2. Grease a baking pan and add in bread pieces, scatter raisins and cranberries evenly over pan, and pour in batter prepared in Step 1.
3. Wait for batter to soak up by the bread pieces before baking it at 180C (356F) in the oven for about 30 minutes until golden brown.
4. To cook the custard sauce, in a cooking pot, add in 390ml milk, 35g sugar, and turn on LOW heat and cook until the sugar has melted and starting to bubble. Let it cool. Set aside.
5. In another mixing bowl, add in 4 egg yolks, 2 tbsp sugar, and beat until sugar has melted and frothy then add in 30g corn flour, and mix well. Add in 100ml milk in two portions and mix well. Slowly add in the milk batter prepared in Step 4 bit by bit and continue whisking to avoid cooking the egg yolks.
6. Pour the entire batter back to the cooking pot and cook on LOW heat until it has thickened by continuously whisking about 3 minutes and lastly add in 2tbsp of melted butter for the aroma and mix well. Set aside.
7. To serve, scoop couple of spoonful of baked bread on a serving plate. Add WARM custard sauce on top. Serve with ice cream, optional.
If the custard sauce is too thick, just mix in a bit of milk to thin it.
1 切好啤利加上白醋 待用
2 鵝肝稍解凍切厚片加麵粉撈勻
3 燒熱鑊不用油放鵝肝煎至香加鹽及胡椒粉,趁鑊熱放啤利煮熱盛起後鵝肝放面
Pan Fried Foie Gras – Goose Liver
(YouTube video starts at 55:47.)
Goose liver - (defrost and slice into thick slices)
Pear - 1 (peeled and shredded)
White vinegar
Black pepper
1. In a bowl, add in shredded pear and a bit of white vinegar. Set aside.
2. Coat the goose liver with a think layer of flour.
3. In a frying pan, DO NOT add oil. Turn on MEDIUM - LOW heat and add in goose livers and fry until both sides are golden brown. Transfer to a plate. Sprinkle salt and black pepper on top.
4. In the same frying pan, heat up the shredded pear and white vinegar. Transfer to a serving plate. Place a piece of fried goose liver on top. Serve.
材料: 雞一隻
調味料: 鹽胡椒粉五香粉
脆皮水: 白醋三湯匙,大紅淅醋二湯匙,一大湯匙麥芽糖
1 雞捽洗乾淨,撕去肥膏,索乾水,雞身用胡椒粉,多些鹽塗勻,雞肚用鹽,胡椒粉半茶匙,五香粉大半茶匙塗勻醃20-30分鐘
2 雞頭先放滾水中淥10-20秒,手執雞頭用滾水淋雞身至雞皮轉色(不要浸)吊起
備註: 焗爐,氣炸鍋或燒烤爐都可以,時間約半小時
Hang-Dry Crispy Roasted Chicken
(YouTube video starts at 37:51. Skip to 48:59 for final process.)
Chicken - 1 whole (wash, remove excess fat, and pat VERY dry)
Marinate ingredients:
White pepper - ½ tsp
Salt - more than usual
Five spice powder - ½ tsp or more
Crispy glazing ingredients:
White vinegar - 3 tbsp
Chinese red vinegar - 2 tbsp
Maltose - 1 tbsp (for glossy crispy skin)
1. Marinate the whole chicken with more salt than usual. Marinate only the cavity with five spice powder and white pepper. Let it stand for at least 20 to 30 minutes the most.
2. In a bowl, add in white and red vinegar, maltose, and warm up a bit in the microwave. Stir and mix well with a pastry brush. This is the crispy glazing liquid.
3. In a cooking pot, add water and bring to a boil. Add in the chicken head and neck first by grabbing the back of the chicken and cook for about 20 seconds. With a towel, cover the chicken head and hold tight with one hand over the cooking pot while pouring hot water over the chicken with a ladle with the other hand for about 20 seconds and until the skin turns light yellow.
For roasted duck, add peppercorn, star anise, bay leaf, and sugar to marinate and use the same method as above.
4. Hang the whole chicken for 6 – 8 hours. Place a tray underneath the chicken to collect the drippings. Brush a layer of the crispy glazing liquid over the entire chicken including corners of wings. Repeat this glazing process 3 times during the 6 – 8 hours of dry hanging the chicken.
5. Air fry or bake in the oven for first 20 minutes at 200C (392F) for it to brown then reduce heat and bake for further 10 minutes until cooked.
📌白色草蘑菇 (原個放盆底用在第5步驟。準備一些切碎在第7步驟用)
📌切達芝士 (cheddar cheese)
📌莫扎里拉芝士(mozzarella cheese)
1.煮之前先將雞胸浸在加了少許鹽的水中1 小時 (會令它煮後不會鞋)
2.在雞胸中間開一個洞做成一個好似口袋/荷包狀(pocket) *注意不要介斷或介得太深* 萬一荷包的開口介得太大; 可用牙籤連結補救*
3.用鹽或蒜鹽、少許胡椒粉淹雞胸. 因為是雪雞關係所以要放少許雞粉;或可用茹粉
4. 將牛油紙(用錫紙更好)搾一搾再塞入雞胸的荷包內幫助定型,待用
5.白蘑菇原個先放些麵粉炒一炒. 平均分放在盆的底部再加一匙多小小的麵粉撈勻, 另加些黑胡椒,蒜鹽及牛油分小塊平均放在菇面待用
7.用同一隻煎完雞胸的鑊和油,加入切碎的乾葱及蒜頭各一粒炒香, 加入切碎的蘑菇, 然後再加二小匙麵粉炒幾下,另加入牛奶和少許水再炒熱,倒入荷包和盆內
8.焗之前在盆面放些碎的切達及莫扎里拉芝士(cheddar and mozzarella cheese)
Baked Cheese Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breast
(YouTube video starts at 22:28. Skip to 52:59 for final process.)
Chicken breast - 3 pieces (soaked overnight in salt water for tenderness, pat dry and slit a deep hole on the side to create a pocket)
Button mushrooms
Shallot - 1 clove (minced)
Garlic - 1 clove (minced)
Marinate ingredients:
White pepper - to taste
Garlic-salt - to taste
Chicken bouillon powder - a pinch (for more flavor for previously frozen poultry)
Black pepper - to taste
Topping ingredients:
Cheddar cheese
Mozzarella cheese
1. Marinate chicken breasts with white pepper, garlic-salt, chicken bouillon powder and stuff a piece of parchment paper or aluminum foil paper in the pocket to mould the shape of each of the chicken breasts. Set aside.
2. In a baking pan, add in button mushrooms, flour to coat and mix well, and add in white pepper, garlic-salt, and black pepper to taste. Spread butter pieces on top. Set aside.
3. In a frying pan, add in olive oil, butter, chicken breast with the pocket side down including the parchment paper inside and fry briefly until the shape is formed and lightly fry on all sides then remove the parchment paper. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. In the same frying pan with leftover flavor, add in minced shallot and garlic, flour, milk, and cook until well incorporated. Set aside.
5. To assemble, stuff the chicken breast with some button mushrooms and place it on top of the baking pan in Step 2. Pour shallot and garlic sauce inside the pocket of the chicken breast and over the pan. Sprinkle cheese toppings on top.
6. Air fry for 12 minutes at 180C then add more cheese toppings on top and air fry for another minute or longer depending on the moisture from the mushrooms.
同時也有72部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2021 / 太原夜市大合集 👉 https://reurl.cc/OqE483 Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like...
fried pastry 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
最好的朋友,能把對方最好的一面帶出來。就像美台真摯的友誼一樣,美國食材搭配台菜靈魂,更能迸發絕佳好風味!因此我們特別推出 「美」味在台灣:美台食材天生一對 系列貼文,跟大家分享美台食材超級好朋友 #BFF 的暖心搭配料理!
你知道過年送禮大熱門是什麼嗎?答對了!就是堅果!杏仁、核桃、胡桃等堅果都是快速、健康又多樣化的零嘴,也是各式點心常見的成分!無論你要烘烤翻炒、烤到金黃焦脆,或是加入辛香料調味,堅果都是走到哪吃到哪的涮嘴零食,想要來一道清爽的堅果沙拉也沒問題,和台灣當地美食混搭更是有畫龍點睛的效果!就像大受好評的杏仁酥,就是把美國加州生產的杏仁用台灣的麥芽糖翻炒到帶糖色。跟其他種糖不同的地方是,傳統台灣麥芽糖是將小麥草和糯米攪拌在一起,並遵循古法以柴火長時間慢熬,過程中釋放出來的木柴香氣,和帶有烘烤微焦味的杏仁簡直是完美搭配 🌰 更多加州杏仁好吃好玩小知識,歡迎追蹤美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan臉書專頁!
照片提供: 舊振南餅店 JZN Taiwan Pastry
America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: The perfect friendship
What’s a best friend for? A best friend is someone who brings out the best in you! Just as the United States and Taiwan have a great friendship, some of our foods combine together to make the perfect combo. That’s why we’re launching America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: The Perfect Friendship to celebrate the food #BFFs that brighten our lives.
Do you know what is one of the most popular Chinese New Year gifts? Bingo! It’s tree nuts! Tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans, and many more are quick, healthy and versatile snacks or ingredients in your favorite treats. Roasted, toasted, sweetened, or spiced, tree nuts name a great grab-and-go snack or topping to your favorite salad. And every kind of tree nuts can play versatile and inspirational in a wide variety of tasty, creative Taiwan foods. Like this popular almond brittle souvenir, it features crunchy California almonds that are first pan-fried and coated with Taiwanese rice malt syrup. Unlike any other sugar, the traditional Taiwanese rice malt syrup made of wheat grass and glutinous rice is cooked long time with firewood, through the process bringing out woody scents that go perfectly with toasty almonds! Yummy! Follow 美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan to know more about California almonds!
Photo credit: 舊振南餅店 JZN Taiwan Pastry
fried pastry 在 The MeatMen Facebook 八卦
Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/spring-onion-pancakes
Pan fried to crisp golden brown and stuffed with steaming sweet spring onions – this humble fried temptation is so fragrant it’s sure to make you drool merely with its wonderful aroma. Using just simple everyday ingredients along with a few easy steps, this unpretentious yet scrumptious snack can be tons of fun to make.
The secret to that crispy outer layer and chewy texture of the pancake lies in making the right dough. All you do is combine flour, salt and water to set aside. A tip to make the dough easier to work with is to add boiling water directly to the dough. This makes it easier to achieve that multiple layer of pastry and oil, creating that perfect balance of flakiness and tenderness. Adding that crunch and savoury sweetness to the pancake, spring onions are packed with intense flavours, it’s what makes these crunchy chopped greens the perfect complement to this tasty treat.
So versatile it goes well with almost anything from eggs to porridge to stews… the combinations are endless. But these crispy brown discs are so flavourful they are a work of art on their own. Complete this modest art piece with our version of dipping sauce to enjoy that hint of tanginess in every bite.
#themeatmensg #simple #delicious
P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!
fried pastry 在 Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 Youtube 的評價
Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2021 / 太原夜市大合集
👉 https://reurl.cc/OqE483
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
Taiyuan Night Market in Taichung which is a city in central of Taiwan
**Location information**
Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Taiyuan Night Market
1.Plum-shaped Taiwanese meatball
2.Fried Giant River Shrimp
3.Pork Sausage
4.Sugarcane Juice
5.Fried Mega Qyster & Shrimp Dumpling
6.Rotating Barbecue
7.Salty Chicken
8.Spicy Stinky Tofu,Spicy Duck Blood
9.Braised Dishes
10.Fresh Fruits Cutting-Cantaloupe
11.Crepe Pancake
12.FengRen Shaved Ice
13.Fried Noodles / Fried Rice
14.Taiwanese Pastry(ox-tongue pastry)
I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food,chinese food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.
🔗Twitter : https://twitter.com/catefood
#taiyuan_night_market #taiyuan_night_market_2021#braised_chicken_feet #chicken_feet #taiwanese_street_food #taiwanese_night_market #night_market #太原夜市 #台中太原夜市 #太原夜市大集合 #台灣街頭美食 #夜市美食 #夜市小吃 #滷雞腳 #滷雞爪 #雞爪

fried pastry 在 Peggie Neo Youtube 的評價
Enjoying North Indian Cuisine! I ordered some butter chicken, chicken biryani, garlic and butter nann, spicy curry chicken, some samosas as well as palak paneer! Also ordered some additional biryani rice to go along with the sauces :) This is my first time eating some of the dishes and I love it! Especially the butter chicken!!
Thank you Patreons! Support my channel on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/peggieneo
Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/peggieneo?sub_confirmation=1
What I ate and Timeline:
2:52 Chicken Biryani (Tender pieces of chicken steamed and cooked with saffron rice in curry sauce)
4:04 Butter Chicken (Tandoori chicken cooked in tomato puree, cream and spices)
6:00 Butter Naan and Palak Paneer (Cottage cheese in spinach gravy)
8:49 Chicken Do Piaza (Chicken cooked in curry gravy with onions)
10:33 Samosa (Mashed potatoes stuffed into thin pastry cones and deep fried)
35:57 End of eating
Food bought from Daawat Tandoori, a North Indian Cuisine restaurant in Singapore at 207 Upper Thomson Rd, 574346.
Thank you for watching this Indian Food mukbang eating show! I hope you've enjoyed it! Do check out more of my eating shows and food challenge videos below!
Indian Food Feast Part 1 https://youtu.be/4q99jIZ3Vvc
Chinese Food Feast https://youtu.be/cXNvq4ndLEk
Korean Food Feast https://youtu.be/MXexpBitoFI
Food Challenges
Massive English Breakfast in UK https://youtu.be/3m62-_VtzzE
Pho Noodles Challenge in UK https://youtu.be/7DOPI6tSy3M
Fried Chicken Mukbang Eating Shows
KFC Hot Devil Wings https://youtu.be/9tMu3xSWY7g
Jollibee Fried Chicken Feast https://youtu.be/5jARqok-QzQ
Wingstop Chicken Wings Feast https://youtu.be/WI8q9AxCHVs
Noodles Mukbang Eating Shows
NUCLEAR Fire Noodles Ramen Challenge https://youtu.be/7bFLvyG2cWY
Indomie Mi Goreng Noodles https://youtu.be/CRK3hhmAgtM
Connect with me:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peggieeats
Twitter https://twitter.com/Peggie_Neo
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/neopeggie/
"Vicious" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

fried pastry 在 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes Youtube 的評價
#曼食慢语# 2018年第一个节目,做的是大家千呼万唤的~~脏脏包!酥脆的酥皮,沾上超浓郁巧克力酱,再撒上丧心病狂可可粉,难怪会那么受欢迎。除了巧克力脏脏包,我这次还举一反三,做了抹茶原谅包和原味干净包,味道都很棒!
速溶酵母3g(1 小勺)
速溶酵母3g(1 小勺)
[dirty pastry buns]
-[chocolate pastry]
250g bread flour
150ml cold milk
10g butter
1 egg
1 tsp instant dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
125g butter
10g cocoa powder
8 pieces of chocolate
-[chocolate ganache]
100g black chocolate
150g cream
2 tsp sugar
15g cocoa powder
[matcha pastery buns]
-[matcha pastry]
250g bread flour
150ml cold milk
10g butter
1 egg
1 tsp instant dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
125g butter
5g matcha powder
8 pieces of white chocolate
-[matcha ganache]
150g white chocolate
100g cream
4g matcha powder
matcha powder for garnish (not too much)
▋ Latest Video
[Gingerbread ancient tower]
[One pot chicken stew]
[Matcha Mousse Cake]
[Fried fish cake]
[Chicken hot pot]
[Soy milk custard cake]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandatastes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandatastes