【Charlie Munger最新觀點】
Charlie Munger: ‘The Phone Is Not Ringing Off the Hook’
Will Berkshire step up now to buy businesses on the same scale?
「Well, I would say basically we’re like the captain of a ship when the worst typhoon that’s ever happened comes,」 Mr. Munger told me. 「We just want to get through the typhoon, and we’d rather come out of it with a whole lot of liquidity. We’re not playing, ‘Oh goody, goody, everything’s going to hell, let’s plunge 100% of the reserves [into buying businesses].’」
He added, 「Warren wants to keep Berkshire safe for people who have 90% of their net worth invested in it. We’re always going to be on the safe side. That doesn’t mean we couldn’t do something pretty aggressive or seize some opportunity. But basically we will be fairly conservative. And we’ll emerge on the other side very strong.」
Surely hordes of corporate executives must be calling Berkshire begging for capital?
「No, they aren’t,」 said Mr. Munger. 「The typical reaction is that people are frozen. Take the airlines. They don’t know what the hell’s doing. They’re all negotiating with the government, but they’re not calling Warren. They’re frozen. They’ve never seen anything like it. Their playbook does not have this as a possibility.」
He repeated for emphasis, 「Everybody’s just frozen. And the phone is not ringing off the hook. Everybody’s just frozen in the position they’re in.」
With Berkshire’s vast holdings in railroads, real estate, utilities, insurance and other industries, Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger may have more and better data on U.S. economic activity than anyone else, with the possible exception of the Federal Reserve. But Mr. Munger wouldn’t even hazard a guess as to how long the downturn might last or how bad it could get.
「Nobody in America’s ever seen anything else like this,」 said Mr. Munger. 「This thing is different. Everybody talks as if they know what’s going to happen, and nobody knows what’s going to happen.」
Is another Great Depression possible?
「Of course we’re having a recession,」 said Mr. Munger. 「The only question is how big it’s going to be and how long it’s going to last. I think we do know that this will pass. But how much damage, and how much recession, and how long it will last, nobody knows.」
He added, 「I don’t think we’ll have a long-lasting Great Depression. I think government will be so active that we won’t have one like that. But we may have a different kind of a mess. All this money-printing may start bothering us.」
Can the government reduce its role in the economy once the virus is under control?
「I don’t think we know exactly what the macroeconomic consequences are going to be,」 said Mr. Munger. 「I do think, sooner or later, we’ll have an economy back, which will be a moderate economy. It’s quite possible that never again—not again in a long time—will we have a level of employment again like we just lost. We may never get that back for all practical purposes. I don’t know.」
Berkshire won’t escape unscathed. 「This will cause us to shutter some businesses,」 Mr. Munger said. 「We have a few bad businesses that...we could be tolerant of as members of the family. Somebody else would have already shut them down. We’ve got a few businesses, small ones, we won’t reopen when this is over.」
Mr. Munger told me: 「I don’t have the faintest idea whether the stock market is going to go lower than the old lows or whether it’s not.」 The coronavirus shutdown is 「something we have to live through,」 letting the chips fall where they may, he said. 「What else can you do?」
Investors can take a few small steps to restore a sense of control—by harvesting tax losses, for instance—but, for now, sitting still alongside Mr. Munger seems the wisest course.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅umino ASMR,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate. 今回の動画はサンドスライムを使った奥行き耳かき。スライムに対して砂の量を結構入れたので相当ジョリジョリになったと思...
fairly 意味 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 八卦
[繞道亞洲心臟的一人背包旅行] Bypassing the Heart of Asia: a Solo Backpacking Trip
(English edition available below)
「亞洲心臟」指的是中亞,一個突厥、蒙古與伊斯蘭文化相遇並交融的地方。這趟旅行之所以稱作亞洲的心臟繞道(heart bypass),是因為路線雖然貫穿俄羅斯、中亞與中國,卻不是直接「刺穿」亞洲的心臟,而是從心臟的一端繞一大圈到另外一端。用文字說明不太清楚,看下面這張路線圖應該就比較明瞭了。
Starting May 7, 2018, I’ll be on a 42-day solo backpacking trip to Central Asia, Western/Northwestern China and Russia. The title I give this trip is “Bypassing the Heart of Asia”.
The heart of Asia, commonly known as central Asia, is a region where Turkic, Mongolian and Islamic cultures intertwine. After Rather than “piercing” through it, I will first get to one side of it, and then make a huge detour to the other side. This is why I call it a heart bypass. (I guess it still sounds vague. Check out the maps attached to this post.)
This grand trip idea started last year, after a few European trips I took. Due to the limit of my paid time-off, those trips lasted only one week or even shorter. Then I started thinking: how cool would it be if I can get a longer time off, let’s say like 1 month, to travel from Europe to Asia through all the former Soviet Union countries (which seem extraordinarily attractive to me after my Baltic States trip last year)? And I knew that the best timing for me to do that would be the gap between two jobs. Therefore, I started conceiving this trip while looking for a new job. The job search went fairly smoothly, but the trip planning soon faced some difficulties.
The biggest difficulty is visa. As a Taiwanese passport holder, visa is required for me to enter Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyz, and those countries are notorious for their lengthy and costly visa application process. For each visa, I have to buy a letter of invitation (LOI), go to the consulate in Washington DC in person, wait for one or two weeks, and then pick up the visa in person. Each visa can take a month and cost $200-300. Things have changed recently -- visa waiver is now available for many western countries, but not for Taiwan citizens, unfortunately.
Another difficulty is time. One month may seem long, but to travel from the westernmost point of Europe (Lisbon) to Taiwan without flying, it’s still way too short. Even if I take train through all the European countries without making stops, I’d probably have only 3-4 days to spend in each central Asian country, and 2/3 of the time I’ll be on the train. This is not the way I would like to travel!
As my original plan was quickly proven unrealistic, I began to make compromises: giving up the attempt to start from the westernmost point of Europe, allowing myself to fly once (in order to enter using visa on arrival, which is applicable only if you fly in), and reducing the number of countries to visit. Finally, I came up with this “heart bypass” itinerary:
Week 1: Uzbekistan
Week 2: Heading east to Kyrgyzstan
Weeks 3-4: Heading east/northeast to western and northwestern China
Weeks 5-6: From Russian Far East heading west to Golden Ring, the European part of Russia
Some may wonder about this: why do I travel eastward into China first and turn westward to go back to the European part of Russia first, instead of starting from European Russia and go eastward all the way? This is because Russia has a visa waiver policy during the 2018 FIFA World Cup: all foreign ticket buyers can enter Russia between June 4 and July 25 without a visa. Since my trip has to end on June 17, the only period for me to take advantage of that would be June 4-17. That’s why I have to do Central Asia and China first and enter Russia later.
Still cannot believe the trip is just around the corner! I have found a new job, wrapped up my previous job, and been approved for all visas. This is my first time trying to write about my trip while still traveling -- previously I always did that after trips. Writing while traveling means the narratives would probably be closer to what I actually see and feel on the way. I’m not a big fan of broadcasting or checking-in everywhere to show off my trip, but I’d like to do this “near-time writing” as an experiment, and see how my travel and my writing would both be made different.
Welcome to join my trip. Get yourself ready to head out with me on Sunday night!
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Taiwan Social Welfare Organizations support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the 2018 WHA
As declared in the WHO Constitution, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” In light of this founding principle, we submit that every Taiwanese citizen has the fundamental right to participate in the WHA and the WHO.
The WHO has long espoused Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and promoted children’s early development as well as adolescents’ health and welfare around the world. In this spirit, Taiwan was the first Asian country to institute UHC, and has achieved an insurance coverage rate of 99.9% through relatively low annual health expenditures of 6.3% of GDP. Taiwan is willing and able to share the lessons it has learned from this successful experience with other nations at the WHA. Without Taiwan’s attendance at the WHA, and participation in the WHO’s technical meetings, co-operations and activities, the global health system would certainly lose a crucial and valuable collaborative partner, and significantly delay the implementation of the WHO’s central objective: improving the health and welfare of all people.
In a statement issued on Rare Disease Day 2018, the WHO emphasized that the concept of UHC embraces access to needed health care for all people, including sufferers of rare disease, without imposing undue financial hardship. Taiwan was the only nation to have officially incorporated rare disease prevention and patient welfare into its Rare Disease Act legislation. Its National Health Insurance system provides full reimbursement for all needed medication, and subsidizes special nutritional supplements and emergency medication for rare disease patients. Taiwan’s outstanding accomplishments and experience in the care of rare diseases should be shared internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC.
Over the past decades, Taiwan government and social welfare organizations also have dedicated to seeking necessary resource as healthcare, medicines-supply and social caring for disadvantaged groups through legislation, advocacy or group-interaction which to construct a solidity and energetic social welfare system. To ensure every disadvantage people can be taken care of under a proper medical system. No necessary considering potential financial risks among families to secure basic health and security.
Taiwan has been actively participating in international health care organizations for a long time. Taiwan’s non-governmental organizations have spread across the world. There are more than 73 countries, 336 major plans and international exchanges have been implemented and there is countless substantive diplomacy happened. The step-by-step, pragmatic, and true occurrence means that Taiwan has the ability to make substantial contributions to help the disadvantaged groups around the world.
Taiwan social welfare organizations are willing to share the mission and experience in the caring of disadvantaged groups internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC. Taiwan social welfare organizations have shared our experiences through Pragmatic Diplomacy internationally, so please don’t ignore our efforts. Therefore, we strongly urged Taiwan to be treated fairly. Just as the people with rare diseases cannot be left behind in global health coverage, the health issues of Taiwan’s 23 million people should not become “outside of universal health coverage”. Taiwan should have meaningful participate in the 2018 World Health Assembly, share Taiwan’s experience with the world, help other countries to promote policies that take care of the disadvantaged, face potential health challenges, and jointly realize the health of the World Health Organization as a basic human rights.
臺灣社會福利團體聯合國際記者會 中文聲明
世界衛生組織長久以來戮力於實踐「全民健康覆蓋(Universal Health Coverage)」的願景,並倡議特殊及弱勢族群的健康與福祉。而臺灣是亞洲地區最早落實全民健康保險制度的國家,納保率達99.9%、醫療花費僅佔GDP約6.3%,有意願也有能力在世界衛生大會向各國分享相關經驗。然而臺灣無法出席世界衛生大會及全面參與世界衛生組織相關技術性會議、機制及活動的結果,將使全球衛生體系失去一個重要的合作夥伴,延宕世界衛生組織提升全球人類健康水準的目標。
社團法人台灣社會福利總盟(Taiwan Social Welfare League)
財團法人罕見疾病基金會(Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders)
財團法人勵馨社會福利事業基金會(The Garden of Hope Foundation)
財團法人陽光社會福利基金會(Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation)
財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會(Eden Social Welfare Foundation)
社團法人中華民國身心障礙聯盟(Disability Alliance of Republic of China)
社團法人中華民國智障者家長總會(Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities)
社團法人臺灣社會工作專業人員協會(Taiwan Association of Social Workers)
社團法人台灣社會心理復健協會(Taiwan Association for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation)
財團法人基督教芥菜種會(The Mustard Seed Mission)
社團法人台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟(Taiwan Alliance For Advancement of Youth Rights And Welfare)
社團法人台灣南方社會力聯盟(Social Power from Southern Taiwan)
社團法人台灣婦女團體全國聯合會(National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations)
社團法人中華民國社區重聽福利協會(Taiwan Association for Community Hard-Of-Hearing People And Welfare)
社團法人中華民國白化症者關懷協會(Taiwan Albino Caring Association)
財團法人靖娟兒童安全文教基金會(Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation)
社團法人中華民國老人福利推動聯盟(Federation for Welfare of the Elderly)
社團法人中華民國自閉症總會(Autism Society of Taiwan)
社團法人台灣健康人權行動協會(Taiwan Health Right Initiative)
財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會(Taiwan Fund for Children and Families)
社團法人中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會(Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers)
社團法人台灣多發性硬化症協會(Multiple Sclerosis Association Taiwan)
fairly 意味 在 umino ASMR Youtube 的評價
Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate.
This video is a depth ear pick using sand slime. I think the amount of sand in the slime was fairly large, so I think it became a lot of trouble. When the amount of sand is small, the sound becomes gritty with a large amount of water. The point is that the sand is colored, which is unusual for me. It's usually plain, but... what happened?
I haven't used slime so far, but when I made it myself after a long time, it was so interesting that I also shot depth earpicks. I made a few other videos in bulk, but I don't know when I can post them.
Although I made my own slime and I was a little addicted to it, sadly the summer has come. Why should it be summer? I don't shoot in summer. The reason is that the bugs are noisy. If slime fever continues until autumn, I will shoot again... When I made my slime a few years ago, I didn't have many tools, but this time I prepared a lot, so I think I'll probably make one. If you don't make it, the materials will be useless.
I will continue to use the stories I used in the radio chat. What to do about that topic, what to do when you are depressed. Recently, I think there are many chances of depression because of the virus. Especially during the self-restraint period, many people are stressed because they can't leave their homes, events are destroyed, and they can't meet friends. (Why I didn't talk at that time.) (In Japan, there was a mystery limitation to refrain from going out. I think it's difficult to understand.)
So what do you do? The quickest strategy is to sleep and forget. Depending on the degree of depression, I think there are many things out there that solve the time. So I sleep on the day when I'm depressed. It's not mental, let's recover from physical. If you fall asleep right after you get home and can't sleep at night, watch your favorite works or YouTuber until you're sleepy. On that point, there are a lot of subscription services these days, so it doesn't bother me. I think it's good to watch the ASMR video and forcibly sleep. (Advertising without hiding)
What I personally do is force me away from depressed things. Especially when you make a mistake, you cannot go back to the past. When I have bad news, I try not to look online. On the contrary, it is meaningless to be aware of that in the process of leaving, so it is not suitable for people who cannot switch.
Probably there are many students reading this, but I think it's better to be careful about your capacity when you are depressed by the behavior of your friends. I often see troubles with friends, but if I have troubles that are unlikely to be solved, there is a chance that I can escape, so it is better to think about how to deal with them. I don't really recommend running away from the beginning, but there's nothing wrong with running away as a result of facing each other. It is quite difficult when you have trouble with your teacher. It is almost impossible to change the behavior of the other person. Then you can think like, "This person is this kind of person." If you lower the hurdle even a little, the damage may be reduced even if it is not accepted.
Good night.
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