搬來新社區三個禮拜,第一次出去附近走走🚶澳洲疫情從禮拜一 po 文的時候1701,到今天短短六天內變成 3640...😞
不過上禮拜是雪梨人在海邊曬太陽導致警方需要全面關閉海灘,這禮拜變成墨爾本🤦 西方人真的是...唯一的差別就是口罩雖然買不到,但還真的看到很多人戴塑膠手套🧤
家裡的浴室還是漏水,越來越找不到工人願意來家裡修東西🙁 希望疫情可以趕快結束🤧
而我這五天一直廢在家裡看電視跟躺在床上睡覺(最高紀錄是躺十六小時...)🛌 有點厭倦了,應該會開始寫網誌了😂
另外最近景氣真的非常不好,第三本書應該遙遙無期😹 但那些說要去中亞玩的朋友,我會盡量把文章趕出來的🙏
PS. 人家 IG 人數/ 互動不夠受廠商愛戴,拜託大家多多捧場唷 😘 ➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😀
#澳洲生活 #開始運動 #在最糟糕的時候搬家
First time around the neighborhood since we moved here 3 weeks ago🚶
Meanwhile the number of Australians contracted Coronavirus had jumped from 1701 on Monday to 3640 today in just 6 short days😒
We are not having total lockdown like NZ, just stage 2 where gathering at public places are now closed👀
At least stores like Bunnings are giving out hand sanitizers and actually tell people to be standing 1.5M apart😅
It's been harder and harder to get tradies in to fix the bathroom, really hope our house can be more fixed before a full lockdown happens 😖
#covid19life #australia #worsttimetomove
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