羅宋湯/Борщ /Borscht
今天做羅宋牛尾湯。我小時候非常愛喝台北信義路現在鼎泰豐本店斜對面中心餐廳的羅宋牛尾湯。台灣流傳於民間的羅宋湯做法,多源自於海派羅宋湯,而不是俄羅斯紅菜根湯(Борщ /Borscht)。所謂海派羅宋湯,就是1917年俄國十月革命後逃離俄國來到上海的俄國人所帶來的俄羅斯紅菜根湯被上海人改良,將紅菜根換成高麗菜而成的,因為是俄國菜,所以將Russian soup音譯而成羅宋湯,而這也是羅宋湯中文名稱的由來。
和基輔炸雞一樣,紅菜根湯雖說是俄國菜,實則出自現在的烏克蘭,其名борщ (borshch)源自於斯拉夫語的bŭrščǐ,意思是豬草,因為豬草(hogweed/common hogweed,學名Heracleum sphondylium)是這道湯最早的原料,後來才被甜菜根取代。而其英文拼法Borscht則來自於意第緒語的באָרשט (borsht),這是因為這道湯菜是由說意第緒語的東歐阿什肯納茲猶太人在北美發揚光大的。
西元五到八的中世紀時期,居住在烏克蘭一帶的人,在五月豬草收穫的季節,將收集來的豬草的葉子和莖切碎後,放入陶壺中加水發酵後,加雞或牛高湯、蛋黃和奶油煮,而成了當時貧農的食物。雖然從那時開始一直到十五世紀,這種做法已經在東歐廣為流傳,卻還是一直被視為是窮人的食物。直到16~17世紀,由波蘭王國與立陶宛大公國在1569年結為聯邦後成立的波蘭立陶宛聯邦時期,貴族們才開始接受這道菜,並加入了更多更豐富的食材。在1682年,由波蘭貴族親王耶日·塞巴斯蒂安·盧博米爾斯基的主廚斯坦尼斯瓦夫·切爾涅尼克所著的,記載了三百多道宮廷料理食譜的《烹飪綱要》(Compendium ferculorum)中,便已出現了數道這種湯品的做法,有趣的是,雖然這道菜在傳到上海之後,紅菜根被換成了高麗菜,但在斯坦尼斯瓦夫·切爾涅尼克的烹飪書中,當時使用高麗菜卻是非常普遍的做法。
而紅菜根則要到十六世紀中,才來到了斯拉夫世界。不過當時因為非常稀少,人們又對它不熟悉,因此只有少數人願意嘗試吃它。其中最早有最有名的願意嘗試吃甜菜根的人,是波蘭文藝復興時期的詩人,同時也是波蘭第一位只以波蘭文寫作的作家米科瓦伊·芮伊(Mikołaj Rej )。在他1585年所出版的《誠實人的生活》(Żywot Człowieka Poczciwego)中,他描述了他吃了味道濃郁的醃甜菜根。不過除此之外,甜菜根還是沒有進入他和他其他同時期的人的飲食生活之中。
在波蘭,則有著不同於俄羅斯濃湯版的清如紅寶石般的barszcz czysty czerwony,以及白色的加了香腸、火腿、水煮蛋等的被稱為白Borscht的barszcz biały。另外還有酸模(Sorrel)或其它綠色蔬菜葉子做的綠Borscht和夏天吃的冷Borscht等。
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過55萬的網紅職人吹水,也在其Youtube影片中提到,職人吹水茶餐廳粉麵 頻道https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAI3ipXgVAWZ_pb65AB5sIDuf2uZTM9vB 職人吹水賀年餸菜頻道https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAI3ipXgVAWbyEa...
borscht soup 在 Honney's Kitchen Facebook 八卦
💗足料港式羅宋湯 💗 HK Style Borscht Soup
去食港式西餐必點羅宋湯, 真係愛 C 佢, 但街飲既好多都係水汪汪, 都係自己煲足料! 所以在家每個月必定最少煲一次, 如我自己飲就會落幾條指天椒,真係邊打字邊吞口水 😂
確實, 用staub 鑄鐵鍋來燉煮真係無得彈, 又慳火, 又唔怕滾瀉, 水份亦不會大量流失, 真係好鬼正 ! 依家買staub 松露白鑄鐵鍋, 會送一套 葡萄牙製造既staub松露白陶瓷餐具, 有興趣既朋友朋友不妨去睇下~ 😘
♥ 由即日起,凡於法國staub 專櫃以正價購買任何松露白系列鑄鐵鍋具(10cm鑄鐵鍋具除外),即可獲贈松露白陶瓷餐具套裝乙套(價值$1,316 - $1,466) 優惠期至4月7日。
優惠詳情 : http://bit.ly/2IRtOfb
ZWILLING J.A. Henckels HK 德國孖人牌
borscht soup 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
北茋屬性偏溫,有益氣補虛、強心護肝、止汗的功效。適合氣血不足、表虛多汗、易患感冒人 士食用。
1. 所有材料洗淨,牛尾塊汆水;南瓜去籽切塊;紅蘿蔔去皮切塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Too cold to enjoy a good night’s sleep?
Have oxtail soup to warm the body and strengthen the tendons and bones
Besides having lamb to warm the body during winter, we can consider having oxtail. Ox is warm in nature; it can warm and nourish the blood and qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and strengthen the tendons and bones. It is suitable for individuals with a lack of qi and blood, anemia and those with a pale complexion.
In Western cuisine, oxtails are normally braised in red wine sauce or used in borscht soup. On the contrary, in Chinese cuisine, they can be stewed and also used to make soup. When preparing oxtail soup, add in ingredients such as pumpkin and astragalus root to replenish the qi. You can also add Codonopsis root, which can nourish the spleen and lungs, warm the body and at the same time replenish qi and blood.
Tip on the ingredients:
Astragalus root – warm in nature, can improve deficiencies, nourish qi, strengthen the heart, protect the liver and suppress sweating. Suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency, excessive sweating and prone to cold/flu.
Oxtail and pumpkin soup with Astragalus root and Codonopsis root
Effects: Replenishes qi and blood. Relieves aversion to cold, cold limbs, dizziness caused by deficiency of blood and qi.
Ingredients: 300g pumpkin, 1 carrot, 15g astragalus root, 20g codonopsis root, 15g Chinese yam, 2 pieces sliced ginger, 600g oxtail(around 1 catty)
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Blanch the oxtail. Seed and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Cut peeled carrot into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to taste.
*Skip the oxtail for vegetarians.
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borscht soup 在 職人吹水 Youtube 的評價
職人吹水茶餐廳粉麵 頻道https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAI3ipXgVAWZ_pb65AB5sIDuf2uZTM9vB
borscht soup 在 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung Youtube 的評價
張媽媽港式羅宋湯,冬天食左暖笠笠. 快靚正. 記得Subscribe呀! MamaCheung HK Style Russian Borscht, great winter dish. Please subscribe to my channel and try it at home!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
Blogger: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.hk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamacheungcooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mamacheung
borscht soup 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的評價
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️
蕃茄4個 薯仔(大)1個
西芹 椰菜
洋蔥 紅蘿蔔
茄汁 蒜頭
薑 辣椒仔
橙 檸檬
1. 蕃茄、薯仔、西芹、紅蘿蔔、辣椒仔及薑全部洗乾淨。
2. 蕃茄,切細粒。
3. 牛肋條,煲一鑊滾水,出一出水。
4. 牛肋條,已出水2分鐘,夾起。
5. 紅菜頭,刨皮,切細舊。
6. 牛肋條,清水洗乾淨。
1. 牛油,放入煲內,慢火煮溶。
2. 放薑、蒜蓉及洋蔥爆香至金黃色。
3. 放牛肋條,爆香。
4. 放蕃茄爆香。
5. 放紅蘿蔔、紅菜頭及西芹。
6. 另一邊,煲滾1升水,灒入煲內。
7. 湯滾起,放椰菜,轉大火。
8. 已滾20分鐘,放半個橙連皮。
9. 放辣椒仔。
10. 放薯仔。
11. 又滾了20分鐘,夾起橙皮。
12. 放甜茄醬。
13. 放檸檬連皮,煲20分鐘,熄火,焗1晚。
14. 第2日,翻滾羅宋湯至完全滾起,完成。
Borscht soup:
Tomatoes 4 Nos.
Potato (large) 1 No.
Celery Cabbage
Onion Carrot
Sweet tomato 1 can
Tomato ketchup
Onion Ginger
Red chili
US beef ribs 1 lb
Orange Lemon
Butter 2 slices
1. Rinse tomatoes, potato, celery, carrot, red chili and ginger thoroughly.
2. Tomatoes, dice into small cubes.
Potato, peel and cut into small pieces.
Carrot, peel and cut into pieces.
3. Beef ribs, boil up a pot of water, soak for 2 minutes and hang dry.
Onion, cut into small slices.
Celery, peel and dice into small cubes.
Cabbage, to be divided into 6 shares, rinse thoroughly.
Red chili, dice into small cubes.
Garlics, peel and beat well.
Ginger, rinse and beat well.
4. Beef ribs, have been soaked in boiled~up water for 2 minutes. Pick them up.
5. Beetroot, peel and cut into small pieces.
6. Beef ribs, rinse thoroughly.
1. Melt butter at low flame in pot.
2. Fry ginger, garlic sauce and onion until they have been turned into colour gold.
3. Fry beef ribs well.
4. Fry tomatoes well.
5. Put carrots, beetroot and celery.
6. Boil up 1L of water on the other side. Pour direct into the pot.
7. The soup has been boiled up. Put cabbage. Turn to high flame.
8. Soup has been boiled for 20 minutes, put half orange with its peel.
9. Put red chili.
10. Put potato.
11. Pick up orange peel after 20 minutes.
12. Put sweet tomato.
13. Put lemon with its peel. Boil for 20 minutes. Turn off fire. Leave it overnight.
14. Heat up the soup again on the next day. Complete. Serve.
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紅蘿蔔青蘿蔔豬骨湯 https://youtu.be/RHrrMRQQ9X4
borscht soup 在 Classic Borscht Recipe (VIDEO) - Natasha's Kitchen 的相關結果
For Borscht: ; 3 medium beets, peeled and grated ; 4 Tbsp olive oil, divided ; 8 cups chicken broth , + 2 cups water ; 3 medium yukon potatoes, ... ... <看更多>
borscht soup 在 Borscht - Wikipedia 的相關結果
listen)) is a sour soup common in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. In English, the word "borscht" is most often associated with the soup's variant of ... ... <看更多>
borscht soup 在 Ukrainian Red Borscht Soup Recipe | Allrecipes 的相關結果
My friend's mother from Ukraine taught me this recipe for the classic beet soup. It's as authentic as it gets. It can be made vegetarian by omitting the ... ... <看更多>