Saya harap anda akan membaca post ini sehingga habis... Saya menulis ini dengan airmata yang mengalir & anda juga akan merasa sebak setelah selesai membacanya.
Semasa saya bentangkan topik Dakwah Bil Mal iaitu cara berdakwah menggunakan amal kebajikan, saya bertanya adalah para peserta percaya akan janji Allah dan mereka jawab dengan penuh yakin YA!!!
Saya keluarkan 2,000 Peso dan memasukkan ke dalam tabung dan mengajak mereka untuk turut melakukannya, dan kesemua mereka memasukkan 2,000 Peso sehingga ada yang mengorek duit syiling dalam poket mereka.
Selepas mereka selesai, kami memberikan kejutan kepada mereka. Kami maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa Allah segerakan ganjaran kepada mereka di dunia. Kami akan memberikan kepada setiap peserta yang datang dari seluruh Colombia dan juga Venezuela, 50,000 Peso (USD20 = RM80) setiap seorang! 50,000 Peso x 45 peserta = 2,250,000 Peso!
Ramai peserta yang tergamam, terkejut, ada yang menangis dan ada yang menggelengkan kepala kerana tidak percaya apa yang mereka baru sahaja dengar!
Kemudian kami diajak bermesyuarat seketika dengan penganjur dan ketika dalam mesyuarat, kami sekali lagi terkejut! Ramai peserta yang tidak pernah makan 3 hidangan setiap hari dan ada yang meminjam wang untuk hadir bengkel dakwah dan tidur di masjid! Ketika Hermana Poala bercerita, beliau sebak & menangis dan tanpa saya sedari, air-mata saya juga turut mengalir!
Poala juga sebak kerana selama ini mereka merasa terpinggir dan tiada siapa yang bantu mereka berdakwah di Colombia malahan ramai peserta yang skeptikal akan kehadiran & kemampuan kami memahami cabaran dakwah mereka serta adalah teknik dakwah kami akan berkesan.
Namun, baru hari pertama dan beliau mengatakan beliau telah menerima banyak feedback yang sangat positif dari peserta. Akhirnya beliau merasakan mereka tidak keseorangan cuma merasa sebak mengapa memerlukan sekumpulan Muslim jauh dari Malaysia untuk membantu mereka.
Beliau menangis juga kerana beliau baru benar-benar yakin bahawa benarlah bahawa Muslim itu satu umat!
Sebelum berangkat pulang ke tempat penginapan, seorang gadis duduk di anak tangga masjid. Saya menyapanya dengan bantuan penterjemah.
Namanya Alexandria. Beliau menaiki bas selama dua hari dari Venezuela ke Bogotá dan membelanjakan hampir 120,000 Peso. Beliau sekadar memakan roti dan juga gula-gula untuk mengalas perut kerana kekurangan wang. Anda merasa kagum tentang info Alexandria setakat ini? Apa yang saya bakal kongsikan pada di perenggan bawah menyebabkan air-mata saya sekali lagi gugur!
Beliau baru berusia 18 tahun dan Belum Muslim! Alexandria yang Belum Muslim sanggup berkorban, makan roti dan gula-gula untuk menghadiri bengkel dakwah dan mendalami Islam dengan perjalanan 2 hari dalam bas!!!! Allahuakbar...
Setelah mendengar semua cerita ini, kami berbincang, kami memutuskan untuk tidak memberikan 20,000 Peso kepada setiap peserta! Kami sedang menimbangkan untuk memberikan kepada setiap peserta antara 250,000 - 3000,000 Peso ($91-$108 = RM357-RM421) setiap seorang!
Jikalau ada yang merasakan saya menceritakan semua ini semata-mata demi meraikan simpati agar anda menyumbang, jangan lakukan apa-apa kerana kami tetap akan menyumbang dan membantu saudara kita di Amerika Latin dan seluruh dunia semampu kami!
Jikalau anda percaya dan yakin sahabat mahu bersama kami melabur untuk akhirat kita dengan menyokong usaha dakwah dan kebajikan kami, sahabat boleh salurkan sumbangan dan zakat ke;
Pertubuhan Mualaf Berbilang Bangsa Kuala Lumpur Dan Selangor
5648 1052 0353
Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Multiracial Reverted Muslims
1065 8000 9580
MRM Consultancy And Services
8600 38 9006
Sila WhatsApp slip atau maklumkan ke +010 8338 385. Bantu tularkan juga agar ianya memberikan manfaat kepada kita dan sahabat kita semua. Semoga Allah memberikan ganjaran yang setimpal kepada para peserta serta sahabat semua yang menyokong dakwah kami di seluruh dunia...
********ENGLISH VERSION BELOW*********
I hope all of you read this post until the end. I’m writing this with tears streaming down and I hope you will feel the same.
When I was presenting the topic of Dakwah Bil Mal(da’wah method by doing good deeds), I asked the participants, do they believe in Allah’s promise? To which they answered with confidence YES!
I took out 2,000 Peso and put it in the donation box. I then invited the participants to do the same and the too did the same, they even took out every single penny left.
After they were done, we gave them a surprise. We informed them that Allah will hasten their reward in this world. Thus we gave each participants 50,000 (USD20 = RM80)! 50,000 Peso x 45 participants = 2,250,000 Peso!
Many of the participants were shocked, some even cried while others could not believe what they had heard.
Later on, we were invited for a meeting with the organizer and in the meeting, we heard of another surprising matter. Many of the participants could not afford a full 3 meals per day and even some had to borrow money in order to attend our da’wah workshop to an extend that some slept in masjid! While telling us this, Hermana Poala cried profusely and I myself cried without even realizing
Poala felt so touched because all this while she felt that they were abandoned and no one wants to help them to do da’wah in Colombia. Many of the participants was even sceptical of our presence and ability to understand their da’wah challenges as well as the effectiveness of our da’wah techniques.
However, it is just the first day yet she said that she had received many positive feedback from the participants. She said, finally they felt that they wasn’t alone and that a group of Muslism came all the way from Malaysia to help them.
Another reason for her tears was she truly believe that the Muslims are one ummah!
Before heading back to our accommodation, I saw a lady sitting on the stairs of the Masjid so with the help of the translator, I greeted her.
Her name is Alexandria. She took a bus from Venezuala to Bogota which took about 2 days of journey with the price of 120,000 Peso. She only had bread and sweets to curb her hunger as she was lacking in money. Do you felt amazed with Alexandra so far?
What I’m about to share below will make your tears stream down, again!
She is just 18 years old and she is not yet a Muslim! Alexandria, a not-yet Muslims is willing to sacrifice by just eating bread and having some sweets and all of this is to attend the da’wah course! Sacrificing 2 days to travel by bus! Allahuakbar…
After hearing all of this, we’ve decided to give 20,000 Peso for each participant. Although we are considering to take it a notch up by giving between 250,000 - 3000,000 Peso ($91-$108 = RM357-RM421) each!
If you feel we are making up all of this to earn your sympathy then please do not contribute but rest assured we will still donate and help out our brothers and sisters in Latin America, even the whole world according to our ability.
If you truly believve and want to grab this chance to invest in your akhirah then come support our da’wah and welfare activities. You can contribute and even donate as zakah to;
Pertubuhan Mualaf Berbilang Bangsa Kuala Lumpur Dan Selangor
5648 1052 0353
Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Multiracial Reverted Muslims
1065 8000 9580
MRM Consultancy And Services
8600 38 9006
Kindly whatsapp us the slip or inform us at +6010 8338 385. Help us to viral this out in hopes that this may bring benefit to us and our brothers and sisters. May Allah grant a befitting reward to all the participants and to all of you that are supporting our da’wah across the globe.
as per informed by 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 八卦
แสนสิริ เสนอขายหุ้นกู้ด้อยสิทธิที่มีลักษณะคล้ายทุนฯ ดอกเบี้ย 5 ปีแรก 8.50% ต่อปี
บริษัท แสนสิริ จำกัด (มหาชน) หรือ SIRI มีแผนเสนอขาย Subordinated Perpetual Bond หรือ หุ้นกู้ด้อยสิทธิที่มีลักษณะคล้ายทุนฯ โดยการเสนอขายหุ้นกู้ด้อยสิทธิที่มีลักษณะคล้ายทุนฯ ครั้งนี้ เป็นการวางแผนด้านการเงินเพื่อรองรับการเติบโตในระยะยาวของบริษัท เพื่อให้เป็นไปตามเป้าหมายของการรักษาความเป็นเบอร์หนึ่งในเรื่อง “แบรนด์อันดับหนึ่งของคนอยากมีบ้านในวงการอสังหาริมทรัพย์ไทย” อย่างต่อเนื่...
Continue ReadingPress Release..
Sansiri offers to sell inferior loan shares with similarities. Interest 5 first 8.50 % per year.
Sansiri Public Company Limited or SIRI has a plan to offer Subordinated Perpetual Bond or Unintelligible Equity Equity by proposing to sell inferior equity equity with similarities. This is a financial planning to support the long-term growth of the company. To meet the goal of maintaining the number one in ′′ the number one brand of people who want to have a house in Thai real estate industry ′′ and maintaining a stable business growth.
Offer to the average investor worth not more than 3,000 million baht. Minimum booking of 100,000 baht and multiply 100,000 baht per time. Interest rate in the first 5 years equals 8.50 % per year. Pay interest every 3 months.
Sansiri is the leading real estate company in Thailand. It has been in business for more than 36 years. There is a project in Bangkok (90 %) and other provinces (10 %) covering all groups of single, townhouse and condominium. Niams include the price level that drilled Mass Market group from 1.2 million baht to Luxury items that drill high-income groups, including joint venture for condominium projects with big business groups such as venture. With BTS group and Tokyu Corporation from Japan
As Sansiri has a comprehensive project, all products help to diversify risks of companies. For example, if any cartel or product level is affected by the economy or popularity, companies are capable of having products that respond to a product or a price level of product. Another product group has made it not to lean on the income from the product or one customer group.
In addition to the main income from property development, the company also has income from other businesses to distribute risks.
1. Project management income and representative in buying, selling and renting through the company. Plus Property Company.
2. In 2017, the company expanded its business to foreign countries by acquisition of Hotel Chain named The Standard with hotels under international management such as New York, LA and London.
3. Investing in technology businesses through the Corporate Venture Capital of a company called SIRI Ventures to find investment opportunities in new technologies around the world.
Income and profit of Sansiri
Year 2017 Income 31,757 million baht. Profit 2,824 million baht.
Year 2018 Income 27,146 million baht. Profit 2,046 million baht.
Year 2019 Income 26,291 million baht. Profit 2,392 million baht.
Sansiri's results may be going up and down each year, depending on the delivery of the project each year.
In addition, the past investment started to make some profits to Sansiri for the first quarter of this year. The company recorded the profit of Co-working Space shares called JustCo by record profit of over 700 million Baht.
What is the plan for future Sansiri growth?
Sansiri has announced its goal to be 1th in the Plains (House and Townhome) project, which proceeds from Plains are relatively stable in comparison with condominium project to help fluctuate income. Less in the future
Including Expansion of The Standard Hotel and International Investments to continually expand the revenue base and distribute the company's risks.
In addition, Sansiri has a plan to push sales to grow to 120,000 million Baht within 3 years with strong proactive business plan. 3 ways include:
1. Plans to launch a new project that is tightly transformed to any situation. In half a year after assessment of scenarios, Sansiri has a business plan to move forward to launch 14 new residential projects to support 14 single houses. 6 Townhome and mix project 6 more projects worth 15,200 million baht, including 2 condominium launch plan. Total value of 2,500 million baht.
2. Good stock management. Now Sansiri has ready-to-sell products worth around 7,000 million baht, which is a balanced amount in the market.
3. Strong cash flow management and good liquidity allocated Cash Flow. The company's turnover is up to 10,000 million Baht. It's ready to run the business and is strong in every Council. The company has also scaled the 2563 sales target. Increased to 35,000 million baht, up to 76 % from the last year with total sales of 21,000 million Baht. Due to the result of the business just 5 months ago, it generated sales of over 22,000 million Baht. Growing to 168 % from the same period of the year before
For Sansiri's underlying loan, Sansiri will be reserved between 22-25 June 2563 The company's credibility ranks at BBB +/ Negative and the trust of the loan. At BBB-Ranked by Tris Rating on April 1, 2563
Important terms of inferior loan. The right that resembles the capital comprises.
1. The age of the stock loan is the loan. This time is the loan. No age of the shareholder has no right to give the loan to redeem the lender before the due to redemption. But the lender has the right to redeem 5 years.
2. How to get a refund. If the company finishes the business, this loan will have a decrease in debt after the general creditor, but before the ordinary shareholder.
3. The loan issuer has the right to postpone the interest. This loan, the loan shark can delay the interest by flattering to pay any day. No time and number of times. But if delayed the interest of the loan, the lender will be paid. Cannot announce or pay dividends to shareholders.
4. Interest rates will be fined every 5 years based on 5 years of government bond yield.
Interested people can ask for more information from 6 top financial institutions:
Bangkok Bank. Call 1333
Krungthai Bank. Call 0-2111-111
Kasikorn Bank. Call 0-2888-8888 Press 819
Siam Commercial Bank. Call 0-2777-6784
CIMB Thai Bank. Call 0-2626-7777
And the Bor. Finn cuddle p.m. Cyrus call 0-2658-9500
Or; call. 1685
Or more details can be found from the listing, bidding, and prospectus at
< Important Warning >
1. Understands of the right to resemble capital. High risk product. Investors should study and understand the product characteristics, conditions, returns and risks before making investment decision. Investment is risky. Please complete the information before making investment decision. Investors can be able to. Discover details from the listing and draft of prospectus at
2. Bond market in Thailand has low liquidity. Selling instruments in secondary market could be reduced or increased by depending on market conditions and demand.
Top 3. credibility of a regulator is just an investment decision-making data. Not an introduction of trading on a proposed bond and not a guarantee of the ability to pay the debt of an instrument and when the loan issuer stops paying interest. (In case the company is not informed. Postpone the interest of loan) or early money is default to pay the loan debt (default). If the loan issuer declares bankruptcy or defaults to pay the debt, the shareholders, and other creditors of the company, the loan will have the right north. Common shareholder of the company, issuer in the assessment of the credit risk of lenders, investors can see the results of the credibility ratings of the lenders or lenders (credit rating) provided by institutions. Risk rankings, making investment decisions if credit. Rating of low borrower or lender shows that credit risk of lenders or lenders is high. Returns of investors should be high to compensate for the high risk of lenders.Translated
as per informed by 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 八卦
สรุปเศรษฐกิจไทย ย้อนหลัง 35 ปี /โดย ลงทุนแมน
จริงๆ แล้ว ช่วงก่อนเกิด Covid-19 เศรษฐกิจไทยมีการเติบโตที่ชะลอตัวอยู่แล้ว
ซึ่งแน่นอนว่า การระบาดของ Covid-19 ก็ทำให้เศรษฐกิจของเรายิ่งย่ำแย่ลงไปอีก
ตอนนี้สงคราม Covid-19 ในประเทศไทยดูเหมือนจะใกล้จบลง...
Continue ReadingSummary of Thai economy 35 years back / by Investing Man.
In fact, before Covid-19, the Thai economy has slowed growth.
The Covid-19 outbreak certainly makes our economy worse.
Now the Covid-19 war in Thailand seems to be close to ending.
But the economic war we are facing seems to never end easily.
How interesting is this? Invest man will tell you about it.
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One of the important beginnings that made Thailand's economy grow in the past. Happened in July. B.E. 1985
When the US that was a huge trade deficit, wanted to reduce USD in comparison to major currency such as Japanese yen and Western Germany's mark, that incident led to Plaza Accord deal.
Even Thailand doesn't directly contribute to such things, but the weakening of US dollars has greatly positively affected the economy of Thailand.
At that time, Thailand has a baht bankrupted with 10 currency basket of the world's main currency. But over 80 % is tied to the USD. This is why the export sector of Thailand has an anime. Let's go too.
Moreover, Japanese yen is heavier than it hits the country's export sector.
This makes the government and private sector of Japan need to look for potential manufacturing bases to do exports, especially in countries where there is no higher wage costs.
While the unrest is neat because the war between Vietnam and Cambodia has resulted in Thailand to become the top choice of Japan and many countries.
Foreign direct investment comes into Thailand to create a phenomenon called the decade of growth of Thailand.
Eastern Seaboard Development Area Development Project is also available for heavy industrial development to create economic value for Thailand in the long term.
This story is why during 1987-1996, the Thai economy grows on average 9.3 % per year, especially in 1988 that has reached 13.3 % level.
This story makes many people say that Thailand will become the 5th tiger of Asia or countries where the economy is rapidly evolving like Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These 4 countries have become now developed countries.
But this kind of picture that many people hope to happen to Thailand again. It seems to be faded.
Because in the past 10 years, Thai economy has likely slowed down continuously.
Year 2010-2014 GDP Thailand grows on average 3.9 % per year.
Year 2015-2019 GDP Thailand grows on average 3.4 % per year.
The latest in 1 quarter, 2020 Thai economy is 1.8 % negative and it's quite certain that the 2th quarter is ending. Thai economy will be heavily negative because of losing tourists and social distances.
Year 2019 export sector worth 7.6 trillion baht or around 45 % of GDP value.
The income from foreign tourists is worth 1.9 trillion baht or around 11 % of GDP.
The competitiveness of these 2 industries is also based on the movement of Baht.
Now the baht is getting heavier again. Many people are concerned that it will affect future export and tourism income. Even Covid-19 situation in Thailand will look better.
Even the Bank of Thailand is trying to take care of the money from being too hard by selling Baht and buying US dollars.
The evidence is that the Bank of Thailand's international reserve capital has risen more than $ 10,000 million in March to May this year, but it seems that the baht continues to rise.
Of course, the hardness of the baht is both good and bad.
But for Thailand relying on exports and tourism in a greater proportion, it seems to be negatively affecting the Thai economy in the overview.
In the past, we often hear news that many companies gradually close business. Many companies reduce investment. Due to not being able to tolerate the economic downturn, we see increasing number of unemployed countries.
End of quarter 1/2019 There are 346,480 unemployed people in Thailand.
End of quarter 1/2020 There are 391,770 unemployed people in Thailand.
When combined with new graduates entering the labour market, around 400,000 people may increase the number of unemployed in the future.
Information from the industrial department indicates that the number of licensed and informed companies are likely to decrease.
First 4 months of 2019 number of 1,054 Factory
First 4 months of 2020 number of 876 Factory
Moreover, foreign direct investment, which is an investment in the real economic sector through bringing resources, manufacturing, labor and technology into destination countries. Most of which are long-term investments for Thailand are likely to slow down since 2018
Year 2018 Foreign direct investment equals 426,749 million Baht.
Year 2019 Foreign direct investment equals 196,350 million Baht.
Specifically, the investment from Japan in 2019 is reduced to just 79,264 million baht below the level of hundred thousand million baht for the first time since 2015
It seems that the situation of Thailand's Covid-19 is slowly getting better, but there are many things that are challenging the country's economy.
How do we get the country back to growth
How can we make our country move beyond developing countries into developed countries?
To make Thai people live better lives.
Which questions these questions.
It's a question that has been in the heart of many Thai people for long
And it should continue to be the question of our children's generation..
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Register to join. Listen at
For more information, call. 02-089-4938
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